OOC Info The Sunberth Character Registry - Fall 521 A.V.

Please register here if you are playing in the city this season.

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

Moderator: Morose

The Sunberth Character Registry - Fall 521 A.V.

Postby Gossamer on September 5th, 2021, 1:19 am

Fall 521 AV

Welcome to Sunberth! If you plan on being here during Fall 521, please register in this thread before you start posting. And if there’s anything you’d like to ask or talk to me about, please do feel free to shoot me a message.

Name: If you’re planning on using an alias, add it here.
Age & Race: Please list here.
Job: Note that new applications will have to go through the HD.
Mage Skills: Are you a mage (of any skill level) or planning to become one? List skills here (this doesn’t include gnosis). Be aware that using magic in public is a good way to get killed.
Combat Skills: List any relevant combat skills here. Note that Sunberth is filled with people Expert or higher in their respective combat skills.
Housing: Be specific
Travel Plans: If you’re planning to travel to or from Sunberth this season, please include the dates you plan to be coming and/or going here.

IC Goals: What is your character hoping to get done or learn this season?

OOC goals: Anything you want to put your character through, or have them gain? Or something you’d like to improve on as a writer?

Moderator Assistance: My door’s always open.

Additional Comments:

Code: Select all
[center][box=620,#000000,#d9d9d9,#d9d9d9][left][b]Name:[/b] If you’re planning on using an alias, add it here.
[b]Age & Race:[/b] Please list here.
[b]Job:[/b] Note that new applications will have to go through the HD.
[b]Mage Skills:[/b] Are you a mage (of any skill level) or planning to become one? List skills here (this doesn’t include gnosis). Be aware that using magic in public is a good way to get killed.
[b]Combat Skills:[/b] List any relevant combat skills here. Note that Sunberth is filled with people Expert or higher in their respective combat skills.
[b]Housing:[/b] Be specific
[b]Travel Plans:[/b] If you’re planning to travel to or from Sunberth this season, please include the dates you plan to be coming and/or going here.

[b]IC Goals:[/b] What is your character hoping to get done or learn this season?

[b]OOC goals:[/b] Anything you want to put your character through, or have them gain? Or something you’d like to improve on as a writer?

[b]Moderator Assistance:[/b] My door’s always open.

[b]Additional Comments:[/b][/left][/box][/googlefont][/center]
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The Sunberth Character Registry - Fall 521 A.V.

Postby Alric Lysane on October 29th, 2021, 8:26 pm

Name: Alric Lysane
Age & Race: 23, Human
Job: None at present - will likely apply for one soon
Mage Skills: Not a mage
Combat Skills: Unarmed - Competent
Housing: Basic Cottage
Travel Plans: No travel plans

IC Goals: Get a job and earn some pay, prepare for winter so he doesn't freeze and can be - at least partially - comfortable, have some fun, meet new people, perhaps ingratiate himself (likely by accident to be honest) with an NPC or two.

OOC goals: Mostly going to be getting into his mind/skin and try to figure out what we wants to 'become'. No real massive plans. Possibly could be put through some mild (and/or amusing) trouble with the aim of testing his responses to things and form 'character'.

Moderator Assistance: My door’s always open but not necessary for anything I'd imagine. First season and all.

Additional Comments:None
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The Sunberth Character Registry - Fall 521 A.V.

Postby Asterope on November 1st, 2021, 1:26 pm

Autumn 521 Character Registry

Name: Asterope
Age & Race: 6, Ethaefal
Job: N/A currently
Mage Skills: Shielding Novice in the making....I'll get those grades done someday.....
Combat Skills: Novice Dagger and Unarmed
Housing: Living in the Outpost still
Travel Plans: Just between SB and the Outpost

IC Goals: Gather further information on the doctor, and continue training in combat and Shielding

OOC goals: Actually get work done on plots that I came up with ages ago :retard:

Moderator Assistance: Not currently I don't think!

Additional Comments: As always I will be frank about the fact that I will probably be very slow with responses, but if anyone is okay with that and would like to thread anyway, I'm always open to plotting; just shoot me a PM! :)

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The Sunberth Character Registry - Fall 521 A.V.

Postby Alison Jones on November 25th, 2021, 7:19 pm

Age & Race: 16, Human
Job: Nope, but will look for.
Mage Skills: NA
Combat Skills: NA
Housing: Living in Streets
Travel Plans: No

IC Goals: Wants to get a job and live a dignified life.

OOC goals: Trying to find good life for Alison. Nothing specific.

Moderator Assistance: My door’s always open.

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