Flashback Wings and Things (Irriari)

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A surreal cavern city inhabited by Symenestra where stones glow and streets are reams of silk. Cocoon like structures hang between stalactites and cascade over limestone flows in organic and eerie arabesques. Without a Symenestra willing to escort you, entrance is impossible.

Wings and Things (Irriari)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on May 28th, 2013, 3:07 am

33rd of Autumn, 511AV

The caverns were usually silent, the Symenestra were not loud people, and they hardly had to thump about like humans or other races. The swung freely, climbed silently, and moved lightly throughout the city. The loudest it seemed to be was near the center, but that was where many things were so it made sense. It was also the reason Sosicly was gliding along the edges. She had heard about the creature in Kalinor, something not brought by the harvest, and not suitable for breeding. Many words had been tossed around, like beast, trickery, pointless, and intriguing. None of them were positive connotations coming from her brother or his friends but it had been enough for Sosicly to want to see for herself.

She assumed something with wings would need a bigger space, somewhere inhabited less or less frequently so that the city’s streets would not drag them down. The odd bat had been caught within the silk and plummeted to the bottom of the city. She shuddered at the thought of a winged creature and a Symenestra, they both might fall.

But she was pushing herself a little too hard, and she looked for the closet place to stop off at so that she would not let her grip fail her much more. When she did stop, she noted it was at the ledge leading to the Blue Grotto. Light from the pool that rest below filtered soft and inviting, and she let her knapsack fall, watching the light splash on the walls of the cavern for a few seconds before facing the opposite way.

It gave her a good surveillance of the city, and she scanned the darkness for any large flying thing, a small niggling in the back of her mind creeping forward as she looked. How exactly was she going to catch the attention of the creature if it couldn’t hear her. Silent laughter exploded out of her, and left her wheezing, she hadn’t thought this endeavor through as well as she should have. But she was leaving a few days and it was just her luck that a new creature would appear as she was about to leave and study new things.

It would be disappointing to miss such a being. After a few chimes of debate Sosicly seen movement and the decision was made for her, she jumped on the ledge and waved her arms foolishly in an effort to attract the movement.
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Wings and Things (Irriari)

Postby Irriari on June 2nd, 2013, 10:36 pm


Irriari had spent the last three bells exploring the city of Kalinor. Her journey was aimless, and she found herself stopping at a variety of locations, though she rarely stayed at any for long. The Meadows Public House had obviously been designed to cater to humans, and the zith found herself moving away from the brightly lit structure towards the center of the city. As she moved, her eyes were drawn to a floating iron cage that was separated into two sections. The upper half held a small number of Symenestra who stared outward with attentive eyes, keeping watch over the city. One made eye contact with her briefly and frowned before looking away. Though Irriari had been in Kalinor for three days, the majority of the Symenestra were still uneasy around her and most watched her from a safe distance before going back to whatever task they had been working on previously.

With a loud sigh, Irriari began moving again. Her patience was running thin and she sought nothing more than a quiet location to be alone. It was no different than the colony- she was still an outsider here, even though she had done her best to fit in and show the Symenestra that she meant them no harm. Irriari shook her head sharply from side to side in an attempt to clear the angry thoughts that had blossomed within her minds eye. Three days was hardly enough time for them to trust her, she reminded herself for the thousandth time. As the internal battle raged, she stopped and looked from the left to the right. A short burst of movement caught her eye and she stepped forward cautiously, peering towards the Symenestra that stood on a ledge nearby. The woman was waving her arms, trying to attract someone’s attention. Irriari pivoted on her heel and looked around. The nearest Symenestra was far away, and she doubted that the woman on the ledge would be trying to signal to someone so far away.

Irriari glanced down at her poison coated claws before taking flight to the ledge. If this was a trap designed to kill her, the Symenestra woman would be in for a surprise. Though the poison was one of the weaker varieties that she had crafted, it would still amplify the pain of a normal wound for a few bells.

Irriari landed a few steps away from the woman and ignored the Symenestra while she examined the ledge. The rock was flat, and there wasn’t enough room or shadow cover for another Symestra to hide. Taking comfort in this, she stepped forward and addressed the dark haired woman.

“Were you motioning to me? Did you want to see the disgusting winged thing up close?”

Bitterness tinged her voice as her anger rose to the surface again. After a few seconds of silence passed between the two, her anger subsided enough for the zith to realize how cruel she had been.

“I’m sorry. Kalinor was not what I dreamed it would be. At least you have the petching balls to face me, which seems to be a rarity here.”


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Wings and Things (Irriari)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on June 15th, 2013, 3:14 am

OOCI thought I had posted this earlier but going through my threads I realized I hadn't! My apologies!
Sosicly stepped back at the hostile words, leaning down to grab her knapsack as she did so, but her eyes never left the other. She hadn’t realized it was a woman, though the breeding comments should have been obvious. When she straightened once more she frowned at the woman-creature, trying to think what it was, likely a thing from school she had learned of but she was too busy being insulted. The Symenestra were not cowards but not everyone could be in the Ochya or be Hunters.

The Symenestra woman held up a finger in pause, encouraging the other to wait. Then she unscrewed her ink vial and balanced her book on other arm, and set the vial on top. It was precarious for the vial but she was used to it and used her foot against the wall behind her to keep herself steady while she wrote.

I do want to know you and I am afraid. You are not the same but we are trying. Not all are kind. She paused to look at the woman carefully, she had apologized. Impulsive then, representing her outer nature. She picked up her quill and dipped it to begin writing once more. I am Sosicly, who are you?

Sosicly flipped the book to the other so that she could read, and offered a small smile. When she deemed it enough time to read she returned the book to her chest and gestured to the Grotto below with an inquiring expression. Not wanting to waste her ink, she screwed the cap back on and dropped her things into the knapsack for the time being. Strapping it on she repeated her previous gesture then motioned her arms in a parody of air swimming, complete with stumbling when she attempted to kick her feet as well.
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Wings and Things (Irriari)

Postby Irriari on June 21st, 2013, 5:51 pm


OOCNo problem, moth queen to be!
Irriari watched as the woman grabbed her bag and began rummaging through it. Out of habit, Irriari moved her right foot to rest further behind her left. Her knees were bent slightly, ready to move or duck, depending on what the woman pulled out of her pack. Thankfully, she grabbed a vial of ink and a book. Unless the Symenestra could blind her with ink, Irriari assumed she was safe enough for now. The woman took a few moments to scribble down some words on the page before passing it to Irriari to read. The zith squinted at the scribbles, trying her best to make some sense out of the small markings. She turned her head slightly to the right, though it hardly helped. A small burst of pain blossomed in her temple, and Irriari knew that her silly attempt to understand the writing would leave her with a headache.

“I can’t read.”

She tried her best to sound emotionless, with a tinge of superiority, but frustration frayed the edges of her words until they were sharp with the pain of confusion. Was there no place that she could escape the torments of human writing? She had hoped that the Symenestra would be like her own people, but they were not, in this respect.

After a few seconds, the woman returned her supplies to her bag and gestured towards the pool below. She mimicked swimming, and Irriari chuckled. The woman was funny, if nothing else.

“Are you acting? Why don’t you speak?”

As she awaited an answer, Irriari walked over to the edge that overlooked the grotto. The water was pristine, and far more beautiful than any of the lakes she had seen in seen her times in the Wildlands. She wondered if there would be fish in a body of water that was so deep underground.


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Wings and Things (Irriari)

Postby Sosicly Magnolia on July 3rd, 2013, 1:34 am

Sosicly froze at the words, the concept of not being able to read was a foreign one, she had assumed everyone went to school. It was not as if she could not communicate, words were not always necessary, she had found lately that her silence often shut everyone else up as well.

Taking a moment to put her things away, as she would not need them, she lightly stepped up beside the woman. First she pointed to her throat when she caught black eyes, opened and closed her mouth while then shook her head. Taking it a bit farther she shouted out a silent gust of air to show that no sound would come then pointed over the edge and waved the winged being to follow her.

Getting down into the Grotto was relatively easy, even for Sosicly, and she assumed with wings one could just float down. Hanging onto her knapsack with one hand, she used her other to steady her footing and began to work her way down slowly. Her feet tapping along the groves of the stone to find a grip that was comfortable for her toes. It took no more than a chime for her to reach the bottom, and feel the cooler temperature of the Grotto brush against her.

Careful to set her knapsack far enough away that it would be splash or dripped on, Sosicly turned to face her companion again. Looking at her in the better light she found that while obviously female, said female was also obviously covered in fur, and her wings were huge but she was strangely shorter than the Symenestra herself.

Unsure of how to ask all her questions without words she just stared at the woman blankly before she turned and pointed to her back, then at the woman with a raised eyebrow. She wasn’t sure herself whether she was asking what the woman was or why she had wings but she figured they were close enough. Waiting only a second she stepped closer to the pool itself and stripped off her shirt, shameless as there was no one else in the pool and she had her wrappings on, then jumped in. When she resurface she waved the being towards with one hand, while the other clutched at the edge of the pool.
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Wings and Things (Irriari)

Postby Ssezzkero on February 7th, 2015, 9:25 pm



It was short, but nice. I thought it would have been cool to see how they interacted, but oh well. Glad you are back Irriari, I hope to see you around Mizahar :)
Sosicly Magnolia
Notes: Please update your ledger to account for Autumn 513AV. PM me when you've done that and I will give you your grades. :)

  • Observation: +1
  • Socialization: +1

  • Kalinor: Not a very welcoming city
  • Sosicly: Friendly, but mute
  • Symenestra: A literate race

Notes: This may be a little random, but I just thought I would point out that your CS still says your character is thirteen. Other than that, you should be all good, enjoy! Don't forget to edit your post in the request forum as 'Graded'. :)
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