PM to join [The Drunken Fish] Business As Usual (Crylon)

Kelski is working on a business deal and meets a person new to the city.

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[The Drunken Fish] Business As Usual (Crylon)

Postby Kelski on February 2nd, 2019, 3:34 am

“Thank you.” She said simply, glad he would think on the issue of giving The Gem a voice. Her creativity had brought about the chimes, but she was stymied at the thought of a further voice for The Gem. The Gem deserved one too, but Kelski was not clever in the ways of communication. It was, perhaps, one of her weakest skills.

She knew some of the magics he spoke of, and nodded at his question. “Kelvics are… thought to be animals. Inhuman. People assume it is hard for us to learn complex skills like magics or… even jewelcrafting. We can, if we are interested, but many of us are not. And I agree. It is a tool… a very powerful tool, but still just a tool.” Kelski said softly, shaking her head.

“I’d like to talk magic with you sometime. Maybe even introduce you to Gilthas. He is trying to … help mages in Sunberth by building a Guild for them. He said guilds were powerful things in the past and they could be again. He’d like to meet you… since you come from the old land, the Kingdom of Izurdin.” Kelski added, running her hand through her hair and stifling another yawn. “I’ll ask him to come around in a day or two. He most likely will visit anyhow.” Kelski said gently, then produced a key to give to Crylon.

She watched him leave, agreeing that it was late. And she fixed herself a light snack because it had been a long day and she’d been busy. She took an apple and cut the core out of it, but left the rest of it intact. Then she sprinkled cinnamon and sugar in its cavity and tucked it into a baking dish and placed it on the shelf in the hearth that bread and other things baked in. Stoking up the fire, she waited for the apple to cook to a softness where she could eat the delicious treat.

The truth was the Kelvic was lonely. She saw Duncan with Lia and wanted that same thing. Anja was with ghosts a lot and Kelski had the suspicion that unless she grew a set of hooves and became a horse he’d have very little interest in her other than a friend. There was a hole in her chest as if something had been ripped out of it and she didn’t understand why. Spending the afternoon with Crylon had helped. Projects always helped. But in the end, she wasn’t sure truly what was wrong with her other than being a Kelvic without a Bondmate.

Kelski reflected on Crylon… he was intelligent, engaging, and very opinionated. He was perhaps as stubborn as she was, but he had ideals too. The Isur had reminded her that change had to start with her and had frowned at her obvious bias and hatred of humans. He’d given her a lot to think of and she looked forward to the morning when she could perhaps talk to him again.

Her apple was done and Kelski pulled it out of the hearth just in time to hear Little Rhaus’ clicking footsteps on the wooden floor. The little statue walked up, had a seat and took in the baked apple. He lifted a ceramic eyebrow and said… “That bad huh?” Kelski grinned, saluted him with a fork, and nodded.

“Not as bad as it could be. I only baked one.” She said softly, then looked at Little Rhaus speculatively. “Will you sing me to sleep? Please?” She asked the statue softly, and then he knew it was bad because she rarely asked the magical figure for favors and rarely still did she say please. Little Rhaus nodded and didn’t wait for Kelski to head to bed. As she ate her baked apple treat, he began to play. She cleaned up the little dish she’d dirtied and got ready for bed, he followed her into her bedroom, climbed onto the bed, and sang softly to her well into the night until she finally fell into a restless sleep.
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I laugh at them because they are all the same.

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[The Drunken Fish] Business As Usual (Crylon)

Postby Kelski on March 10th, 2019, 11:15 pm


Business +5, Mathematics +1, Leadership +5, Interrogation +4, Rhetoric +5, Negotiation +5, Teaching +5, Philosophy +5, Organization +2, Investigation +2, Persuasion +4, Dual Wield +2, Dagger +3, Body Building +1, Cleaning +1,

Business: Buying Land From Goldfinger, Business: Hiring Contractors, Business: Figuring Out What’s Needed For A Project, Crylon Stonecraft: Mannerisms & Appearance, Crylon: Claims To Know Building – Wants A Job, Interrogation: Asking Hard Questions For A Job Interview, Isur: Correct pronunciation of Pitrius and Vizerian, Izurdin: Craftsman Gift Of Izurdin – creation of beautiful things, Izurdin: Crafting Things Honors Him, Crylon: Life Long Learner, Crylon: Good Teacher, Crylon: Variety of Interests, Sultros: Families had their own forges, Crylon: Hobbies Learn, Travel, Craft, Design, Figuring Out Lost Things, Gathering/Inventing New Tools, Crylon: Engraves, Kelvics: Welcome in Sultros, Isur: The Workings Of Their Special Arm, Sunberth: Might Not Be Stable Ground Because Of Mining Beneath, Investigating: Checking Land For Unstable Ground, Investigation: Exploring Vacant Property, Dagger: Killing A Fleeing Man With A Thrown Dagger, Body Building: Disposing Corpses, Cleaning: The Proper Care Of Weapons After Battle, Persuasion: Trying To Get Crylon To Trust, Crylon: Thinks Hate Is An Easy Decision, Crylon: Overflowing With Hope, Crylon: Might Be Right About Her Hate Coloring Her Thoughts, Crylon: Found A Sky Stone, Changed Him To A Female, Crylon: Mage – Aurisitcs, Reimancy, Glyphing, Magecrafting

Note: Purchase of 1 acre of land adjacent to The Midnight Gem, Hired Crylon 5GM a day For Project Manager Position, Loot: Necklace Of Desire (challenge prize)


Observation +5, Socialization +5, Rherotic +5, Intelligence +1, Leadership +4, Business +4, Negotiation +5, Teaching +5, Planning +5, Philosophy +5, Logic +3, Organization +2, Investigation +2, Interrogation +5, Brawling +1, Unarmed Combat +3, Persuasion +5, Body Building +1,

Observation: Noting Things of Note in A Tavern, Intelligence: Eavesdropping In A Tavern, Leadership: Taking The Initiative To Introduce Oneself, Kelski: Appearance & Mannerism, Kelski: Jeweler, Kelski: Looking for A Project Manager, Business: Selling oneself and ones skills, Kelski: Apologetic About Her Pronunciation, Kelski: Doesn’t Trust Humans, Kelski: Kelvic, Kelski: Has Forge, Interested In Metalsmithing, Kelski: Wants Him To Build a Forge, Kelski: Hobbies Including Flying, Roaming, Meeting People, Reading, Duncan: Hammer of Izurdin, Akajia: Goddess of Night, Secrets, Stealth, Kelski: Worships Akajia, Worksite: In Baroque Bay/Location, Housing: The Midnight Gem, The Midnight Gem: Appearance & Location, The Midnight Gem: How Supply Runs Work – Prearranged Accounts, Deliveries, The Rehab Project: Spending Account For Supplies/Hired Hands, Kelski: Does Hunting And Foraging For Food For The Gem Folks, Kelski: Has No Hope For Sunberth’s Salvation, Kelski: Metalsmith, Kelski: Has plans for a spyglass, Sunberth: Slag Heap Burning Mine Tailings, Sunberth: Basic Layout of Baroque Bay, Kelski: Wants Lot Cleared, Debris Removed, Green Growth Cleared Back, Sunberth: Lots Of Mining Beneath The City, Sunberth: Logic Details Mining=Unstable Ground, Logic: Kelski’s Metalsmithing Not The Same as Blacksmithing, Investigating: Checking Land For Unstable Ground, Investigation: Exploring Vacant Property, Kelski: Wants An Actual Smithy, Kelvics: Originally Crafted By Human - Marcus Kelvic, Kelvics: Born Not Made Brawling: Blocking A Weapon With An Isurian Arm, Unarmed Combat: Disarming An Opponent, Negotiation: Trying To Talk An Attacker Out Of Fighting, Petch: The Definition Of The Word, Sunberth: Escaped People Hold Grudges Will Come Back To Kill You Later, Body Building: Disposing Corpses, Persuasion: Trying To Convince Kelski To Hope, Kelski: Brief History Of Her Time in Sunberth, Kelski: Trying To Change – To Hope, Kelski: Has Legitimate Ownership Papers To The Property – Showed Him Them, Svefra: Kelski Thinks They Lie, Kelski: Found a Skystone – Gained A Third Eye, Ethaefal: Immortals That Have Two Forms – Day And Night, Midnight Gem: Layout, Midnight Gem: Alive & Sentient, Midnight Gem: Makes His Room To Suit His Taste, Kelski: Trusts Crylon With Secrets, Kelski: A Mage, Kelski: Teaches The Gem Things, Feeds it Djed, Midnight Gem: Chime System Of Yes/No/Don’t Know, Gilthas: Eth Mage Kelski Knows From Almost The Valterrian

Note: Hired By Kelski For 5GM a Day for Project Manager – Includes Housing At The Midnight Gem

Additional Note: This was an awesome thread. I had so much fun in it and learned all kinds of things. I loved the constant debate going on with all the rhetoric, negotiation, and persuasion happening. I loved the fight scenes, the planning, exploring the new site, and just talking about the state of things in Sunberth. Its been a long time since I've gotten to write in a thread as interesting. I hope we can do it again, lots.

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They laugh at me because I am different.
I laugh at them because they are all the same.

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