OOC Info DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Phoenix on June 18th, 2013, 5:46 pm



That's right. It's happening again. I don't know why, but I call them my "Call to Arms" posts.

Frankly, Kalea needs some love. I'm looking for ASes and Jr's all throughout the region, in every city: Alvadas, Kalinor, Lhavit, Sultros, Wind Reach.... Even if you want to help out everywhere and float as an AS, that works too!

What we are looking for is dedication and passion for Storytelling. Kalea is a wonderful zone that has still to rise to it's full potential- and we want you to help us do that! All that is required is that you have the time to dedicate to helping and some fresh ideas of your own.

The thing I hear most often is that Applicant A has never had a PC in Kalea before- they don't know the zone or are worried they're going to do badly. But DON'T FEAR! Because everyone has to start somewhere. I'm aware that not everyone is in Kalea and I don't expect you to be an expert. As long as the drive is there, you will catch on real quick and it will be great :D

So, if you are interested in anything stated above please shoot me a PM and we will discuss your application :)

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Traverse on July 6th, 2013, 7:37 pm

Falyndar and Mura Need You!

Hello again Mizahar!

I am still searching for potential Stortellers for all of Falyndar and Mura!

If you prefer a floating job where you get to flit from city to city, that is fine! Taloba is almost done its aesthetic and content re-modelling, and then Zinrah will be up next! Syka is not opened yet, but when it is I will need some ST's looking after those poor poor explorers who have willingly gotten themselves stuck in the jungle wilds as well!

There's a lot of exciting stuff abound, and I am searching for creative minds that are looking to pioneer these vicious wild lands...or if you prefer, chill on a beach with beautiful pale women ;) .

If you are interested in becoming an ST, but your 60 days aren't up, feel free to PM me, and we can discuss measures to build up your ST portfolio as it were. I am eager to work with new people, and all our cities need some love, so don't be shy and let me know where you'd be interested in going. Applicants for ASes, floating ASes and JrSts are welcome.

If you're interested drop me a line and we can get talking, and remember the three Don'ts of the jungle!

  • Don't Step on a Dhani's Tail
  • Don't Insult a Myrian's Mother
  • Don't Die!

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Jupiter on July 15th, 2013, 7:25 am

Character Sheet Liaisons Need You!

Ever want to help out here in Mizahar, but weren’t sure how? Is being a Story Teller just not right for you? Do you enjoy reading others’ character sheets?

Then being a Character Sheet Liaison is just the thing for you! :D

Okay, I’m gonna stop with the whole “let’s make a sale” speech now and get right to the point. The Character Sheet area of Mizahar could use help in the form of some new liaisons!

It’s a rewarding job! You really get to help out some of the newer players, which is what I happen to enjoy the most. :) Everyone here in Mizahar has such interesting and varied concepts and characters! It’s quite fun, especially if reading character sheets happens to be something you enjoy.

You also will automatically become my friend. It’s tempting, isn’t it? ;)

As a CSL you’ll be expected to know your way around the lores pretty well. Though, if you don’t know them as well as you think you should, we can work on that! I’ll be here to help you learn what you need to know! :D

You should also remember that you will in fact be dealing with a lot of new players. Mizahar can be big and scary when you first join, and as one of the primary hurdles to be crossed, we liaisons will in many cases be the first contact that new players will have into the community! It’s our job to kindly lead them in the right direction and show them just how wonderful Mizahar can be!

If any of you out there happen to be interested but aren’t quite sure, feel free to send me a PM! I can go more into detail about what this job involves! If you’re sure that this is the job for you, then apply! We’d love to have you! :D
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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on August 9th, 2013, 4:24 pm

Greeting Mizaharians!

It's time to ask for more help again. Cyphrus and its associated areas needs staffing! We are keeping up and doing a good job with the current staff, but we really need more people with Jackalope's retirement and Traverse off being an RS for Falyndar. So we really could use a few more AS's!

Area's in critical need are as follows:

  • Endrykas - This city needs a chief storyteller and someone interested in clean up and development.
  • Mura - Primarily in need of an AS or two that wants to develop and ST.
    Riverfall - No development needed, but heavy STing needed
  • Kenash (which will open in three weeks) - STing and Development (heavy into politics)
  • The Suvan Sea - All around ST and Development needed
  • Cyphrus Floaters! - These are STs that are jacks of all trade. Like a bit of everything? Join!

If you are interested, please talk to a me!


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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Elysium on September 2nd, 2013, 9:39 pm


Calling all dreamers!

Do you feel joy at contributing to the larger whole? Do you enjoy building things from the ground up? Have you ever wanted to make your mark on something everlasting?

Then perhaps, storytelling is for you!

Here in Kalea, we need all the help we can get! Lhavit specifically is beginning to grow in size and it needs your love and attention. The same goes for Wind Reach, as it undergoes some changes in management. If you think you have what it takes and have been on site for 60 days, please rush to the Help Desk and apply now!

For those who fear commitment (and giant robots) we also offer floating ST positions. It can be fun to bounce from city to city, helping all in need of aid. Even floating storytellers get to make their mark, moderating to and fro about the land!

And I promise. No robots.

Make your mark, today!

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Accolade on September 7th, 2013, 11:47 pm



Syliras is seeking a new Assistant Storyteller to join our already awesome team! The city has gotten busy again, and with a hoard of new and exciting players creating fun and wild stories. The fun is only just starting again and we would like to invite you to join in on all the excitement!

We need someone who enjoys crafting stories for others..!

We need fun and friendly people!

We need those with a love for Syliras and for the Knights themselves!

There is a lot to be done in the city and ways to make it more fun and enjoyable for everyone who comes to our grand city, so if you'd like to be apart of our team then fill out an ST app!

Respect the shield!

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Traverse on September 17th, 2013, 6:22 pm

Falyndar Needs STs!
And so I made a video, please forgive the abrupt beginning, I mistimed the point where it started recording >.<

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on September 17th, 2013, 10:24 pm

^Not only does she pronounce everything correctly but she's one of the hardest working ladies in the site. She needs help and is a dream to work for and with.
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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Mirage on October 10th, 2013, 11:34 pm


Magic Awaits!

Attention Everyone! Sahova is starting to attract some attention, and more players are starting to show an interest in this wonderful city of undeath and magic! I strive to make Sahova very player focused, and with the more players I get the harder and harder it is to give them all what they deserve: Deep and very involved plot lines. So I am in need of one dedicated individual to step up and become an Assistant Storyteller of Sahova!

Those who ST can expect plenty of player interaction, lots of plotting and story building, and of course magic! I am looking for someone who is creative, with good initiative and who can think outside of the box when problem solving. In other words I need an AS who is as flexible as the magics they will be using ^.^. This position will involve a lot of modded threads and close one on one interactions with players, so of course I want someone who is very open and friendly!

If for some reason you do not think you are qualified because you do not know all of the magics like you should, stop those thoughts now! Magic is a learning process, and it is impossible to know everything there is to know. I will be working very closely with my new AS to get them settled and adapted to all of the magics, and will even share a few of Sahova's biggest secrets as well ;).

So then who is brave enough to step up to the plate? Send me a PM if you are interested :)

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Harrier on October 29th, 2013, 5:48 pm

Far beyond the desert dry, beyond the jungles green,
Where mountains reach into the sky, and eagles fly and sing,
Where life is lived upon the edge, and fraught with perilous things.
Where once a god did lie encased, but now is free again.

Behold, Wind Reach! Ye ancient thing,
Forever home, you'll be.

Hello Mizahar! Harrier here sending out a summons to any who might be interested in Storytelling. Activity has picked up in the domain and I could use some assistance. We have several very intense events going on leading into winter, so if you really enjoy writing and guiding players on a wonderful adventure, now is the time to join!

Life in Wind Reach is hard, as many know, but branches beyond just survival and hunting into other key elements such as forging, glassworking, and at times even magic!

I will be working hand in hand with you to help you get your balance and you can expect tons of communication. Having AIM will help, too, as I do talk frequently on there, playing ideas off of my colleagues and giving feedback when asked.

I hope you'll keep us in mind, but until then-

Fly high,

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