Event Week Weapons Modification Contest (20 - 29th)

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Week Weapons Modification Contest (20 - 29th)

Postby Shade on May 25th, 2022, 12:35 am

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Week Weapons Modification Contest (20 - 29th)

Postby Adal Karelyn on May 29th, 2022, 3:35 am

Had some job threads/charm acquiring I needed to do, so I'm throwing Adal's hat into the ring as well :)

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Week Weapons Modification Contest (20 - 29th)

Postby Ialari Pythone on May 29th, 2022, 10:43 pm

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Week Weapons Modification Contest (20 - 29th)

Postby Gossamer on May 30th, 2022, 4:06 am

Contest Closed!

Prizes will be issued shortly. I'm just enthralled with Stranger Things at the moment and will post them all up when the episode is over. :)

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Week Weapons Modification Contest (20 - 29th)

Postby Gossamer on May 30th, 2022, 5:31 am


Cleon - 5
Evalynn - 1
Antelokes - 2
Alric - 3
Naadiya - 2
Moritz - 3
D'Varrus - 2
Tazrae - 4
Shade - Participation
Adal - 1
Ialari - 1

This was everyone's additions up until 9pm PST. :)

Participation Prizes!

Each person, just for writing at least 2,500 words, gets one of the following. Just one... not both. Pick wisely.

  • A Tabacco Tin - This neat little black tin has silver tobacco leaves etched on it. Once per day it fills itself up with tobacco. If it is emptied out, the tobacco will refill itself the next day. Each day the flavor and variety are different. Sometimes they are very exotic and sometimes they are very mundane. Enjoy the variety.
  • Small Cosmetic Bag - This purple velvet cosmetic bag has a new cosmetic or hair item that materializes in it once per day. If it is not retrieved, the item does not reset. But if say a jar of lipstick appears and is removed, the next day eye khol might appear. It will rarely be the same cosmetic or if it is, the shade will be drastically different. The cosmetic item may be application-type cosmetic items such as face powder puffs and eyeshadow brushes. The items from the bag do not vanish, though all the product can be used from their containers.

These items will appear in your person's possession magically or on their vanity or by their favorite smoking chair.

Main Prizes!

For each 5,000 words written, you may select one augmentation to your weapon from the list below. They can be added to one weapon or multiple weapons. If you are using them on multiple weapons, you can pick the same augmentation multiple times!

  1. You, Are Not Worthy – The weapon cannot be picked up by anyone other than the owner. For anyone else, it feels as though the weapon weighs as much as the world itself. The owner can use the weapon as normal without fear of it ever being stolen. Effect only makes the weapon seem impossibly heavy to others; it still weighs the same as any other weapon of its type. Constant effect, works only if someone tries to take or hold weapon without owner’s permission.
  2. Disco Ball - The weapon is made up of a ton of tiny scale-like mirrors that give it a disco ball effect when used in battle.
  3. Burn, Baby, Burn – The weapon’s attack surface becomes blisteringly hot. The first minor wound caused by the weapon are upgraded to Moderate while active. Activates via command word.
  4. Corrosive - Secretes a corrosive acid that coats the weapon's attack surface. (Enhances damage by one level)
  5. Commanding Presence - Enhances one's force of personality; more intimidating, persuasive, seductive, etc. (+5 bonus to Intimidation, Persuasion and Seduction while wielded/held)
  6. Berserker Rage - Ignore some amount of physical damage for a limited amount of time, wielder retains little self control. (1d50 chimes)
  7. Never Gonna Drop - Weapon cannot be disarmed from the weilder.
  8. Elemental Energy - Surrounded by a magical aura of either fire, ice or electricity. Wielder Picks!
  9. Quickdraw - Instantly appears in the wielder's hand, high likelihood of preemptive strike against opponent.
  10. Wound Healer - Heals wounds minor wounds and causes wielder to heal at twice the speed for major wounds as long as the weapon is equipped.
  11. Back Atcha! - High chance of reflecting targeted magic back on the one who cast it. (+2 to resolve for sake of resisting targeted magic; success reflects the magic back on opponent)
  12. You Wanna Get High? – The weapon causes the wielder to experience the effects of a stimulating drug upon a successful strike in combat. The first hit grants the wielder a +5 to their next dice roll. The second hit grant’s a +10 to the roll after that. The third hit causes an intense feeling of hunger though not incapacitating. The effects end there. Benefits used once per scene/battle.
  13. Silent Strike – The weapon is completely silent in its use. No matter what it hits or how hard it hits it, the weapon will never make a sound. It is as if an aura of silence surrounds the weapon’s surface making it mute. Constant effect.
  14. Leeching - Drains djed from a target and transfers it to the wielder. (Empower a single magical action without causing any drain to the wielder)
  15. It's Alive! - Weapon is sentient and has an average-above average intellect and personality (Choose form of communication).
  16. Darkest Light - On command can envelop the immediate area in impenetrable darkness in a 20 ft radius.
  17. Geeper's Creepers - Can wound ghosts and other undead creatures as if they were normal creatures.
  18. Let There Be Light! - Illuminates on command.
  19. Transformer - Transforms into a mundane item of clothing or jewelry upon command.
  20. Universal Translator - Translate any language spoken to the wielder so long as the wielder keeps its hands on it. (Does not allow the wielder to speak the language)
  21. Obfuscation - Conceals the identity of the wielder with an illusion to make them look like a slightly different person.
  22. Indestructible - You can't break it or otherwise destroy it.
  23. Off-World Material - Made of extraordinarily rare materials from another world. Enhanced durability and greater capacity for further enchantment - plus you get to pick what the material looks like.
  24. Melodic – The weapon hums a catchy battle cadence upon command. Activates via command word.
  25. What Goes Bump in the Night – The weapon emits a variety of disturbing sounds when used in combat. Sounds of wolves howling in the distance, a woman screaming, gurgling, growling, a cat in heat. The sounds are random and cause a -10 to all opposing rolls while the wielder uses the weapon in combat. Constant effect.

Please list your choices below by NUMBER AND DESCRIPTION and what weapon you own (or will purchase) that the affect will go on. I will add it to your SS thread. Everyone gets a tobacco tin or a cosmetic bag. Let me know your choice.


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Week Weapons Modification Contest (20 - 29th)

Postby Alric Lysane on May 30th, 2022, 9:42 am

Thanks for the competition Gossamer :)

For the participation item I would like to choose:

A Tabacco Tin (he will have much fun with it with his new pipe)

For the weapon prizes I would like to choose:

10. Wound Healer - Heals wounds minor wounds and causes wielder to heal at twice the speed for major wounds as long as the weapon is equipped.

20. Universal Translator - Translate any language spoken to the wielder so long as the wielder keeps its hands on it. (Does not allow the wielder to speak the language)

23. Off-World Material - Made of extraordinarily rare materials from another world. Enhanced durability and greater capacity for further enchantment - plus you get to pick what the material looks like.

All of the above to be applied to Zhyad please.

Thanks again!

~ Thanks to Gossamer/Shiress for post Boxcodes ~
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Week Weapons Modification Contest (20 - 29th)

Postby Cleon on May 30th, 2022, 2:30 pm

Thank you so much for the challenge Gossamer! I had a lot of fun over the course of it, and it really helped me get into my characters. For my participation prize I will be choosing the tobacco tin. I'm sure Cleon is going to get some good use out of it.

Thank you so much for the challenge Gossamer! I had a lot of fun over the course of it, and it really helped me get into my characters. For my participation prize I will be choosing the tobacco tin. I'm sure Cleon is going to get some good use out of it.
For my sword, I will be modifying a bastard sword that Cleon already owns:

Orenmir: Ghost's Bane


1. You, Are Not Worthy – The weapon cannot be picked up by anyone other than the owner. For anyone else, it feels as though the weapon weighs as much as the world itself. The owner can use the weapon as normal without fear of it ever being stolen. Effect only makes the weapon seem impossibly heavy to others; it still weighs the same as any other weapon of its type. Constant effect, works only if someone tries to take or hold weapon without owner’s permission.

15. It's Alive! - Weapon is sentient and has an average-above average intellect and personality (Telepathy).

17. Geeper's Creepers - Can wound ghosts and other undead creatures as if they were normal creatures.

22. You can't break it or otherwise destroy it.

23. Made of extraordinarily rare materials from another world. Enhanced durability and greater capacity for further enchantment - plus you get to pick what the material looks like. (Otherworldly Metal)
Last edited by Cleon on May 31st, 2022, 1:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Week Weapons Modification Contest (20 - 29th)

Postby Adal Karelyn on May 30th, 2022, 3:01 pm


Thank you for the challenge Goss!

Adal will be going with the cosmetic bag for her participation prize.

For her weapon modification, it will be going on a (Hammer, light) that she will be purchasing in thread soon.

Her modification is as follows:

16. Darkest Light: On command can envelop the immediate area in impenetrable darkness in a 20 ft radius.
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Week Weapons Modification Contest (20 - 29th)

Postby D'Varrus Tomva on May 30th, 2022, 3:08 pm


I really enjoyed this challenge Goss, so thank you!

For D'Varrus' participation award he will be going with the tobacco tin.

For his weapon modifications they will be going on a Sykan Survival Knife that he will be purchasing soon.

HIs modifications are as follows:

9: Quickdraw - Instantly appears in the wielder's hand, high likelihood of preemptive strike against opponent.

19: Transformer - Transforms into a mundane item of clothing or jewelry upon command.
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Week Weapons Modification Contest (20 - 29th)

Postby Antelokes on May 30th, 2022, 3:34 pm



These are all really cool!

Antelokes will take the tobacco tin. He's got too much soot on his face for beauty products to do much.

With 2 modifications, Antelokes will take:

8. Elemental Energy - Surrounded by a magical aura of either fire, ice or electricity. Wielder Picks!

23. Off-World Material - Made of extraordinarily rare materials from another world. Enhanced durability and greater capacity for further enchantment - plus you get to pick what the material looks like.

These will be applied to Antelokes' heirloom longsword. Thank you for the challenge!
Last edited by Antelokes on April 2nd, 2023, 8:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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