PM to join [The Midnight Gem] A Gem of a Time (Kelski)

Kreig accepts an open inviation from Kelski for dinner, will it be a good time?

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[The Midnight Gem] A Gem of a Time (Kelski)

Postby Kreig Messer on June 27th, 2018, 11:57 am


36th of Summer, 5th bell, 30th chime

Visiting someone’s home was not a thing Kreig could say he’d done often, in fact he could barely say he’d done so at all for friendly purposes. As social Kreig could be actual friends were few and far between despite a lifetime in Sunberth and the years spent in other cities, he was sure the amount of friends could be counted on his two hands.

So it was with nervousness that he approached the Midnight Gem, an establishment not far from Kreig’s place of work and his own ‘home’ if he could consider it that. Dressed in his remaining black shirt and a pair of white breeches, both having seen several years of use he looked more like a lay about then a well-paid prizefighter. He had wondered if he’d bring a gift but he wasn’t sure what he could bring her… Darvin’s head? Unlikely since he didn’t where Darvin hangs about other than Sun’s Birth territory and even if he did he wasn’t sure he could do the deed without anyone finding out.

And besides, a head would be a morbid thing to bring to a dinner.

Speaking of dinner, didn’t Kel say she was still learning? That by itself caused him no alarm, he didn’t come for the food after all but…. Part of him dreaded what she’d cook up. She was actually a bird, wasn’t she? A big ol’ bird yes, but a big ol’ bird that ate things raw…. Did she even have a taste for regular human food? Or should he expect Sunberth’s rat population to have declined a bit as a couple decorate the dinner plates?

And she’d mentioned people hadn’t she? People who weren’t Kynier. He’d wondered what kind of people they’d be. It only added to his worry that they may be the sort she’d trust in too quickly.

As he stood infront of the building, Kreig could only let out a whistle of surprise. it was bigger than he’d expected, how much did she get from Goldfinger to pay for this? For her sake he’d hoped not much, and he’d hoped whatever terms she’d agreed to weren’t skewed against her.

“I could offer to pay maybe…” But she wasn’t likely to accept, Kreig felt. His impressions were that she had her pride, and if he did so she was likely to start trying to pay Kreig off instead “That might not be so bad..” He mumbled to himself, at least he’d be fairer.

He sighed again, he was delaying and he knew it. Straightening himself, Kreig placed his hand upon the door and opened it. There was no delaying the inevitable.

“Kel, ya there? I’m ‘ere ‘bout that dinner”

Last edited by Kreig Messer on July 27th, 2018, 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Midnight Gem] A Gem of a Time (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on June 28th, 2018, 3:12 am

Looking at the two-story building of beam and brick, Kreig’s fears certainly weren’t displaced. Goldfinger was known for going big and getting people deeply into debt with his organization, living off the interest for years afterwards before they took the buildings back, sold them to others, and started the process all over again.

Out front there was a nice sign hanging with the prominent name of Kelski’s business. A huge wooden carved gem graced the sign. Glass windows lined with lead and barred displayed a wide array of brilliant jewelry, some fancy and some simple. It was arranged tastefully as if trying to appeal to a wide variety of folk, both of modest and well-to-do incomes. There were two whiskey casts of flowers flanking the door which was large, imposing, and had a very good lock on it. A hand printed sign on the front said ‘Welcome. Come in and look around.”

Kreig did so, pushing the door open and stepping into an elegant shop that clarified she had indeed taken on a huge lone. The Midnight Gem was elegant, welcoming, but not excluding of those that might not have as much coin as others. There were sections and all the actual gems and babbles for sale were behind glass.

A young man hurried painfully forward. He covered the fact that he was injured well, but Krieg was a fighter and saw the signs all over the young man. Brilliant blue eyes with odd shaped pupils – more like a cats - and a close cut of dark hair graced his head. He studied Kreig then smiled, revealing what could only be canines. Obviously Kelvic, the young man advanced after a moment of studying Kreig and then paused.

He tilted his head and paused. “Kreig?” He seemed to ask hesitantly, a sadness crossing his face for a moment. He had a certain aura about him… almost one of tragedy. It wasn’t easily seen, but Krieg had been around Sunberth a while and had seen it over and over again. The loss of someone close…

“She’s described you to me. Told me stories. I’m Ebon. I live here… clerk for her.” He said hesitantly, his eyes trailing down to Kreig’s knuckles. The young man reached out and gently took Krieg’s hand as if he were going to shake it. Instead he ran his hands across Kreig’s bruised and still healing knuckles. The skin closed and the bruises faded as white light poured from his hands. “I am learning to be a healer, here, where its safe.” He said quietly, releasing Kreig’s hand and holding out his hands for the other… if Kreig let him heal that hand as well, he would… compelled by Rak’keli’s mark to do so.

“Have you come for dinner? Is that what you said? She said she’d invited you. Kelski went hunting earlier and brought back two big salmon. There’s going to be plenty. We usually grill it out on the deck at the firepit. I’ll take you there but first lets see if shes home.” He said, moving around Krieg to flip the sign on the door and lock the door behind them. Then the youth turned, lead Krieg past the counter and into what looked like a back workshop.

Kelski had been busy there.

It was controlled chaos dominated by a huge jeweler’s work bench and a jewelry forge that had been banked for the night. Projects were scattered about, mostly wooden masks in various states of being encrusted with gems and decorated with paint and filigree.

Ebon didn’t linger though. Kelski wasn’t there. He hit a stairway and lead Kreig up it and through a big door. It opened into an expansive living area that was decorated with a huge couch, two comfortable arm chairs and a fireplace that had a big hearth for cooking. There were rooms off the main room, and the whole thing overlooked a balcony that looked like another living area outside. The sea could be seen crashing beyond through two open doors that let the outside fresh air in. Doors led off the main room into what could have been bedrooms or washrooms.

Kelski lay half curled on the couch, a book open in her lap, reading quietly. She looked up, a smile lit her face, and she said happily… “Kreig! You came!” She closed the book carefully, uncurled her legs, and rose to her feet. “How are you doing? Did you meet Ebon?” She asked, trying to draw him into the room further and offer him one of the big armchairs.

She gave Ebon a grin and asked … “Did you close the shop? I’m sorry I stopped working but I was up all night and my fingers were just done… I had to take a break to hunt and relax a bit. I’ll go at it a bit later. Those masks are taking a lot of time.” She said.

Ebon nodded eagerly, though there was still something sad in his eyes, and went to get Kreig something to drink. They had fresh cold water from the well and he poured Kreig a big ceramic mug of it. He got himself and Kelski one as well and all three of them sat down.
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[The Midnight Gem] A Gem of a Time (Kelski)

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on June 28th, 2018, 4:51 pm

Aer'wyn had just about to grown used to his new surroundings. Who would have guessed that such a turn of events would bless him not only with new friends but a new place he could call home and a job to support himself. After a few days the Akalak had pretty much settled into a new routine, grown comfortable in his new bed. Finally it seemed he had found the one place in this city that he could actually come to love.

Although both Kelski and Ebon have come to know about his secret, he still didn't make it a habit of his to walk around one-armed, if only for convenience sake. What he could do one handed came so much faster with both.

That day as any other Aer'wyn sat on the floor of his bedroom, behind closed doors and walked though all the steps of morphing. At first he measured his breathing, controlled it as he inhaled through his nose and out by his mouth slowly. With each breath he'd feel his muscles relax and his hearth beat slow down. With each breath his already hardly frazzled mind cleared. Then again it wasn't difficult to clear one's mind when the bulk of one's thoughts revolved around food. As of late he had little to worry about.

Once he had found himself relaxed and clear minded enough Aer'wyn tapped into the pool of djed that was his being. He pictured the same steps in his mind, the shifting of the magical substance from his left shoulder, back and pecks and pulling it down. Assisting the process with his other hand, he pushed and pulled at his blue skin as the shell of a hand slowly formed. Each finger he pulled out of his djed individually. Then came the skeletal structure, the joints. Aer'wyn formed each one individually with his mind as well, being so very familiar with the inner and outer workings of Akalak anatomy as he had done this a million times before. Last came the tendons, attaching the muscle to bone beneath his skin and then the capillaries and nerves to make the arm usable.

To anyone looking now there would be no difference between either one of his hands other than the opposing thumbs. A perfect mirrored structure of blue, just as alive with blood and heat. He held it up to the light of the window and flexed his new fingers a couple times, examining every groove and curve of his creation down to the tiniest detail of a fingerprint. With a smile Aer'wyn was satisfied.

It was then that voices behind the door caught his attention. That of Kelski and Ebon he had grown to know by now. Sharing a house with them meant he had grown accustomed to the unique distortions of their respective voices though wood, the patterns of creaking in floor boards as they walked. But there was another voice. One he did not instantly recognise.

Aer'wyn swiftly pulled his shirt over his head and swung the door open to investigate but the moment his huge eyes laid on Kreig, his expression turned from upbeat and perky to looking as if somebody had slapped him in the face. His lips swung open as his mind rummaged for something, anything he could say.

He recognised Kreig. of course he did. How could he forget such an odd encounter with the the drunken brawler. Albeit he was quite glad to see the sober side in the man, he couldn't say he was glad to see him. For when they two had met last time, it was Vel, not Aer'wyn in control of the body. And he was also down a hand at that time. Suddenly keeping this shameful secret seemed more troublesome than keeping it out in the open and being proud of who he was.

In a city where mages would be killed on sight or strung up over a tree, Aer'wyn sure as anything was having a hard time not telling anyone he was a lamb for the slaughter.
Last edited by Aer'wyn Grisghul on June 28th, 2018, 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Midnight Gem] A Gem of a Time (Kelski)

Postby Rene Rafar on June 28th, 2018, 4:56 pm

On the couch at Kelski's feet was what looked like a tawny in colored fur pillow with spots on it. Only looking carefully could you see that the pillow slowly moved up and down as if it was steadily breathing in slow shallow breaths and the more one watched the pillow it became more apparent that it wasn't a pillow but a spotted cat of some kind its ears would flick in response to any little sound. It wasn't until Kelski spoke and moved to get up did the cat come fully awake yawning as she stretched and sat down on the same spot she had been sleeping on just moments before. Looking at Kelski, Ebon and this new person she had not seen before giving them a questioning look as to ask whats going on did I miss something?
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[The Midnight Gem] A Gem of a Time (Kelski)

Postby Kreig Messer on July 1st, 2018, 7:18 am


When Kreig entered he had to admit he didn’t expect the inside to be… luxorious? No, perhaps fancy, while similar, was the more apt term for it as he looked at his surroundings. It was welcoming but it did not specify who, simply that all those interest to purchase to come in and browse.

What caught his eye next was a young looking man wo seemed to be injured, calling Kreig by name in an inquiring tone. Must be one of her friends, and now that Kreig had a much more closer look it was obvious he was Kelvic.

“Pleasure to maker yer acquaintance Ebon, if yer a friend of ‘ers then yer one of mine” He said politely. He stared lightly, and couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness, it was clear the fellow seemed to be struggling with more than just a physical injury by the looks of it, and this one ran far deeper than any of the sort.

He was startled when Ebon grabbed for his hand but did not fight it, eyes widening in awe as he saw the torn skin of his of fists and bruises fading beneath the magical light Ebon held. Last time he saw something like this was in Syliras. He extended the other for waiting Ebon, who proceeded to repeat the process.

“Well ya couldn’t find a better place than Kel’s” He remarked, mainly because he didn’t know of any place better than Kel’s for the healer to lay low to practice his craft. In terms of safe places Sunberth was remarkably lacking after all. The idea of Salmon intrigued Kreig as well, Salmon sounded about right and the brawler scratched at his chin. ‘Course they couldn’t start on dinner without Kel herself.

“Lead on then, ‘right behind a that I am” And so Kreig followed after Ebon closed shop adnd lead the brawler to a workshop where Kel had evidently been doing much jewlecrafting, the jewler herself sitting upon a couch with book in hand.

Kreig smiled at her as she shot up to her feet and approached them with cheer “Well ‘course I did, what kinda fellow’d say no to food with friends” He grinned, he nodded towards Ebon, arching a thumb towards the young kelvic fellow “An’ yup, fixed me fists right up as good new. Pretty handy to have ‘em about” He remarked cheerfuly, feeling humorous about the handy part.

The kelvic in question handed him a nice cold mug of water, which he accepted appreciatively “Thank ya kindly, lad” And then drank the water, thou he had not focused on the coolness of it as he tnen took a sat.

When Aerwyn showed up, Kreig took note how the man’s features shifted from happy to shock in but an instant. Kreig’s brow quirked at this, had the man seen him at Tall Johnny’s? Or had he seen Kreig during that whole brawl in the Pig’s Foot. Both were likely really and Kreig held little memory of the former if he were perfectly honest. So instead he put up a friendly smile and greeted the fellow with the raise of his mug, sure that Kelski would handle introductions.

Then came the cat whos’ notice he’d just picked up as he looked at the ground while his eyes were gazing about the room. Kreig suddenly had a sinking suspicion about that cat, knowing his luck with Kelvics. It was quite possible that she was one.

But Kreig decided to stay mum about it, if she was one he’d likely be told or find out soon enough. He just hoped she’d be clothed if he did have to find out the hard way.
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[The Midnight Gem] A Gem of a Time (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on July 11th, 2018, 1:16 am

Ebon was pleased that Kreig allowed him to follow his compulsion and heal the man’s knuckles. By the look of things, Kreig’s scarred hands were often in this state. “My Lady Rak’keli gifts her marks with the understanding we will heal all regardless. Please, don’t hesitate to come again if you have need, though I would appreciate you keeping my presence quiet. Kelski is good to give me a roof and a job so I can exist quietly here.” He said softly, his words contradicting his uncertainty of Kreig and his place among the shop.

Kelski herself was pleased Kreig came, and even more glad that Ren and Aer’wyn were both home. She rose, glanced between the four and smiled. “Kreig, this is my family.” She said shyly. “Aer’wyn works here as security and a guard of sorts. You’ve met Ebon… he clerks and heals. Ren just hangs out here, taking up almost no room. She’s a great sort of messenger and gets overlooked a lot so she hears things that others might not realize they are saying.” Kelski said, settling down at the table and drinking deeply of her water. They had no fancy dishes yet, no culinary masterpieces, and they certainly had no careful organization. Instead, it just looked like four people gathered together because the outside world was too harsh to face alone.

“I have some soaking planks down on the deck. The evening is really nice and the deck overlooks the ocean. Would you mind if we all moved down there so I can get the salmon started?” She asked, glancing at the others. If there were no disagreements, Kelski would grab a basket of vegetables, fruit, a craving knife, some plates, and enough silverware for everyone. Then… lead the way carrying the basket of goodies downstairs.

Leading them out onto the deck, Kreig would see several fat salmon hanging already cleaned from the deck railing in what appeared to be a fish cleaning station. A firepit graced the center of the deck surrounded by comfortable chairs. There was about an acre of land stretching downward that was also fenced, with a gate at the path leading downward, which continued out to the beach.

Kelski indeed had several large boards soaking in water for whatever reason. They were pushed off to the side in what looked like some scavenged animal trough. She sat the basket down, crossed the deck, and casually jogged down to the fence line where a pile of wood lay gathered. Most of it looked like driftwood the animals brought up when they returned from their roaming.

Dumping the firewood in the firepit, Kelski took a flint and steel from her pocket, took some oily rags that looked like they were something left form her jewelry work, and lit them on fire. She piled the wood over the little burning rags, and began to steeple the wood up until it all caught fire and began to crackle. Then she gestured to the seats, offered everyone a place to sit, and took the remaining one after moving the basket of produce next to her.

“We can cook the salmon on the saturated boards and the boards won’t catch on fire. The escaping water will rise like steam and that will cook the salmon nicely and quickly.” She said as she pulled out a small board and began to slice up the vegetables on it into chunks. There were mushrooms, peppers, small potatoes, carrots, and even pearl onions. She took these chunks and started loading up long slender rods of metal that looked as if she’d made them herself. These skewers she laid off to the side, obviously waiting for the fire to burn down a bit from its initial fury so they could cook without disaster.

“How have you been Kreig? We keep hearing of you winning fights. I’ve been by to see one of them… when you fought a rather strong woman. It was amazing.” Kelski said, not trying to flatter him but trying to make conversation. She wasn’t sure what the others would say or do, but she really hoped they’d make him feel welcome. Ebon certainly tried.

“How in the world did you end up as a Prize Fighter for Tall Johnny? That’s amazing!” The young night lion said, studying Kreig as if he might suddenly grow horns or double in height. It was true that the young of Sunberth somewhat idolized Kreig and classified him in some sort of mythic status. Kelski, sensing this coming, only smiled, letting Ebon have his moment with what might have been one of his heroes before he discovered that Kreig was in fact only human like the rest of the city.

She glanced at Aer’wyn, knowing he was a lot older and possibly might know how to handle Ebon’s little burst of enthusiasm. The last thing Kelski wanted was for Kreig to feel uncomfortable. However, as the moment passed, Ebon seemed to calm down and offered Kreig an apologetic smile. “When Kelski told me she knew you and that you seemed just like everyone else… only wiser… I didn’t believe her. Birds, ya know?” He said with a grin, and reached over and ruffled Kelski’s ombre hair. She snapped at him with a very eagle-like hiss and then offered him a grin.

They liked each other. And Aer’wyn too. He could see immediately they were just glad to have the company and were trying to be entertaining as well. “If it means anything to you….” Kelski added affectionately…. “Rene had no idea who you are.” She said with a laugh, a mischievous grin crossing her features.

About that time the fire stopped roaring and Kelski fetched the boards out of the water, laying them across the fire pit. They immediately began to steam and so she took the salmon and with the sharp knife cut them into big fillets. Discarding the heads, she laid them out skin-side down, two apiece on the boards, and let them start to steam. The kabobs she also laid out, on top of the salmon, where the juices of the veggies could season the meat. She added salt and pepper to each of the slabs of flesh decorated with skewers and then resumed her seat.
They laugh at me because I am different.
I laugh at them because they are all the same.

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[The Midnight Gem] A Gem of a Time (Kelski)

Postby Rene Rafar on July 11th, 2018, 11:57 pm

Ren tilted her head at Kelski as if to ask if she wanted help before she jumped down of the couch heading off to Kelski's bed room to change in to her human form only pausing long enough to rub around the legs of Aer'wyn, Ebon and Kreig was her way of greeting.

Five chimes later Ren made her way down to the deck where everyone was gathered, seeing that Kelski was preparing the fire pit for the salmon. "Here, Kels, let me help this will go faster if the two of us do this." Smiling as she sat down next to Kelski to and started loading the little rods with the different vegetable chunks.

Ren looked up at Kreig listening to everyone's conversation about the prize fighter the only thing she really knew was that Tall Johnny's was very well known for his fight rings. Ren smiled "I'm glade you could make it Kel has been a little worried that you would not join us this evening." Turning to look at everyone, "Can I refill your drinks?" she asked getting up to refill her own glass of cool water and any body else's glass before returning to her spot by the fire.
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[The Midnight Gem] A Gem of a Time (Kelski)

Postby Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 17th, 2018, 6:38 pm

Could Kreig really have drank enough to forget who the Akalak was? For someone as large as Aer’wyn, it really take too much to be able to afford on the regular, in order to get quite so intoxicated. He almost took it for granted, expecting others to match his tolerance and finding out that wasn’t the case in the slightest came as a relief. As Kreig’s glass lifted in a greeting, Aer’wyn replied lifting his left palm in a similar gesture.

“Good to see you again Kreig. I do hope the hangover proceeding the last time we’ve ran into each other wasn’t too severe.” Said the Akalak, summoning a friendly smile to his lips as soon as the initial shock of seeing the prize fighter in his own house had warn off. He counted on not being remembered, hoping so hard that the man wasn’t simply concealing his knowledge in front of the others. Aer’wyn was making it up as he went along but that’s all he could do right now. He had yet to come clean to his new family about the existence of another brother which they didn’t quite want.

That’s indeed what they were. A family. Streys of the streets of Sunberth banded together by fate and need of company. And so quickly had they grown to love each other. A certain pack dynamic emerging between them as they settled into their roles of friends, leaders and protectors.

As greetings were said, Ren hopped off the sofa and greeted everyone in her own feline way. Aer’wyn gave her an affectionate, brief scratch behind the ear. He really had grown very fond of the feline, as he did of Kelski and Ebon. He couldn’t imagine any of them suddenly disappearing from his life without leaving a great black hole behind.

Soon enough the little dinner party made their way down to the deck where food was prepared. Aer’wyn mostly sat back and let the girls do hassle with that. They had been spoiling him a little too much as of late. When it came time to place the soaked boards over the flames however he did get up off of his lazy butt to help with that. Four hands were better than two.

Instead of cooking he turned to, along with Ebon, entertain their new guest. Although the stars in the night lion’s eyes weren’t quite matched in the Akalak’s who just treated Kreig as any other man; politely and with a friendly demeanour. He had heard a thing or two of Tall Johny, even a thing or two about Kreig and he wouldn’t have to be hard pressed to admit he had interest in the establishment, but the gravitas of whom it was he was talking to was a little lost on the outlander. He had still so much to learn about the city.

“How did you two meet?” he looked between Kelski and Kreig. Judging by Ebon’s excitement over the prize fighter’s presence he couldn’t help himself but wonder.

Credit for template goes to Luminescence :idea:
Last edited by Aer'wyn Grisghul on July 19th, 2018, 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[The Midnight Gem] A Gem of a Time (Kelski)

Postby Kreig Messer on July 18th, 2018, 11:46 am


So it seems Kreig and Aer’wyn had met after all, and likely at the tavern considering the mention of hangover and simply nodded to his remark “I’m doin’ alright Kel” Kreig smiled softly at her as he scratched the side of his face “Usually we get a fair amount of days rest before the next fights ‘less we ask for it or he’s just’ tossin’ fodder at us before a bigger event” He remarked before turning his gaze to Ebon with a quirk of the lips.

“Easy ‘nuff, I asked for it. Set me up with a fight ta test my mettle, won it, an’ ‘ere I was” He remarked simply enough, there was no grandiose story to tell about how he got the job really. It wasn’t hard to become a fighter for Johnny’s really and even if lost the fight Kreig reckoned as long as he gave a good showing Johnny would have hired him regardless.

For as much as the fights in the pit was a bloodsport, it was supposed to be entertaining and finding fodder was easy enough.

It was about that time he saw another figure, he assumed Ren who’d shifted to her human form, came about and began helping Kelski prepare the food

He watched as the fish was being cooked, the smell assaulting his senses, hand running through his hair as he watched the process, with Aer’wyn giving some help as well it seemed before he returned to Ebern and Kreig.

He stiffened when Aer asked his question, he closed his eyes and sighed “ Ay, gimme a refill if ya might, lass” He answered before he formulated a response for Aer’wyn.

“We met seasons last, Aer, before she came to have this ‘ere shop an’ home” He spread his hand about, intending to question Kel about that in private later on “ But other than that I ain’t sayin’ much, Kel’s right to share more than my owns suffice ta say”

And considering when he’d met her she was a slave, Kreig felt that was a rather large right for her.
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[The Midnight Gem] A Gem of a Time (Kelski)

Postby Kelski on July 21st, 2018, 2:14 pm

Kelski accepted Rene’s help gratefully and the two of them made quick work of dinner preparations. She was glad everyone was being so welcoming of Kreig. The Sea Eagle wasn’t sure what Kreig’s situation was, but she felt he might not have had many friends and perhaps needed a few more. That he had come had spoke volumes and she wanted to make sure he had a good time. Kelski knew there was a fine line between entertaining Kreig and letting her Kelvic co-horts bomb him with fan-like zeal so she kept a careful eye on young Ebon and made sure he wasn’t being too pushy or smothering with his questions. She hadn’t seen Ebon tend to Kreig’s knuckles or she would have relaxed a bit. Healing soothed the Night Lion youth and tended to level out his personality.

Rene she wasn’t worried about. The Ocelot had impeccable manners, despite the isolation of her youth. She was quiet, very respectful, and incredibly helpful. Kelski had even agreed to start teaching her some of the things around the workshop so she might someday stop running messages and be able to just help out in the shop full time like Ebon did. Ebon was good with money and customers though, outgoing and able to draw people into his unique light. Rene was shyer, less suited to clerking and salesmanship and more suitable for backroom types of activities where it was just her and the gemstones. Kelski was sure she could make a fine jewelcrafter out of her if the Ocelot took to the work.

Aer’wyn was a joy in Kelski’s life. Polite, deeply intelligent, and incredibly tolerant… the Akalak male had slowly grown accustomed to life at The Midnight Gem. The Kelvics all flocked to Aer’wyn for comfort and conversation, finding him a good listener. He had to tolerate all kinds of nonsense from them as well. Rene often left the big blue man ‘treats’ on his pillows or at the foot of his closed door since she respected his privacy. Dead mice, lightly played with bird corpses, and an occasional pilfered shiny or crinkly thing from Kelski’s workshop often comprised these offerings. Kelski endlessly hunted for him, cooked, and often stole his dirty things to launder them with the rest of the wash… the Kelvics all liked taking care of him. Ebon even patched him up when he came in from being mysteriously gone, almost eager once he reappeared to see if he had anything that needed ‘fixing’. And all of them barely noticed if they were dressed or not in his presence. Skin to them was just another set of clothing. And though they didn’t recognize it, each one of them were uniquely beautiful and incredibly smart as well. He’d often find them piled together in front of the fire, not wearing a stitch of clothing, talking of their days or having lightly drifted off to sleep together, not noticing how late it had gotten. The other Kelvics took care of Kelski too, always finding an excuse to help her carry things up and down the stairs; or having watched her do a task in her workshop long enough, offered to take over the task so she could be freed up to do the more advanced things her profession required.

Aer’wyn was right. The Midnight Gem was full of family.

And they welcomed Krieg into this world with genuine smiles and enthusiasm. Aer’wyn’s question to Kelski didn’t even cause her to blink. “My Guard told my Master he wanted me to be more toned, that I was growing fat… back when I was a slave. My Master didn’t want that. He liked… his things perfect. I wasn’t fat, actually, but barely functioning because they weren’t feeding me the right kinds of food. He hired Kreig to train me. He thought Kreig was someone different… harder, meaner, like the fighter he seems in the ring. But Kreig is not a cold killer. He told me to start eating during the first minute of our lesson and that’s when I started hunting on my own. My Guard offered my body to Kreig in hopes he could keep his coin instead of paying him, but Kreig trained me straight through the time Darvin had given him to use me, wanting me to actually really learn how to defend himself. I liked Kreig instantly. He taught me more in that Bell than I had learned in a long while. He also taught me all humans weren’t like the humans that owned me.” She said, smiling lightly at Kreig. “I want him in our lives… he has a vision for the city that is different than I think most men’s here might be. We may be able to help him. And I suspect he can help all of you make better uses of your bodies.” Kelski said thoughtfully.

“Even watching him, you can learn how to move better… “ She said, looking thoughtful. “But talking to him is a treat as well. He has an ability to inspire…” The Kelvic said, making a gesture with her hand as she stood and leaned over the planks, poking at the fish to test its doneness. It was still fairly raw, but the slow cooking steam was doing its work.

“I should have asked you all what sorts of foods are your favorite? Maybe we’ll keep more of those types stocked in case we gather for meals again….” Kelski said, glancing around at everyone. It was clear fish was her favorite, but she wasn’t sure what everyone else loved.
They laugh at me because I am different.
I laugh at them because they are all the same.

Painted Sky Jewelry (The Wildlands) | Crossroads Jewelry (The Outpost)
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