76 Winter 518 Crylon had before been given general directions to the Library in Sunberth, but had yet to visit. He was however finding out that directions in Sunberth were somewhat subjective and not always clear once on the ground and trying to follow them. Luckily for him it was not too far away in the city from the Gem or the area it was located at, at least compared to some of the more far flung areas away in the city. Kelski had mentioned someone named Remmy, but Crylon had not had a chance with everything else going on to dig into the hows of getting there. Now, with some general direction in tow, he was finally getting around to actually nagivating to the place. North and west of the Gem, in a neighboring area of the city... As much as one place or another could be called an area, more like an ill defined and divided lump of mass without clear demarcation. Crylon had not been in the area long before noticing something odd. Or more so, the absence of something he had not realized was constantly around him... A palpable gaining of something new by something else lacking. The quiet. The lack of people. He could see shops, and out of the corner of his eye saw a few people or things scuttling about, but the sunlight lit street seemed almost... Dead. Compared to the hustle and bustle and attempts at picking his pockets he was used to, this place felt... Calm. And very unlike Sunberth. No one begging in the street either. No one vomiting or getting into a brawl. If the lack of sound and action had not been so foreboding, Crylon might have liked the place for its atmosphere. The buildings as well seemed... Quiet. Empty. Dead. Closed. He had hoped to find his way, or perhaps to ask someone for directions if he got lost, but that did not seem possible. It was then Crylon realized what he should be looking for. Activity. Action. A living, in use, building. If the Library was indeed in use, being kept and repaired and used, then it should almost sing to him compared to the other wasted and abandoned masses of wood and metal and detritus about the place. With this in mind Crylon made his way along the road, searching for signs of use. Of life. Of being in use. There were, it seemed, a few shops, but most buildings seemed empty or clearly not what he was looking for. He poked into a few, but saw immediately upon entering it was not the right place. It was after he had been wandering for a few bells, still not yet noon but growing closer to it than to sunrise by then, that he found it. A building, still as was common in Sunberth, in poor repair. But the worst bits fixed, patched, kept from letting the elements in. And unlike the other buildings around it, the place seemed... Inviting, seemed the closest approximation in terms of buildings. Heading inside the smallish building, he was immediately met by books. Books, books, and more books, crammed inside. He saw one person inside, perhaps a worker there, but besides this the building seemed devoid of partakers. Having found the building, Crylon made a quick nod at the other person inside, before beginning to look around. Before picking anything to read in depth though he would check a few in a spot, and others across in hopes of figuring out how the buildings books were sorted and arranged. |