That's right. It's happening again. I don't know why, but I call them my "Call to Arms" posts.
Frankly, Kalea needs some love. I'm looking for ASes and Jr's all throughout the region, in every city: Alvadas, Kalinor, Lhavit, Sultros, Wind Reach.... Even if you want to help out everywhere and float as an AS, that works too!
What we are looking for is dedication and passion for Storytelling. Kalea is a wonderful zone that has still to rise to it's full potential- and we want you to help us do that! All that is required is that you have the time to dedicate to helping and some fresh ideas of your own.
The thing I hear most often is that Applicant A has never had a PC in Kalea before- they don't know the zone or are worried they're going to do badly. But DON'T FEAR! Because everyone has to start somewhere. I'm aware that not everyone is in Kalea and I don't expect you to be an expert. As long as the drive is there, you will catch on real quick and it will be great

So, if you are interested in anything stated above please shoot me a PM and we will discuss your application

Love love love,