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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Elysium on November 20th, 2013, 10:47 pm

Hail, citizen!

Ever dreamt of a city on high, nestled in the peaks of a mountaintop? Have you ever perhaps wanted to craft stories of magic and intrigue, but didn't know where to start? Was there ever a moment where you yearned to make your mark, or to start something new?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then maybe Lhavit would be the place for you!

Here in Lhavit, we're looking to grow and in order to do that, we could really use a second set of hands. Assistant and junior storytellers are both welcome; all you have to do is apply! If you've been on the site for sixty days and you like the sound of this, then please send me a message! From there, you can submit an application to the Help Desk, hopefully with a sparkling recommendation from yours truly. ;)

Some of the things a new storyteller can look forward to working with in Lhavit:
  • Epic quests both in the city and the Misty Peaks
  • Collaboration
  • Rich, original stories
  • A chance to shine!
Are you sold yet?

Then sign up to be a storyteller today!
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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on December 1st, 2013, 4:45 pm

Greetings Mizaharians.

With the Season Change comes time to reflect and try to decide what is going to happen in the upcoming season. And taking a hard look at the game, we have some spots we really need some coverage from moderators. I'm going to be talking about my parts first, but I will also honorable mention other places because they are equally worthy.


Kenash needs a full time AS desperately. You must love socialites and politics.

Endrykas is booming and could use more help in the AS department.

Riverfall could use an AS or two to run adventure threads and plots.


Mura desperately needs an AS to babysit it and make it the fantastic place it could be. If we don't find one soon, it's in danger of closing after this season.

Zeltiva, Ravok and Syliras all always need more Assistants.


Lhavit will need a full time AS as the current DS is slated and in the process of transition.

I am not mentioning Alvadas at this time because it has a new moderator!


Still not sure what to do with this region, but we can't ignore it forever. We need one good DS down there and several AS's as well. Without some leadership, it can't be more babysitting duties by current DS's up north though so I'd really like to get a 'leader' in place that all can answer too.


If you've ever considered moderating for us, have a clean track record and get along with people fabulously, know the rules and can commit serious chunks of time to the site, then by all means feel free to apply.

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Elysium on January 1st, 2014, 4:41 pm

Come hither!
And sign up for staff, today!

Kalea is in transition and it needs your help. With the loss of Harrier in Wind Reach, we need someone who might be willing to jump in and make up the difference. We need floating ASes, JrSTs, you name it. If you're interested in the unfathomable dangers of the Unforgiving, the iridescent shine of the city of Lhavit or the explosive spirit of Wind Reach, then please apply at the Help Desk and send me a private message!

And do it now! You know you want to. ;)
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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Eldritch on January 3rd, 2014, 9:02 pm


Hello all!

I'm Eldritch, the friendly mildly sanity warping DS of Zeltiva. Tell me, do you long for a place by the sea where Laviku rules? Are you interested in weaving tales of seafaring exploration and high adventure? Does political intrigue and history tickle your fancy perhaps? Maybe even just helping to build a city in dire need of fleshing out?

If any of the above applies then you should seriously consider applying for a staff position in wonderful Zeltiva! I am always on the look out for Assistant storyteller and Junior storytellers who might be willing to join me in creating a wonderful and thematic city for players to interact with. The only requirement is that you be on the site for 60 days and be an active member of the site. If this possibility interests you in any way please send me a Private Message!

Storytellers in Zeltiva can expect to interact with a large number of players as it is a fairly large domain, so patience and good people skills are always appreciated. Zeltiva is a domain that will be undergoing so rather dynamic changes soon enough, which I would love to have others take part in. If this doesn't sell you, you would also instantly become my bestest friend forever and ever. :D

Remember join today, and glory to Laviku!
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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Radiant on March 8th, 2014, 8:29 am

Hello, wonderful Mizaharians!

Radiant of Syliras here. Now, are any of you interested in modding one of the most popular domain in Mizahar? Filled with dashing knights, great fortress, and the great bastion of Civilization in a dangerous world? Then look no other than Syliras! :D

Syliras is one of the most busiest domain and we always need a helping hand, whether you're applying to be an AS or JrST, it doesn't matter, exciting work should come to you! We'll plot quests, develop locations, read awesome threads together! Syliras is never in short supply of players

Check out the Storyteller lore page for the application form. Remember, you must pass 60 IRL days of active RP-ing and have a good reputation. If you feel the call of justice within you, apply now!

In the name of Sylir! For Honor!
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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Twister on March 22nd, 2014, 2:41 pm

A Call-to-Arms!

Mizahar's always in need of more Storytellers. What with them generally having a high turnover rate because life gets in the way all too easily, many domains and regions in the game aren't getting all the love they deserve and some even sit there with no one to watch over them regularly. If you ever thought of applying to join the Mizahar staff, now's definitely the time to do so! There are many active domains (Syliras, Riverfall, Sunberth, Zeltiva, Ravok, to name a few) who could use extra pairs of hands to tackle management and development, and even more who are in desperate need of creative and crafty moderators who have the time and interest to turn them into the magical roleplaying hotspots they could be if given the love and attention.

Just take a look at the list of regions and domains to see if any of the domains call out to you especially and contact the local Storyteller if such is to be found to announce your interest in working there. Share your plans and ideas and work with the present staff and maybe you'll have yourself a staff position so you can contribute and support this great community and its many players! Of course, there are more ways to support the site than as a Storyteller. You can also join the ranks of the Character Sheet Liaisons (same application as Storytellers), Graders or Mentors, or contribue and develop as a player to assist your local Storyteller. There's no shortage of ways to give back to the game!

  • Have you ever considered applying for staff?
  • Do you have a clean track record on the site?
  • Do you work well with people?
  • Do you have a lot of free time to spend?
If you can answer "yes" to most of those, then mosey on over to the Help Desk with your written application! We want you as a new recruit!

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Traverse on April 27th, 2014, 7:45 pm

Today I come before you hoping you will hear my plea for aid. Mizahar's player base continues to grow, but our staff size took quite the plummet after this long winter. We have multiple regions utterly floundering and wonderful cities lacking the attention they deserve and thus getting neglected by PC's who seek mod attention in cities with already high PC counts overloading our wonderful stalwart staff.

This is a Mizahar wide call to arms which I hope you hear and take to heart. We are not looking for folks that just want to try on STing for size, but those creative and eager minds that Mizahar houses in spades that are looking to get settled into a city and make it their own. You need to have time to spare and devote to the task, and I assure you that such a commitment is well worth it. Becoming an ST allows you a behind the vantage point for developing and moderation, a wonderful and supportive community of fellow staffers always willing to lend a welcome hand, and the opportunity to leave your mark on Mizahar as a whole.

Now I don't want to simply leave you with that, but a look at all of the cities that need help in one form or another. This could be a total re-haul or simply helping current overworked ASes and DSes out. As a disclaimer we are not taking any applications for Ekytol STs at present. As a region it needs a complete creative re-vamp which is presently not in the development cards when plenty of more active regions are in just as dire need.

A call to:

ImageNyka: A city crawling with street fighting monks, the Alvina they worship and everyone else that has to live in their shadow, there are few more intriguing and dangerous cities. Watch where you step...

ImageRavok: A beautiful city harboring darkness at every turn, and when you are either with the Black Sun or dead...life can get tricky.

Sahova: An enterprising island filled with legions of undead and their experiments, there is never an end to the mysteries one can unlock here if they are powerful and resourceful enough.

ImageSunberth: Rules? Laws? Who needs those? Come to Sunberth and just try to carve out a piece of the city for yourself, and if you think that's hard, just try to keep control of it.

Syliras: The thriving metropolis of Mizahar, showing the whole world that the Valterrian cannot stop progress. Come for the sights, stay for the justice and order that the Syliran knights always give no matter what...

Zeltiva: A bustling coastal city that draws every race imaginable to its University for study. Opportunities are endless, after all what greater power is there then one steeped in knowledge?


A call to

ImageA beautiful and peaceful city boasting unique flora and fauna and a the most gorgeous population of women one could hope for. Stay for a vacation or a lifetime, neither will you ever forget.


A call to

Avanthal: A city of eternal winter that glitters like a jewel at night, and filled with the most industrious and verbose race on Mizahar. Infamous Hold politics and a benevolent Ice Queen make this city a must see.


A call to

Endrykas: The hard working Drykas struggling in a dangerous Sea of Grass to continue the survival of their people, and who needs a big bulky city made of wood and stone when you can simply shift yours?

Kenash: Don't let the swamp smell fool you, the grandeur of this city cannot be beat, and neither can the daily struggle for one Family's dominance over anothers. Slaves and freeborn beware, for you are surely jsut pawns in a much larger game.


Riverfall: If Konti aren't your style trying the hunky dark hued Akalak on for style. In their scenic and well protected city you won't have to worry about anything save being picked out for a Navikak or competing with blue men for ladies.


A call to

Taloba: A menacing and bloodthirsty city, but not without its own kind of honor and a hard working race of skilled barbarians. Intruders be warned for the Warrior Queen and Goddess of War's wrath is fierce.

Zinrah: A city on the brink of being wiped off the face of Falyndar, the struggle is real, yet Dhani Constrictors love to indulge their vices, and when don't you have time for a little torture?

Black Rock: A city shrouded in ghostly shrouds, most of those whom tread here are no longer among the living, but both living and dead live peaceably, their respect and devotion to Dira without question.


A call to

Alvadas: A twisting turning city where nothing is ever certain and searching for truth is seemingly a waste. Embrace the mystery and enjoy the ride, Ionu certainly does.

Sultros: Filled to brimming with the hard working stolid Isur, this mountainous haven is filled with numerous racial intricacies and a truly God gifted race of people.

ImageKalinor: This massive subterranean cavern home may seem bizarre to an outsider, but its slim silk passageways and soft homes house a graceful and sinewy race bent on recovering their numbers, if only they could agree on a method to do so...

ImageLhavit: A wondrous city as close to the stars as to make the Goddess of them feel at home, this ethereal place of discovery and knowledge is a true treasure trove of Mizahar's culture and history.

Wind Reach: An iron caste system and a race of red haired hunters, Wind Eagle riders, and craftspeople inhabit and watch over what was Ivak's prison for so long. A feral beauty can be found so high in the mountains to those who are willing to find it.


As you can see the city list needing aid in one form another is long indeed, and every city on Mizahar has a unique and wonderful beauty here that we Storytellers try our best to reveal, but we can't do it alone. If you have spent at least 60 days on the site, have a good reputation, and are gung ho about STing now is your chance and there is no better time to start. If you're interested in a city that already has a DS or higher talk to them about getting a recommendation, if not talk to Gossamer or I and we will be more than happy to help you get on the road to STing. Remember if you're interested in becoming a JrSt there needs to be an active DS to mentor you or an RS of the region you're applying to.

Safe Travels my fellow writers, and here's hoping we see some new STing faces popping up in the days to come.

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on September 4th, 2014, 1:45 am



I feel like Cyphrus this is one of the most strikingly beautiful and culturally rich areas on MIzahar. Cyphrus is a lush paradise of rolling grass and intimate settings. It has a well flushed out map and numerous cities that need assistance. Each river, each lake, each ruin needs written up and developed. Each city has need of Assistant Storytellers. The potential for this area is endless. What it really needs though is more helpers, more staff, more people willing to tell stories.

Can you help?


Riverfall has a particularly pressing need because it is by and large one of the most active cities on Mizahar with incredibly dynamic plots. There are a million opportunities for development within the city in terms of factions, locations, and even an underground.


Kenash has the intrepid Vice as its leader and is rife with plots of power and wealth... both those that have it, those that want it, and those that want to destroy it. It has a very pressing need for Assistants as well. Kenash isn't very busy so its a small intimate setting so one can easily get their feet wet.


Endrykas needs a complete rewrite. It needs gutted, reorganized, and rebuilt from the ground up. It's needed this for years in the form of a complete codex, a more stoic link map, and more organization. Frankly its a mess, but it could use a great Assistant Storyteller or Domain Storyteller to guide it.


Xy is under development. Gillar is willing to work hard with anyone that wants to guest develop or full time AS there. It already has its own forum and we're working on bringing some pleasure to the Zith culture.


This is a quest city outside of time. You can meet folks from all periods of Mizahar's history here. It's a future development project that people would be free to work on if they proved themselves elsewhere in the region. Once developed, its open for quests for all kinds of storytellers to utilize.

If any of this appeals to you, contact me.
We have immediate openings for Storytellers and there's room to grow, expand,
and work on anything you really have a desire to in Cyphrus.

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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Gossamer on October 13th, 2014, 10:58 pm

Greetings Mizaharians.

As of today, Mizahar is down to THREE active Assistant Storytellers. One stepped down today and one was retired for inactivity. If you've ever considered joining staff (and haven't been staff previously) then feel free to consider strongly stepping forward and volunteering.

I am interested in giving new people a chance to staff moreso than reactivating old staff that was retired for inactivity.

Mizahar cannot exist without more active staff. If we continue on this trend, we will burn out the active staff we have and we will have more unsupported Domains. And this burnout situation will lead to the site failing ultimately as so many sites have previously.


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DMs, GMs, Storytellers, Yarnspinners and Windbags Wanted!

Postby Traverse on October 23rd, 2014, 3:39 pm

Surprise we still need STs! This is a plug for everywhere as well as Falyndar specifically iiiiin VIDEO FORM!!!

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