OOC Info The Syka Character Registry - Spring 523 A.V.

Please register here if you are playing in the city this season.

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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]

Moderator: Gossamer

The Syka Character Registry - Spring 523 A.V.

Postby Gossamer on March 3rd, 2023, 1:44 am


Welcome Sykans!

If you are playing your PC in Syka in The Spring of 523 be sure and register! I will use the information you provide in your registry entry to plan for Syka Events this season and further your personal plots. It is important to not give generic answers but to be very specific and thoughtful responses.

Before you start playing in Syka for the first time, you'll need to speak to me about accommodations, a job, or whether you have coin enough to support yourself. If you want to start a business or get a loan for a home, there are funds available via a loan from The Founders of Syka.

There are also leadership positions available in the form of Guardians of Syka. Also, let me know if you are interested in one of those positions.

Syka requires certain skills. For example, if you do not have a Wilderness Survival skill of Expert or higher, you cannot leave the confines of the Settlement to venture out into The Maw without an expert guide. The entire list of the Syka Recommended Skills is as follows:

Wilderness Survival: E+
Weapon: C+
Hunting: C+
Foraging: C+
Carpentry: N+
Construction: N+

N = Novice, C = Competent, E = Expert, M = Master

Thank you all!


Character Registry

  1. What is your name?
  2. Who are you? Be as lengthy as you'd like.
  3. Are you a resident or a tourist?
  4. Tell us one dream your PC has for the future.
  5. How do you plan on supporting yourself?
  6. What would be considered your PC's absolute dream best day?
  7. What one aspect of your PC do you really want to explore this season?
  8. Does your PC have any goals this season?
  9. If you were here last season, what skills did you work on and why?
  10. Tell me why you chose Syka? What are some of its good aspects? What are some of its drawbacks?
  11. Is there anything you'd like to see changed or improved?
  12. What does your PC add to Syka?
  13. Do you have Wilderness Survival at Expert or higher? Y/N. This means you are now a Sykan Ranger.
  14. Additional Comments?

Code: Select all
[center][box=400,black,#ebb6ca,#ebb6ca][size=150]Character Registry[/size][left][list=1][*][b]What is your name?[/b]
[*][b]Who are you?  Be as lengthy as you'd like.[/b]
[*][b]Are you a resident or a tourist?[/b]
[*][b]Tell us one dream your PC has for the future.[/b]
[*][b]How do you plan on supporting yourself?[/b]
[*][b]What would be considered your PC's absolute dream best day?[/b]
[*][b]What one aspect of your PC do you really want to explore this season?[/b]
[*][b]Does your PC have any goals this season?[/b]
[*][b]If you were here last season, what skills did you work on and why?[/b]
[*][b]Tell me why you chose Syka?  What are some of its good aspects?  What are some of its drawbacks?[/b]
[*][b]Is there anything you'd like to see changed or improved?[/b]
[*][b]What does your PC add to Syka?[/b]
[*][b]Do you have Wilderness Survival at Expert or higher? Y/N.  This means you are now a Sykan Ranger.[/b]
[*][b]Additional Comments?[/b][/list][/box][/left][/center]
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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 523 A.V.

Postby Bronwen on March 3rd, 2023, 4:19 pm


Character Registry

  1. What is your name? Bronwen Druva

  2. Who are you? I'm the wayward daughter of a Knight Commander who rebelled against my father and set out alone to look for my missing sister, Samatha. I haven't found Sam yet, but I have found a great deal of trouble instead.

  3. Are you a resident or a tourist? Resident

  4. Tell us one dream your PC has for the future. I dream of a stable future where I'm valued

  5. How do you plan on supporting yourself? Not sure yet

  6. What would be considered your PC's absolute dream best day? A quiet, peaceful day spent anywhere other than Sunberth.

  7. Does your PC have any goals this season? Settle into my new home in Syka and get to know her people.

  8. Do you have Wilderness Survival at Expert or higher? Y/N. This means you are now a Sykan Ranger. I do not, but will work on it

  9. Additional Comments? I'm committed to getting myself out of the writing funk I've found myself in, and look forward to writing again. I'm open to any and all who would like to write with me and meet Bron.
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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 523 A.V.

Postby Shade on March 4th, 2023, 10:09 pm

Character Registry

  1. What is your name?

      Shadekas, but you can call me Shade.

  2. Who are you? Be as lengthy as you'd like.

      I'm an ex-Monk from Nyka. Before you get the wrong idea, the Nykan Monks are like drug cartel leaders, only instead of peddling drugs they peddle food. They have a strict code - take care of their own before they take care of anyone else - and stick by it. Honestly? It wasn't my cup of tea. Born an orphan, I was always a fan of the little guy more than the well-trained thug in power. I only left Nyka because I owed someone a favor and well... I've been here ever since. Syka suits my ethics far more than Nyka ever did.
  3. Are you a resident or a tourist?

      I'm a resident. I'm trying to operate my own jewelry and florist business.
  4. Tell us one dream your PC has for the future.

      I would like nothing more than to be self-supporting and be a part of a group of people that wants to improve the world rather than prey upon it.
  5. How do you plan on supporting yourself?

      Bangles and Blooms should do that nicely. I just have to get some threads rolling. I'm a slow started and am trying to get past my failure to launch.
  6. What would be considered your PC's absolute dream best day?

      I think I would like nothing more to be in my workshop puttering around on a warm day with a cool breeze. There'd be cold beer or ale, maybe some nice company dropping by for a visit, and a quite evening around a fire.
  7. What one aspect of your PC do you really want to explore this season?

      I think I want to really start my relationship with the jungle and my love of all things wild. I've been a city boy all my life, growing up in a rock quarry and then later in a sea of buildings. Now... I have room to breathe and I want to explore it.
  8. Does your PC have any goals this season?

      I want to work on my Syka requirements and just flat out get caught up.
  9. If you were here last season, what skills did you work on and why?

      Last season was a non-starter. I need to get caught up and work actively towards my Sykan skills and on my Sykan goals.
  10. Tell me why you chose Syka? What are some of its good aspects? What are some of its drawbacks?

      It wasn't by choice but I don't regret my decision to come here. I like the culture, the developing city, and the interaction with the NPCs.
  11. Is there anything you'd like to see changed or improved?

      I'd like to make more friends and start new relationships... be they good, bad or indifferent.
  12. What does your PC add to Syka?

      I'm a good guy. I'm kid friendly and safe to be around. Isn't that more than enough?

  13. Do you have Wilderness Survival at Expert or higher? Y/N. This means you are now a Sykan Ranger.

      No. I'm working on it.
  14. Additional Comments?

      Hit me up for any threads or plotlines you might want a friend involved in or help with. I'm interested in all sorts of things so nothing is too big or too small or too silly. I'll tackle it all.

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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 523 A.V.

Postby Antelokes on March 28th, 2023, 4:00 am


Character Registry
  1. What is your name?
    Antelokes, or "Antel," now.
  2. Who are you? Be as lengthy as you'd like.
    A blacksmith, an Azenth, and hopefully a good man, though all three of those titles are works in progress. Antel is young, and his curiosity can sometimes make him blind to wisdom.
  3. Are you a resident or a tourist?
  4. Tell us one dream your PC has for the future.
    To ascend into the priesthood of Ivak in order to soothe the type of conflicts he has seen hurt people he cares about.
  5. How do you plan on supporting yourself?
    Working as a blacksmith in the community forge.
  6. What would be considered your PC's absolute dream best day?
    Doing productive work, learning something new, helping someone, and making a friend.
  7. What one aspect of your PC do you really want to explore this season?
    I think I can do better to give him a real personality. His old voice was milquetoast. Other than that, I'm not quite sure. I want to explore magic with him though.
  8. Does your PC have any goals this season?
    He wants to better integrate into the community and location.
  9. If you were here last season, what skills did you work on and why?
  10. Tell me why you chose Syka? What are some of its good aspects? What are some of its drawbacks?
    It's a unique location, and is dense with history and lore. This is all interesting. The one major drawback though is the inherent difficulty of navigating it without dying.
  11. Is there anything you'd like to see changed or improved?
    Nothing I can speak to.
  12. What does your PC add to Syka?
    Blacksmithing services, the energy of youth, and willing hands.
  13. Do you have Wilderness Survival at Expert or higher? Y/N. This means you are now a Sykan Ranger.
  14. Additional Comments?
    Hoping to get back into the swing of things. If you'd like to write together, I'm always willing.
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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 523 A.V.

Postby Quzon on April 1st, 2023, 9:04 pm


Character Registry
  1. What is your name? Quzon Gemshock Pitrius of the Barbed Earth.

  2. Who are you? Be as lengthy as you'd like. I live with the understanding that victory cannot be gained without the patience or strength to overcome weakness. My ideas on life have not changed since leaving the Taloba, seeing the world, and settling in Syka. Bleed the weak and forge the strong. Live in victory.

  3. Are you a resident or a tourist? Resident

  4. Tell us one dream your PC has for the future. Quzon's childhood dream was and still is to become a Myrian Tiger rider. He's currently attempting to forge a better religious experience with Leth.

  5. How do you plan on supporting yourself? Mill Operator

  6. What would be considered your PC's absolute dream best day?
    Waking up to find his color vision eye sight has returned. That would make his day followed by lots of bodybuilding, fighting, and eating.

  7. What one aspect of your PC do you really want to explore this season?
    Quzon being less of a loner and more of a social butterfly, in his own way.

  8. Does your PC have any goals this season?
    Quzon overall goal of the season is to improve his Wilderness Survival skills along with hunting.

  9. If you were here last season, what skills did you work on and why? N/A

  10. Tell me why you chose Syka? What are some of its good aspects? What are some of its drawbacks?I chose Syka because as a character Falyndar is Quzon's home. The general jungle setting is an amazing source of inspiration in a fantasy setting. A drawback being nature will kill you if not prepared.

  11. Is there anything you'd like to see changed or improved? Nothing at the moment, I'll edit this later if something comes to mind.

  12. What does your PC add to Syka?
    Q isn't really a talker since he's not that good at common, but I'd like to think that he adds to Syka in physical ways. He's someone who'll help with labor moving things, support a fight with his magics, be a willingly happily punching bag for any spars, and help anyone that wants to lift some iron.

  13. Do you have Wilderness Survival at Expert or higher? Y/N. This means you are now a Sykan Ranger. No.

  14. Additional Comments?
    PM or send a message in chat for threads.

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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 523 A.V.

Postby Ebrashi on April 28th, 2023, 12:16 am

Character Registry
  1. What is your name? Ebrashi Molachi Selben
  2. Who are you? Ebrashi is lost. There's some element he's missing and it's due to recent unforeseen and unwelcomed changes. Average, at best, his belief in the things that made him happy have crumbled and he never had to believe in himself because of the people who surrounded him provided strength, comfort and provision. Syka is a new start, a better start, than the one he'd been facing. He's trying to figure out what it means to muster his life and make something of himself.
  3. Are you a resident or a tourist? New resident
  4. Tell us one dream your PC has for the future. He wants to find a way to stop the spinning of his life. Nothing has been stable since he was taken from his home.
  5. How do you plan on supporting yourself? Animal Handler
  6. What would be considered your PC's absolute dream best day? Playing music in the sun and tending to a herd of playful but not bothersome critters.
  7. What one aspect of your PC do you really want to explore this season? Ebrashi needs tested, mentally and physically. The biggest aspect to explore will be his resolve.
  8. Does your PC have any goals this season? Survive. Make a friend. Discover himself.
  9. If you were here last season, what skills did you work on and why? n/a
  10. Tell me why you chose Syka? What are some of its good aspects? What are some of its drawbacks? Sand is sand! Benshira stole my heart and given the choice of cities, this most fit that story. The handmade, bottom up approach to development is refreshing. It's really cool to see so many player built things. Drawbacks?? Soooo much to read.
  11. Is there anything you'd like to see changed or improved? n/a
  12. What does your PC add to Syka? Good tunes and fabulous hair.
  13. Do you have Wilderness Survival at Expert or higher? Y/N. This means you are now a Sykan Ranger. Not expert.
  14. Additional Comments? n/a

Attn: Thread Partners
Ebrashi has level 1 Azenth. If your character is having strong emotions, he will be able to sense that.
Feel free to use this as a plot engine!
Azenth :
An Azenth with one Mark has one very important ability; they gain the immunity to fire. At one mark, the heat of a fire can still be felt, but it does not burn them. If they work with fire routinely, say as a magical discipline of Reimancy or routinely build fires, then the heat of that fire is often absorbed by them and keeps their body temperature relatively higher compared to 'normal' individuals of their race. Singularly marked Azenth often make incredibly talented firewalkers and firedancers with very little effort. In addition, at this level, Ivak marked people often sense the underlying strongly building emotion of another person, but cannot tell specifically what has caused those emotions. For example, if someone is experiencing a powerful upheaval of emotion - say grief - the Azenth can detect that, but will not understand what caused it. Mundane emotions - everyday joy, sorrow, etc are not picked up by Azenth. Instead, Azenth hone in and narrow down on only strong intense boiling emotions. They can often tell when someone has newly fallen in love, or if another completely hates something or someone with a passion. The only rule is that the emotion has to be intensely strong for them to feel it. Even urges, like the desire to steal, can be detected if they are overwhelming.
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