Kamilla finds a mysterious potion and tests it out...
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Moderator: Gossamer
by Kamilla on November 7th, 2019, 4:57 pm

It was evening as Kamila sat at the table in her home, illuminated by the table top brazier and the faint green glow coming from the small glass bottle she held in her slightly webbed hand. The bottle's contents were a curiosity, a sickly green putrid looking liquid bubbled with life within the glass container, each contained plop enticed her into using the potion, even though she had absolutely no idea what it's purpose was.
She'd already tried her hand at investigating the fluid with her Opaque Spectacles, the bottle's contents clearly visible through the lenses, which told her that the potion was indeed, magic. But what kind? Who had made it? Many more questions filled her mind, but the closest thing she had to a clue was the faded image of a cauldron visible on the bottle's only label.
It made her anxious, to have something so interesting without any ideas on what it was, of course she'd found many mysterious objects since her arrival in Syka, but she'd been able to figure out each item's purpose through trial and error or with a little logic. However, a potion wasn't so simple. She could attempt to drink it, but it might be poisonous… or worse. She could try and pour it on something, but if nothing happened then she'd simply be wasting the little bit she had.
In the end, Kamilla decided there was only one real option, she would have to trust in the cauldron label and hope that there weren't more steps to it. That being said, the Konti got to her feet, moving towards Bala's Cauldron which rested beside her hearth, uncorked the bottle with a satisfying sound, and poured the bubbling green fluid into the container.
The moment the potion had been emptied into the cauldron there was a large puff of green smoke that caught Kamilla by surprise. Bathing her face and clothes in the foul smelling odor and forcing her into a fit of waving and coughing, as her head immediately began to spin, her stomach lurching up and down.
It had been stupid of her to be so careless, to uncork an unidentified magical potion, that she'd found floating in a rock pool, in her own home, but she had done it and now she was paying the price.
Still stumbling around, blinded by the odor, and coughing hesterically, Kamilla barely managed to find her way to her own bed before collapsing onto the soft surface as the light began to fade and her consciousness slipped away. In the last few moments, Kamilla could have sworn she'd seen a dark green trail of smoke snaking its way toward her from the open cauldron.
Last edited by
Kamilla on November 11th, 2019, 10:17 am, edited 2 times in total.

Kamilla - Magical Mistress
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by Kamilla on November 7th, 2019, 5:00 pm

A sickly green light bubbled ahead of her, nothing else visible in the darkness of what she assumed to be a dream. It had to have been a dream, at least that was what she told herself as she nervously approached the light, discovering it to be coming from within a mysterious cauldron. She looked down and at her own body, making good use of the eerie light, and concluded once again that she had to have been dreaming, for she was herself. Gone was the pale skin and scales of her new Konti form and in their place were the familiar warm tan skin and long wavy dark locks that she now knew she'd inherited from her Chaktawe father. Turning her attention back to the cauldron Kamilla noticed a small table with an assortment of ingredients beside it, and with absolutely nothing else in sight, the mage decided to go along with her oddly themed dream.
Simply feeling that she should offer more than just the ingredients supplied to her, Kamilla looked down at herself, taking stock of what possessions she had brought with her into this mysterious dream. The most notable being the bladed iron fan dangling at her hip, she unhooked it from its place there and dropped the weapon into the pot, not hearing a single sound. Along with it, the mage grabbed the first ingredient she saw, a raven black feather, and nonchalantly dropped it into the cauldron, figuring that since this was her dream, her choices didn't really matter… and then she waited.
Things went dark again, and although she was not there to see it, the bubbling in the cauldron became more intense, seemingly encouraged by the added ingredients...
At the bottom of the cauldron, once the bubbling brew receded, the war fan remained. It lay transformed, however. Folded up, it was as light as a feather and no thicker than one. Rather than its original shape and style, the war fan now resembled a stylized raven’s black metal feather. When fanned out, one feather became many – as many blades as the war fan had before. And though it was still as light as a feather, it was incredibly sharp – razor sharp – and still as strong as iron.
Last edited by
Kamilla on November 11th, 2019, 10:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

Kamilla - Magical Mistress
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by Kamilla on November 7th, 2019, 5:01 pm

Kamilla opened her eyes, feeling somewhat displaced but quickly realizing that she was back in the mysterious void, eyeing the sickly green cauldron in front of her once more. She sighed, noting that this time she was in her Konti form, white hair, fair skin and scales, dressed in a beautiful white dress that she knew she did not own. "I must have picked the wrong ingredient." she mused to herself, no reverberations evident in the darkness.
This time she noticed that her Isurian crafted iron war fan was missing, and instead pulled a copper armband from her left arm, and silently dropped it into the glowing cauldron. Next game the ingredient… and this time, she chose a vial of what she knew to be soulmist, a substance she'd grown familiar with during her time apprenticed to twin ghosts on Sahova. She uncorked the bottle and poured the ghostly essence in.
Once again, just like before, the light began to fade from her eyes and her body and head became heavy while the bubbling sounds in her ears grew louder...
At the bottom of the cauldron, once the bubbling brew receded, the copper armband remained. Its shape was the same, though its appearance had drastically altered. No longer appearing to be formed of copper, it had an ethereal quality - as if it did not quite dwell in this plane of existence. If worn, the wearer will immediately discover they have the ability to see ghosts clearly when the ghosts are about. And beyond that, they can sense the presence of ghosts if there are any in the vicinity.
Last edited by
Kamilla on November 11th, 2019, 10:35 am, edited 2 times in total.

Kamilla - Magical Mistress
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by Kamilla on November 7th, 2019, 5:03 pm

Eyes fluttered open yet again, catching a fleeting glimpse of something fading into the darkness as Kamilla let out a soft groan. She was back in the inky darkness accompanied by only the cauldron and it's ingredients. She could have sword she'd just seen a fair haired figure vanish from in front of the cauldron.
Approaching the accursed container, Kamilla pulled a copper ring from her finger, this time not bothering to take inventory of herself and possessions. She flicked the ring into the cauldron, rolling her eyes at the monotony of her dream. "I swear, if I'm even half as stubborn as my dreams are, I've got a serious problem."
Turning to the table of ingredients, noting that the ones she'd already used were no longer there, Kamilla decided to put some thought into her choice this time, appease the dream, lest she be condemned to spend her entire sleep cycle reliving the same dream. The mage went through each and every one of the ingredients this time, giving each a quick examination before moving on to the next before she finally decided on the two that had most caught her attention. What looked like a swirling storm contained within a bottle, it's beauty mezmerising and a moonstone. Since she'd only made use of a single ingredients in her previous encounters with the cauldron Kamilla felt good about her decision to use two this time. She added both to the mysterious brew and watched.
This time, growing tired of the frustrating loop she seemed to be stuck in, Kamilla forced herself to watch the bubbling brew growing agreesively animated, the sickly green potion rising and expanding till it seemed inevitable that it would spill over the cauldron and onto the unseeable ground. It did not, stopping just short of overflowing as Kamilla's head began to spin, managing ro keep focused on the cauldron just long nough to witness it's level begin to drop, a snakelike hiss coming from it's decreasing depths... and then things went dark again.
At the bottom of the cauldron, once the bubbling brew receded, a single band of moonstone lay in a small puddle of the leftover potion. It looked like a ring carved of the semiprecious stone that would fit the wearer’s finger perfectly – no matter which she slipped it on. Once on the finger, the wearer would realize the ring had an incredibly calming presence about it. If she were angry, happy, sad, scared… it didn’t matter… any strong emotion would be soothed away and calmed. Likewise, she’d also notice that when wearing the ring, she only had to look at another sentient being to understand exactly what storm of emotion was swirling around within them. If someone was angry, she could tell immediately. If someone was sad… no number of smiles could hide this fact. This was always true of the wearer, though she would learn if she wore the ring in a crowd, the overload of information coming in from the ring would often lead to severe trauma and potentially madness.

Kamilla - Magical Mistress
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by Kamilla on November 12th, 2019, 4:15 pm

Heavy eyelids were slowly opened, only to shut once more in response to the blinding morning light, though after further inspection Kamilla realised that, judging by the position of the sun in the sky, it was closer to afternoon. She found herself sprawled across her bed, on top.of it, and still dressed in the clothing she'd worn the day before, limbs and head especially heavy as she pushed herself up into a sitting position, pausing for a moment as the blood rushed from her head, gripping onto the bed in an attempt to stop herself from toppling over.
She felt as if she'd slept for a few days straight and at the same time like she hadn't sent at all, her head thrummed with the telltale sensation of a headache and the moment she got to her, unsteady, feet Kamilla made a run for her chamber pot, her supper coming out with a distinctly green tinge. The colour reminded her of something.
The potion. The cauldron. The smoke.
Once she was positive she'd emptied her stomach of all ammunition, Kamilla pushed herself back to her feet, fair hair sticking to her damp skin. What had happened? Was the potion responsible? She made her way over the bathtub, which she'd never gotten to emptying, submerging her head entirely beneath the surface and switching to the convenient set of gills located at her neck.
The cool water helped, a lot, after a chime she could feel her body relaxing and the throbbing in her head slowly dissipated. What had happened? She recalled the dream, the mysterious cauldron, it had been far too vivid to be a regular dream, at least that's what she thought.
Satisfied with the soothing effects of the water, Kamilla broke the surface, her head returning to the world above and the need for lungs and fresh air. She'd grown far too accustomed to her new form and already knew that she would miss it once she reverted. IF she reverted. Though the thought of losing her original body permanently still did not sit well with her.
"Kam, are you okay? You were acting funny last night?"
She frowned, lavender eyes moving to observe the talking plant as if she'd be able to read it's expression. "Funny? How?" She doubted Roo could have been any more vague.
"You kept getting up and walking towards that cauldron, over and over"
Water trickled down her body, dampening her dress in places, but she was unbothered, her attention now fully focused on the cauldron on the opposite end of her home. Despite her shorter legs, the Konti closed the gap in a few strides, arriving at the seemingly regular cauldron and peering in.
She'd expected to find it completely empty, but that was not the case to her surprise. There, inside Bala's Cauldron were three unfamiliar objects that felt somewhat familiar to her. A beautiful ring glinted from within, a long with a ghostly spiral and a black feather. Kamilla reluctantly reached down and carefully retrieved the ring first, noting that it seemed to be made entirely of a beautiful stone that she was unable to describe. Next she plucked the ethereal spiral, realising that it was her copper armband but seemingly made of something resembling soulmist.
With the ring and armband in her right hand, Kamilla reached down to retrieve the dark feather with her free left, gasping and retracting her hand the moment her finger had made contact with its edge, a trickle of crimson running down her index finger. It was sharp. She went to pick it up again, this time grabbing it from what looked like the bottom and lifting it with ease, it's weight not unusual for a feather. She remembered that she'd dropped her iron fan into the dream cauldron along with a raven's feather and her eyes narrowed with suspicion as her grip on the base of the feather tightened, her thumb dressing down and pushing outward.
There was a subtle hum of metal on metal as the single feather seemed to duplicate itself multiple times until Kamilla was holding what looked like a harmless fan made of raven feathers. It seemed the potion had been more miraculous than she could ever have imagined. Syka truly was full of excitement and mysteries and each discovery only made her hungry for more answers.
1 997(did not include Goss' descriptions)

Kamilla - Magical Mistress
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