Please register here if you are playing in the city this season.
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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]
Moderator: Morose
by Morose on September 1st, 2023, 12:07 pm

Welcome to Sunberth!
If you plan on writing in Sunberth during The Fall of 523 be sure and register! I will use the information you provide in your registry entry to plan for future events in Sunberth so please be thorough with your responses.
Thank you!
Character Registry- Who Are You?
- Age, Sex, Race?
- Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here?
- What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth?
- Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?
- Describe your character in a few short sentences.
- What are your character goals this season?
- What made you choose Sunberth?
- What is your favorite thing about Sunberth?
- How does your PC contribute to Sunberth?
- How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?
- Additional Comments?
- Code: Select all
[center][box=400,black,white,white][size=150]Character Registry[/size][left][list=1]
[*][b]Who Are You?[/b]
[*][b]Age, Sex, Race?[/b]
[*][b]Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here?[/b]
[*][b]What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth?[/b]
[*][b]Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?[/b]
[*][b]Describe your character in a few short sentences.[/b]
[*][b]What are your character goals this season?[/b]
[*][b]What made you choose Sunberth?[/b]
[*][b]What is your favorite thing about Sunberth?[/b]
[*][b]How does your PC contribute to Sunberth?[/b]
[*][b]How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?[/b]
[*][b]Additional Comments?[/b][/center][/list][/left][/box]

Morose - Player
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- Joined roleplay: August 13th, 2023, 9:49 pm
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by Evalynn Frostfawn on September 1st, 2023, 12:55 pm
Character Registry- Who Are You? Evalynn Frostfawn
- Age, Sex, Race? 23, Female, Vantha
- Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Visiting, came here by boat from Zeltiva
- What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? Skill improvement and wages
- Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? I have a job at The Drunken Fish
- Describe your character in a few short sentences. Eva is a cautious, struggling new mother who is trying to balance her personal life from everything on the outside. She is trying to self teach herself how to stay calm and regulate her breathing.
- What are your character goals this season? Improve weapon, disguise, and possibly have Eva ecperience some rocky situations
- What made you choose Sunberth? Eva followed Moritz
- What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? Being able to find freedom in some of her actions
- How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? By being a barmaid and making sure the seamen are sedated
- How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? Assistance in some threads where Eva has to think on her toes to avoid being caught or recognized
- Additional Comments?

Evalynn Frostfawn - Don't Stand Out
- Posts: 215
- Words: 160390
- Joined roleplay: February 23rd, 2013, 12:16 pm
- Race: Human, Vantha
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by Moritz Craven on September 8th, 2023, 2:33 am
Character Registry- Who Are You? Moritz Craven
- Age, Sex, Race? 4 yrs old, Male, Okomo Kelvic
- Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Visiting, arrived by boat from Zeltiva
- What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? Combat, anarchy, thrills, and a chance to grow.
- Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Have a job as a guard at the Drunken Fish.
- Describe your character in a few short sentences. Somewhat odd Okomo Kelvic who is trying to defend those he cares for and grow into a proper person. Always looking for a good spar and a chance to train.
- What are your character goals this season? Save up some money, train his combat skills, commune with his Arch structure.
- What made you choose Sunberth? The Anarchy and pure chaos, it gives quite a few more chances to grow his combat skills than other nicer places.
- What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? The gangs, often underutalized but an interesting mechanic of the city.
- How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? Works as a guard at the Drunken Fish.
- How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? Not at the moment planned.
- Additional Comments? If anyone wants to thread or plot, let me know! We can surely work something out!

Moritz Craven - Player
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- Joined roleplay: April 9th, 2019, 11:58 pm
- Race: Kelvic
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- Medals: 2
by Maya Frostfawn on September 16th, 2023, 12:59 am
Character Registry- Who Are You? Maya Frostfawn
- Age, Sex, Race? A lady never reveals her age, Female, for now... Nuit
- Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Visiting. I came in a small group.
- What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? I'm looking for information... although I know not if I'll find it here.
- Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? I have a job, but money is always nice.
- Describe your character in a few short sentences. Maya is an emotionally detached nuit who supports herself by working as a physician's assistant. Her ultimate goal is to discover why the nuit are the way that they are.
- What are your character goals this season? Make some money. Survive. Learn some things. You know, the usual.
- What made you choose Sunberth? Heat is scary.
- What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? It's a messed up place that's not at all suited for my character.
- How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? I'm a doctor... almost.
- How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? Just some light guidance here or there when I have questions would be lovely and appreciated. ^^
- Additional Comments? I don't want to die for real?

Maya Frostfawn - Player
- Posts: 183
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- Joined roleplay: June 19th, 2023, 1:52 am
- Race: Nuit
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- Medals: 1
by Lance Windhelm on October 23rd, 2023, 2:35 pm
Character Registry- Who Are You? Man, such a loaded question. Musician, poet, author, and assassin extraordinaire. But you can call me Lance Windhelm.
- Age, Sex, Race? 31, Male, Human
- Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Visiting, Got here by ship.
- What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? Experience to grow. Make new friends. Meet new enemies.
- Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? I have plenty of coin at the moment, but will need a job.
- Describe your character in a few short sentences. A friendly man, who is overly eager to listen to your stories, tell your stories, and hopefully make some money. If that fails, who knows what he would be pushed to do. That being said, his deepest longing is to be heard, understood, and accepted by people that love him.
- What are your character goals this season? Get better with the knife, and maybe master a skill.
- What made you choose Sunberth? Luck of the draw.
- What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? The beautiful skyscrapers, rich people, and oh, all of the guards walking around.
- How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? Hopefully, he enriches the environment by sharing stories, singing a song, or composing a poem. If not, if the people are so dull of hearing, he may be forced to make Sunberth happen to others, if you catch my meaning?
- How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? I am new here, not sure exactly what that is, but just do your best, work hard, and have fun. We love you guys.
- Additional Comments?

Lance Windhelm - Player
- Posts: 61
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- Joined roleplay: October 21st, 2023, 7:51 pm
- Race: Human
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by Nayato on October 28th, 2023, 6:50 pm
Character Registry- Who Are You? Nayato
- Age, Sex, Race? 41, Male, Chaktawe.
- Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Visiting, soon to be resident. Arrived after traveling from Syliras to Zeltiva to SB.
- What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth? To survive and find meaning anyway he can.
- Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? A job is required to not live in squalor.
- Describe your character in a few short sentences.
Nayato is an ex-squire and a spiritual man with a pensive sadness in his heart and a longing to belong to something greater than himself.
- What are your character goals this season?
Join the Sun's Birth Dragoons. Learn more about the city. Become a better fighter.
- What made you choose Sunberth? The anarchy of Sunberth is a logical place for an ex-squire to find new meaning.
- What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? I love the gritty nature of the city. It has lots of opportunity to find amazing adventures or tell tragic stories.
- How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? He can contribute by being a wilderness guide for people. Or a nuisance if he joins a gang.
- How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?
Nothing major planned at the moment.
- Additional Comments?
PM or message me on discord if you want to thread together.

Nayato - Embracing Eternity
- Posts: 188
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- Joined roleplay: December 24th, 2009, 9:03 pm
- Blog: View Blog (1)
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by Eldrin on November 21st, 2023, 10:31 pm
Character Registry- Who Are You? Eldrin
- Age, Sex, Race? 33, Male, Human
- Were you born here, or are you visiting? If visiting, how did you get here? Born
- What do you hope to get out of your experience here in Sunberth?Hoping to collaborate on a plot or two.
- Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?Have the coin, will apply for the job when I have the requisite skill for the job I wouldn't mind doing every season.
- Describe your character in a few short sentences. Eldrin is very rough around the edges, but he's likable enough if you're buying the drinks. He's only looking out for himself, but he might come around given the right role model.
- What are your character goals this season?To have Eldrin established, i.e. make the appropriate inroads, hit his development milestones, and eventually, to conclude, get him on a legit path for once.
- What made you choose Sunberth? It seems very newbie friendly, in a grim sort of way.
- What is your favorite thing about Sunberth? The idea of a city fueled by anarchy is an interesting thought experiment.
- How does your PC contribute to Sunberth? Just another tiny fish in the ecosystem.
- How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? None at the moment.
- Additional Comments? If you'd like to set up a plot with me, feel free to shoot me a message on the discord.
- Eldrin
- Player
- Posts: 14
- Words: 3780
- Joined roleplay: November 21st, 2023, 3:50 pm
- Race: Human
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