66th of Winter, 505AV Once again Sosicly found herself in the abandoned city. Every time she went it seemed larger than before. She wanted it to be smaller. Idly she tapped her book on her knee and looked around as if waiting for something to be there. But nothing seemed to come. Eyes narrowed in agitation Sosicly turned, not surprised to see a few of the slow leavers heading out for the Harvest. She slipped her book back into her knapsack, and watched carefully for anything she would recognize. Classes were in session, and Sosicly had taken it upon herself to decide that it was not needed today. She realized she was being predictable, whenever she didn’t wish to attend class she fled and waited for her mother to catch her. Her lips pursed and another idea popped into her head. She wished to know more about the surrogates, so why not go with the Harvesters? Pleased with herself Sosicly began her trek to follow the small adults. She was far enough away to where they would not notice her regardless. By the time she reached the surface behind them she doubted they would even be around. The girl wrapped her hands around the nearest cord and began to climb using mostly her arms to pull up her weight. It was not until she was halfway up that she noticed another figure, this figure was not an adult. Sosicly squinted to see clearer, and noted the other figure was about her size, and a small smile slipped across her face. She moved a bit faster, now digging her toes into the cloth until she was properly situated on the road. She adjusted her knapsack and hurried along, crawling on all fours along the road before she paused and sat back on her heels. Softly she clapped her hands together to get the other figures attention. |