What Have We Here? (Nasilia)

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

What Have We Here? (Nasilia)

Postby Yanessavhanet on April 20th, 2011, 2:55 pm

The small building they entered brought them to a stuffy little office filled with books, files, and assorted other items. There was a a desk in the middle of it all, upon which sat a bell. Smiling at Nasilia's doubt Vhanet gave the hint of a nod, "Do not fear. We will find what we will," her accent was hidden once more, and with another smile she reached out and rang the bell.

Nothing but silence answered the sound of the bell, and after a few moments Vhanet rang it again. Once more silence was the only reply. Frowning slightly Vhanet rang the bell another time, and then called out, "Hello? Anyone here?" in the same timid way of speaking she had first used when she approached Nasilia.

When still there was no reply Vhanet gave a soft sigh and a frown, "It would appear that no one can be found," with that she turned and walked out of the building, expecting Nasilia to follow her.

Once they were outside again Vhanet gave another sigh, and then turned an apologetic smile to Nasilia, "I am sssorry that no one wasss there. It isss not the only place we can look though. I do not think we can make it to thossse other placesss today though. Would you like to come with me when I asssk about your Mother, or ssshould I go and look for myssself, and meet you sssomewhere later?"

She hoped that Nasilia would trust her to look on her own. That way, if nothing was found she could simply make something up to help draw the woman in. Either way would certainly be fun.

OOCSorry bout the rushing through the Sanity center, but seems the DS has gone inactive so we can't really play the NPC that's there.
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What Have We Here? (Nasilia)

Postby Nasilia on April 23rd, 2011, 2:42 am

Nasilia didn't say anything immediately, letting Vhanet's words sink in. She found a nearby barrel by a cobblestone building and sat down, eyes cast to a still puddle of water, revealing her features almost flawlessly. She trembled some and whispered, "Who am I?" Silence followed her words, but they echoed in her soul, the weight of her speech seeming to scream like a dying girl's last wish and hope in this lost forsaken world.

She bolted her head back up to Vhanet, eyes alight with a tormented madness that could only be brought about by loss and existential crisis. She whimpered, "I-I thought...I.." she shakes her head and catches her senses again, whispering, "Sorry...it's just that I've never felt any purpose amongst my people. I thought if I saved my mother, I would discover who I am and what it was I was meant to do in this life. I feel so lost.."

Nasilia stands back up and covers her face, taking deep breaths to calm herself. The oxygen does little to assuage the pain, and she whispers, "Vhanet...will my searching do me any good? Even if I find her and bring her back home, will I feel any bit complete?"
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What Have We Here? (Nasilia)

Postby Yanessavhanet on April 23rd, 2011, 11:56 pm

"Yesss, your sssearch will do good," Vhanet said with a smile, "Perhapsss asss we travel and hunt you will find a purpossse that sssuitsss you. Either way," Vhanet placed a hand on the other woman's shoulder, "I will be with you along the way."

Vhanet had a purpose in mind for Nasilia, but she doubted the Symenestra would be happy with the thought of being a living venom supply. Vhanet had no intention of having the naive woman find out. She doubted it was a deception that could be kept up indefinitely, but it would certainly be fun to do while it lasted.

"You look like you could ussse sssome ressst,"
Vhanet said with a friendly squeeze to Nasilia's shoulder, "Why don't we ressst for now, and then we can continue our sssearch later. Asss I sssaid before, there are other placesss we can look for information on your Mother. If there isss a clue to find here, we will find it."
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What Have We Here? (Nasilia)

Postby Nasilia on April 24th, 2011, 4:33 pm

Nasilia listened to Vhanet though her words felt like the same empty comforts that she never got to enjoy. She still nodded and whispered, "Fine...where to?" She didn't have much else to say or think about, the whole affair eating away at her very sanity that she was on the verge of becoming catatonic. The spider woman stood up and simply looked out onto the streets to see if they had changed already, which was probably the case.

She wasn't staying anywhere in particular, wary of the inhabitants. She had gotten by by sleeping in dark and dank parts of the city, using her looks as a way to ward off anyone who was looking to hurt her. It seemed the gods did not want her to find her stepmother, so regardless of the fact that Vhanet wanted to help her more, she had already given up inside. All the signs of failure were around her, and she knew that at the very least if she stopped to rest she could pretend she found comfort in rest.

The din of the city fell on deaf ears as she thought about all of this, the affair causing her to become emotionally numb for the time being.
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What Have We Here? (Nasilia)

Postby Yanessavhanet on April 25th, 2011, 8:45 pm

"Sssomewhere quiet and ssshady to ressst, for now, and then we can continue our sssearch," Vhanet said with a smile.

Letting her hand slide down from Nasilia's shoulder to the woman's hand Vhanet lead her off through the streets of Alvadas. She had no particular destination in mind, but as she turned her face away from Nasilia a devilish grin slipped across her lips. Oh the fun that she would have with her new "friend". It was almost like she had her own little pet spider, that she could lead about on this chase for her Mother.

"Don't worry Nasssilia," Vhanet said as she looked back over her shoulder at the woman, grin replaced with a pleasant smile once more, "You can count on me to help you."

Yes, this was going to be very fun indeed.
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What Have We Here? (Nasilia)

Postby Puzzle on May 1st, 2011, 4:29 pm

Thread Complete!
"What a well made thread we have here."

Thread Review

Excellent portrayal of both races! One thing I noticed in the thread is how their inner motives were always conveyed in their actions. I must particularly laud you for this!

A general note: Symanestra must break down any dense food similar to how a fly or spider does prior to digesting it. :)

I also particularly enjoyed the accent the Dhani spoke with as well as how Nasilia threw caution to the wind for something she loved. I hope to see the both of you continue to RP in the future!


Subterfuge: + 5
Negotiation: + 2
Bartering: + 1
Flattery: + 4
Manipulation: +3
Love and Loss: knowing how much a parent means to Symenestran offspring.
Comfort and Companionship: how using body language can denote signs of trust.
Hope: General morale of the characters is now raised should they travel together again.
-1 slab of salted meat.
-10 Golden Mizas
-2 glass vials
A traveling companion.

Subterfuge: +1
Patience: +2
Diplomacy: +2
Observation: +3
Judgment (of Character) +2
Bartering: +1
Flattery: + 1
Love and Loss: the burden of being born a Symenestra.
Everchanging: the difficulty of finding one's way in Alvadas.
Dhani Lore: General Knowledge of what a Dhani looks and sounds like.
Comfort and Companionship: how using body language can denote signs of trust.
Hope: General morale of the characters is now raised should they travel together again.
+1 Slab of salted meat
+10 Golden Mizas
A traveling companion.
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