Crypt Insatem
"The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think."
—Horace Walpole
Physical Description Name: Crypt Insatem Race: Human/Drykas Age: 23 Birthday: Winter 42, 490 AV Alignment: Chaotic Good (Possibly leaning towards Chaotic Neutral or Neutral Evil)
Crypt is about 5'8'', weighing 165 lbs. He has slightly tanned skin, with numerous tattoos of random letters from different languages interlaced with each other drawn on his body, terminating only at his wrists and ankles. Enigmas in the form of riddles and puzzles may be found on him, if one looks closely enough. Perhaps a pattern exists, one that might bring itself to light once any one part is viewed long enough - or are you but a sufferer of apophenia? His face is clear of all marks except a small tattoo of a snake eating its tail in a circle, which is hidden by his long hair.. Crypt has long dark hair, reaching almost to his shoulders, with streaks of grey. He has piercing black eyes, though his left eye is unusual in that the sclera is black. His mouth is almost always in a half-grin, as if he was about to smile but stopped halfway. There is a 'coat' of stubble on his chin and around his mouth, and some hints of a beard, but nothing more. He has a stout body, with thick arms and legs, but a slight limp in his left leg which is only noticeable when he walks or runs.
He has a long scar on his chest, stretching from his left shoulder to the right side of his body, near his waist; this is the result of a fight with a Talderan bear in Northern Taldera's forests. Another fight in the Bronze Woods with a dire wolf resulted in multiple scars on his arms and shoulders. They have healed for the most part, and now are but white lines.
First Mark of Dira (Eiyon)

Manifests as a black tattoo on the palm of Crypt's left hand. Gained during an encounter with Dira in Winter 512 (in this thread).
"All Eiyons possess the ability to sense the presence of death and death related elements. This sense most often takes the form of an enhancement to the Eiyon’s existing senses of sight, smell, taste and touch. For example, an Eiyon may feel the presence of a ghost before it presents itself. They may smell the scent of death in the air even if it is otherwise too old to give off an odor. They may taste death in the air in a way similar to smell or may taste whether or not death has come into contact with an item by touching it with their tongue. The sense of sight is unique in that it allows an Eiyon to view the final moments of one’s life by standing in or near the spot in which a person died. In addition, on occasion and when it suits her, Dira will sometimes grant a specific vision detailing the final moments of one’s life even if the Eiyon is not standing in the place where that person died. This usually happens when such information would benefit the Eiyon in a way that also serves to further Dira’s own goals. For example, if an Eiyon were hunting down a ghost an attempting to move them on to the next stage of existence, Dira may provide the Eiyon with a vision of the ghost’s last moments in life to help the Eiyon with their task."
From Eiyon - Roleplay Lore
First Mark of Ionu (Illusionism)

An elaborate triangle on the left shoulder. Gained from the Alvadas part of the Kalea Regional Quest here.
"Those so marked with one of Ionu's gnosis marks can create minor illusions involving a single sense (touch, taste, smell, sight, sound). The illusionist can easily change multiple aspects of themselves and their bodies. Hair color, eye color, the tone of their skin, the accent of their voice is all very reasonable for them. However, they cannot stack illusions, meaning if their chosen illusions involves sight, all their subsequent illusions at that particular time must include sight. They cannot, however, alter sight and sound at the same time. But they can, however, affect multiple sights and sounds with enough focus to maintain multiple illusions. Minor illusions last for only a single hour, and they can have up to ten illusions ongoing at a time. If they wish, they can trade multiple illusions for longer time periods. That means they can have up to one illusion for ten hours or ten illusions for one hour or any combination therein. Again, multiple illusions can only effect one type of perception at a time. If they have ten illusions ongoing, all ten illusions must affect the same sense, e.g. sight. Minor illusions can easily change numbers on playing cards, dice or the appearance of a street or shop sign. Minor illusions can affect multiple people at a time."
From Illusionism - Roleplay Lore
Character Personality
If he so chooses to do so, he will view the world as nothing but an immense problem solvable by logic. Crypt will view all entities as quantities to be weighed against each other - himself excluded, for he prizes self-preservation above all. When in this state of mind, Crypt will adopt a utilitarian view of everything, believing that the morally right action is the action that produces the most good (to himself, or others if he decides so). This is closest to his alternate side - the 'dark side' - where he will force himself not to feel anything as much as possible. To reduce himself to a perfectly rational thinking machine. However, sufficiently intense pain will force him out from that state, as it is the only stimulus that he will be affected by.
The deaths of his Strider and father still affect the Drykas, though he has mostly recovered from them through the grace of Dira. He will sometimes fall into a melancholy torpor, musing about topics that happen to catch his attention. In this state, Crypt will often imbibe alcohol, before quietly departing and returning to wherever he currently resides, waking up the next morning with a hangover.
Crypt does not fear much. He knows more peace than an average person in anything involving death, even his own, as Dira's mark and her conversation with him grants him that grace. He does not fear any living creature he has met, with the exception of the stranger and/or more powerful specimens on Mizahar. However, it is pain, that abstract concept that he fears most; and as such it is Krysus and her followers that he will be truly against. Mild physical pain he can simply ignore, but more severe forms of pain will distract him; in the case of excruciating pain, he will do almost anything to stop it.
More than physical pain he fears emotional pain - the pain that one experiences when one is torn away from his loved ones, when something one cherishes is lost forever.
Dubious Morality.
At first glance, one may see Crypt as a kindly individual - albeit one with a longsword and a weather-stained outfit - that can tell children stories for as long as they desire and
Crypt reveres five gods: Leth, Akajia, Caihya, Ionu and Dira.

Leth, for he personifies the Moon, which Crypt loves, and Change, of which Crypt has experienced much of. Crypt keeps his distance away from worshipping Leth directly, choosing to delight in seeing the Moon and no more.
"The light of the night, beautiful and mysterious; an enigma dazzling to behold."

Akajia, for the Night - He delights in it; it is where he can truly feel free and unrestrained by any chains. It is a balm to him, soothing him and calming him, almost caressing him and allowing him to forget his troubles, if only for a few bells.
"One day, I will see the dark under the stars, and it will be fearless."

And Caihya, to a lesser extent, for he loves Nature- the scent of the flowers on the Winds, the Old trees of the Spires, the grasses that grow in the Sea of Grass -, though not as much as the others.
"Quietly I roamed the vast forests; the birdsong and the stream my only companions."

Ionu is strange to Crypt, for even as he loves the illusions of Alvadas, he also dislikes certain circumstances which Alvadas has put him in. For creating the City of Illusions, for gifting Mizahar with such joy and delight, Crypt reveres Ionu.
"Curiouser and curiouser. Down the rabbit hole we go, and who knows how deep we fall?"

After meeting Dira at the Sunset Falls near Syliras, Crypt has been given a new lease on life. No longer does he fear Death, for he now understands the cycle.
"The cycle of Life and Death is truth."
Character History Crypt is the son of a human male named Insatem and a Drykas female, Lyran Whitemane of the Diamond clan. When he was 12 years of age, he was accepted by a steed that now goes by the name of Maras, receiving his tattoos then; the design of his tattoos was created by his father.
Crypt preferred to wander in the Sea of Grass with his father, who taught him the basics of fighting with a longsword and surviving the wild terrain, to staying in his pavillion, helping with the chores. For days they would wander about, observing the peace and calm of nature interspersed with danger; they would encounter a pack of glassbeaks sometimes, but always they would survive. Together with their steeds, they spent most of their time in the Sea of Grass, singing to the stars and the Night most of all.
His father died in the Sea of Grass next to him when he was 16, victim of a vicious attack by unknown creatures in the night. Crypt grieved for his father for days after the incident. In an attempt to relieve his grief, his mother started to teach him the basics of equestrian riding, and his Human uncle the usage of the Flux, but to no avail; Crypt was too far into his grief for him to handle it even with the many distractions his relatives and family provided for him. On his 17th birthday, he wandered out into the Sea of Grass alone.
Crypt became a wild beast, eschewing all forms of civilisation. He ate nothing but the flesh of the creatures of the Sea of Grass, the wild fruits that grew. He drank from the streams that flowed through the Sea, and the blood of his prey. His madness consumed him; all manner of beasts that faced him died.
He did not return until weeks later, tired and dehydrated, covered all over with half-healed injuries, emerging with the above-mentioned malady. It seemed that he was cured of his grief then, but his mother knew otherwise. She did not stop him when he left the pavillion, in hopes that the journey he would be on would finally save him from depression and hopelessness.
Many years on, this journey culminated in a meeting with Dira, who finally put to rest all his guilt, his regrets and his worries.
However, the encounter with the Field of Dreams in Alvadas has reawakened one aspect integral to his personality, analogous to the secondary soul of the Akalak. However, it has remained dormant except for one incident in Alvadas, which has drawn Crypt's attention to it.
Crypt is currently in Ravok.
 Strider - Maras A horse the color of obsidian with a flowing black mane. (16 hh)
(Deceased - as of 70th of Winter, 512 AV)
An extension of a particular desire of this human known as Crypt is to be anything he wishes to be - be it a God, a Symenestra or even a simple farmer. This desire stems from his hunger for knowledge, as he would be able to experience a wider variety of lives. This is currently unknown to Crypt, but he is trying to learn and master Morphing, subconsciously following this desire of his.
Along with his thirst for knowledge, Crypt desires power - knowledge is power, as the old adage goes. But power alone is nothing without control, and control must be attained before being able to use power. Therefore, Crypt seeks to obtain control over his entire body, utilising Flux as the primary medium. Auristics is only useful to Crypt as an information-gathering tool, and it is the only reason he chooses to pursue. Scorning Reimancy, Crypt deems this magic art to be of no use to him; mainly due to the reason that he does not have a need to manipulate the physical surroundings around him. |