OOC Info The Syka Character Registry - Winter 520 A.V.

Please register here if you are going to play this season.

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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]

Moderator: Gossamer

The Syka Character Registry - Winter 520 A.V.

Postby Gossamer on December 2nd, 2020, 3:39 am


Welcome Sykans!

If you are playing your PC in Syka in The Winter of 520 be sure and register! I will use the information you provide in your registry entry to plan for Syka Events this season and further your personal plots. It is important to not give generic answers, but to be very specific and thoughtful responses.

Thank you all!


Character Registry
  1. Who Are You?
  2. Age, Sex, Race?
  3. Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist? How did you get here if you are new?
  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?
  5. Describe your character in a short abstract.
  6. What are your character goals this season?
  7. Does your PC have the Syka Recommended SkillsWilderness Survival: E+
    Weapon: C+
    Hunting: C+
    Foraging: C+
    Carpentry: N+
    Construction: N+
  8. What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent? If you are pending grades, guestimations are fine.
  9. If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert. Do you understand this?
  10. Why did you pick Syka?
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?
  12. Additional Comments?

Code: Select all
[center][box=400,black,#37fddc,#37fddc][size=150]Character Registry[/size][left][list=1][*][b]Who Are You?[/b]
[*][b]Age, Sex, Race?[/b]
[*][b]Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist?  How did you get here if you are new?[/b]
[*][b]Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?[/b]
[*][b]Describe your character in a short abstract.[/b]
[*][b]What are your character goals this season?[/b]
[*][b]Does your PC have the [ooc=Syka Recommended Skills]Wilderness Survival: E+
Weapon: C+
Hunting: C+
Foraging: C+
Carpentry: N+
Construction: N+[/ooc]?[/b]
[*][b]What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent?  If you are pending grades, guestimations are fine.[/b]
[*][b]If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert.  Do you understand this?[/b]
[*][b]Why did you pick Syka?[/b]
[*][b]How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?[/b]
[*][b]Additional Comments?[/b][/list][/box][/left][/center]
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The Syka Character Registry - Winter 520 A.V.

Postby Tazrae on December 5th, 2020, 3:02 am

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You?

    I am a young independent woman who has decided to run an Inn for Syka. I am also a fabulous cook, caretaker, and guardian for Syka.

  2. Age, Sex, Race?

    22, female, Human

  3. Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist? How did you get here if you are new?

    I am a resident.

  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?

    I have a job running The Protea Inn.

  5. Describe your character in a short abstract.

    Tazrae is a bright, cheerful, independent woman who like to make friends wherever she goes. She believes in treating others respectfully and getting the most out of life. She has strong beliefs in freedom and thinks hard work can and will pay off. Tazrae likes to leave things better than she found them.

  6. What are your character goals this season?

    I think getting Tazrae into the Master Chef category would be amazing. I'd also like her to learn a discipline of magic or two and definitely take advantage of some of the storyseeds available.

  7. Does your PC have the Syka Recommended SkillsWilderness Survival: E+
    Weapon: C+
    Hunting: C+
    Foraging: C+
    Carpentry: N+
    Construction: N+

    Pending grading, Taz should have WS E+, Carpentry E+, and Construction E+. She is actively working on weapon and hunting as well as rounding out Foraging... which should be getting close to C. Her weapon should be at C+ by the end of the season. Foraging has a long way to go.

  8. What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent? If you are pending grades, guestimations are fine.

    I worked on all of the required skills and raised each of them at least one level, in multiple cases multiple levels.

  9. If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert. Do you understand this?


  10. Why did you pick Syka?

    I love the atmosphere.

  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?

    That's not possible this season.

  12. Additional Comments?

    I'd rather not do threads with others this season. Last season I had no thread partners. Seasons prior to that I lacked partners that stuck around or followed through with anything remotely resembling a plot. I've had actions ignored, questions unanswered, and threads dropped right and left. I can only think it's my fault at this point, so you'd be better off selecting someone else to threads with.

    If you want to use anything I'm involved with as a setting, feel free. You don't need my permission. Just don't say burn my Inn down without my permission. That would probably be the icing on the cake of the shitfest that's been my character's life lately and would case me to leave the site. If you want to destroy shit, that's fine, but destroy your own hard work and not mine.

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The Syka Character Registry - Winter 520 A.V.

Postby Jei on December 31st, 2020, 6:32 am


  1. Who Are You?
    I am a career soldier from Taloba, but I have come with my party to learn a bit of our new-ish neighbors and offer any assistance that I can.

  2. Age, Sex, Race?
    21, Male, Myrian

  3. Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist? How did you get here if you are new?
    I am somewhere between a new future resident and a tourist. My home is relatively nearby, but I hope to make a temporary home for myself among your settlement. I traversed the jungles of Falyndar with my party group.

  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?
    I do need a job, aye. I can offer some assistance in exploring and keeping the nearby jungles free from threat, and I can be a physical laborer and do odd jobs when that is not needed.

  5. Describe your character in a short abstract.
    Jei is a dancer-turned-warrior with a love for exploration. He is a calmed, down to earth man with a love of simply beautiful things, be they darkly gorgeous and from the depths of the jungles or bright and vibrant like the pristine beaches and oceans. Intensely curious, he is a lover of learning and doing.

  6. What are your character goals this season?
    Become a better survivalist, mainly, and explore the areas around Syka. Perhaps even learn a bit of hunting.

  7. Does your PC have the Syka Recommended SkillsWilderness Survival: E+
    Weapon: C+
    Hunting: C+
    Foraging: C+
    Carpentry: N+
    Construction: N+
    No, but working towards (currently WS C+, Weapon N+, Foraging N+) them. I'll shoot to do some Wilderness Survival, hunting, and Foraging, especially.

  8. What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent? If you are pending grades, guestimations are fine.
    N/A for last season, but last active a season (Summer 518), I started Foraging, and got a few points in WS.

  9. If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert. Do you understand this?

  10. Why did you pick Syka?
    It is close to Taloba, it has a lot of cool mysteries (I think it still does), and looks beautiful. Let's do this.

  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?
    Unsure! Probably not much, maybe. Unsure.

  12. Additional Comments?
    Let's do some threading. Always here if you do change your mind on wanting to thread with others, Tazrae.
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