Under the sea...
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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]
Moderator: Gossamer
by Kamilla on October 30th, 2019, 1:27 pm

It had been a few days since the… eventful journey to the citadel and Kamilla, finally recovered both mentally and physically, found herself heading down to the beach near her mountain home. She'd been wanting to put her new body to use in the sea since her transformation, wanting to explore that which she'd never been capable of before. Now it was finally time, a mixture of excitement and nerves made the potential experience seem even more exciting.
Slowly making her way deeper into the waves, the temporary Konti seemingly unbothered by Syka's warm waters as she waded further, her waist now beneath the ocean's surface. She'd brought nothing along with her save for the pair of white underwear she was wearing, they went well with her pale skin and were, thankfully, not transparent when wet. At any rate, she needed to be barefoot to take advantage of her slightly webbed feet.
With most of her abdomen now consumed by the waters, the blonde Kamilla took a deep and pointless instinctual breath before submerging herself completely, switching from lungs to gills and expelling her previous breath through the slits in her throat in a mass of bubbles. Lavender eyes opened, quickly adjusting the their new environment and with a stroke of her arms, she began to venture deeper into the ocean, the flash of her behind and feet the last evidence of her presence visible above the surface, if anyone had been watching.
It had been about, roughly midday when Kamilla had left her home and, as a result, the sun was high in the sky and the world beneath the waves was well lit. The further she swam from the shore, following the downward slope of the sand, the more noticeable the rays of light from above became as they broke through the surface, revealing beautiful dancing pillars that Kamilla couldn't help but admire.
The world beneath the waves was entirely different than the one above, that much was immediately evident, as even at only a few dozen meters away from the beach, the depths had easily quadrupled, if not more, to reveal a beautiful sprawling reef filled with color and life.
Everywhere she looked there was something to see, schools of small fish, bright colorful looking underwater plants and to her left, in the distance, she could see the sunken ruins that she'd explored the seasons before. She recalled venturing into the very first of the ruined buildings and nearly drowned to death. It had been an eventful night, with them discovering and being chased down by a trio of humanoid looking sea creatures. They still had no clues as to what the aquatic people were doing so close to Syka, something that bothered her quite often.
She considered venturing closer to the ruins but ultimately decided against it, she'd promised Jehu that she wouldn't go exploring the ruins alone and, besides that, Kamilla wasn't about to risk starting a fight with the weird creatures underwater. Instead, the Konti casually made her way to the sea floor, examining the array of colorful plant and sea life, most notably a large rock that seemed to give off a bright yellow glow.
Last edited by
Kamilla on November 3rd, 2019, 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Kamilla - Magical Mistress
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by Kamilla on November 2nd, 2019, 4:27 pm

After about twenty chimes, Kamilla was sure she'd seen all she could see without venturing too far from the safety of the shore. Her new body may have been made to survive underwater, but that didn't mean that she felt comfortable attempting to do so. Swimming had come naturally, surprisingly, she desired to move in a certain direction and her body simply obliged, almost instinctively, but she was still far from knowledgeable about the world beneath the waves, after all she'd only ever sailed above it up until now.
Currently sue was floating a few feet above the ocean floor, lavender eyes curiously fixed on the glowing yellow substance that coated rocks there, she was curious as to what it was and whether it would survive above water, it was certainly beautiful. It was then that she felt, almost sensed, something moving above her, head tilting upward in search of whatever had cast the imaginary shadow and only spotting a small piece of something disappearing behind the rock formation above her. It didn't seem like a cause for worry, after all, everywhere she looked, there was some kind of sea life… though now that she thought about it, the sea creatures were notably absent, she could have sworn they'd been aplenty less than a chime ago.
There was an odd high pitched noise that unsettled her slightly, simply because she couldn't place what it was or from which direction it came, but the thought was brushed a way a moment later.
Must just be imagination…
Unconcerned and having grown bored of the natural aspects of the ocean floor, Kamilla cast a curious gaze back in the direction of the nearby ruins, spotting what appeared to be the remnants of a fallen tower. The buildings long structure strewn across the see floor, still somewhat intact. She recalled the bounty of magical items herself and Jehu had discovered in the ruins the season before and bit her lip anxiously. Surely a simple peak at the fallen tower wouldn't be too dangerous, she'd been only a a dozen or two meters from it for almost half a bell now and everything was fine. So, why not?
With his decision made, Kamilla repostioned her body to face the direction of the tower and began elegantly sliding her way through the water towards it body moving in a way that resembled the rise and fall of the waves above. Her webbed extremities saw her reach her destination within a matter of ticks and Kamilla found herself peering into a dark home that she assumed to have once been the tower's window. From there she could see that she had been wrong about its structure being intact, most of it had been buried beneath the sand leaving small dark spaces where, what she assumed were many reflective pairs of fish eyes stared back at her.
There was a notable lack of anything she could consider treasure.
Disappointed, Kamilla looked upward towards the surface, the sun still sending it's bright rays downward from above, it had to be around midday still. She had time for a bit more exploring before she'd return to the land. To be honest, as exhilarating and new as being beneath the sea was to her, she couldn't help but feel oddly comfortable with her surroundings.
As if her thoughts were heard by some unseen force, Kamilla's ears were once again greeted by a very eerie and high pitched underwater squeaking noise, though this time it was a bit more unsettling, simply because it was both familiar… and undeniably closer.

Kamilla - Magical Mistress
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by Kamilla on November 3rd, 2019, 12:31 pm

Now holding her breath, figuratively, Kamilla snuck her way over the toppled tower, sticking as close to its mossy surface as she possibly could, in search of the source of the oddly familiar sounds. Thankfully, the ambient noise of the ocean eliminated any worries of her movements making too much noise. The more she heard of the sounds the more of a good idea she had as to what was making them, though the thought caused her heart to tighten in her chest, and then, as she finally poked her head up to peer at what was beyond the tower, her guess was confirmed.
There, only few meters away from her, Kamilla spotted… them. Two of them. The weird fish like creatures she and Jehu had seen and been assaulted by. If not for the fact that she hadn't been breathing air in the first place, Kamilla may have choked on the water in her throat.
Ducking back behind the tower in an attempt to gather her composure, Kamilla considered turning and swimming for the shore as quickly as she could, but the Konti could not bring herself to do it. She'd spent most of the previous season wondering what the fish people were doing so close to Syka without a clue OR any means of finding out. Now, here she was, in a body that could survive the waves, only meters away from the aquatic humanoids… she doubted she'd ever get a chance like this again.
So she stayed…
Pushing her nerves to the back of her mind, Kamilla continued to carefully follow the creatures as they swam along the opposite side of the toppled tower, poking her head out from time to time.
The creatures didn't seem to be doing anything much, one had multiple tentacle like protrusions coming from its head and a large three pronged spear in hand, she was almost certain it was the same one they'd encountered the season before. While both looked male, the spear welding one was far more intimidating than the other. Unfortunately, Kamilla did not discover
ucking back behind the tower in an attempt to gather her composure, Kamilla considered turning and swimming for the shore as quickly as she could, but the Konti could not bring herself to do it. She'd spent most of the previous season wondering what the fish people were doing so close to Syka without a clue OR any means of finding out. Now, here she was, in a body that could survive the waves, only meters away from the aquatic humanoids… she doubted she'd ever get a chance like this again.
So she stayed…
Pushing her nerves to the back of her mind, Kamilla continued to carefully follow the creatures as they swam along the opposite side of the toppled tower, poking her head out from time to time.
The creatures didn't seem to be doing anything much, one had multiple tentacle like protrusions coming from its head and a large three pronged spear in hand, she was almost certain it was the same one they'd encountered the season before. While both looked male, the spear wielding one was far more intimidating than the other.

Kamilla - Magical Mistress
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by Kamilla on November 3rd, 2019, 9:26 pm

After about two chimes of following the odd creatures, Kamilla was disappointed to have not found any clues as to why they were lurking in the waters near Syka. Currently, all the creatures seemed to be doing was a casual swim, or patrol, along the edges of the sunken ruins. Picking at whatever ancient objects they came across on the sea floor. At the moment, they had uncovered what looked like the skeleton of a person who was long dead, the bones completely clear of any meat as if it had always been a bare skeleton.
Kamilla watched curiously as the smaller of the aquatic creatures raised the skull to its head, seemingly peering curiously into the hollow eye holes for a brief moment, as if trying to consider what the person it had once belonged to was like, before discarding it over its shoulder in favor of the rather large femur bones. The creature retrieved both, the larger creature nodding in approval, before the smaller placed the bones in a sack it was carrying.
While she would have liked to believe their grave robbing had some nefarious purpose, it seemed to her, more likely that they were simply planning to use the bones to create something… possibly weapons.
Kamilla watched as a curious fish ventured a bit too close to the creatures and the smaller one pulled a thin foot long pin like item, aiming it carefully at the unsuspecting fish, when the larger of the two used a quick gesture to grab at the smaller's forearm. Clicking and whistling in disapproval, before pointing upwards. The Konti's brow rose slightly as she wondered what the creature was gesturing to, the smaller clearly understanding and giving the open water above a timid glance before the pair made ready to move on.
It was then, as Kamilla had reached the very edge of her fallen tower cover, forced to choose between risking being caught in order to follow them or giving up her pursuit, that something burst from a nearby hole in the stone, rushing towards and past Kamilla who's heart must have jumped out of her chest as a loud shout of fear escaped her mouth, surprisingly audible beneath the waves due to the lack of actual air.
The Konti pressed herself tightly against the stone of the tower, gills flaring with every panicked gulp of water as she prayed the fish creatures hadn't heard them… She didn't dare risk a peak at them, instead, lavender eyes darted about in search of whatever had given her a mini heart attack, and finding it, or rather, them somewhere above.
Plump looking bodies with adorably round heads and awkwardly placed flippers, Kamilla recognised the two creatures as seals, their behaviour was clearly aggressive… they were fighting. She watched as they'd clash in the open water, clinging to each other and thrashing about before separating and clashing yet again, rising further and further with each tussle until one succeeded, clearly injuring the other and claiming it's victory over, whatever it was two seals could be fighting about. She had no clue.
She watched as the victor darted away while the loser simply floated upwards, in what Kamilla assumed to be shock, pain or the mixture of the two. From near its head, she could see a distinct trail of dark crimson… the colour surprisingly vivid against the bright blue of the waters above. Of course she felt bad for the injured creature, as it awkwardly swam upward towards the surface, but she had herself to worry about.
Having caught her metaphorical breath, Kamilla hazarded a peak around the corner, her chest tightening as she noticed the two creatures were only a few feet from her, clearly headed in her direction, though their attention was focused above. She felt a large ominous shadow pass over her once more as she hid herself behind the stone wall once more, glancing up in search of whatever the creatures had been so fixated on… and she b felt her entire body tense as a result of what she saw.

Kamilla - Magical Mistress
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by Kamilla on November 3rd, 2019, 9:53 pm

She'd looked up just in time to witness it…
Above, the injured seal had just about made it to the surface, a small but very visible trail of vivid crimson blood indicating the path it had took, and following right behind it was what looked to be an massive shark.
The seal had not stood a chance, and Kamilla could only watch as the monster shark approached the injured mammal from beneath, it's speed and movements carrying clear killing intent as it burst from below the waves, crushing the unsuspecting seal within its large mouth and briefly breaking the waters surface. She watched as the monster shark returned to the water below, chewing and swallowing the last of the seal, the only proof of its existence being a large vivid cloud of red that hung in the water at the source of the attack, like a visual impression of the death that had just occurred.
Kamilla couldn't not explain the terror she felt at the sight of the monster above her, and she was not at all ashamed when she realised that she'd effectively wet herself in fear. She was petrified, too scared to do anything but watch as the large blot above made its way across her field of vision. Kamilla was certain she could see what looked like two or three spear like weapons sticking out of the creatures side. It's size alone led her to believe that this shark was Big Momma, it was far too large not to be.
She needed to get back to the surface, but the creature was directly between herself and that desperate goal.
Kamilla gulped a mouthful of water, the feeling of the oxygen it gave her before being expelled from her lungs, beginning to shake some of the terror from her limbs, her extremities regaining movement, followed by her limbs and then her entire body. The moment she'd regained control, Kamilla had begun swimming, desperately searching for a means of escape, hearing the weird screeching clicking noise from behind her.
She was panicked, but somehow managed to cast a glance behind her, terror fueling her kicks and strokes even more as she noticed the fish creatures had spotted her and were now chasing her down, their superior anatomy and experience causing them to close the gap quickly. With the monster shark lurking somewhere far above and the fish people behind her, Kamilla could only continue to claw and kick at the water in search of safety.
It took her a moment to realise where she was, thankfully spotting the glowing yellow rock from earlier in that day and recalling the small crevice she'd spotted. There was no time to contemplate whether or not it was as bad idea, with the dish creatures all but upon her, Kamilla Swan straight toward the crevice, forcing herself between the narrow and slippery rock, narrowly avoiding the thrown trident.
She spun about in time to see both thr larger and smaller creatures throwing themselves against the crevice in an attempt to reach her, neither of them able to fit through, though they did stretch their webbed hands out hoping to grab her, but to no avail as she pressed her back against the far wall of the dark hole, feeling a very sharp sting on get arm and screaming in pain as she turned to see what must have been a spiky black and white striped shell like creature. The stinging sensation did not stop, instead it grew more painful as it spread up Kamilla's arm, the Konti quickly becoming both nauseous and dizzy.
The last thing she remembered as her vision went black, was pressing herself against the other side of the stone hole she'd fallen into so that the fish people could not reach her with their arms or weapons.

Kamilla - Magical Mistress
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by Kamilla on November 3rd, 2019, 10:45 pm

When Kamilla finally came to, it was dark, she sprang up in a panic, immediately assuming she was drowning before she realised what and where she was. She had no idea how long she'd been asleep but was relieved to be alive, albeit with a pounding headache, a cramping stomach and a painfully numb sensation that encompassed the entirety of her left arm. She cautiously eyed the location of the spiked, clearly poisonous creature in the corner of the small cave before cautiously peeking out of the crevice, which seemed to be the only way out of her current predicament.
She wondered if the fish creatures were still there, but when she looked they were nowhere to be seen. A sigh of relief was breathed into the cool waters as Kamilla peered upwards towards the ocean's surface. The light hadn't entirely vanished just yet, instead, judging by the golden hues above the veil of water, it seemed to be nearing sun down. The thought only added to her despair as she thought about being stuck down at the sea floor with the fish creatures AND Big Momma lurking somewhere nearby.
She attempted to slowly make her way out of thr crevice to get a better look of her surrounding when she heard a high pitched screech and immediately forced herself backwards, set of blue webbed hands franticly reaching through the crevice and towards her. The fish people had not left.
While she hid, forcing herself to attempt a very rhythmic and deliberate breathing pattern, Kamilla managed to calm herself down enough in order to push through the clouds of fear and the dull pounding, grasping at every bit of consciousness she could muster.
She needed to get out of the ocean and back to shore. Between herself and that goal was two fish creatures that clearly wanted het AND a monster shark which could come from everywhere and at least four dozen meters worth of distance she needed to swim in her current condition. Along with those seemingly hopeless conditions, Kamilla estimated that she had about twenty chimes of daylight left before complete darkness was added to her predicament. She was perched.
She sat there, in a small dark hole on the ocean floor, cradling herself as the last light of the day began to fade, until the mild glow of coming from the ocean's surface was little more than a dim coloration that barely reached her down below. It was now or never amd she thought she might have a plan.
Determined to survive, Kamilla rose from her fetal position, and began to focus on the energies within herself. She'd already made a few attempts at reaching her inner energies but, it was difficult even for her. The mixture of the poison in her veins, numbness in her body and pounding in her head made it difficult to properly produce read and now, she was barely able to produce a handful, though she succeeded at doing so.
With the res in hand, Kamilla struggled to shape it into a singular flat, sharp knife like shape before transmuting it to stone. She held the makeshift knife tightly in hand and tore a two long blades of seaweed from the floor beneath her. At this point, she knew that if she stayed any longer, her chances of surviving would be slim to nothing. She needed to make a move now. And she did.
Gripping the stone blade tightly in her right hand, Kamilla brought it to her numb left, jabbing the tip into her palm and pulling it downward, a soft underwater grunt escaping the Konti's lips. She watched as the crimson fluid began to pour from the self inflicted wound, drifting towards the crivace and out of the small hole. She desperately hoped her crazy plan would work.
It took several ticks, about half a chime if she had to guess, before the fish creatures were back at the hole, one aggressively reaching for her while the other continuously jabbed it's trident into the hole in hopes of reaching her. They were clicking and screeching angrily or a moment before their tone changed and Kamilla, peeking between the rocks that formed the entrance, could see and hear the terror in their expressions, as a giant dark figure descended, instantly snatching away the smaller of the creatures in a cloud of crimson and terrified screeches. A bloody dismembered arm floated slowly downward, in clear view.
The second, and larger of the two, cautiously backed away from the crevice, holding its trident firmly in hand as it nervously looked from side to side. At this point, Kamilla was doing her best to wrap the long strands of seaweed ands tightly around her shallow cut as possible, in hopes of stopping the bleeding as best she could.
The Konti held her breath as she began to quietly push herself into the crevice, the remaining creature noticing her movement but disregarding it entirely as it continued to look around, finally screeching in a combination of anger and fear as it charged towards the approaching monster shark brandishing it's trident, also being snatched away by the massive predator in a cloud of red.
This was her only chance. And she knew it.
The moment the, still screeching, creature had disappeared from view, along with the monster shark, Kamilla forced herself out of the crevice and began to desperately swim upward as fast as she could. Kicking and clawing with all her might to get above the steep rocky incline before finally redirecting herself to shore. She didn't dare waste a moment by looking back to see if the monster was chasing her, she didn't want to know. Ahead of her it looked as if the waters above were illuminated by a bright light, though as she here's it she saw that it was the wages themselves that were glowing. Instead, Kamilla continued to kick and thrash and swim, ignoring the severe aching of her entire body until, finally, she burst from the waters surface and into the warm Syka air, still refusing to stop as she forced her way through and out of the shallow waters, only stopping when she was a good few steps onto the completely dry sand before toppling over in complete exhaustion, gasping franticly and unable to move.
With her last few waking moments, Kamilla managed to move her head enough to catch a glimpse of the waves behind her and she could have sworn she caught a glimpse of a sharp looking protrusion, disappearing beneath the luminous surface. She had survived.
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Kamilla - Magical Mistress
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