Timestamp:91st of Winter, 518 A.V.
She'd made a vow to Anja when he'd first taken shelter in her home, distraught and overwrought. His employer had made him vow to not harm the one thing that offended his Goddess and his very being. Kelski had made no such vows. And though she disliked the place she now scouted, it mattered little. For the Kelvic would fly to Syna and back if she could to ease any sort of suffering her brother in heart felt.
Anja was family. He'd lost everything to these monsters and while she could not change that fact, she could in truth ease a bit of his pain even if it was only a drop of water in his own personal sea of misery. She respected his vows to Jedediah and would not encourage him to break them. Which was why she was here, her full seven foot wingspan outstretched, beating fiercely until she found a thermal and glided onward. She circled the Dust Bed as she had day and night for most of the Winter off and on. She had been studying the movements of the Nuit, learning her habits, watching her day to day long enough she even had transferred bodies. Kelski didn't know where the new corpse had come from, but she liked it even less than the last.
It looked like a miserable existence. The woman was not out in the sun long, even the weak winter one. She was careful how she moved, careful how she acted, and vulnerable. Even Kelski could sense her vulnerabilities from her wing beats in the sky. The Kelvic loved flying, loved using the air against itself to maintain her perch in the sky. It wasn't magic. It wasn't even some supernatural gift to the gods. It was just a simple birds ability to defy gravity and soar.
Banking left, she angled her wings and caught another updraft. Her keen eyes sighted in on the Nuit, lurking in the dust beds. Kelski didn't know what she was doing. In fact, she didn't really care. All she knew was that she had to decide to do it and do it soon. The Kelvic wasn't a killer, not really, though she'd killed. Killing was for self-defense when one was attacked and the choice to fight or flee was taken from oneself. But this... this was something else.
This was flat out murder.
She'd been here day after day watching. Sometimes she saw the Nuit but more often than not she didn't. It gave her a chance to spread her wings, and to truly think. Kelski didn't mind taking a life. That was especially true if she ate the meat of what she killed or what she killed deserved it. But this... this was premeditated execution. And while she trusted Anja's word, she needed more to go on than just that the Nuit's existence was an affront to Dira.
So she'd made inquiries. She'd bought drinks for talkers and popular faces in local taverns. Kelski had offered bribes of trinkets from her shop for information... and everything she'd found out was bad. The woman was responsible for hundreds to thousands to dozens of executions at The Gallows depending on whom you talked too. No one liked her. She was creepy and secretive and worse yet putting people to death thrilled her.
The more Kelski watched the woman, the more she saw the signs of sickness. It wasn't just the rotting body... it wasn't just that she was a race that was an affront to Dira... there was a mental issues behind the woman's actions. She was cruel to creatures she was around. Kelski saw the woman kick a dog in anger to move it out of the way. She saw her do other things as well, things that set Kelski's teeth on edge.
Making one last slow circle, the Kelvic knew as she beat her wings to gain more elevation that one day soon... today maybe... she'd go home for her weapons and kill the Nuit. Even as she thought of the action, Kelski banked wide, completed a circle of the Dust Beds, and headed back towards Baroque Bay.
Today. It would be today.