Location [Syliras Location] Soothing Waters Bath and Massage

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Soothing Waters Bath and Massage

Postby Gossamer on September 7th, 2009, 7:56 am



Like most businesses in Syliras, Soothing Waters is directly attached to Stormhold and well within its walls. Occupying a rather large courtyard on the ground floor and accessible by the north side of the stronghold through a long set of double doors on the public third tier, Soothing Waters is a busy gathering spot for knights and denizens of the city. Walking through the double doors, one must descend a staircase to the level of the fourth tier and stop at the reception. At that point, a young man named Ivis Balak will greet customers.

"Hello there. What can I help you with?" Once he finds out what a visitor needs, he'll either direct them to the proper changing room and lockers or sign them up for a massage. Men are on the right, women on the left in terms of places to change and store gear. Behind him is an extensive massage studio that grants free medical and injury massages to all Syliran Knights. Sometimes a person will have to wait for the massage services, since few of the employees are qualified masseuses. It can be up to an hour or longer depending on how many customers she has waiting.

But, if someone simply wants a bath, they need only pay their coin and take a locker in the proper dressing room. Towels are provided at a small charge, and laundry service is available for ones clothing while bathing. The entire facility is made of the same pale stone as the rest of Stormhold. The changing rooms are plain and house lockers that do not lock, but rather are on the honor system. Mounts can be stabled at Windmount Stables, which is just outside the castle entrance closest to the Bathhouse.

Clothing is not allowed in the bathing pool, which is an enormous communal facility. There are attendants ready to offer soap, small hand towels (at no charge) or who are willing to actually get into the water and assist bathers who are too tired or injured to easily complete the task. And while the Soothing Waters is public, there are several private pools which are always kept constantly and consistently hotter than the actual main bathing pool itself. Rumor has it the bath house is heated via hotsprings beneath the Castle, though Soothing Water doesn't actively advertise this. Couples routinely use the bath house together, and the staff normally turns a blind eye to any willing frolicking within the steaming waters. Harassment, however, is strictly forbidden. There are usually any number of knights bathing which will prevent anyone from suffering the unwanted attentions of another.

While the prices are fairly straightforward, some services such as medicine and Healing will be priced according to what is needed. While the Knights enjoy free bathing services and massages, they and everyone else are expected to tip those who provide them with services, commiserate with what is provided and the quality of that service. For example, an attendant bringing a bather a towel might be tipped a few coppers, while a Marked masseuse who provides a Healing massage might be tipped a few gold mizas.

Pricing for Services

Service Price (Civilian) Price (Knights)
Unlimited Pool Time 2 sm Free
Private Pool 1 gm 5 sm
Towels 1 cm Free
Soap 5 cm Free

Service Length of Session Price (Civilian) Price (Knights)
Foot Massage 1/2 bell 1 gm Free
Foot Massage 1 bell 1 gm Free
Massage 1/2 bell 2 gm 5 sm for civilians Free
Massage 1 bell 3 gm 5 sm for civilians Free
Massage 1 1/2 bells 5 gm for civilians Free
Warm Stone Massage 1 1/2 bells 6 gm Free
Aromatherapy Massage 1 bell 5 gm Free
Deep Tissue Massage 1 bell 5 gm 5 sm Free
Deep Tissue Massage 1 1/2 bells 7 gm 5 sm Free
Healing Massage 1 bell 8 gm for civilians Free
Healing Massage 1 1/2 bells 10 gm for civilians Free

Special Service
Service Price (All)
Sensual Massage Inquire
Intimate Companionship Inquire

Other Service
Service Price
Laundry 1 cm per garmet
Mending Same price as Deep Tissue Massage
Medical Attention Same price as Healing Massage
Healing Same price as Healing Massage

Employees of Soothing Waters :
ImageCalyna Zia

Calyna has been within the city of Syliras for as long as she can remember. Dropped off at the doorstep of the Soothing Water Bath and Massage, the man who originally built the facility took her in as his own daughter and raised her. Eventually Coltan Zia taught Calyna everything he knew and left the bath to her when he disappeared unexpectedly. Presumed to be dead, Calyna holds out the hope that one day her father will return.

Gnosis Marks
Rak'keli: 2, Avalis: 1, Makutsi: 1

Skill LIst
Massage: 84 pts, Reimancy (Water, Air, Earth): 75 pts, Swimming: 71 pts, Medicine: 52 pts, Anatomy: 35 pts, Aromatherapy: 28 pts

ImageIvis Balak

Always pleasant and long-rumored to be utterly unflappable, Ivis is inherited his position within Soothing Waters much as Calyna inherited hers - his father served as the receptionist as well, and when the man retired Ivis simply stepped up to fill his shoes. He provides no service to customers beyond directing them, but he is the one who manages the team of men and women who run the bathhouse. He is also the first one to deal with wounded or traumatized Knights, and as such he is not often caught by surprise or frozen with indecision - he will smoothly and calmly deal with anything that shows up on their doorstep.

Leadership: 65, Organization: 55, Rhetoric: 53

ImageNilichoa Tatsuwaat

Choa is a member of the medical team and specializes in dealing with the sorts of traumatic wounds typically received by the Knights. She was brought to Syliras as a child, rescued from slavery and raised by one of the healers within the Knighthood.

Though the worst wounds are seen by those who are marked by Rak'keli, the god-touched are not always available (or affordable). Those which are not life-threatening are often seen by Choa and the other medical staff.

Medicine: 60, Herbalism: 55, Anatomy: 50

This location is moderated by Archon and Chevalier
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Re: [Syliras Location] Soothing Waters Bath and Massage

Postby Aselia Timandre on March 4th, 2010, 4:30 pm

Timestamp: 1st day of Spring, 510 AV

The flaring of the Watchtower near Syliras had been a breathtaking event, as it always was. But while the colors were the same as with every season change – cool blue to fresh green –, the atmosphere was different. The Timandre girl was no longer watching the change at the Silver Watchtower a short walk away from the Pearl of the White Isle; no, instead she was surrounded by thick stone walls, and the tower was enthroned over the castle city of Syliras.

She had been living in said hub of civilization and society for almost thirty days now. Even Aselia who was perfectly fine with having much free time at hand in order to stroll through the streets, observe the citizens and learn dirty little secrets from listening to them got bored after a significant amount of time. It seemed that that amount was now elapsed. She needed to do something! And while she knew that her sister Kamalia was thinking about a job where she could put her magic skill or seer ability to use, Aselia herself had no clue what she wished to do for a living.

After watching the flaring of the Watchtower she slept a few chimes and then went out in the forest to feed Linel, her proud magpie. When he felt that they were alone, he started looking for prey on his own, and all Aselia did was watching him and making sure that he didn’t accidentally attack some kind of domestic animal. She wasn’t sure about the pet preferences of the Syliran population, but she thought that being careful couldn’t be bad. When Linel, an elegant flash of white and black feathers, had fed he made himself comfortable at Aselia’s shoulder. The girl, left to her own devices for the rest of the day, soon found herself wandering the streets of Syliras once again.

After thirty days she knew the castle structure quite well, but she was nevertheless surprised that her feet carried her to the Soothing Waters, an establishment that offered cheap bathing and massage services. Yes, she had come across the bath for a few times, but had never actually taken interest in it. Now, however, she absentmindedly stroked the shimmering scales at the back of her hands. The sweet whisper of vision water filled her mind, the gentle splashing of the waves against her skin, the refreshing touch at her gills …

The daughter of Laviku missed the water, missed it more than she would admit.

Adopting a self-confident pace, she entered the massive building. A young man welcomed her and directed her to the changing rooms – of course, after she had made sure that Linel would accompany her. The magpie was tame, after all, if only it was with her.

In the common pool Aselia was a fascinating sight: One of the legendary and mysterious Konti, completely nude with reflections of light dancing over her scales and in her deep violet eyes. She enjoyed the hug of the water – although it wasn’t as familiar as the special water of the Silver Lake – and dove endless rounds in the pool. Oh, how the liquid made her feel alive! Some said that everything had been born from water – and in the case of the Konti, the stories were true. Laviku had helped with their creation, marking them his daughters of the sea with elegant scale patterns and a slim pair of gills.

Never would Aselia deny her connection to the sea, the wet element.

However, her bath came to an end all too quickly. After the initial ecstasy of swimming, she treated her skin and snow white hair with soap, diligently washing the dirt and dust of the streets away. Sometimes Syliras felt dirtier than Mura … sometimes. It certainly was refreshing to feel clean again, regardless of the environment.

While she payed for the bath, towels and soap, an idea hit her. An interesting idea. She leaned forward, studied the young man that was receiving her mizas and asked in a polite, distant voice: “Excuse me, would it be possible to be employed at the Soothing Waters?” After a short pause in which Linel shifted at her shoulder with curiosity, she added: “I’m willing to learn to meet the expectations if there are any.” Then she stayed silent and eyed the man with a mixture of cool expectation and enthusiastic curiosity.
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Re: [Syliras Location] Soothing Waters Bath and Massage

Postby Gossamer on March 4th, 2010, 5:45 pm

Ivis smiled. There were indeed perks to being the receptionist. He loved his job working in the open often relaxed environment that the Soothing Waters provided. There was a family atmosphere to the place, one that almost emitted an aura of peace and tranquility. Tense people walked through the doors and walked back out feeling clean and refreshed. They even healed... in a special pool in the back. There was no set healer in Syliras, but the mistress of Soothing Waters did a fine job all on her own. There was truthfully no better job and no better boss.

"Of course. We're always looking for help. The more skilled you are the better. We regularly take on massage therapists, healers, people that can do mending, sewing, laundry... even bathing pool cleaners. They start anywhere from 100 - 400 gold a season. What sort of skills do you have and do you enjoy working with people? I'd suggest you'd make a great receptionist, but that's my duty." He said with a friendly wink. "We also have some 'special services' that are not listed with exclusive clientele that pays incredibly well - around 800 gold a season - but its not work for everyone. You have to be very nice to the knights that come in here, if you know what I mean, and an exotic like you would get tipped very nicely. You might even be able to double your income if you made yourself exclusive enough. Of course, that involves intimate involvement." He said, smiling slightly, but not in a manner that indicated he didn't respect her. In fact, he was incredibly respectful.

"I'll let you talk to Ms. Zia if any of this appeals to you."
He said, gesturing to the office that was down the hallway and in an exclusive corner set off the main bathing chamber. "She's in her office." He said, offering her his arm to walk her down to the indicated doorway.
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Re: [Syliras Location] Soothing Waters Bath and Massage

Postby Aselia Timandre on March 5th, 2010, 5:35 pm

Subconsciously Aselia had chosen the best time for a job interview by approaching the receptionist after and not before using the location’s services. She was relaxed as well as refreshed, her mind seemed to work twice as quickly as usual. Her cheeks were still covered with a faint pink from the exhaustion of swimming.

She didn’t interrupt his speech, but raised an eyebrow at the ‘special services’ that were apparently an exclusive service to the residential knighthood only. Although she had heard rumors about that sort of profession, she hadn’t expected to come across it that quickly and suddenly. The Soothing Waters had the attitude of a decent, serious establishment, one that didn’t offer that … secret services, but then that only proved that there were still many things to learn about the Syliran culture.

Taking her arm as a gesture of politeness, she walked with him and did her best to comment to his suggestions and provide him with an overview of her knowledge. “First of all, I don’t think that ‘being nice to knights’ would be to my liking. I’d rather feel comfortable with assisting with healing or massage services. Although I’m not exceptionally trained in one of those skills, I have learned a few things about medicine at my home city of Mura.” By making everything as clear as possible and providing details, she hoped that she gave a decent image of herself. Mura and the Opal Order were terms almost every healer regarded with respect for extraordinary knowledge and skill.

“I’m interested in massage though, and if someone was willing to teach me, I’d make a good pupil and assistant.” After having made that clear, she continued: “Yes, I like working with people. As a Konti I have certain knowledge about … not so obvious things, but I’m not sure if that would be of help. Anyway, although there’s still much about your culture that I need to learn, I think I can treat people in a friendly and open manner. That would be enough, wouldn’t it?” She eyed him expectantly, not sure if there was anything else she would be required to do.

While they were approaching Miss Zia’s office, Aselia listened to the young man’s explanations. Linel was comfortably sitting at her shoulder and sometimes brushing his left wing against her pale cheek or fluttering to get strands of white hair out of the way.
"To see a world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
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Re: [Syliras Location] Soothing Waters Bath and Massage

Postby Gossamer on March 10th, 2010, 6:17 pm


The receptionist nodded. "I understand. But to work here you gotta be nice to everyone, even if you don't sleep with them. You'd best talk to the Mistress about all that." He said and then deposited the Konti into Calyna Zia's office properly. He knew the mistress would handle this one, no worries, and probably set her straight about what was likely to occur or not likely to occur based on the situation.

Once in Calyna Zia's office, Ivas beat a hasty retreat. He was certain Calyna Zia had overheard everything on their way in and would have some interesting things to say. The office was done in cool blue glass tiles and had more than enough light to make the place look like it was underwater - a glow refracting around the space and making it far more luminous than in reality it should be - and highlighting the redheaded woman that perched at a desk doing calculations in what was obviously a ledger.

She looked up when the konti was deposited within her sight and smiled. "I'm Calyna Zia.. owner. I couldn't help but overhear. We don't do on the job training for the unskilled. I'm sorry, but I once did and it resulted in them learning an artform, leaving, and opening a rival business that had to be taken care of... if you know what I mean. If you want a job, we have several, but I'm afraid everyone starts at the laundry.... towel folding if your lucky is the next step upwards. It doesn't matter who you are, your bloodlines, what knight sired you, or even if your a Konti... I don't want the boys to have to look at a face like yours without being able to touch her the way they will all be thinking about so you'll have to work behind the scenes. Laundry girls get 200 gold crowns a season. " She paused, smiled, and then tilted her head. "You said you have some healing? Rak'keli mark or such? Tell me... what sort of healing can you do? Be specific...." The woman said, looking intrigued. She could use another bone setter, someone who could really work with deep wounds and torn muscles. But if the girl was yet another bruise healer and scratch saver, it wasn't worth her time. She was better off at the laundry.

"And... as policy, only the customers are allowed pets and only if they are somewhat tame. You'd have to leave your birdy at home. I don't want bird poop in the cleaning vats down below. Besides, the fumes would probably kill it anyhow."
She said nodding to the bird on Aselia's shoulder.
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Re: [Syliras Location] Soothing Waters Bath and Massage

Postby Aselia Timandre on March 20th, 2010, 9:39 pm

She nodded to the receptionist's last comment. Of course she knew that they had only talked about a figure of speech. And although she wasn't perfectly comfortable with the way he was treating her, she kept her mouth shut. In so many ways Mura had been a hierarchic community, although they still maintained relaxed and friendly connections with one another - the work situation at the Soothing Waters seemed to be similar, and thus she had to accommodate to be accepted. For a brief moment she wondered if she could lose herself in such a situation, but then she was shoved in the direction of the boss' office.

The architectural design of the room intrigued her. Being daughters of Laviku, Konti naturally felt drawn to water which was part of the reason why Aselia was there. Surrounded by cool blue and luminescent tiles, she felt like being deep down under the surface ... but then she concentrated on the redheaded person behind the desk who stood out while at the same time fitting in her environment because she was familiar with it - which showed. The owner was the kind of person who liked to be clear about what she expected of her subordinates. While Aselia didn't particularly like that type of people - she preferred a loose and relaxed atmosphere -, she could definitely handle them. Also, Calyna almost visibly radiated a love for truth and clarity which Aselia appreciated. Truth was essential for good communication.

She stood still while listening to Calyna's speech, except for her fingers that slowly fidgeted with the hem of her short white pants. Only when directly asked did she answer in an impersonal, polite manner. "I’m Aselia Timandre, nice to meet you.” Strange how a name that was associated with the elite of culture and prestige at one place could mean absolutely nothing at another one. “I only know the basics of dressing and cleaning wounds, how to apply tourniquets and cooling herbs. I’m afraid that I don’t know anything about what kind of herbs grow in this climate and terrain, although I might recognize the ones that are native to the Konti Isle.”

There she paused, considering what Calyna had said next. Her hand briefly stroked Linel’s black and white feathers. Two options and a clear decision. “That’s no problem. Someone will take care of him while I work.” In the meantime, the bird seemed to take quite some interest in the blue patterns on the walls and curiously shifted its tiny head again and again. A wing softly brushed against Aselia’s cheek.

However, something had to be cleared, something Aselia just couldn’t ignore, although she wasn’t that interested in it. Secrets had always intrigued her, no matter how insignificant, and she smelled a secret there. She leaned forward a bit, studying Calyna with dark violet orbs. “Excuse me if I’m impolite, but the receptionist and you keep hinting and I’m curious … What exactly is it that one has to do for the knights? The decision to cross that option out can only be made with enough knowledge.”

Then she rocked back on her heels and waited, Linel fluttering at her cheek to regain his balance. How high was the probability that Calyna would simply deny any information? A professional secret perhaps. Still Aselia was sure that asking had been right, and learning was too, even if she turned out to despise the job in the end. On the other hand – it couldn’t be bad to gather experience while having some fun. She wondered what Kamalia would say to a job like that. And Gromhir.
"To see a world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
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[Syliras Location] Soothing Waters Bath and Massage

Postby Gossamer on April 6th, 2010, 5:07 pm


Calyna Zia had a gruffness about her that was no-nonsense. She'd talk about anything if someone asked her the right way and seemed openly honest about it. Aselia was the type, Calyna could tell, that sincerely wanted to help and had clear thinking in that regards, but obviously perhaps only a little experience. "Good. Good... It's nice to meet you too. We've had a few Konti come through here, two even worked for us for quite a long while until they were Called elsewhere. They find special reward, I think, in doing the sort of work women and men sometimes do here. Yes, men too." She said, then leaned back in her chair and looked thoughtful.

"I hear your kind seek to help others, to be their councilors, confidants, and friends. That's what a lot of the work here entails. These men have short lifespans. They live and die quickly. A thirty year old knight is a hell of an old one in Syliras' estimation. Most don't have families or close friends. If they are sons or daughters of knights, generally those knights are dead. They come here to relax, get their bruises tended too, talk to people, and have someone really appreciate them for what they do and what they sacrifice."
Calyna Zia rose and walked over to Aselia. She circled the exotically lovely Konti and lowered her voice.

"They want to appreciate true beauty, both internal and external. This means they'll want you to talk to them as well as bathe them skin to skin, with no clothing between you. And they like to touch as you care for them. They won't be able to help it because you won't seem real to them. Touching you will make you more real. Your words will feel amazing as well, that someone as lovely as you deems them interesting and important."
Calyna Zia said softly, and reached out to run her hand down Aselia's shoulder and across her breast. "You'll have to touch them as well, running sponges and soaps all over their body, easing away the road dirt and the weariness of being in a saddle so much. You can't be shy, for they will want to talk to you. They'll tell you about themselves and in turn ask you questions about yourself. They'll deserve honesty and integrity, lack of judgment of who they are and what they've had to do to survive. And as you bathe them, you'll come to know them and feel how brave they are... how bold and foolish and fragile. And you won't mind them touching you after a while because you'll feel for them in a way you've never known, Aselia. And you'll feel their arousal and how incredibly beautiful they find you... like a Goddess or like a fantasy or dream. They won't believe that you're allowing them what your allowing them, and with your Konti gifts you'll feel how much you mean to them - someone to talk to, someone to simply enjoy unencumbered. But they won't want to stop at the touching. They'll want to love you, some of them gently and slowly - some of them with the same fierceness they fight with. And they won't be happy, truly happy, until they've done so. Do you know why? Because to them, a Konti lives forever. And when they cry out your name and loose themselves within you, they will understand inherently that you'll never forget each and every one of them for the rest of your life and to them that feels like immortality because they know someone as beautiful as you are holds their memory in her mind long after they've been thrown on a funeral pyre perishing for a dream we all enjoy." The woman said softly, laying her hand on Aselia's shoulder. "There are other men as well, men seeking the same thing, but you can be choosy and set boundaries on what you will and will not do. But if they pay for sex, you need to provide that for them. I take no profit in your body, Aselia. All the money you earn you keep yourself. I do charge them for the soap, towels, laundry and hot water. You'll make 800 a season easily, more if they tip you and keep coming back. That people work here who are willing to listen to the clients are enough to keep me in a comfortable business with repeat customers." Calyna Zia said gently then smiled.

"And the laundry job is yours, of course, if you want it. But I think you'd be wasted hidden away. In the private baths, talking to men, helping men, providing them relief... its so much more meaningful. It's so much more than the ugly words others pin on it. It is not prostitution, its a healing of the mind and soul. After a first customer, you'll understand. And I can have one of our men who provide the same service take you through the process, what should and shouldn't happen, and how to break the ice or ease the men into comfort if your considering this pathway. Would you like to see where you would work in case your interested? If you aren't I can show you to the laundry and run you through whats expected there. I really need a bonesetter and I don't think your skills fits that bill, to be honest. A Rak'keli mark would help as well.. to take a healers pathway here." She said leaning on the edge of her desk. It was up to the girl, but working at the Soothing waters would be good for her, regardless.
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[Syliras Location] Soothing Waters Bath and Massage

Postby Aselia Timandre on April 7th, 2010, 7:03 pm

Mild surprise could be seen on Aselia’s face. Men did that job too? She had never heard of males working and providing their bodies to relax customers, but then Mura was short of interesting exemplars to study. However, why not? For all the urbaneness she liked to surround herself with, she didn’t know a single thing about men. She simply had no experience apart from the occasional encounters with rare male visitors, but she figured that working at the Soothing Waters where she would have male colleagues would be as good a place as any other to get some first experience.

Then, as Calyna’s voice seemed to rise and her words became intense, Aselia observed her and listened carefully. She sensed that those words were important, very important for her question and the near future. Her hands unfolded and her posture became straighter.

The words of the owner created fascinating pictures in her mind. The Syliran Knights … a famed class of fighters to maintain peace within the beloved city they had founded. Aselia had heard many tales, but she hadn’t thought about the knights as people until now. Of course, they had lives too, hopes and dreams and problems, sometimes children they cared for, sometimes lovers. But mostly, Aselia could imagine, they were dedicated to their profession. It was only natural that those who worked hard sought relaxation from all those difficult and exhausting dramas they were fighting every day. It was a very serious thing to rule an entire city … Although Aselia had no clue what ranks frequented the bath, she knew that even the weakest and lowest ranked of them had to physically or psychically feel the burden that lay on his shoulders. Calyna’s words drew a clear picture in her as she circled the Konti girl with the white and black bird.

First the image of herself tending to a man by offering her body to him disgusted her. Her white, scaled body tensed, but then … Calyna continued and Aselia discovered something else. She realized that that was a priceless chance. Hadn’t she always strived to achieve something that was important for mankind? Hadn’t she dreamed of adventures and brave knights and endless tales? She could get all of those if she just listened with her heart. She could get even more if she agreed to dance the dance of fates with the customers who would come to see her. She saw herself becoming immortal through their touch and their memories and through collecting what they revealed about themselves. Yes, she could be a goddess, but she could also be a faithful servant, someone who made those men strong and brave. She could shape their personality, but she could also give them peace.

Then her All-Seeing Mother came to her mind, and she silently asked if that was what she was supposed to do in Syliras. If Avalis had sent her with Kamalia not only to support her sister, but also to understand more about what the Konti truly were. The tale of Avalis and Laviku was legendary, the beautiful siren and the sea god … Aselia wondered if Avalis felt the same for her children and everyone who bared the seer’s lily. And when she compared that job to the job of her goddess, when she felt Her mark on her skin, she made the decision.

When Calyna had ended, Aselia met her gaze with a short nod. “If that job is like you described it to be, then I’m in for it. I don’t have much experience with men either, but I’m eager to learn and explore. As you said, we Konti possess the natural attitude of listeners and good friends. It’s what I’ve dreamed of … Providing strength to those who are in need of it. I like freedom … but at the same time I like being there for others and caring for their physical and mental health.” She gave a soft smile. “I sincerely thank you for offering and explaining this to me.”

Then she ran through the information once again, searching for holes with a question mark in them. “What kind of boundaries am I able to set? How will I know if they really want sex?” She bit her lip, trying out the unfamiliar word was still new to her. Besides, maybe she was too straightforward. “Of course, if that information is included in the introduction I will be given, I won’t bother you with any more questions. When do you wish me to start?”, she added, her eyes mirroring an expectant, but also slightly frightened look.

All those new things she would come across and maybe would have to learn – they frightened her, but at the same time they provided a chance to her, a chance to break out of the stereotype and do something extraordinary and exciting. Wasn’t she reaching for the stars? This somehow felt like the first step into the right direction.
"To see a world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
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[Syliras Location] Soothing Waters Bath and Massage

Postby Gossamer on April 12th, 2010, 8:35 am


Calyna Zia looked thoughtful. "You can start now. I'll get one of our males, Jaeden, to show you the ropes and give you a tour. He can talk you through the process and mentor you in anything you might want to learn. He's a little lacking on his massage but I can teach you both together if you'd like. Jaeden is open, and its best if you ask him your questions. He'll be your best resource. Now, while your here you can have your own dressing room. It has a fainting couch in it that makes a comfortable sleeping surface if you need some extra rest. You can keep clothing and whatever else you need in there. He'll show you which one you can use and we'll fix a nameplate on the door for you and make sure you have the only key. That is your refuge here. Do not entertain your clients in it, but you can have guests." She said, smiling gently.

"I require you to be here seven days out of every ten, but you can make your own hours and decide when you want to be here. That allows you time for other pursuits if you so choose. Now... lets introduce you to Jaeden shall we?" Calyna Zia picked up a bell and rang it. A young woman popped her head into the door and raised an eyebrow. Calyna spoke to her kindly. "Find Jae, and if hes not with a customer have him report here. He needs to report here... I have a mentoring project for him." Calyna Zia said and then settled down to wait as the young woman disappeared with a nod and a smile. While she did so, she answered Aselia's question. "You ask them, of course, my dear. It's best to be up front about a clients needs. And you can set any sort of boundaries you want. They don't have to partake of your services, but if they do they have to conform to your rules." She said firmly. "And we have security here if things get out of hand."

That was about the time the door opened after a brief knock. Aselia's mentor had arrived.

Mod NoteTime for Jaeden to take over and you two to have your own thread. Feel free to briefly NPC Calyna Zia if you'd like... either of you. I've talked to him about this already and hes ready to start whenever.
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[Syliras Location] Soothing Waters Bath and Massage

Postby Gossamer on June 3rd, 2010, 7:39 am


Character: Jaeden
Experience: Seasonal: Seduction 3 XP

Character: Aselia
Experience: Seasonal: Hospitality 3 XP

Additional Note: Feel free to contact me if you'd like to change either of your seasonals to something you'd prefer other than what I've given.. aka Massage, Seduction, Hospitality, Storytelling... there's a number of things in your line of work that I could actually award for.
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