OOC Info [Sunberth] Character Registry - Summer 520 AV

Register here if you're going to be in Sunberth this season

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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[Sunberth] Character Registry - Summer 520 AV

Postby Resolve on June 11th, 2020, 3:28 am

Summer 520 AV

Welcome to Sunberth! If you plan on being here during Summer 520, please register in this thread before you start posting. And if there’s anything you’d like to ask or talk to me about, please do feel free to shoot me a message.

Name: If you’re planning on using an alias, add it here.
Age & Race: Please list here.
Job: Note that new applications will have to go through the HD.
Mage Skills: Are you a mage (of any skill level) or planning to become one? List skills here (this doesn’t include gnosis). Be aware that using magic in public is a good way to get killed.
Combat Skills: List any relevant combat skills here. Note that Sunberth is filled with people Expert or higher in their respective combat skills.
Housing: Be specific
Travel Plans: If you’re planning to travel to or from Sunberth this season, please include the dates you plan to be coming and/or going here.

IC Goals: What is your character hoping to get done or learn this season?

OOC goals: Anything you want to put your character through, or have them gain? Or something you’d like to improve on as a writer?

Moderator Assistance: My door’s always open.

Additional Comments:

Code: Select all
[center][box=620,#000000,#d9d9d9,#d9d9d9][left][b]Name:[/b] If you’re planning on using an alias, add it here.
[b]Age & Race:[/b] Please list here.
[b]Job:[/b] Note that new applications will have to go through the HD.
[b]Mage Skills:[/b] Are you a mage (of any skill level) or planning to become one? List skills here (this doesn’t include gnosis). Be aware that using magic in public is a good way to get killed.
[b]Combat Skills:[/b] List any relevant combat skills here. Note that Sunberth is filled with people Expert or higher in their respective combat skills.
[b]Housing:[/b] Be specific
[b]Travel Plans:[/b] If you’re planning to travel to or from Sunberth this season, please include the dates you plan to be coming and/or going here.

[b]IC Goals:[/b] What is your character hoping to get done or learn this season?

[b]OOC goals:[/b] Anything you want to put your character through, or have them gain? Or something you’d like to improve on as a writer?

[b]Moderator Assistance:[/b] My door’s always open.

[b]Additional Comments:[/b][/left][/box][/googlefont][/center]
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[Sunberth] Character Registry - Summer 520 AV

Postby Asterope on June 14th, 2020, 10:33 pm

Character Registry


Name: Asterope
Age & Race: 5 & Ethaefal
Job: TBD (probably in the Outpost)
Mage Skills: Aster will have a few points of Shielding once I grade a thread I recently finished
Combat Skills: Novice Dagger
Housing: In the Outpost
Travel Plans: Undetermined; she's living in the Outpost but may travel back to SB, I'll update specific dates as they happen

IC Goals: Try to continue learning more about her new mortal forms, increase her weapon skill, and work on learning Shiber

OOC goals: I want to work on starting the doctor plot I discussed with you over PM briefly and work on my posting consistency

Moderator Assistance: I may have further questions for you, but nothing as of right now!

Additional Comments: I'm not sure how often Aster will actually be in SB since she's staying in the Outpost, but if anyone is around and wants to thread feel free to PM me!


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[Sunberth] Character Registry - Summer 520 AV

Postby Flavius on July 12th, 2020, 5:57 am

Name: Flavius
Age & Race: 22 & Human
Mage Skills: A beginner Flux chaneller, I am planning on boosting his Flux ability a little bit this season.
Combat Skills: Competent brawler and is a novice at hand to hand techniques.
Housing: Is making use of the housing provided by the Daggerhand as a member. He is staying in a tavern by the docks.
Travel Plans: None

IC Goals: I hope to establish my character more and build up his combat and social skills.

OOC Goals: Nothing major, I'd be willing to put him through a few fights were he either holds his own or barely wins. I also think Flux control would be improved during this.

Additional Comments: I am not looking for much right now. I have a grand plan, but baby steps to start with a new character. PM me if anyone wants to do something.
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[Sunberth] Character Registry - Summer 520 AV

Postby Kopesha on August 5th, 2020, 7:07 pm

Name: Kopesha
Age & Race: 27, Chaktawe, Female
Job: N/A
Mage Skills: N/A
Combat Skills: Shortbow - Novice, Angle Knife - Novice
Housing: A Tent in Tent City
Travel Plans: Not intending to travel this season.

IC Goals: Experience Sunberth, no specific goals yet really.

OOC goals: Nothing yet really.

Moderator Assistance: I don't think so yet, but will let you know if/when I do.

Additional Comments: I'm looking forward to writing here and meeting everyone.
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[Sunberth] Character Registry - Summer 520 AV

Postby Talon Markov on August 31st, 2020, 7:37 pm

Name: Talon Markov, alias as Talor Mattheson
Age & Race: 21, Human.
Job: None.
Mage Skills: Novice flux.
Combat Skills: Novice Longbow and Novice Broadsword.
Housing: Living in a single man tent in tent city
Travel Plans: None

IC Goals: Simply trying to lie low and survive for now

OOC goals: Nothing specific, considering I'm coming in at the last possible moment. Just want to establish Talon's character a bit and prepare for the fall.

Moderator Assistance: I'll be sure to ask for help if/when i need it.

Additional Comments: Apologies for joining so late. Hope to everything more planned out in the fall.
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[Sunberth] Character Registry - Summer 520 AV

Postby Anthoni Cole on October 30th, 2020, 4:20 am

Name: Anthoni Cole
Age & Race: 25 years old and human.
Job: He's a thief, making his coin via shady means.
Mage Skills: He has no magical talent and has the natural distrust of all things magical.
Combat Skills: Anthoni's a petty thief and as such has basic combat ability.
Housing: He has a torn down shack he calls home and lives there with his little sister.
Travel Plans: He's a Sunberther and although he dreams of one day leaving the city that dream is just that, a dream.

IC Goals: He wants to make money and join the Night Eye's.

OOC goals: I want to improve my writing skills by better setting the scene.

Moderator Assistance: I'm a retuyrning member but would like to see Sunberth grow in activity and am willing to help by joining threads.

Additional Comments:
I'm looking for Anthoni to be intertwined with anoth PC. I imagine the duo sharing plots and stories, perhaps even creating events that shake Sunberth.
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[Sunberth] Character Registry - Summer 520 AV

Postby Alice Weaver on November 10th, 2020, 2:41 am

Name: Alice Weaver
Age & Race: 25 year, Ghost (19 alive, 6 dead)
Job: No idea yet
Mage Skills: Nay, 100% ghost so far
Combat Skills: You could probaly count a novice in soulmist projection and Competent in Possession as a combat skill?
Housing: Tent City in a tent
Travel Plans: Traveled into the city at the beginning of the season for a good location to practice her abilities and plans to stick around for a while

IC Goals: Increasing all her ghostly abilities to a competent or better level as well as getting into a few adventures around the city

OOC goals: Nothing specific, especially since I'm swinging by kinda late. I do just want to improve as a writer overall
Moderator Assistance: I'll be sure to ask if I need help

Additional Comments: Always willing to play with others if they ask. :)
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