OOC Info DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

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Ravok’s home for OOC Chatter, Development and Discussions.

DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on November 9th, 2014, 9:39 pm

I'm Looking For Something Slightly Different

Do you like development? Would you like to join the staff but not have the hassles of grading or moderating threads? Do you like fact checking, editing, and doing a ton of fiddling with the result possibly being adding new lore to the game? If so, we are definitely looking for at least one person if not a small World Development Team that can be a new branch of the staff here on Mizahar.

So many articles die in the WDF because the advice given to the authors is poor, the reviews consist of 'I like this' with no feedback, and the articles are moved onto the Founder Review Stage not even remotely being ready to get there.

I keep seeing staff members say they are joining the staff to DEVELOP and I feel like that has lead to less storytelling and more WD type stuff going on within the RP boards. To this end I want to throw this out there that we'd be utterly open to a creative persons spearheading a 'team' in the WDF area.

Just throw me a PM if you are. You'd have to qualify with all the standard things Storyteller's have to have ( age 18, 60 days, clean record, etc ) and have some development to show us. If this is something you are interested in, let me know.

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on January 23rd, 2015, 11:52 pm

Crisis Point

The site will not run itself. If you have a group made up entirely of consumers and no producers, then the system is bound to fail. I am not sure you are aware of this fact, but Mizahar can't sustain itself on two AS's and four DS's sitewide. If you throw in the two RS's and one active Founder you have nine people trying to do for all the rest of you on the site. You might not understand how much of an overload that is, but its an incredible burden especially when most of you are PMing ST's regularly and utilizing the help desk as frequently as you are.

We cannot continue under this strain.

We need qualified serious volunteers who are dedicated to keeping Mizahar active in order to survive. We cannot continue under the huge overbalance we have now. Nor can we suffer putting absentee, unqualified, or uncommitted staffers in place. We need volunteers now, like yesterday, to keep the site going.

Please apply if you think you are qualified and can dedicate yourself to a time commitment and to helping others. If you cannot, please consider going out for Grader status to help ease some of the burdnes on overworked STs and Admins.

Thank you for your time.


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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on January 24th, 2015, 3:55 pm

In case some of you want to apply to be a storyteller, here's some advice on how not to utterly piss us off when we read your application.

Jen's Guide To Epically Failing On A Storyteller Application
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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on March 22nd, 2015, 8:30 pm

I could really use some ACTIVE qualified staff in Cyphrus. Please let me know if anyone is interested.
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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Traverse on June 2nd, 2015, 12:16 pm


I am searching the width and breadth of Mizahar in search of a person interested in becoming a Floating AS in Falyndar.

What's a Floating AS, you say? What's so great about them?

What a great question. Well, a Floating AS has the capabilities to travel around creating stories, developing, and helping out players in every single city in a region as opposed to being focused in just one. Right now no particular city in Falyndar is active enough to garner such attention, but you potential AS, can change that.

All jokes aside, I am looking for an individual that sees the vicious jungles of Falyndar (and it's distant rocky isle) and gets inspired for stories and by the PC's inhabiting its depth now. While development is a part of any ST's job, that is not the focus I want, but on storytelling and bringing the jungle to life.

If you love traveling, or are intrigued drop me a PM and we can discuss matters further.

As always, Safe Travels

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Astator on October 1st, 2016, 2:19 am


Hello fellow graders!

If you are aware of some changes in the recent weeks I have been without my purple partner in keeping our beloved Character Sheets nice and clean. This means I am going to need help. I can't do it all by my lonesome, it is entirely too much to do so. That said I would love some help. If you meet the criteria listed in the lore in the Storyteller page please apply!

I have a few personal requirements myself:
1. Need to know the lore.
2. Not be skittish in saying you were wrong when the facts are presented to you.
3. Not skittish to tell others they need to clean their crap up.
4. Actually READ the character sheets, not just skim them. Enjoy them, there are a lot of amazing writers out there

I know these seem obvious.

Application and criteria within

Those that are willing and able to do the job please... Apply.

Which way do you want to go? Up or Down?

Attention Players, Graders, and Storytellers:

A character sheet does not require the green checkmark for the player to roleplay. This is just a notification to all that the character sheet has passed through the Liaisons thorough checklist and meets Mizahar standards.

All sheets with a large red X or a speech bubble beside their thread title do not recieve grades and cannot continue threads they are currently involved in until all issues have been fixed and verified.

She said down...

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Image Credit: 'Ello Worm, Helping Hands Hands, and Avatar are all from the movie Labyrinth.

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on March 6th, 2017, 2:52 am

Greetings Mizaharians!

Mizahar is growing again! We have some established cities that need Storytellers (Avanthal, Kenash, Sunberth, Mura, Lhavit, etc). We also have up and coming rebuilds/redesigns (the entire Ekytol area where we are doing from scratch cities)... that all need domain storytellers to host them. We'd like to see some original uniquely themed cities put in too. This is a WONDERFUL stage to join Mizahar as a staff member because you don't have to follow another domain storytellers vision at this point in most places... you can create your own perspective, and that's pretty appealing for people like me who like to blaze my own path.

So, forum roleplay experience is encouraged but not required. A working knowledge of Mizahar is helpful, but not necessary... we can help by holding your hand until you get in the swing of things! I strongly urge people, if they have any desire whatsoever, to step forward and claim a piece of this wonderful place as their own little kingdom. It will not be so available for long at the rate we are growing and gaining new players.

What are some benefits to being a storyteller?

  • You get to run a city or other domain!
  • You get to play around with unique ideas and provide adventures for people.
  • NPC development baby! All those fun PCs you don't have time to play can come to life anyhow.
  • Nifty location posts!
  • Longing for a cult that really fills a niche thats not filled? Here's your chance.
  • No bosses! Honest. You're in charge of your area!
  • No experience necessary, only positive attitudes and vibes required OOC.
  • You can be as mean as you'd like IC - torture? humiliation? murder? Mayhem? Yes...yes..yes...! :)
  • People always think you're important or cool.
  • You can volunteer a little or a lot in a place thats a size that fits you... the commitment is up to you.

So, talk to me if your interested. We'll help you find a city, region, or even some little mystical isle for you to play around in. If something doesn't suit you or tickle your fancy, pose a new idea to us... we're open so long as it follows the theme and is original.

Here's an application to help you get started!

Application :
  1. What is your name?
  2. What is your age?
  3. Please list any characters you might play.
  4. Please list the position you are applying for (RS, DS, AS).
  5. Please give a detailed accounting of why you want to apply for this position and how you want to improve this area. What drew you to this region? What is special about it? Please be specific.
  6. Please list your favorite aspects of Mizahar and why.
  7. Please list the aspects of Mizahar you feel need improvement and why.
  8. Please list any applicable experience you might have with storytelling (can be off site).
  9. Please list any development projects you might have been involved with. Why did you get involved? What drew you to this sort of development. What made you enthusiastic about these projects?
  10. Please provide a recommendation from an existing storyteller.

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on July 6th, 2017, 1:29 am

Hi folks!

We currently have:
  • 2 active DS's
  • 1 active AST
  • 2 active RS's
  • 11/2 active Founders

Now is a really great time to consider becoming a Storyteller if you have ever had an interest. You need to be here 60 days continuously and be without incident of rules violation or drama. :) The applications are in the Lore under Storyteller Application and you submit them to the Help Desk. :)

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on January 8th, 2019, 4:21 am

We really have a huge need for storytellers, graders, and positions like Liaisons if anyone has any interest. The Lore Pages hold all the applications. Simply apply in the HD. :)
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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on April 15th, 2024, 1:57 am

Hello Folks!

We could really use some moderators at this time. Please fill free to let me know if you are interested. You just need steady posting to qualify. :)


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