The Syka Character Registry (Summer 516)

Please register if you are going to be playing in Syka!

(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role play forum. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]

Moderator: Gossamer

The Syka Character Registry (Summer 516)

Postby Gossamer on May 15th, 2016, 11:35 pm


If you play in Syka, you must register!
Please let us know who you are
and why you are here.

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias':
Age, Sex, Race?
Describe your character in a short abstract?
How long are you planning to stay?
What does your character have to offer Syka?
Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not?
Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not?
Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members?
Do you like social threads? Why or why not?
What does your character want to learn this season?
Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting?
Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season?
Why exactly as a player did you select Syka?
In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be?

Additional Comments:

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       [center][size=150]Character Registry[/size][/center]

    [b]Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': [/b]
    [b]Age, Sex, Race?[/b]
    [b]Describe your character in a short abstract?[/b]
    [b]How long are you planning to stay? [/b]
    [b]What does your character have to offer Syka?[/b]
    [b]Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not?[/b]
    [b]Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not?[/b]
    [b]Is your character in cult, group, etc?  Is it taking members?[/b]
    [b]Do you like social threads?  Why or why not?[/b]
    [b]What does your character want to learn this season?[/b]
    [b]Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting?[/b]
    [b]Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season?[/b]
    [b]Why exactly as a player did you select Syka?[/b]
    [b]In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be?[/b]

    [b]Additional Comments:[/b]

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The Syka Character Registry (Summer 516)

Postby Skyard Underwood on July 24th, 2016, 10:52 pm

Character Registry

    Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Skyard Underwood / Sky

    Age, Sex, Race? 10, Male, Kelvic

    Describe your character in a short abstract? Brave, Courageous, Promiscuous, Curious, Cautious.

    How long are you planning to stay? Indefinitely.

    What does your character have to offer Syka? He is currently a leatherworker and would be willing to improve his craft. Not to mention he could very easily be hired as a mercenary if necessary.

    Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? Yes, due to the fact that as a Male Lion violence is part of the fun. Violent threads promote heavy character interactions, and tend to leave both mental and physical impacts on Pc's.

    Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? Yes, because as a male lion it is a large part of his character concept.

    Is your character in cult, group, etc?  Is it taking members? Nope

    Do you like social threads?  Why or why not? No, due to the fact that majority of social threads do not truly promote any "Impactful" interactions.

    What does your character want to learn this season? Everything and anything.

    Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? No one in particular.

    Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Skyard Things.

    Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? Because of the fact that it is an incredibly interesting city, and I believe my pc has a lot to offer.

    In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? Sky needs money, and food however there is nothing in particular my Pc needs.

    Additional Comments: I post first because i'm an alpha.

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The Syka Character Registry (Summer 516)

Postby Titus Galesong on July 26th, 2016, 11:50 pm

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Titus Galesong, Titus

Age, Sex, Race? 19, Male, Svefra

Describe your character in a short abstract? Pleasant, Loyal, Rowdy, Fun-loving, Stubborn, Curious

How long are you planning to stay? For-e-ver! Though it will be towards the end of the season when we arrives.

What does your character have to offer Syka? Titus is a fisherman by trade but he's also a dabbler in things like poison which always comes in handy. He's also a very entertaining individual.

Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? Yes, I do. Violence is exciting and at times, necessary. Stories must be well-rounded.

Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? Of course! I'm a man and have blood coursing through my veins. How can I not like these things?

Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? Uhhh.. I suppose Titus might take on a helping hand or two if need-be but it's not something he's thinking about.

Do you like social threads? Why or why not? Meh. It depends on the group and the concept of the thread. Sometimes social threads take six years just so a couple people can chat.

What does your character want to learn this season? Titus wants to know more about a certain someone and will be insatiably curious about this new paradise.

Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? Not Sky...that guy sucks.

Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? I really just want to boost some skills. Titus was developed with a rather diverse set and I think at this point he needs to expand upon these things.

Why exactly as a player did you select Syka?
  • Tropical paradise
  • Perfect for my PC
  • So many interesting locations to explore
  • No bullshyke, I wanted to have a character in a Goss domain but I really don't care for RF so... :D

In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? There was mention of djed sailing as a discipline. The thread where Titus learns this [when it becomes available] would be at the top of my "Jen, please run this for me" list.

Additional Comments:I'd be willing to help with plot blending so we don't all feel like we're RPing by ourselves. Also... I'm really excited for shenanigans in Syka!
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The Syka Character Registry (Summer 516)

Postby Jacinth on July 27th, 2016, 3:35 am

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Aoide Darkcrest
Age, Sex, Race? 7, Female, Kelvic
Describe your character in a short abstract? Energetic, eager to explore and learn, proud, hungry!
How long are you planning to stay? Hopefully forever!
What does your character have to offer Syka? She is a hunter of fish and sea life. She certainly loves fish. A lot.
Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? I don't mind at all. It's a hurdle that a PC sometimes has to overcome, whether they enjoy it or not.
Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? Sometimes it just happens! And when it happens, let it roll, baby!
Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? She is not in a cult or group... yet!
Do you like social threads? Why or why not? If there is no direction, it can stagnate, so I prefer if there was plot or direction for the social thread.
What does your character want to learn this season? She wants to learn everything about Syka. She is absolutely fascinated.
Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? The first person who offers her a fish.
Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Finding a goal for Aoide, especially after losing her pod. I'd like her to gain a lot of hunting skill so she can prove herself as a valuable asset to the city.
Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? It's absolutely beautiful, and I'm a sucker for wonderful secrets! Syka looks like it has so many wonders!
In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? I don't know if it's possible for kelvics but I'd always love to learn new magics, or just explore the world of Syka through your eyes!

Additional Comments: I'm all aboard the Syka train and ready to roll! Thank you for making such a wonderful place!

Note to self: Make a colorful boxcode, can't be stuck with this generic one!
Last edited by Jacinth on July 27th, 2016, 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Syka Character Registry (Summer 516)

Postby Izuyanai on July 27th, 2016, 9:24 am


Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Izuyanai Kokuryu

Age, Sex, Race? 2, Female, Kelvic

Describe your character in a short abstract? Mischievous, curious, dishonest, witty, and compassionate

How long are you planning to stay? Quite a while. I plan to settle Izuyanai in.

What does your character have to offer Syka? She has some experience with bartending, so Syka can expect a new business.

Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? Sure, it gives something dramatic for play off of.

Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not?Again, why not, character dynamics and all that. There are many ways to write romance.

Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? Not yet...

Do you like social threads? Why or why not?Yes I do, it gives me the chance to look through the eyes of my character in a (usually) calm situation. It let's me flesh out the small things.

What does your character want to learn this season? She wants to scavenge around and learn survival and swimming. If someone's interested in helping a Kelvic not drown, let me know. Izuyanai should also explore to become aware of the mysteries of Syka.

Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? I haven't had the chance to read everyone's writing, but I'd like to meet some of my Kelvic friends.

Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Start setting up a business.

Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? My character being a Kelvic had a lot to do with it, but I wanted to be a part of actually building the city.

In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? Marcus and Myrna Kelvic revalations?

Additional Comments: I'm eager to start writing in Syka, and am willing to collaborate a lot, so let me know if Izuyanai can help your story along.
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The Syka Character Registry (Summer 516)

Postby Shimoje on July 31st, 2016, 11:48 pm

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Shimoje; Shim
Age, Sex, Race? 17, Male, Human
Describe your character in a short abstract? Shimoje was born in Zeltiva, and had a rough childhood. After news of his father's death he proceeded to Syliras where a number of events took place. There he went through phases of mental instability after finding out his father died by animation. He learned of the magic through aid Clyde Sullens and in process was Grand Oathed. From there as part of the Tipsy Wench he left the city and was attacked by pirates where he drifted here to Syka.
How long are you planning to stay? After being abandoned and helpless in a place foreign to him, it will take a while to gain a footground again. As such I could see him staying here for a couple years.
What does your character have to offer Syka? He has 1 mark of Lykata, also is very interesting character (I think) which has plans unknown to most.
Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? Yes. Violence is a forte of mine.
Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? Yes, I enjoy the guiltier pleasures.
Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? He was introduced as a member of the family of the Tipsy Wench and bears the armband around his right arm.
Do you like social threads? Why or why not? yes, mainly because there is a number of things to be gained with talking with people.
What does your character want to learn this season? Further animation, utilize lykata mark, utilize scavenging, and learn some mysterious aspects of Syka
Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? Titus would be interesting to roleplay with. Too many kelvics here thusfar.
Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Recover from drifting to Syka
Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? It was along the route of the Tipsy Wench, and seems to offer far more than being stuck aboard a ship had to offer at the time.
In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? A Scavenging thread in which he utilizes the mark of Lykata to discover a mystery.

Additional Comments: Arrival would be mid season on the 50th of Summer 516 A.V.
Shortly after departure of the Tipsy Wench, a deeply held secret started to show itself as Shimoje's mental stability started to become more clear. His hand will bear the mark of Lykata and glow with a symbol of Lormar.


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The Syka Character Registry (Summer 516)

Postby Alyria Riptide on August 8th, 2016, 9:37 pm

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Alyria Riptide.
Age, Sex, Race? 25, Female, Mixed Blood (Svefra born)

Describe your character in a short abstract? Friendly, fun, adventurous with a desire to explore. A little "head in the clouds" sometimes.

How long are you planning to stay? A long while. She's settled in for a month (in her CS yet to be approved. :) ) and planning to have her explore...slowly and carefully.

What does your character have to offer Syka? Fisher woman, specialty dive fishing for crustations. Also has good map navigation skills.

Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? I'm not against it, but won't force a thread in that direction unless it's required.

Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? Yes, but will only go by rules of the forum. I enjoy a good love story with action/romance/thrills/angst, ect.

Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? Not in one.

Do you like social threads? Why or why not? Yes! Because the more the merrier! A social thread is an active thread. :)

What does your character want to learn this season? Jungle survival, exploration.

Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? Anyone. :)

Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Discover something on her heirloom map that relates to the Maw, which will guide her to explore it bit by bit on what could be a wild goose chase, or could be a major discovery.

Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? Fresh, new, exciting and ready to be developed and built. It's an interesting concept.

In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? Guiding where her Map will lead her. (Even if we chat via PM, I don't want to step on any toes)
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The Syka Character Registry (Summer 516)

Postby Mateo Tidesong on August 9th, 2016, 12:47 pm

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Mateo Tidesong. No aliases. Accepting nicknames.

Age, Sex, Race?24, male, Svefra

Describe your character in a short abstract? Energetic artisan with a seaworthy flair for getting himself in over his head.

How long are you planning to stay? Indefinitely. Syka seems like a fun place to set up shop, especially since the Suvan is still completely accessible.

What does your character have to offer Syka? Mateo is a spinner of thread and yarn, weaver of fabric, and possibly a future clothier.

Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? Sure. To some extent. Sea life isn't really peaceful and sometimes strong personalities clash. Mateo has learned he can't grin his way out of everything he gets himself into.

Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? Sure. Always a curious adventure, that stuff.

Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? Nope.

Do you like social threads? Why or why not? Yes. New friends and fireside beach parties and getting to know other characters is why I'm here.

What does your character want to learn this season? Mateo needs to build on the skills for his profession (weaving and sewing and swimming), and I think eventually—though not necessarily this season but it could be a good excuse to hang around Syka—I'd like for him to explore herbalism and philtering to dye yarn and fabric and thread.

Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? Um. All of them?

Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Making some friends. Deciding to settle. Start a business.

Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? It’s new like me. It seems like a great location for a Svefra to stumble upon and enjoy. And it will be fun building into a new area while growing a character at the same time. The pre-Valterran mysteries are pretty cool, too.

In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? It seems like there are some interesting locations around with the potential for strange experiences and learning more about Mizahar’s history. I'm excited to try to participate in those. Some treasure hunting looks like fun ... adventures for shiny things! Yes!

It looks like Mateo will have to meet Tony and learn all about the fun plants that can be woven into fabric on Syka. Possibly a job, too? It could be cool to learn to dye fabric and to work on weaving skills with someone.

Learning/being initiated into some magic down the road (Reimancy?) sounds pretty fun, too. Not gonna lie there.

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Last edited by Mateo Tidesong on August 22nd, 2016, 7:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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The Syka Character Registry (Summer 516)

Postby Marina Agamand on August 12th, 2016, 4:16 pm

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Marina Agamand and any spontaneous curse words people might come up with.
Age, Sex, Race? 529, F, Ghost
Describe your character in a short abstract? Marina is long past her date of expiry. Recklessly curious, dangerously mischievous, maniacally nostalgic and just a little too dastardly.
How long are you planning to stay? Indefinitely.
What does your character have to offer Syka? Absolutely nothing.
Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not? Yes. It brings out the fun side of people.
Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not? My character is hard to love.
Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members? Not part of anything. Probably can never be.
Do you like social threads? Why or why not? Too predicable. I want surprises.
What does your character want to learn this season? Explore the area.
Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting? Anyone who also wants to explore the area.
Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season? Find some exciting secrets.
Why exactly as a player did you select Syka? The pre-Valterrian mysteries.
In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be? The pre-Valterrian mysteries.

Additional Comments: If your character plans on doing anything wild and dangerous, we should talk. I want in on that good stuff.
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The Syka Character Registry (Summer 516)

Postby Dust on September 1st, 2016, 2:27 am

Realized I hadn't put this up... oops.

Character Registry

Your Formal PC Name & Any Alias': Dust
Age, Sex, Race? 9 years, female Kelvic (raven)

Describe your character in a short abstract? Gregarious, cheerful, good-natured, straightforward.

How long are you planning to stay? Indefinite
What does your character have to offer Syka? mapmaking, scouting, good cheer and enthusiastic assistance

Do you like threading about violence? Why or why not?
I am fine with threads involving violent events; it's one way to offer challenge to a character or push them out of their comfort zone. I don't seek violence out for its own sake, however.

Do you like threading about sex/love/romance? Why or why not?
Romance and love, yes; explicit sex, not as such. I like threading about character relationships in all forms, the connections that develop between people and how they change over time.

Is your character in cult, group, etc? Is it taking members?
Not in a group.

Do you like social threads? Why or why not?
Yes. See above about relationships, connections, dynamics.

What does your character want to learn this season?
This season is for getting acquainted with her new home -- its places, landscape, people...

Which other Syka PC would your PC really love meeting?
She couldn't pick just one -- everybody!

Do you as a player want to see your character being able to do this season?
Mostly just getting established this season, I expect.

Why exactly as a player did you select Syka?
Reason one, I've always liked "establishing a settlement" kinds of stories, and I would have an eye on joining any such endeavor wherever it happened. Reason two, I'm very interested in the juxtaposition of past and present which Syka embodies, and being part of how that unfolds IC, what it brings to both the domain and the game at large. Reason three, Dust was due for a new adventure, her newest friend was also going, he had his own ship, and it all just fit together!

In terms of me being a moderator, if you could have me run anything for your PC what would that be?
Right now, I have to say my biggest wish would be for Dust to meet the Librarian of Reclaimed Knowledge. The stories she could tell!

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I'm excited to have Syka open at last!
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