[Verified by Antipodes] Crylon Stonecraft

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Moderator: Liaisons

Crylon Stonecraft

Postby Crylon Stonecraft on June 2nd, 2018, 4:41 am

Crylon Stonecraft


*Thanks to Luminescence for photo editing*

Kingdom & Izurdin

Basic Information

Race: Isur
Gender: Male
Height: 5'
Weight: 210 lbs
Hair Color: Bluish Black
Eye Color: Brown
Birthday & Age: 92nd Winter 458 (64 years = 32 years human equivalent).
Birthplace: Sultros

Physical Description:

Crylon is on the short side compared to most humans and other such races, but comparable among his own people. He is also deceivingly compact and heavy for said size with palish skin carrying a bluish tint and with raised silver veins running across it.

Common of Isur, he has a slight bony ridge stretching from one side of his face to the other just above his eyes and over the bridge of his nose.

His heavier left arm appears as if made of polished Onyx, all the more prominently displaying the silver veins over his body by their juxtaposition.

He never lets his hair get long enough to cover his ears, and keeps his facial hair short as well.


Onyx Isurian Left Arm – with 1st Mark of Izurdin

Right Arm- First Tree Marking
Description :
"Caiyha’s touch on Crylon’s arm caused his skin to ripple. As it did, a myriad of colors; greens, browns, oranges and reds shot across the skin’s surface; forming patterns and shapes. A tree, the First Tree, came into view on the canvas of his flesh. Its roots and limps wrapped around his arm and formed a triskelion pattern on its trunk."

Character Concept

Crylon is in simple terms focused. Focused on learning. Focused on building. Focused on where he is going and how he will get there. He is rarely in a rush, patient as well as focused. He will get where he is going in time, and will have all his limbs unlike those other fools rushing before him.

His family comes first, and after that his clan along with the Kingdom of Isur and Izurdin. Next come other less important things and beings living out in the wilds beyond the borders of Sultros in other races settlements, in order of their being helpful and relevant to his ends.

He is confident in himself, in his ability to get where he is going. Its not pride, he reasons, simply a statement of a fact like stone being hard and the sun warm.

Hate is the weakness of a fool, more likely to end with you hurt than whatever you feel it towards. While he would not hesitate to mow down something or someone blocking his path or threatening him, he would never be so foolish or direct as to lash out in hate. Unless perhaps he was correctly positioned to do so and the need was immediate...

Izurdin, of course, comes first. Crylon also has an interest and respect for Wysar, Eyris, along with some other Gods and Goddesses to a lesser extent.

Character History Pre-Creation

Born and raised in Sultros, Crylon is of the Stonecraft family known in certain circles as builders and designers of things of stone. His family is a small and lesser known part of the Pitrius Clan, not large or connected enough to run in higher circles in Isur society. He was named Crylon for he was said to never cry as a child, not even at his birthing, not uttering his first sound until he was almost four years old. Instead he spent his time watching in silence, listening, following. Once he finally did start speaking, he seemed to never stop.

He spent his formative years either in Sultros or occasionally its border trading outposts, watching, learning, building, making. He was almost 40 years old when he was initiated into magic by a family friend, in hopes of gaining admittance to the Silver Tower. This involved being initiated into a few magics, and teaching him a bit of the Ancient Tongue. Alas him being little more than a fresh initiate to the magical arts, and his family without any pull, he wasn't able to find admittance.

It was because of this soon after Crylon left the relative safety of Sultros to go out into the wilds beyond his peoples lands on a quest for knowledge. His quest was to see other peoples, their buildings, their knowledge, to expand his skills and knowledge, and to someday bring it back and leverage this into a position in the Silver Tower and greater honor for himself and for his family.


Location/Housing: Syka


Fluent Language: Isur
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: Ancient tongue(Nader-canoch)
Last edited by Crylon Stonecraft on January 3rd, 2023, 11:59 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Crylon Stonecraft
Posts: 623
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Joined roleplay: June 2nd, 2018, 4:26 am
Location: Zeltiva
Race: Isur
Character sheet
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Crylon Stonecraft

Postby Crylon Stonecraft on June 2nd, 2018, 4:44 am



1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
- Axe, Carpenter's (1 gm- SP) (An axe with a blade mounted at right angles to a short shaft.- I.E. Flat topped with curve only on bottom side)
- Builder's Kit, Complex (25 gm- SP) (Contains a hammer, chisels, nails, file, hand-bore, saw, a few sticks of chalk and a roll of parchment for maintaining, designing and building small-medium structures and fortifications.)

Additional Clothing:
-Winter 518 Costume Party Outfit-purchased here
>(Leather) Mask -3 sm
>Shoes, sandals - 2 sm
>(Linen) Pants- 8 sm X 1.5(Dyed black) = 1 gm 2 sm
>(Linen) Vest- 3 sm X 1.5(Dyed black) = 4 sm 5 cm

Writing Supplies:
-Purchased -here. Notes on Mortar taken in the same thread as purchase of the blank book. -Given to The Reading Room at The Outpost here.
>Book, Blank (brown leather cover, few scuffs)- 3gm
>Ink (1 Oz. Vial-Black) - 1 gm
>2 Quill (1 black, one grey feather)- 5 cm X 2 = 1sm
-Copy of journal in Isur- purchased here
-Book, Blank (brown leather cover)- 3gm- Purchases here

Additional Building Supplies:
-Purchases here
Cup, 6 oz (glazed clay pottery)- 3 cm
Bucket, 2-Gallon - 5 sm
Masonry (.5 square foot bag)- 1 gm
-Purchases here
2 lbs of iron- 1 gm

Heirloom: A book written by one of Crylon's recent ancestors Post Valterrian. In it is depicted various well known structures within Sultros, with a particular focus on their major or unique design features. At the end is a listing of how some of these features were made along with how they should be used, and a meandering rant about the important of weight distribution and proper weight bearing features within stone structures.

Made Items:
-Small focus stone made here-rounded but squarish stone shape, about a quarter inch thick but an inch or so wide- carved with a simple focus glyph (L1) in the shape of a simple anvil.

Magic Items

-Club, Wolf’s Teeth- A one-foot long, wickedly barbed steel head set atop a five-foot long haft.
>Acquired IC here-
>Learned of special ability (not yet)-
>OOC Challenge post noting weapon here-
Special Ability :
(12) Band-aid – The weapon sooths your wounds resulting in a single moderate wound being healed once per day while being held.

-The Muffin Tin-
Image/Info :
This battered brass tin looks unassuming. It's dented, tarnished, and has seen a lot of miles under its rather decorative lid. Latched by a simple mechanism, when this tin is opened, there will be one large steaming hot muffin as if fresh from the oven inside. The muffin's flavor and style will vary each time the lid is lifted. However, each muffin will prove to be nutritious and filling. If the muffin is removed and the lid closed, then opened again, another yet different fresh hot from the oven muffin will be present. If the muffin is left in place and the lid dropped, the same muffin will remain in the tin - fresh and hot - until it is removed.

There will be an unlimited amount of muffins in this tin. This magic item can be used to provide a whole host of muffins to a crowd, however, there is no way to control the flavors and sometimes the flavors will vary drastically. The 'banana nut' are particularly tasty as are the 'chocolate chunk' ones. However, the 'raw meat' flavored ones may not appeal to everyone. Any flavor of muffin is possible, even perhaps flavors one didn't know existed. The muffins will never be poisonous.

>Acquired IC here-
>Learned of special ability - same as acquired
>OOC Challenge post noting item here-

-Backpack of Voiding-
>Acquired IC here-
>Learned of special ability - same thread as acquired
>OOC Challenge post noting item here-
Details :
Backpack of Voiding. It can be of any color though the basic shape will remain as pictured. It can hold anything within it as long as the thing can fit through the bag's opening to disappear inside. It weighs as if it is an empty backpack and has no limit in terms of what can go in. One must concentrate on what one wants to retrieve from the inside of it when reaching in or else the contents coming to ones hand will be random. This backpack will not preserve items such as food. Any garbage or food that rots in it will cause the contents to smell and a stench to emit from it once the top flap is thrown open. The same might be said of soiled sweaty or dirty clothing, especially socks and shoes.

-An Isurian Construction Toolkit-
>Acquired IC here-
>OOC Challenge post noting item here-
Details :
Said to be made by Izurdin's hand itself, this toolkit is incredibly old. It has a wide variety of tools in it - all the standard construction tools of the trade - plus a few extras such as a sledge hammer, folding set of sawhorses, and sharpeners for the tools within. It has utility knives, tap & dyes, various types of saws, screw drivers, hammers, all sorts of fasteners, tape measures, woodworking tools (planer, chisel, file, etc), a drill - basically any hand item a construction worker might need. The clincher is that each and every tool is made from Izurian Steel and built to last. While old, the set is not worn other than the battered wooden steamer trunk the kit comes in.

-The Amulet of Desire-
>Acquired IC here-
>Learned of special ability - Not yet
>OOC Challenge post noting item here-
Details :
A stranger will find you wherever you are. It might be a beggar who offers you a gift, a monkey who throws this at you, or in some strange way this item will be passed to you. It is a necklace. Over time and through roleplay you will come to understand how this item works. When you hold it in your hand and turn a careful circle until you stand in whichever direction the person, place, or thing that you desire will cause the amulet to glow. The person place or thing you desire can change moment to moment. It will continue to glow as long as you concentrate on that object of desire and point in the direction it lies relative to you. This item will only work if you are within a 10 mile distance of the one thing you desire.

Please remember, your character must have a LORE of the item person or location your character desires or else they don't know it exists to desire it. If you want an idea concept or fact, this will not work with this item. It works only on physical things.

These items will be important at a later date in future events.

-Tanroa’s 5th Chime Ring–
>Acquired IC here-
>Learned of special ability - Not yet
>OOC Challenge post noting item here-
-This plain silver ring is etched with a gnosis mark from Tanroa, Mistress of Time. Manufactured long ago by mages who were also priests and priestesses, this simple silver ring allows a user once per season to turn back time five chimes. The user need only whisper Tanroa’s name and then take a step back. As they step backwards with Tanroa’s name on their lips, time will simply rewind back five chimes in that instant.

-Laviku Divine Idol-Tideon(Tide) Wavemoon
>Acquired IC here-
>Learned of sentience/awakening - same thread as acquired
>Learned of special ability(Sail speed) - Not yet
>OOC Challenge post noting item here-
Details :
Laviku - This figurine looks like a man with tendrils of water woven across his body. When animated, the statuette is indeed covered in weaving tendrils of water that do not feel wet to the owner. The figure speaks in a grandiose tone and offers advice of fishing, sailing and pretty much anything sea-related. Gnosis: 1 mark Laviku. Skills: Fishing 10, Sailing 10, Shipbuilding: 10. Lore: Laviku, Basic seafairing techniques. Magical Ability: Grant speed and maneuverability to a sea-fairing vessel equal to 1/3 better than similar ships while the owner is the captain.

The idol will, shortly after your discovery of it, animate and lay out for you that you've it has chosen you to be its owner and that it will offer its guidance, advice and service. It will do so long as you offer in return to give a genuine prayer to the God it depicts every day. It will be happy to share its knowledge of the deity and guide you in helping further the deity's will.

OOC notes :
Below there are 48 individual idols; statuettes/figurines if you will, depicting a specific god and/or their area of influence. These idols were created by their respective gods to spread that gods power throughout the world. These idols all have the following traits in common:

- They are 8" tall.
- They are made of stone, some w/gemstone or mineral accents.
- The god whom they represent must be prayed to for them to activate; everyday.
- Activating an idol means that it animates.
- Animated idols are sentient and work to spread the will/influence of their god.
- Idols all have one gnosis mark from the god who created them.
- Idols remain animated for 16 bells (hours) before having to go dormant.
- If lost, stolen or given away, the idol loses the spark that gave it life.
- If broken or otherwise damaged, the idol requires a full day to restore itself.
- The idols act as guides, advisors and sometimes companions and friends but their primary goal is to spread their god's influence across the world with their new "owner" as the vehicle for this.
- The idols cannot remain animated when not in close proximity to their "owner". Thus no leaving them at home to tend to duties.
- The idols are treated as modified traveling NPCs for your use. Other than where noted in their descriptions, treat them as such.
- Idols may be modified based on game use, abuse or other defining factors.
- When animated, the idols may seem like flesh and blood but they aren't; it is just a representation.
- Idols must be acquired in thread.

- Starfire Earring-
>Acquired IC here-
>Learned of special ability - Not yet
>OOC Challenge post noting item here-
Item Info :
This silver ring is just the right size to fit in one’s earlobe. When rubbed, the ring activates the starfire within it. The wearer’s eyes immediately erupt in silver flames that lick their way out of the sockets. It is a truly intimidating effect which grants a 10-point bonus to intimidation rolls for the wearer.

-Emerald Bow
>Acquired IC here-
>Learned of special ability(producing arrows) - Same thread as acquired
>OOC Challenge post noting item here-
Item Info :
This dark wooden short bow displays dark green, mildly luminescent veins that streak their way across its surface. It grants the wielder a 10 point bonus to using it; reflected in a Weapon: Shortbow of 10 ONLY for the sake of using this particular bow. The bow does not require arrows as it is capable of producing its own. The Emerald Bow can create an arrow tipped with a green-colored head 10 times per day.

-Qalaya's Reproduction Table-
>Acquired IC here-
>OOC Challenge post noting item here-
>Learned of special ability(Fold-able/Expandable) - here-
>Learned of special ability(Expand Parchment Replenishment) - Not yet
>Learned of special ability(Fragment Blueprint) - Not yet
>Learned of special ability(Magical Drafting Lines Mini) - Not yet
>Learned of special ability(Magical Drafting Lines FULL) - Not yet
>Learned of special ability(Replenishing Parchment-Fragment) - Not yet
>Learned of special ability(Voice command mode switch) - Not yet
Details :
This antique drafting table is portable, though barely - only insofar as a strong man could carry it. It folds into a case that is six feet by four feet long with handles. Once unfolded (much like a massage table folds and unfolds into a case), it will glow and transform into something more substantial and a magical set of parchments will appear on its surface. Off to one side of the parchments, there is a tray carved out of the surface of the table. It is perfect for holding writing supplies, ink, or placing within it a fragment of a ruins.

The Reproduction Table does two things. First and foremost, if a fragment of a structure is placed within its tray - a chipped off piece of column, a brick, a piece of cobble, a broken shard of glass etc - then the table can do two things with it. First and foremost, from that single fragment of a building (or ruin), it can recreate the complete blueprints of the original building so long as the building was complete. It functions through Qalaya's power so it will 'remember' what the building was. If the building was unfinished it will show the building unfinished in its blueprints with blank blueprints of the non-completed parts. That is the first function.

The second function is that it can recreate in magical drafting lines - a full or miniature sized - reproduction of said fragment so the person using the table can view a life-sized version of this building and to some extent walk through it. The building will appear as glowing lines of marked out space as if the person using the artifact was walking through the blueprints. Now, this obviously only works full-sized when the person activates this option outside where there is room for the building to be recreated. Thus, it helps that this drafting table is portable. If there is no room for an actual sized version.. a miniature three - dimensional version of this building will appear on the table.

Please note that walkthroughs of floors other than the first floor (ie the second floor, on up or the basement levels) are impossible unless the user has wings. :)

This reproduction table will work on other artifacts besides structures... wagons from a fragment of a wagon wheel, or even recreating armor from just a missing buckle. Plans will be drawn of each item the table tackles.

Once drawn, the plans can be ripped off the table and new parchment will appear when a new fragment is put into the tray.

The user of the table can switch from various modes simply by voice commands.... "Blueprints Please". "LIfe-Sized Model Please." "Minature Model please." Using the voice command 'switch' between commands will cause the table to cycle from one mode to another.

This table's top can be tilted as well and it can be used as a non-magical drafting table when it's not being asked to reproduce things from the past or things that will come.

This Reproduction Table comes with no seat though it will adjust its heigtht to suit the one or ones using it.

-Blood Powder–
>Acquired IC here-
>Learned of special ability - As received
>OOC Challenge post noting item here-
Details :
A small canister of red powder will instantly stop the bleeding of any wound regardless of how deep or how intense the wound is. One simply sprinkles the powder over the wound to halt the blood loss. It immediately heals all sources of blood loss – arteries, veins, etc. Each canister has twenty doses of the powder. This means twenty standard uses, or half the number for serious life-threatening wounds.

-Handkerchief Tent–
>Acquired IC here-
>Learned of special ability - learn had magic as acquired, then learn as use Spring 522
>OOC Challenge post noting item here-
Details :
This handkerchief acts like a normal handkerchief, but when it’s tossed out on the ground, it unfolds and transforms into the size of a six-person roomy tent with all the fixings. Depending upon the environment it is set out in, the tent morphs to conform to a shelter suitable for that area. Meaning, if it is tossed out on deep snow in the harshest winter, it will be a warm thick substance equipped with a stove inside. If it is tossed out on desert land, it will have sun-blocking properties and adequate shade with roll-up sides to allow airflow. Tropical settings will result in insect-proof netting and rain shelters built into the tent. This tent will have full bedding.

Spring 522 Charms

Charm bracelet- The bracelet can be as masculine or feminine looking as you'd like. It is your choice on how it appears. However, it is indestructible and cannot be removed once you put it on. It will shift with your shapes if you are a shifter or morpher.
>Crylon's is made of electrum (alloy of gold and silver and colored a bit soft for gold), a thin metal link bracelet similar in some ways to the links of chain-mail.
-Obtained IC here

Anchor Charm:
Secret :
This charm is shaped like a ships anchor. When activated by using the word ‘anchor' the anchor will allow the wearer to remain rooted in place no matter where they are. They can be on flat ground, on a wall, up a tree… and nothing will move them until they use the word ‘release’.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: As acquired

Bent-Armed Cross Charm:
Secret :
This charm is a charm of refreshment. When you are extremely fatigued, you can activate this charm and your mental and physical energy levels will return to their normal well-rested state as if the wearer has never been fatigued. This charm can be used once per ten-day period.

-OOC Award here
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: Post after acquire

End of Spring 522 Charms

The Lullaby Flute:
Secret :
This delicate little instrument needs no musical skill to be played effectively. However, it can only affect a singular individual at a time if one has no Play Musical Instrument Flute skill. If its owner gains the skill and levels up in it, the flute can affect more and more people. Novices can affect only one person while competent flutists can affect six. Expert flutists can affect a dozen people, while Master Flutists can affect anyone within hearing of the beautiful melody this flute produces. When affected, an individual will grow sleepy and fall into a deep restful slumber and wake fully refreshed a few bells later depending upon their level of health and exhaustion.

-OOC Award here-
-Obtained IC here
-Learned of Secret Ability: Not yet

Design Your Own Kit:
Description :
This kit is in a waterproof leather roll that one can unwind and utilize the items within it. It must be small enough to store in a backpack neatly.
-First and foremost, the Kit can only contain up to ten items. The items are indestructible and if they are things that can be used up, they replenish automatically. They must be compact items.... no huge things... it has to be something reasonable that will roll up in a leather roll... so small books are okay as long as they are palm-sized or smaller, and anything else you can think of.... a carving kit with carving tools would be perfect.

Item List :
Gadgeteering themed kit:
-Double ended chalk- one end thick for marking, other end narrow for precision or writing
-Small slate tablet for jotting down notes or numbers
-Collapsible Caliper for measuring sizes
-Collapsible wooden level with a metal piece dangling from the top to show levelness
-Trio of wrenches- small and medium sized adjustable ones along with a pipe wrench.
-Trio of hammers- small and medium sledge, and a small mallet

-OOC Award here-
-Obtained IC - not needed per challenge award thread
-Learned of Secret Ability: N/A


Active Memberships
-The Wooden Door Dojo- Season Unlimited General Access (Summer 518)


100 gm (Starting coin) -running total 100 gm
+500gm (no housing) -running total 600 gm
- 1 gm- Axe, Carpenter's (SP)- running total 599 gm
- 25 gm- Builder's Kit, Complex (SP)- running total 574 gm
- 25 gm- Season Unlimited General Access (Summer 518)- running total 549 gm
- 8 gm- Basic Training, Individual Session: (5 Summer 518)- running total 541 gm
+400 gm- Writing Contest- running total 941 gm
-24 gm- poor room at Tarsin's Boarding House (Summer 518)- running total 917 gm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Summer 518)- running total 782 gm
- 25 gm- Season Unlimited General Access Fall 518(The Wooden Door Dojo)- running total 757 gm
-24 gm- poor room at Tarsin's Boarding House (Fall 518)- running total 733 gm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Fall 518)- running total 598 gm
-2 gm- Backpack purchased here- running total 596 gm
+900 gm- Writing Contest- running total 1,496 gm
-88 gm- Travel Costs Winter 518 (58 days by caravan/sailing vessel- 1 gm/day (Fare)- 58 gm total fares + 1 gm/2 days of ration- 60 days of travel = 30 gm food, total = 88 gm)- running total 1,408 gm
-2gm 1 sm 5 cm- Costume Party Winter 518- running total 1,405 gm 8 sm 5 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Winter 518)- running total 1,270 gm 8 sm 5 cm
+644 gm- Architect wages from Kelski (5 gm +2 L2= 7 base/day) (Winter 518)- running total 1,914 gm 8 sm 5 cm
-1,000 gm Weekend Challenge Cost - running total 914 gm 8 sm 5 cm
-4 gm 1 sm- Writing Supplies Spring 519- running total 910 gm 7 sm 5 cm
- 1 gm 5 sm 3 cm- Mortar Test Supplies- running total 909 gm 2 sm 2 cm
- 1 gm- Smithy use materials(Iron)- running total 908 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Spring 519)- running total 773 gm 2 sm 2 cm
+637 gm- Architect wages from Kelski (5 gm +2 L2= 7 base/day) (Spring 519)- running total 1,410 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-20 gm- Book copy from library here- running total 1,390 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-1,000 gm - join fee/donated starting funds for Meraki organization- running total 390 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Summer 519)- running total 255 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-27 gm- Travel Costs Summer 519 (18 days by sailing vessel- 1 gm/day (Fare)- 18 gm total fare + 1 gm/2 days of ration- 18 days of travel = 9 gm food, total = 27 gm)- running total 228 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-Summer Lodging- 22 Days SB- 5 sm/day (11 gm)+ 52 days Zeltiva- 5 sm/day (26 gm)- 37 gm- total lodgings- running total 191 gm 2 sm 2 cm
+819 GM - Summer Blacksmith wages (9x91 = 819 GM) (Summer 519)- running total 1,010 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Fall 519)- running total 875 gm 2 sm 2 cm
- 1 gm- Steel purchased for Steel for a Steal- running total 874 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Winter 519)- running total 739 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Spring 520)- running total 604 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-3 gm- Blank book purchase- running total 601 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Summer 520)- running total 466 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Fall 520)- running total 331 gm 2 sm 2 cm
+1,092 GM- Fall 519 Wages (91X12 = 1,092 GM)- running total 1,423 gm 2 sm 2 cm
+1,104 GM- Winter 519 Wages (92X12 = 1,104 GM)- running total 2,527 gm 2 sm 2 cm
+1,092 GM- Spring 520 Wages (91X12 = 1,092 GM)- running total 3,619 gm 2 sm 2 cm
+1,092 GM- Summer 520 Wages (91X12 = 1,092 GM)- running total 4,711 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Winter 520)- running total 4,576 gm 2 sm 2 cm
+1,092 GM- Fall 520 Wages (91X12 = 1,092 GM)- running total 5,668 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Spring 521)- running total 5,533 gm 2 sm 2 cm
+1,104 GM- Winter 520 Wages (92X12 = 1,104 GM)- running total 6,637 gm 2 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Summer 521)- running total 6,502 gm 2 sm 2 cm
+1,092 GM- Spring 521 Wages (91X12 = 1,092 GM)- running total 7,594 gm 2 sm 2 cm
(Inactive Fall 521)
(Inactive Winter 521)
-145 gm 5 sm- Travel Zeltiva to Syka Caravan/Boat (97 days X 1.5 gm/day fare+rations)- running total 7,448 gm 7 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Spring 522)- running total 7,313 gm 7 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Summer 522)- running total 7,178 gm 7 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Fall 522)- running total 7,043 gm 7 sm 2 cm
-135 gm- Common Living Expense (Winter 522)- running total 6,908 gm 7 sm 2 cm
-Inactive Spring 523- No change

Prize Coupon- HOUSING ACQUISITION COUPON- Not yet used
Last edited by Crylon Stonecraft on June 2nd, 2023, 12:26 am, edited 100 times in total.
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Crylon Stonecraft
Posts: 623
Words: 679695
Joined roleplay: June 2nd, 2018, 4:26 am
Location: Zeltiva
Race: Isur
Character sheet
Storyteller secrets
Medals: 4
Featured Thread (2) Mizahar Grader (1)
Overlored (1)

Crylon Stonecraft

Postby Crylon Stonecraft on June 2nd, 2018, 4:47 am


Isur Abilities
Isure Lore :
-Isur have a rather well developed sense of direction which allows them to more easily navigate underground tunnels.

-Their vision is also well adapted to the absence of light which enables them to see in near total darkness up to a distance of a few yards.

-Isurian Arm- The Isurian arm is a most unique creation. It is the arm that serves as the primary connection between the isur and Izurdin and bares the first mark of Izurdin at the shoulder. The arm itself grants the isur the unique ability to manipulate wood, stone and metal in a way similar to working with simple clay. The arm itself possesses strength equal to twice that of a strong human while the arm's grip itself is like a metal vise capable of crushing bone with little effort. This only applies to the single arm however.

Izentor Rank 1
Those marked by Izurdin receive an elaborate tattoo on the shoulder of their primary arm. With a single mark, the individual may impart special properties on a single item that they themselves have personally crafted. The item becomes more durable thus resisting even the most devastating sources of potential damage. Blades will almost never break or dull, armor will almost never dent, cloth will almost never tear or fray and structures may withstand the most devastating weather conditions. It is this god granted gift that makes items crafted by an Isur so highly sought after. The marked may always identify their own crafted items on sight. Imparting these items is a highly taxing process both physically and mentally so much that the crafter must rest for an entire day following the imparting.

Naked & Afraid Challenge:
OOC Challenge Award- Detail
OOC Challenge Award Confirmation- Nature’s Heart (Forest)
IC Award of Tree/Seed- Here

Nature’s Heart
Wildling :
A small, smooth, iridescent seed. Nature’s Heart contains very special qualities that are discovered by swallowing the seed. Once swallowed, the seed sprouts and spreads throughout the body. The sprouting of the seed transforms a person. The transformation, while unpleasant and confusing, is not overly painful. The seed itself partially exits the body in the center of the chest, creating a smooth, wooden, egg-shaped structure. The individual transformed by Nature’s Heart becomes a being known as, a Wildling.

A Wildling is a humanoid being with a unique connection to nature. They are empowered by the sunlight and with adequate amounts of it as well as water, the Wildling will never fear starvation. While they may eat normal food appropriate for their race, they do not need it to survive as long as there is sunlight and water present. With the same amounts of sunlight and water, wounds heal twice as fast and L1 poisons will be expelled from the body within a bell or two; their effects lasting half that time. The greatest gift of the Wildling comes from its strong connection with nature. This connection is treated like a new skill.

Wildling Skill = L1 (Minus 1 level outside of Forest biome)
Wildling Level = Average of Wilderness Survival & Animal Husbandry

Wild Sense :
The Wildling’s connection with nature is unique among all of nature’s children. It provides the Wildling with the ability to instinctively sense certain details about the surrounding environment. This ability, while offering a lot of insight into the Wildling’s surroundings, is limited to the specific “biome” that the Wildling is tied to. Much like the biome’s of the Witches of Caiyha, the Wildling find’s their senses empowered by those specific places. The skill level in Wild Sense is determined by taking the average of skill levels in Wilderness Survival and Animal Husbandry. For example, if a Wildling has a 20 in Wilderness Survival and a 10 in Animal Husbandry, they would have a 15 in Wild Sense (20 + 10 = 30 / 2 = 15). Wild Sense has four levels of influence just like other skills, detailed as follows:

L1 (1-25) – The Wildling can sense the presence of all lifeforms within a half mile radius. This ability is accessed through mediation. Any natural animal as well as humanoids can be sensed although details of sensed creatures is very limited. The Wildling can detect the general direction of lifeforms and rough distance but other details are just out of reach. They can also detect the presence of edible plants although the exact knowledge of said plants is limited to existing skill levels in herbalism, botany, poison, etc.

L2 – (26-50) – The Wilding’s senses are enhanced. They are able to identify the exact species and/or race of animal/humanoid within a half mile radius through meditation. While they may identify the lifeforms, their knowledge of said lifeforms is limited to existing knowledge and lore. In addition, the Wildling will be able to sense general age and health of sensed creatures. They will also know if the lifeforms are engaged in instinctual acts such as sleeping, hunting or mating.

L3 – (51-75) – The Wilding’s senses grow to much greater levels. They are able, through intense meditation, to identify a specific animal within a half-mile radius and know everything about it. They will know age, health and instinctual motivation; sleep, hunting, mating, etc. They may also, while focused on this particular animal, see what they see, smell what they smell and taste what they taste. The Wildling becomes a passenger of sorts, unable to control but able to experience everything the animal experiences.

L4 – (76-100) – The Wilding’s senses have merged with their surrounding environment is a very intimate way. Through meditation, they can feel the movement of animals; smell their scent, taste what they eat and feel their happiness and despair. These feelings can be overwhelming at times and focusing too much on any particular sense can result in an overload that causes great pain and confusion. The Wildling is so in-tune with nature that they can give up a bit of their lifeforce in order to heal any creature or plant within a half-mile radius by exchanging conditions with said animal. Thus, if an animal is seriously injured, the Wildling can transfer that wound to themselves while sacrificing their health; restoring the animal in kind.

Starting Skills :
Architecture:15(15 SP)-Novice
Auristics:5(5 SP)-Novice
Blacksmithing:10(10 RB)-Novice
Carpentry:5(5 SP)-Novice
Construction:5(5 SP)-Novice
Glyphing:5(5 SP)-Novice
Magecraft:5(5 SP)-Novice
Mathematics:5(5 SP)-Novice (Geometry)
Reimancy:5(5 SP)-Novice (Earth)

Starting Lores :
-Lore of watching a master work Isurian Steel
-Basic concept of weight bearing features in structures


Master: 76-100
Observation:100(100 XP)-Master- Max

Expert: 51-75
Logic:60(60 XP)-Expert
Socialization:62(62 XP)-Expert

Competent: 26-50
Architecture:40(15 SP+ 25XP)-Competent
Blacksmithing:40(10 RB+ 30XP)-Competent
Bodybuilding:30(30 XP)-Competent
Construction:30(5 SP+ 25 XP)-Competent
Planning:37(37 XP)-Competent

Novice: 1-25
Acrobatics:4(4 XP)-Novice
Animal Husbandry:1(1 XP)-Novice
Anthropology:1(1 XP)-Novice
Arcanology:3(3 XP)-Novice
Auristics:7(5 SP+ 2 XP)-Novice
Brawling:3(3 XP)-Novice
Business:4(4 XP)-Novice
Carpentry:17(5 SP+ 12 XP)-Novice
Cartography:5(5 XP)-Novice
Carving:5(5 XP)-Novice
Chemistry:1(1 XP)-Novice
Cleaning:2(2 XP)-Novice
Climbing:2(2 XP)-Novice
Cooking:5(5 XP)-Novice
Drawing:16(16 XP)-Novice
Endurance:21(21 XP)-Novice
Engineering:1(1 XP)-Novice
Foraging:2(2 XP)-Novice
Gadgeteering:17(17 XP)-Novice
Glyphing:7(5 SP+ 2XP)-Novice
Intelligence:1(1 XP)-Novice
Interrogation:9(9 XP)-Novice
Intimidation:1(1 XP)-Novice
Investigation:20(20 XP)-Novice
Land Navigation:11(11 XP)-Novice
Leadership:6(6 XP)-Novice
Magecraft:5(5 SP)-Novice
Masonry:20(20 XP)-Novice
Mathematics:14(5 SP+ 9XP)-Novice (Geometry)
Medicine:2(2 XP)-Novice
Meditation:8(8 XP)-Novice
Negotiation:13(13 XP)-Novice
Organization:11(11 XP)-Novice
Persuasion:11(11 XP)-Novice
Philosophy:20(20 XP)-Novice
Physics:1(1 XP)-Novice
Prayer:2(2 XP)-Novice
Reading:3(3 XP)-Novice
Reimancy:8(5 SP+ 3XP)-Novice (Earth)
Rhetoric:22(22 XP)-Novice
Running:2(2 XP)-Novice
Sailing:2(2 XP)-Novice
Salvaging:1(1 XP)-Novice
Scavenging:4(4 XP)-Novice
Sculpting:3(3 XP)-Novice
Shipbuilding:2(2 XP)-Novice
Singing:4(4 XP)-Novice
Stealth:1(1 XP)-Novice
Subterfuge:3(3 XP)-Novice
Swimming:3(3 XP)-Novice
Tactics:6(6 XP)-Novice
Teaching:12(12 XP)-Novice
Tracking:2(2 XP)-Novice
Unarmed Combat:12(12 XP)-Novice
Weapon(Club): 5(5 XP)-Novice
Weaponsmithing:5(5 XP)-Novice
Wilderness Survival:7(7 XP)-Novice (Forest)
Wrestling: 2(2 XP)-Novice
Last edited by Crylon Stonecraft on March 26th, 2022, 8:23 pm, edited 84 times in total.
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Crylon Stonecraft
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Location: Zeltiva
Race: Isur
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Crylon Stonecraft

Postby Crylon Stonecraft on June 2nd, 2018, 4:48 am


-Lore of watching a master work Isurian Steel(SP)
-Basic concept of weight bearing features in structures(SP)
-People: Thorin the half-Isur
-Location: Thorin’s Forge
-Thorin: not a people-person
-Lore of basic blacksmithing tools
-Backsmithing: heating a forge
-Blacksmithing: constructing horseshoes
-Lore of prayer to Izurdin
-Joe: blacksmith teacher
-Blacksmithing: constructing nails
-Blacksmithing: cutting metal
-Thorin: A reclusive yet warm-hearted blacksmith
-Wolf's Teeth Club: A deadly gift
-Ravokians are suspicious of outsiders
-Mathematics: Calculating best value for mizas
-Sales or businessmen may lie to make a profit
-Unarmed combat: Utilises the whole body
-Wrestling: Close-combat focused on leverage & grappling
-Boxing: Focuses on movement & punching
-Brawling: Haphazard fighting using your surroundings
-Unarmed combat: Proper form for punching
-Isurians possess one indestructible arm
-Unarmed Combat: Keep your feet grounded during kicks
-Unarmed Combat: Kick with side of the foot, heel, leg or knee
-Unarmed Combat: Kicking with your toes will break them
-Unarmed Combat: Deflecting a punch
-Johan: One-armed & surprisingly agile
-Johan: A stoic combat instructor
-Ravok location: The Wooden Door Dojo
-Close-range versus long-range weapons
-Club: Higher grip gives a heavier strike while lower grip gives better control
-Club: Not effective in closed spaces like alleys
-Club: Lacks finesse but a powerful weapon in skilled hands
-Sword: An agile weapon
-Club: Be wary of overcommitting as your momentum can be used against you
-Tactics: Exploiting an opponent's blind spot
-Club: Alternating grip with swings and jabs
-Tactics: The element of surprise
-When to abandon a weapon for unarmed defence
-Tactics: Feigning an attack to catch an opponent off-guard
-Ravok Architecture: Floating foundations
-Inspecting a building for damage
-Ice and cold strips wood of paint
-Wood warps under extreme temperatures
-Organization: Summarizing a detailed account
-Organization: Numbering information
-A building sheltered behind another is better protected from the elements
-Architecture: An even weight distribution in Ravok buildings is crucial
-Architecture: Stone facade laid over wood for aesthetics
-Sultros Architecture: Stone is readily available as building material
-Ravok: Those with money & power possess influence & privilege
-Planning: Preparing for ice and snow
-Scavenging: Finder’s keepers
-Unarmed Combat: A fighting stance that grounds you
-Feeding a mouse a muffin
-Acrobatics: Paying catch to hone hand-eye-coordination
-Bodybuilding: Basic stretches to warm the body
-Bodybuilding: Lift with your knees rather than your back
-The Strange Replenishing Muffin Tin
-Organization: taking stock of inventory
-Architecture: understanding the structure of a pavilion
-Mathematics: simple equations
-Construction: building a pavilion
-Mathematics: fractions in building
-Lore of reasons why construction is done in teams
-Construction: carefully wielding a hammer
-Lore of the chaos of the Market
-Mathematics: negotiating sums
-Lore of the Backpack of Voiding\
-Architecture: recognizing a poorly built structure
-Philosophy: using weird axe metaphors
-Building: demolition
-Architecture: support beams
-The comfort that comes from being near stone
-Meditation: Blocking out reality by focusing on memories of home
-Scavenging: Using your Isur arm to collect stone from rocky outcroppings
-Sculpting: Molding the shape of raw stone with your Isur arm
-Location: Sylira Wildlands
-Travelling via caravan: Routines and dangers
-Caravan travel can be a monotonous and boring thing
-Glyphing: The art of drawing runes, symbols, sigils and pictures
-Logic: Carving symbols into stone can be a form of Glyphing
-Carving: Best done on a flatter surface
-Bodybuilding: Using force to manipulate stone
-Sculpting: Finding the right pressure when working stone
-Glyphing: Picking the right symbol to use as a focus
-Carving: Straight lines are easier to work into stone than curved ones
-Carving: Using the fingernails of your Isur arm as a chisel to carve fine lines into stone
-Glyphing: Carving a focus symbol into a stone
-Carpentry: Using your Isur arm to reshape a piece of wood
-Glyphing: A focus can serve to channel magic into a certain spot
-Reimancy: Creating and controlling Res
-Glyphing: Filling a focus with Res
-Body Building: Strengthening arms by lifting weights
-Johan: Owner of the Wooden Door Dojo
-Nahaali: Lark slave
-Unarmed Combat: Assuming a proper stance
-Unarmed Combat: Punching without overextending the joints
-Brass: Does not corrode from water like iron or copper
-Observation: Sensing the touch of an aurist
-Using Isurian arm to level out coals
-Gender Change: Caused by glowing rock from sky
-How to relieve oneself as a female
-Isur: Females have right arm blessed by Izurdin and males their left
-Meditation: Focusing will with memory of the family's forge
-Reimancy: Summoning res
-Self: Good sense of direction
-That time he became "she"...
-Lakeshore: Not truly wild, not truly civilized
-Philosophy: Assuming an enemy makes one more likely to find enemies than friends
-Philosophy: Harshness of forge builds strength
-Ryker: Thorin's cousin
-Wilderness Survival: Building a fire
-Zavya: Kelvic tiger
-Observation: Noting Things of Note in A Tavern
-Intelligence: Eavesdropping In A Tavern
-Leadership: Taking The Initiative To Introduce Oneself
-Kelski: Appearance & Mannerism
-Kelski: Jeweler
-Kelski: Looking for A Project Manager
-Business: Selling oneself and ones skills
-Kelski: Apologetic About Her Pronunciation
-Kelski: Doesn’t Trust Humans
-Kelski: Kelvic
-Kelski: Has Forge, Interested In Metalsmithing
-Kelski: Wants Him To Build a Forge
-Kelski: Hobbies Including Flying, Roaming, Meeting People, Reading
-Duncan: Hammer of Izurdin
-Akajia: Goddess of Night, Secrets, Stealth
-Kelski: Worships Akajia
-Worksite: In Baroque Bay/Location
-Housing: The Midnight Gem
-The Midnight Gem: Appearance & Location
-The Midnight Gem: How Supply Runs Work – Prearranged Accounts, Deliveries
-The Rehab Project: Spending Account For Supplies/Hired Hands
-Kelski: Does Hunting And Foraging For Food For The Gem Folks
-Kelski: Has No Hope For Sunberth’s Salvation
-Kelski: Metalsmith
-Kelski: Has plans for a spyglass
-Sunberth: Slag Heap Burning Mine Tailings
-Sunberth: Basic Layout of Baroque Bay
-Kelski: Wants Lot Cleared, Debris Removed, Green Growth Cleared Back
-Sunberth: Lots Of Mining Beneath The City
-Sunberth: Logic Details Mining=Unstable Ground
-Logic: Kelski’s Metalsmithing Not The Same as Blacksmithing
-Investigating: Checking Land For Unstable Ground
-Investigation: Exploring Vacant Property
-Kelski: Wants An Actual Smithy
-Kelvics: Originally Crafted By Human - Marcus Kelvic
-Kelvics: Born Not Made
-Brawling: Blocking A Weapon With An Isurian Arm
-Unarmed Combat: Disarming An Opponent
-Negotiation: Trying To Talk An Attacker Out Of Fighting
-Petch: The Definition Of The Word
-Sunberth: Escaped People Hold Grudges Will Come Back To Kill You Later
-Body Building: Disposing Corpses
-Persuasion: Trying To Convince Kelski To Hope
-Kelski: Brief History Of Her Time in Sunberth
-Kelski: Trying To Change – To Hope
-Kelski: Has Legitimate Ownership Papers To The Property – Showed Him Them
-Svefra: Kelski Thinks They Lie
-Kelski: Found a Skystone – Gained A Third Eye
-Ethaefal: Immortals That Have Two Forms – Day And Night
-Midnight Gem: Layout
-Midnight Gem: Alive & Sentient
-Midnight Gem: Makes His Room To Suit His Taste
-Kelski: Trusts Crylon With Secrets
-Kelski: A Mage
-Kelski: Teaches The Gem Things, Feeds it Djed
-Midnight Gem: Chime System Of Yes/No/Don’t Know
-Gilthas: Eth Mage Kelski Knows From Almost The Valterrian
-Scavenging: Using your Isur arm to pick through piles of junk
-Scavenging: The long process of trying to unearth something of value from a pile of ruined junk
-Investigation: Puzzling out what a structure is based on its many broken pieces
-Salvaging: Trying to preserve what's left of a broken wagon
-Basic covered wagon: Design, mechanics and properties
-Engineering: Understanding what is required to make a wagon move and turn
-Observation: Appraising the level of ruin a structure is in
-Bodybuilding: Using leverage and angle to help lift and move a heavy object
-Feeling overwhelmed with emotion after discovering a cache of Isurian tools
-A prayer answered
-Isurian Construction Toolkit: Contents and appearance
-Architecture: Deciding where to logically place weight bearing features
-Sunberth: Underground tunnels mean extra labour and time when preparing a site for construction
-Lore of Sunberth crude and improvised construction designs and architecture
-Use wooden pegs to anchor and secure rope ladders
-Bodybuilding: Digging holes
-Using your Isur arm as a hammer
-Lore of falling into an underground tunnel
-Planning: Must prepare and fix all rotten support beams in the tunnels below the building site in order to proceed with construction
-Mathematics: Calculating depth
-Location: Temple of the Unknown
-Lore of Izurdin reverence
-Socialization: filling gaps in vocabulary with body language
-Ixzo: worships Priskil
-Ixzo: favoured by Priskil
-Ixzo: a Kelvic
-Tactics: never let your guard down
-Teaching: explaining Izurdin
-Ixzo: full of scars
-Ixzo: a woman of few words
-Lore of witnessing a Kelvic transformation
-Ixzo: a night lion
-Land Navigation: memorizing landmarks
-Lore of the concept of orphans
-Lolan: orphan girl
-Philosophy: kindness teaches nothing
-Philosophy: no such thing as justified murder
-Ixzo: worships Myri
-Ixzo: a woman of conflicting views
-Logic: building ≠ cooking
-Organization: familiarizing oneself with the tools for the task
-Lore of starting a hearthfire
-Architectrix: the difficulties of communication
-Cooking: the use of pots and pans
-Physics: the transference of heat
-Philosophy: anything an human can do an Isur can do better
-Cooking: attaining an even distribution of heat
-Chemistry: the science of cooking
-Sunberth: basic layout
-Location: Sunberth market
-Architecture: stilted houses
-Lore of how to present a less desirable mugging target
-Architecture: build higher than the floodlines
-Teaching: imparting wisdom with patience
-Lore of the fallacy of humans
-Negotiation: ways to ensure payment
-Profession: information broker
-Philosophy: Isur way of life
-Lore of Orphanage
-Lore of the philosophy of Sunberth
-Lore of the history of Sunberth
-Truama: Near drowining as a child
-Sunberth: In a festive spring mood
-Stealth: Hollowed out books used for concealment of objects
-Architecture: Don't build too close to rivers
-Architecture: Check ground stability before construction
-Masonry: Laying bricks unevenly and overlapping strengthen the structure
-Masonry: Need to 'glue' bricks together.
-Masonry: Recipe for mortar.
-Masonry: Using an even amount of Mortar to stick material together
-Masonry: Using Mortar to even out uneven stones
-Masonry: Too much mortar mix weakens the mixture
-Negotiation : Catching a bluff
-Leadership: Keeping orders simple and clear
-Stonecraft: A relative visited Sunberth in the past
-Stonecraft: A relative may have visited Sahova
-Sahova: a place of Undead
-Vice Clamp: Used to keep things still
-Chisel: Using a chisel to to pick through molten metal
-Blacksmithing: How to make a fire poker
-Blacksmithing: a lot like sculpting
-Keeping Focus in a Noisy Carriage
-Meditation: Focus Comes from Within
-Music can be Found Everywhere
-Starting a Forge Fire
-Crylon: What His Dream Forge Looks Like
-Crylon: Oh, so That’s What my Back Looks Like
-Auristics: The Color of Crylon’s Aura
-Sailing: Catamarans Turn Slower
-Sailing: Sails Catch the Wind
-Sailing: Undoing Knots
-Sailing: Rigging Controls the Sail’s Movements
-Sailing: Rudders Control the Direction of the Ship
-Sailing: Fore = Front, Back = Aft, Left = Port, Right = Starboard.
-Sailing: Process for Tying a “Over, Over, Under, Loop, Pull” Knot
-Crylon: Sea Slug!
-Vell’s Metal Supplies: Store and Forge Layout
-Blacksmithing: Creating Iron Fence Posts
-Blacksmithing: One Must Alternate Light and Heavy Strikes When Shaping Iron
-Blacksmithing: A Repetitive Business
-Blacksmithing: The Color of Hot Iron
-Blacksmithing: Poking Holes Through Hot Metal
-Blacksmithing: Forming a Point on a Post
-Priskil: Goddess of Radiance, Hope, and Vigiliance
-Priskil: Powers the Watchtower stones
-Construction: Putting together an iron fence
-Blacksmithing: Welding is not about technique, not strength
-Blacksmithing: Welding iron posts together
-Blacksmithing: Metal must be clean in order to weld
-Idea: Perhaps fastenings would be better than welding everything?
-Socialization: expressing with metaphors
-Master: disappointed in Crylon
-Arcanology: the different types of magic
-World Magic: works on the inherent magic of the world
-Personal Magic: works on the magic within yourself
-Gnosis: magic from a god
-Glyphing: brief overview
-Glyphing: affects other magic
-Glyphing: Focus rune- stores magic
-Glyphing: Barrier rune- stop the passage of magic
-Glyphing: Path rune- channels magic
-Glyphing: Trigger rune- activates or deactivates another Rune
-Glyphing: Switch rune- separates or converges different magics
-Lore - Identifying Gadgeteering
-Gadgeteering: Lever
-Gadgeteering: Fulcrum
-Gadgeteering: Inclined Plane
-Gadgeteering: Wedge
-Gadgeteering: Wheel and Axel
-Gadgeteering: Gear
-Gadgeteering: Pulley
-Gadgeteering: Screw
-Gadgeteering: Friction
-Gadgeteering: Spring
-Gadgeteering: Diagramming a set of gears
-Location: Tarsin's Boarding House
-Aster: Red-headed woman new to Ravok
-Aster: Curious about Crylon's stone arm
-Crylon: Used to being stared at in Ravok
-Aster: Not as rude as others have been
-Aster: Talks a lot
-Aster: Hasn't socialized in quite some time
-Aster: More than a normal human?
-Isur: A graceful and useful language...unlike Common
-Alvadas: City of illusions where the streets and buildings move
-Aster: Came from Alvadas
-Aster: Worked as an herbalist
-Alvadas: An architect's worst nightmare
-Aster: Ran off without a reason
-Aster: An odd stranger
-Sunberth: Has a chaotic layout
-Sunberth: Crime is the norm
-Asterope: Asked for help with an injured boy
-Medicine: Using pressure to stop bleeding
-Medicine: Using alcohol to clean wounds
-Lore that death should be accepted
-Intimidation: Making use of an Isur's stone arm
-Asterope: Was in Ravok, but looked different
-Asterope: An Ethaefal
-Sunberth: More religious freedom than Ravok
-Endurance: As much physical as it is mental
-Location: The Dust Bed
-Jebediah: Sunberth's graveyard keeper
-Negotiation: Money doesn't always work
-Asterope: A slave in Sunberth
-Asterope: Wants to help people
-Lore of digging a grave
-Endurance: Blocking out pain
-Isur: Made of hope and determination
-Lore of praying for the dead
-Ethaefal horns: Not dissimilar to Isur arms in material
-Ethaefal horns: Have no real practical purpose
-Syna: Goddess of the sun
-Syna: Like a mother to certain Ethaefal
-Lore of an Ethaefal's shift
-Ethaefal: Divine under their deity's light, mortal otherwise
-Gratitude: Shown By Action
-Investigation: Signs of Hidden Wall
-Investigation: Mapping Out Dimensions
-Sona: Appearance & Mannerisms
-Kelski: Gatherer of Strays
-Kelski: Harsh to Foes, Kind to Friends
-Mage’s Hidden Lab: Layout, Characteristics & Inventory
-Magic Snails: Dead End…Or Are They?
-Mystery: The Enjoyment of Puzzling It Out
-Gratitude: Shown, Not Stated
-Architecture: Converting Ideas TO Draft
-Architecture: Stables Characteristics
-Drawing: The Drafting Process
-Stables: Adequate Ventilation
-Stables: Gerenal Layout
-Blacksmithing: Correct Steel Colouring
-Blacksmithing: Heating A Forge
-Jackson: Demesne Smith
-Weaponsmithing: Anatomy Of A Hilt
-Weaponsmithing: Differing Hammer Blow Strengths
-Weaponsmithing: Filing Techniques
-Weaponsmithing: Hammer Shaping Steel
-Weaponsmithing: Shaping A Dagger
-Blacksmithing: Recycling Materials
-Carpentry: Cutting Wood
-Carpentry: Longer Better than Shorter
-Construction: Noticing A ‘Patch’ Job
-Carpentry: Basic Dressing Of Wood
-Carpentry: Filing For Smoothness
-Carpentry: Measuring Planks
-Carpentry: Setting Up Sawhorse
-Sawmill: Complex Workings
-Laviku: God Of The Seas
-Laviku’s Charge: A Prayer A Day
-Shipbuilding: Balanced & Even Hull
-Shipbuilding: Need To Protect Against Capsize
-Tideon Wavemoon: Laviku’s Servant
-Tideon Wavemoon: Magical Statue
Architecture: Different Climates, Different Roofing
Architecture: Methodically Mapping Interiors
Architecture: Priorities Vary By Culture
Bouyancy: Basically About Floating
Sona: A Technical Mind
Masonry: Creating ‘Dry Mix’
Masonry: Creating ‘Wet Mix’
Masonry: Creating Mortar
Masonry: Repair Priorities
Masonry: Time Limits On Mortar
Blacksmithing: Importance of Maintenance
Blacksmithing: Signs Of Degradation
Blacksmithing: Standard Smithy Checks
Blacksmithing: Tools And Their Uses
Time: It’s Relative
Brawling: Ashes To The Eyes
Life: What Do I Want?
Persuasion: Strong Arm Tactics
Plan C: Leg It
Subterfuge: Give Them What They Want
Tide: A Promise Made, Every Day
Masonry: Stucco Replacement
The Outpost: Crossroad’s Jewellery
The Outpost: No Rain, Sleet or Snow
The Riad: Not So Many Maintainers
Kelski’s Shop: A Perfectly Fine Building
Cartography: Basic Map Reading
Isur: Planning, Effort, Perseverence
Izurdin: Always Walks With Me
Land Navigation: Reference Points
Land Navigation: Starting Reference Point
Naked & Afraid: Midnight Surprise!
Wilderness Survival: Priorities – Water, Food, Fire, Shelter
Wilderness Survival: Testing For Drinkable Running Water
Foraging: Creating Kindling
Foraging: Finding Berries
Foraging: Red Berries, Not Like Strawberries
Land Navigation: Differentiated Markers
Wilderness Survival: Bark Fire Pit Construction
Wilderness Survival: Making A Basic Campsite
Wilderness Survival: Notice Dry/Wet Wood
Wilderness Survival: Notice Stagnant Water
Wilderness Survival: Starting A Fire
Gadgeteering: Clock Blueprint
Gadgeteering: Diagnosing Problems With Gears
Gadgeteering: Winding Powered Mechanisms
Insurmountable Tasks: One Step At A Time
Blacksmithing: Filing Techniques
Blacksmithing: Heated Metal Colourings
Blacksmithing: Wire Brush Uses
Jackson: Knowledgeable About Weaponsmithing
Weaponsmithing: Sharpening Techniques
Carpentry: Working From Templates
Gadgeteering: Blueprint For Sawmill Gears
Gadgeteering: Replacing Sawmill Gears
Gadgeteering: Standardized Designs
Gadgeteering: Systematically Removing Bolts
Sona: Gets Isurian Concepts
Last edited by Crylon Stonecraft on March 26th, 2022, 8:21 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Crylon Stonecraft
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Joined roleplay: June 2nd, 2018, 4:26 am
Location: Zeltiva
Race: Isur
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Crylon Stonecraft

Postby Crylon Stonecraft on March 26th, 2022, 2:31 pm


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[b]WC:[/b] X

Current Season Calendar/Threads
10 Winter 522- A Beachside Building- Rhydian-

15 Winter 522- Sticks and Stones and Broken Bones- Bronwen-

Historic Thread List
Fall 522 :

Summer 522 :
12 Summer 522- A Play of Sand Part I-

15 Summer 522- A Play of Sand Part II-

26 Summer 522- Of Tales and Blades- Moritz-

Spring 522 :
Morning 10 Spring 522- From one beach to another- Arrival in Syka- Curse begin-

Afternoon- 10 Spring 522- A Cursed Tenday Indeed- Open group thread-

17 Spring 522- A Common Sighting- Tazrae-

25 Spring 522- A Design a Day- Job Thread 1

35 Spring 522- A Design a Day II- Job Thread 2

50 Spring 522- The 5th Tenday of Spring, A shot in the dark- Open group thread-
-50 Continued- Runaways And Rag-Tags- Open group thread-

52 Spring 522- Oh, the colors that blind- Cleon-

55 Spring 522- A beachside bum-

Summer 521 :
15 Summer 521- A Gear a Gadget II- Job Thread 1- Graded- Body Building – 1, Cleaning – 1, Drawing – 5, Gadgeteering – 4, Logic – 3, Socialization – 3, Gadgeteering: Clock Blueprint, Gadgeteering: Diagnosing Problems With Gears, Gadgeteering: Winding Powered Mechanisms, Insurmountable Tasks: One Step At A Time.

25 Summer 521- A Day a Divot- Job Thread 2-

Spring 521 :
5 Spring 521- A Design Decided II- Job Thread 1-

15 Spring 521- A Gear A Gadget- Job Thread 2- Graded- Body Building – 2, Carpentry – 2, Drawing – 2, Gadgeteering – 3, Logic – 3, Reading – 1, Carpentry: Working From Templates, Gadgeteering: Blueprint For Sawmill Gears, Gadgeteering: Replacing Sawmill Gears, Gadgeteering: Standardized Designs, Gadgeteering: Systematically Removing Bolts, Sona: Gets Isurian Concepts.

20 Spring 521- A Wander a Ways-

Winter 520 :
5 Winter 520- A Return a Repair Part IV- Job Thread 1-

6 Winter 520- A Design Decided-

N & A Challenge- Forest(2) and Pack #5
31 Winter 520- Day 1-A Forest Found-Graded- Body Building – 1, Cartography – 3, Carving – 1, Investigation – 2, Land Navigation – 4, Logic – 2, Planning – 2, Wilderness Survival – 2, Cartography: Basic Map Reading ,Isur: Planning, Effort, Perseverence, Izurdin: Always Walks With Me, Land Navigation: Reference Points, Land Navigation: Starting Reference Point, Naked & Afraid: Midnight Surprise!, Wilderness Survival: Priorities – Water, Food, Fire, Shelter, Wilderness Survival: Testing For Drinkable Running Water.

31 Winter 520- Day 1 continued-A Forest Found II-
Graded- Body Building – 3, Cartography – 2, Carving – 1, Endurance – 1, Foraging – 2, Land Navigation – 2, Logic – 2, Wilderness Survival – 4, Foraging: Creating Kindling, Foraging: Finding Berries, Foraging: Red Berries, Not Like Strawberries, Land Navigation: Differentiated Markers, Wilderness Survival: Bark Fire Pit Construction, Wilderness Survival: Making A Basic Campsite, Wilderness Survival: Notice Dry/Wet Wood, Wilderness Survival: Notice Stagnant Water, Wilderness Survival: Starting A Fire.

32 Winter onward- Day 2 onward- A Forest Found III-

38- End of N & A-

Fall 520 :
5 Fall 520- A Walk on a Beach- Challenge- Graded- Brawling – 1, Endurance – 1, Logic – 2, Persuasion – 2, Philosophy – 1, Running – 2, Socialization – 3, Stealth – 1, Subterfuge – 3, Tracking – 2, Weapon: Unarmed – 2, Brawling: Ashes To The Eyes, Life: What Do I Want?, Persuasion: Strong Arm Tactics, Plan C: Leg It, Subterfuge: Give Them What They Want, Tide: A Promise Made, Every Day.

10 Fall 520- A Return a Repair Part II- Job Thread 1-
Graded- Blacksmithing – 3, Socialization – 2, Weaponsmithing – 1, Blacksmithing: Filing Techniques, Blacksmithing: Heated Metal Colourings, Blacksmithing: Wire Brush Uses, Jackson: Knowledgeable About Weaponsmithing, Weaponsmithing: Sharpening Techniques.

10 Fall 520 Continued- A Return a Repair Part III- Job Thread 2-

Summer 520 :
2 Summer 520- Gaze at a Gadget- Graded-Drawing: 2, Gadgeteering: 5, Rhetoric: 1, Socialization: 5, Lore - Identifying Gadgeteering, Gadgeteering: Lever, Gadgeteering: Fulcrum, Gadgeteering: Inclined Plane, Gadgeteering: Wedge, Gadgeteering: Wheel and Axel, Gadgeteering: Gear, Gadgeteering: Pulley.

2 Summer 520 continued- Gaze at a Gadget Part II-
Graded-Drawing: 5, Gadgeteering: 5, Observation: 2, Organization: 1, Socialization: 4, Gadgeteering: Screw, Gadgeteering: Friction, Gadgeteering: Spring, Gadgeteering: Diagramming a set of gears.

14 Summer 520- Friends in Unlikely Places- Ayela-

16 Summer 520- A Whole New World- Kopesha-

30 Summer 520- A Return a Repair- Job Thread 1-
Graded- Blacksmithing – 4, Philosophy – 1, Planning – 1, Blacksmithing: Importance of Maintenance, Blacksmithing: Signs Of Degradation, Blacksmithing: Standard Smithy Checks, Blacksmithing: Tools And Their Uses, Time: It’s Relative.

40 Summer 520- A Watch and a Listen-Job Thread 2-
Graded- Architecture – 1, Masonry – 3, Socialization – 2, Masonry: Stucco Replacement, The Outpost: Crossroad’s Jewellery, The Outpost: No Rain, Sleet or Snow, The Riad: Not So Many Maintainers, Kelski’s Shop: A Perfectly Fine Building.

Spring 520 :
10 Spring 520- It's Payback Time- Ines-

70 Spring 520- A Stack of Stone Part I- Job Thread 1- Graded- Architecture – 4, Interrogation – 2, Logic – 2, Negotiation – 1, Socialization – 2, Architecture: Different Climates, Different Roofing, Architecture: Methodically Mapping Interiors, Architecture: Priorities Vary By Culture, Bouyancy: Basically About Floating, Sona: A Technical Mind.

71 Spring 520- A Stack of Stone Part II- Job Thread 2-
Graded- Body Building – 2, Endurance – 2, Logic – 3, Masonry – 5, Planning – 1, Masonry: Creating ‘Dry Mix’, Masonry: Creating ‘Wet Mix’, Masonry: Creating Mortar, Masonry: Repair Priorities, Masonry: Time Limits On Mortar.

Winter 519 :
5 Winter 519- I See the Sea- New Year Challenge Thread- Graded- Carpentry – 2, Interrogation – 1, Shipbuilding – 2, Socialization – 2, Laviku: God Of The Seas, Laviku’s Charge: A Prayer A Day, Shipbuilding: Balanced & Even Hull, Shipbuilding: Need To Protect Against Capsize, Tideon Wavemoon: Laviku’s Servant, Tideon Wavemoon: Magical Statue.

10 Winter 519- To Rebuild and Repair- Job Thread-
Graded-Carpentry – 4, Construction – 3, Observation – 2, Planning – 2, Socialization – 1, Carpentry: Basic Dressing Of Wood, Carpentry: Filing For Smoothness, Carpentry: Measuring Planks, Carpentry: Setting Up Sawhorse, Sawmill: Complex Workings.

10 Winter 519 continued- To Rebuild and Repair Part II- Job Thread-
Graded-Blacksmithing – 2, Carpentry – 3, Construction – 3, Endurance – 1, Observation – 2, Planning – 2, Blacksmithing: Recycling Materials, Carpentry: Cutting Wood, Carpentry: Longer Better than Shorter, Construction: Noticing A ‘Patch’ Job.

15 Winter 519- Of Savings and Salves- Kelski-

32 Winter 519- Of Bodies and Blood- Ines-

Fall 519 :
1 Fall 519- Stars Align & Minds Meld- Group Thread-

4 Fall 519- Taking a Job- (Thanks 1)- Graded- Investigation - 3, Logic - 3, Observation – 4, Persuasion - 3, Rhetoric - 2, Gratitude: Shown By Action, Investigation: Signs of Hidden Wall, Investigation: Mapping Out Dimensions, Sona: Appearance & Mannerisms.

Continued 4 Fall 519- Taking a Job Part II- (Thanks 2)-
Graded- Investigation – 3, Logic – 3, Observation – 3, Reading – 2, Rhetoric - 1, Kelski: Gatherer of Strays, Kelski: Harsh to Foes, Kind to Friends, Mage’s Hidden Lab: Layout, Characteristics & Inventory, Magic Snails: Dead End…Or Are They?, Mystery: The Enjoyment of Puzzling It Out.

7 Fall 519- Of Horses and Shoes- Tier thread/Stables Design-
Graded- Architecture – 3, Drawing – 2, Logic – 2, Observation – 2, Socialization – 1, Gratitude: Shown, Not Stated, Architecture: Converting Ideas TO Draft, Architecture: Stables Characteristics, Drawing: The Drafting Process, Stables: Adequate Ventilation, Stables: Gerenal Layout.

10 Fall 519- Black Sails- Group Thread-

30 Fall 519- A Symbol, a Sigil- Wa'Djinn-

85 Fall 519-Steel for a Steal- Smithing thread-
Graded-Blacksmithing – 4, Body Building – 3, Observation – 3, Socialization – 2, Weaponsmithing – 4, Blacksmithing: Correct Steel Colouring, Blacksmithing: Heating A Forge, Jackson: Demesne Smith, Weaponsmithing: Anatomy Of A Hilt, Weaponsmithing: Differing Hammer Blow Strengths, Weaponsmithing: Filing Techniques, Weaponsmithing: Hammer Shaping Steel, Weaponsmithing: Shaping A Dagger.

Summer 519 :
2 Summer 519- Of Runes and Writings- (Weekend Challenge)-Graded- Investigation +3, Observation +3, Stonecraft: A relative visited Sunberth in the past, Stonecraft: A relative may have visited Sahova, Sahova: a place of Undead.

5 Summer 519- Of Drinks and broken tables- Kreig-

Morning of 23 Summer 519- Leaves Sunberth by boat for Zeltiva

34 Summer 519- Of Boats and Sailing-
Graded- Sailing 2, Sailing: Catamarans Turn Slower, Sailing: Sails Catch the Wind, Sailing: Undoing Knots, Sailing: Rigging Controls the Sail’s Movements, Sailing: Rudders Control the Direction of the Ship, Sailing: Fore = Front, Back = Aft, Left = Port, Right = Starboard., Sailing: Process for Tying a “Over, Over, Under, Loop, Pull” Knot, Crylon: Sea Slug!

Late in the day 40 Summer 519-Arrives in Zeltiva by boat from Sunberth-

42 Summer 519- Of Floating and Friends- (Anja)-

43 Summer 519- Heads to the ED-

48 Summer 519- Leaves the ED to Zeltiva-

52 Summer 519- Of Hammer and Metal- Job 1-
Graded- Blacksmithing 4, Endurance 2, Planning 1, Vell’s Metal Supplies: Store and Forge Layout, Blacksmithing: Creating Iron Fence Posts, Blacksmithing: One Must Alternate Light and Heavy Strikes When Shaping Iron, Blacksmithing: A Repetitive Business, Blacksmithing: The Color of Hot Iron, Blacksmithing: Poking Holes Through Hot Metal, Blacksmithing: Forming a Point on a Post.

55 Summer 519- Of Hammer and Metal Part II- Job 2-
Blacksmithing 2, Construction 2, Planning 1, Construction: Putting together an iron fence, Blacksmithing: Welding is not about technique, not strength, Blacksmithing: Welding iron posts together, Blacksmithing: Metal must be clean in order to weld, Idea: Perhaps fastenings would be better than welding everything?

Spring 519 :
2 Spring 519- Tinman- (Maria Talwa)-

9 Spring 519(Morning)- Of Eating and Evoking- (Anja)-

10 Spring 519- A Race To Remember- (Group/Seasonal)-

*11 Spring 519- Good Intentions- (Asterope)- Graded- Land Navigation +1, Observation +5, Medicine +2, Socialization +5, Logic +3, Intimidation +1, Interrogation +1, Bodybuilding +3, Endurance +4, Sunberth: Has a chaotic layout, Sunberth: Crime is the norm, Asterope: Asked for help with an injured boy, Medicine: Using pressure to stop bleeding, Medicine: Using alcohol to clean wounds, Lore that death should be accepted, Intimidation: Making use of an Isur's stone arm, Asterope: Was in Ravok, but looked different, Asterope: An Ethaefal, Sunberth: More religious freedom than Ravok, Endurance: As much physical as it is mental, Location: The Dust Bed, Jebediah: Sunberth's graveyard keeper, Negotiation: Money doesn't always work, Asterope: A slave in Sunberth, Asterope: Wants to help people, Lore of digging a grave, Endurance: Blocking out pain, Isur: Made of hope and determination, Lore of praying for the dead, Ethaefal horns: Not dissimilar to Isur arms in material, Ethaefal horns: Have no real practical purpose, Syna: Goddess of the sun, Syna: Like a mother to certain Ethaefal, Lore of an Ethaefal's shift, Ethaefal: Divine under their deity's light, mortal otherwise.

13 Sring 519- Of Digging and Descending- (hole digging/tunnel finding)-
Graded- Observation - 2XP, Logic - 2XP, Architecture - 2XP, Planning - 2XP, Bodybuilding - 1XP, Climbing - 2XP, Mathematics - 1XP, Architecture: Deciding where to logically place weight bearing features,Sunberth: Underground tunnels mean extra labour and time when preparing a site for construction,Lore of Sunberth crude and improvised construction designs and architecture,Use wooden pegs to anchor and secure rope ladders,Bodybuilding: Digging holes,Using your Isur arm as a hammer,Lore of falling into an underground tunnel,Planning: Must prepare and fix all rotten support beams in the tunnels below the building site in order to proceed with construction,Mathematics: Calculating depth.

15 Spring 519- A Swim and a Swam- Solo (weekend challenge/Swim Contest)-
Graded- Swimming +3, Observation +3, Truama: Near drowining as a child, Sunberth: In a festive spring mood.

19 Spring 519- Even a human could...- Solo (weekend challenge)-
Graded- Planning: 1xp, Logic: 3xp, Organization: 1xp, Observation: 3xp, Cooking: 5xp, Physics: 1xp, Philosophy: 2xp, Chemistry: 1xp, Logic: building ≠ cooking, Organization: familiarizing oneself with the tools for the task, Lore of starting a hearthfire, Architectrix: the difficulties of communication, Cooking: the use of pots and pans, Physics: the transference of heat, Philosophy: anything an human can do an Isur can do better, Cooking: attaining an even distribution of heat, Chemistry: the science of cooking.

21 Spring 519- Of Tunnels and Tallies- Kelski-

22 Spring 519- An odd meeting-Haliax -

25 Spring 519- Of Metal and Melting- Daedalus Dagwood-

*32 Spring 519- Handmade Hope- Ixzo-

(B)32 Spring 519 Continued- To Build Knowledge-
Graded-Negotiation +2,
Investigation +3, Stealth: Hollowed out books used for concealment of objects, Architecture: Don't build too close to rivers, Architecture: Check ground stability before construction, Masonry: Laying bricks unevenly and overlapping strengthen the structure, Masonry: Need to 'glue' bricks together, Masonry: Recipe for mortar.

(B)32 Spring 519 Further Continued- Of Stone and Laying-
Graded- Mathematics +2, Masonry +4, Observation +3, Construction +2, Masonry: Using an even amount of Mortar to stick material together, Masonry: Using Mortar to even out uneven stones, Masonry: Too much mortar mix weakens the mixture.

(B)34-35 Spring 519- To Build a Smithy Part I-
Graded- Architecture +3, Planning +2, Negotiation +1, Masonry +3, Construction +2, Leadership +2, Observation +1, Negotiation : Catching a bluff, Leadership: Keeping orders simple and clear.

35-37 Spring 519- To Build a Smithy Part II-
Graded- Construction +4, Masonry +5, Bodybuilding +3, Endurance +3.

38 Spring 519- To Break in a Smithy-
Graded-Negotiation+2, Blacksmithing+5, Endurance +3, Bodybuilding +2, Observation +2, Vice Clamp: Used to keep things still, Chisel: Using a chisel to to pick through molten metal, Blacksmithing: How to make a fire poker, Blacksmithing: a lot like scultping.

45 Spring 519- The Brightest Light In The Darkest Temple- Quest-

Winter 518 :
*2 Winter 518- Of the Civilized Wilds-Zavya- Graded-Observation +5, Philosophy +3, Rhetoric +2, Socialization +4, Wilderness Survival: Forest +1, Lakeshore: Not truly wild, not truly civilized, Philosophy: Assuming an enemy makes one more likely to find enemies than friends, Philosophy: Harshness of forge builds strength, Ryker: Thorin's cousin, Wilderness Survival: Building a fire, Zavya: Kelvic tiger.

Morning 5 Winter 518- Leaves Ravok by caravan-

15-16 Winter 518- Of magic and worked stone- (weekend challenge)-
Graded-Bodybuilding - 2XP, Carpentry - 1XP, Carving - 3XP, Glyphing - 2XP, Logic - 1XP, Meditation - 3XP, Observation - 4XP, Planning - 2XP, Prayer - 1XP, Reimancy - 1XP, Scavenging - 1XP, Sculpting - 3XP, The comfort that comes from being near stone, Meditation: Blocking out reality by focusing on memories of home, Scavenging: Using your Isur arm to collect stone from rocky outcroppings, Sculpting: Molding the shape of raw stone with your Isur arm, Location: Sylira Wildlands, Travelling via caravan: Routines and dangers, Caravan travel can be a monotonous and boring thing, Glyphing: The art of drawing runes, symbols, sigils and pictures, Logic: Carving symbols into stone can be a form of Glyphing, Carving: Best done on a flatter surface, Bodybuilding: Using force to manipulate stone, Sculpting: Finding the right pressure when working stone, Glyphing: Picking the right symbol to use as a focus, Carving: Straight lines are easier to work into stone than curved ones, Carving: Using the fingernails of your Isur arm as a chisel to carve fine lines into stone, Glyphing: Carving a focus symbol into a stone, Carpentry: Using your Isur arm to reshape a piece of wood, Glyphing: A focus can serve to channel magic into a certain spot, Reimancy: Creating and controlling Res, Glyphing: Filling a focus with Res, (Congratulations! Crylon now has a small focus stone.)

18 Winter 518- Magic is Music-
Graded-Auristics 2, Meditation 4, Planning 3, Rhetoric 1, Singing 4, Keeping Focus in a Noisy Carriage, Meditation: Focus Comes from Within, Music can be Found Everywhere, Starting a Forge Fire, Crylon: What His Dream Forge Looks Like, Crylon: Oh, so That’s What my Back Looks Like, Auristics: The Color of Crylon’s Aura, Penalties- Overgiving: Crylon will experience a noticeable amount of fatigue for the rest of the day.

Late day 41 Winter 518- Arrives in Nyka
43 Winter 518-Leaves Nyka by boat to Sahova

Late day 61 Winter 518- Arrives in Sahova

63 Winter 518- Leaves by boat to Sunberth

Late day 64 Winter 518- Arrives in Sunberth

* 66 Winter 518- Business As Usual- (Kelski)-
Graded-Observation +5, Socialization +5, Rherotic +5, Intelligence +1, Leadership +4, Business +4, Negotiation +5, Teaching +5, Planning +5, Philosophy +5, Logic +3, Organization +2, Investigation +2, Interrogation +5, Brawling +1, Unarmed Combat +3, Persuasion +5, Body Building +1, Observation: Noting Things of Note in A Tavern, Intelligence: Eavesdropping In A Tavern, Leadership: Taking The Initiative To Introduce Oneself, Kelski: Appearance & Mannerism, Kelski: Jeweler, Kelski: Looking for A Project Manager, Business: Selling oneself and ones skills, Kelski: Apologetic About Her Pronunciation, Kelski: Doesn’t Trust Humans, Kelski: Kelvic, Kelski: Has Forge, Interested In Metalsmithing, Kelski: Wants Him To Build a Forge, Kelski: Hobbies Including Flying, Roaming, Meeting People, Reading, Duncan: Hammer of Izurdin, Akajia: Goddess of Night, Secrets, Stealth, Kelski: Worships Akajia, Worksite: In Baroque Bay/Location, Housing: The Midnight Gem, The Midnight Gem: Appearance & Location, The Midnight Gem: How Supply Runs Work – Prearranged Accounts, Deliveries, The Rehab Project: Spending Account For Supplies/Hired Hands, Kelski: Does Hunting And Foraging For Food For The Gem Folks, Kelski: Has No Hope For Sunberth’s Salvation, Kelski: Metalsmith, Kelski: Has plans for a spyglass, Sunberth: Slag Heap Burning Mine Tailings, Sunberth: Basic Layout of Baroque Bay, Kelski: Wants Lot Cleared, Debris Removed, Green Growth Cleared Back, Sunberth: Lots Of Mining Beneath The City, Sunberth: Logic Details Mining=Unstable Ground, Logic: Kelski’s Metalsmithing Not The Same as Blacksmithing, Investigating: Checking Land For Unstable Ground, Investigation: Exploring Vacant Property, Kelski: Wants An Actual Smithy, Kelvics: Originally Crafted By Human - Marcus Kelvic, Kelvics: Born Not Made Brawling: Blocking A Weapon With An Isurian Arm, Unarmed Combat: Disarming An Opponent, Negotiation: Trying To Talk An Attacker Out Of Fighting, Petch: The Definition Of The Word, Sunberth: Escaped People Hold Grudges Will Come Back To Kill You Later, Body Building: Disposing Corpses, Persuasion: Trying To Convince Kelski To Hope, Kelski: Brief History Of Her Time in Sunberth, Kelski: Trying To Change – To Hope, Kelski: Has Legitimate Ownership Papers To The Property – Showed Him Them, Svefra: Kelski Thinks They Lie, Kelski: Found a Skystone – Gained A Third Eye, Ethaefal: Immortals That Have Two Forms – Day And Night, Midnight Gem: Layout, Midnight Gem: Alive & Sentient, Midnight Gem: Makes His Room To Suit His Taste, Kelski: Trusts Crylon With Secrets, Kelski: A Mage, Kelski: Teaches The Gem Things, Feeds it Djed, Midnight Gem: Chime System Of Yes/No/Don’t Know, Gilthas: Eth Mage Kelski Knows From Almost The Valterrian; Additional: Hired By Kelski For 5GM a Day for Project Manager – Includes Housing At The Midnight Gem.

70 Winter 518- New Places to Experience- (Kynier)-
Graded- Land Navigation: 2xp, Logic: 5xp, Observation: 4xp, Rhetoric: 4xp, Architecture: 1xp, Socialization: 4xp, Teaching: 2xp, Negotiation: 1xp, Philosophy: 3xp, Planning: 1xp, Sunberth: basic layout, Location: Sunberth market, Architecture: stilted houses, Lore of how to present a less desirable mugging target, Architecture: build higher than the floodlines, Teaching: imparting wisdom with patience, Lore of the fallacy of humans, Negotiation: ways to ensure payment, Profession: information broker, Philosophy: Isur way of life, Lore of Orphanage, Lore of the philosophy of Sunberth, Lore of the history of Sunberth.

71 Winter 518- To begin to destroy- (Solo- Equipment procurement)-
Graded- Planning: 4xp, Observation: 5xp, Negotiation: 1xp, Mathematics: 1xp, Logic: 2xp, Architecture: 3xp, Philosophy: 1xp, Construction: 4xp, Bodybuilding: 2xp, Endurance: 2xp, Lore of the chaos of the Market, Mathematics: negotiating sums, Lore of the Backpack of Voiding, Architecture: recognizing a poorly built structure, Philosophy: using weird axe metaphors, Building: demolition, Architecture: support beams .

* 72 Winter 518- Of Iron and Light- (Ixzo)-
Graded- Observation: 5xp, (Deduction: 5xp- turned into Logic 5xp), Socialization: 5xp, Tactics: 3xp, Teaching: 4xp, Land Navigation: 1xp, Rhetoric: 4xp, Philosophy: 2xp, Brawling: 1xp, Endurance: 2xp, Wrestling: 2xp, Anthropology: 1xp, Location: Temple of the Unknown, Lore of Izurdin reverence, Socialization: filling gaps in vocabulary with body language, Ixzo: worships Priskil, Ixzo: favoured by Priskil, Ixzo: a Kelvic, Tactics: never let your guard down, Teaching: explaining Izurdin, Ixzo: full of scars, Ixzo: a woman of few words, Lore of witnessing a Kelvic transformation, Ixzo: a night lion, Land Navigation: memorizing landmarks, Lore of the concept of orphans, Lolan: orphan girl, Philosophy: kindness teaches nothing, Philosophy: no such thing as justified murder, Ixzo: worships Myri, Ixzo: a woman of conflicting views.

74 Winter 518- Mistaken identity- (Vasin)-

76 Winter 518- Of Finding a Good Read- (Sadie Sundown)-

78 Winter 518- To gaze upon a fallen ride- (weekend challenge)-
Graded-Scavenging - 2XP, Observation - 4XP, Investigation - 3XP, Cleaning - 1XP, Salvaging - 1XP, Logic - 2XP, Engineering - 1XP, (Duplicate of 2 XP in Logic also received, so removed this from skills given- Deduction - 2XP), Bodybuilding - 2XP, Philosophy - 1XP, Prayer - 1XP, Scavenging: Using your Isur arm to pick through piles of junk, Scavenging: The long process of trying to unearth something of value from a pile of ruined junk, Investigation: Puzzling out what a structure is based on its many broken pieces, Salvaging: Trying to preserve what's left of a broken wagon, Basic covered wagon: Design, mechanics and properties, Engineering: Understanding what is required to make a wagon move and turn, Observation: Appraising the level of ruin a structure is in, Bodybuilding: Using leverage and angle to help lift and move a heavy object, Feeling overwhelmed with emotion after discovering a cache of Isurian tools, A prayer answered, ● Isurian Construction Toolkit: Contents and appearance, Isurian Construction Toolkit.

89 Winter 518- Raising a Roof- (Solo- Pavilion Construction)-
Planning: 4xp, Organization: 3xp, Construction: 5xp, Observation: 5xp, Mathematics: 3xp, Architecture: 5xp, Logic: 2xp, Organization: taking stock of inventory, Architecture: understanding the structure of a pavilion, Mathematics: simple equations, Construction: building a pavilion, Mathematics: fractions in building, Lore of reasons why construction is done in teams, Construction: carefully wielding a hammer.

92 Winter 518- The New Year's Eve Costume Party- (Party)-

Fall 518 :
1 Fall 518- A Waking and Remembering-

2 Fall 518- To look upon a falling...- Graded-Land Navigation +1, Logic +1, Meditation +1, Observation +4, Reimancy +2, Gender Change: Caused by glowing rock from sky, How to relieve oneself as a female, Isur: Females have right arm blessed by Izurdin and males their left, Meditation: Focusing will with memory of the family's forge, Reimancy: Summoning res, Self: Good sense of direction, That time he became "she"...

3 Fall 518- To look upon a strange face- Shiress-

10 Fall 518- Change Begin and Change End-

Summer 518 :
1 Summer 518- The Purge- (Event)-

3 Summer 518- The Aftermath of the Cold Part I- (Job)- Graded- Investigation +1, Observation +4, Organization +3, Logic +1, Architecture +3, Planning +1 ,
Ravok Architecture: Floating foundations, Inspecting a building for damage, Ice and cold strips wood of paint, Wood warps under extreme temperatures, Organization: Summarizing a detailed account, Organization: Numbering information, A building sheltered behind another is better protected from the elements, Architecture: An even weight distribution in Ravok buildings is crucial, Architecture: Stone facade laid over wood for aesthetics, Sultros Architecture: Stone is readily available as building material, Ravok: Those with money & power possess influence & privilege, Planning: Preparing for ice and snow.

5 Summer 518- A Honing of a Body- Unarmed Combat Training-
Graded- Observation +2, Mathematics +1, Logic +1, Unarmed Combat +3, Rhetoric +1, Thorin: A reclusive yet warm-hearted blacksmith, Wolf's Teeth Club: A deadly gift, Ravokians are suspicious of outsiders, Mathematics: Calculating best value for mizas, Sales or businessmen may lie to make a profit, Unarmed combat: Utilises the whole body, Wrestling: Close-combat focused on leverage & grappling, Boxing: Focuses on movement & punching, Brawling: Haphazard fighting using your surroundings, Unarmed combat: Proper form for punching, Isurians possess one indestructible arm, Unarmed Combat: Keep your feet grounded during kicks, Unarmed Combat: Kick with side of the foot, heel, leg or knee, Unarmed Combat: Kicking with your toes will break them, Unarmed Combat: Deflecting a punch, Johan: One-armed & surprisingly agile, Johan: A stoic combat instructor, Ravok location: The Wooden Door Dojo.

(Continued) 5 Summer 518- A Honing of a Body Part II- Weapon Training-
Graded- Weapon: Club +5, Tactics +3, Observation +2, Close-range versus long-range weapons, Club: Higher grip gives a heavier strike while lower grip gives better control, Club: Not effective in closed spaces like alleys, Club: Lacks finesse but a powerful weapon in skilled hands, Sword: An agile weapon, Club: Be wary of overcommitting as your momentum can be used against you, Tactics: Exploiting an opponent's blind spot, Club: Alternating grip with swings and jabs, Tactics: The element of surprise, When to abandon a weapon for unarmed defence, Tactics: Feigning an attack to catch an opponent off-guard.

8 Summer 518- Of a Moonlight Stroll- Asterope-
Graded- Logic +3, Observation +1, Socialization +3, Location: Tarsin's Boarding House, Aster: Red-headed woman new to Ravok, Aster: Curious about Crylon's stone arm, Crylon: Used to being stared at in Ravok, Aster: Not as rude as others have been, Aster: Talks a lot, Aster: Hasn't socialized in quite some time, Aster: More than a normal human?, Isur: A graceful and useful language...unlike Common, Alvadas: City of illusions where the streets and buildings move, Aster: Came from Alvadas, Aster: Worked as an herbalist, Alvadas: An architect's worst nightmare, Aster: Ran off without a reason, Aster: An odd stranger.

9 Summer 518- A Honing of a Body Part III-
Graded- Observation +1, Scavenging +1, Socialization +1, Rhetoric +1, Unarmed Combat +1, Animal Husbandry +1, Acrobatics +1, Bodybuilding +1, Scavenging: Finder’s keepers, Unarmed Combat: A fighting stance that grounds you, Feeding a mouse a muffin, Acrobatics: Paying catch to hone hand-eye-coordination, Bodybuilding: Basic stretches to warm the body, Bodybuilding: Lift with your knees rather than your back, The Strange Replenishing Muffin Tin.

10 Summer 518- Damage Control- Shiress-

15 Summer 518- Books and Knowledge-

20 Summer 518- A Clash of Fists and Fur- Nahaali-
Graded- Body Building +1,
Observation +1, Philosophy +1, Socialization +2, Teaching +1, Unarmed Combat +3, Body Building: Strengthening arms by lifting weights, Johan: Owner of the Wooden Door Dojo, Nahaali: Lark slave, Unarmed Combat: Assuming a proper stance, Unarmed Combat: Punching without overextending the joints.

25 Summer 518- The Aftermath of the Cold Part II-(Job)-

(Dream) 45 Summer 518: 1st Bell-Times to Come: A Dream-

81 Summer 518- Don't Steal My Sunshine- (Event)-
Graded- Acrobatics +3, Priskil: Goddess of Radiance, Hope, and Vigiliance, Priskil: Powers the Watchtower stones, +1 The Amulet of Desire

Flashbacks :
12 Summer 496- A Journey, A Joy Part I- Graded-Socialization: 2xp, Persuasion: 1xp, Arcanology: 3xp, Logic: 1xp, Socialization: expressing with metaphors, Master: disappointed in Crylon, Arcanology: the different types of magic, World Magic: works on the inherent magic of the world, Personal Magic: works on the magic within yourself, Gnosis: magic from a god, Glyphing: brief overview, Glyphing: affects other magic, Glyphing: Focus rune- stores magic, Glyphing: Barrier rune- stop the passage of magic, Glyphing: Path rune- channels magic, Glyphing: Trigger rune- activates or deactivates another Rune, Glyphing: Switch rune- separates or converges different magics.

17 Summer 515- Forging an Apprenticeship- (Meeting Thorin)-
Graded-Observation: 5xp, Planning: 2xp, Socialization: 1xp, Blacksmithing: 5xp, Organization: 1xp, People: Thorin the half-Isur, Location: Thorin’s Forge, Thorin: not a people-person, Lore of basic blacksmithing tools, Backsmithing: heating a forge, Blacksmithing: constructing horseshoes, Lore of prayer to Izurdin.

18 Summer 515- Forging an Apprenticeship Part II- (Training Blacksmithing)-
Graded- Observation: 1xp, Blacksmithing: 1xp, Joe: blacksmith teacher, Blacksmithing: constructing nails, Blacksmithing: cutting metal.

32 Summer 515- Two Reimancers Walk Into a Bar- Farris-
Graded-Mathematics +1, Observation +2, Socialization +3, Brass: Does not corrode from water like iron or copper, Observation: Sensing the touch of an aurist, Using Isurian arm to level out coals.

91 Spring 518- Lakeshore Prospects- (Getting his job at The Calico Lumber Company)-
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Crylon Stonecraft
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