Konti Isle Map Development Discussion

Questions, Suggestions and Updates on the in-progess map of Konti Isle Project

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This is the development forum for Mura and all of Konti Isle. Herein contains the Suggestion Box, and any discussions anyone wants to have about the further development of The Konti as a whole.

Konti Isle Map Development Discussion

Postby Tap on July 25th, 2016, 3:31 am

I am currently working on building a nice little map of Mura and Konti Isle as a whole. This is a huge project and I am going to have a lot of questions as well as need a lot of help. Here anyone can make suggestions, ask questions, etc. and I will be posting updates on the map as I make them.

Please note i will be basing each addition to the map on quotes from lore articles and storytellers. And I will be citing all these sources here with each addition as well. I ask that you do the same when making suggestions. Thanks!

Here are two versions of the current map that I am using as a base. I traced it directly off the Konti Isle drawn on the official Mizahar Regional Map located here.

Konti Isle Outlined :

Konti Isle Boxed :
Grader Note :
Currently I base my presentation of my Scavenging and Fishing skill on the skill write up by Shimoje and Ferrin, respectively, that is in the Founder's Review section of the World Development forum. This means, for example, that hand fishing, the practice of collect marine life out of the water by hand, Tap considers fishing rather than just gathering. Of course the final decision is up to the grader. This is simply what I am basing her actions off of.

Please also note that Tap is a very antisocial Konti and therefore please only reward her socialization point HALF of what you would normally award for a PC.
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Konti Isle Map Development Discussion

Postby Tap on July 25th, 2016, 3:45 am

I am trying to determine where exactly Mura is located within Konti Isle. The official Mura city lore page here quotes that Mura
is located further east. Built half at, half in the Silver Lake.
However I have been informed by both Efforvescent and Gossamer that this information is incorrect and that the city resides on the west coast, as seen in all full Mizahar maps in lore and not half in half out Silver Lake but rather half in half out the ocean.

So I have drawn a simple circle around where I believe Mura is located. I have drawn three options for review before I start drawing Mura out officially. The red dot on each image is White Isle Harbor. Its location I took from the Trade Routes Map located here. I assumed White Isle Harbor is where ships coming in dock for trade and I also assumed that the arrows of the trade routes that point to Konti Isle are point not just to Mura but to the harbor. Let me know if either the city limit drawing or the placement of the harbor is wrong.

City Limit Suggestion 1 :

City Limit Suggestion 2 :

City Limit Suggestion 3 :
Grader Note :
Currently I base my presentation of my Scavenging and Fishing skill on the skill write up by Shimoje and Ferrin, respectively, that is in the Founder's Review section of the World Development forum. This means, for example, that hand fishing, the practice of collect marine life out of the water by hand, Tap considers fishing rather than just gathering. Of course the final decision is up to the grader. This is simply what I am basing her actions off of.

Please also note that Tap is a very antisocial Konti and therefore please only reward her socialization point HALF of what you would normally award for a PC.
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Konti Isle Map Development Discussion

Postby Tap on July 25th, 2016, 4:21 am

Gossamer has chosen option 1 of the above three suggestions of the Mura city limits (See her comment below). And so I have now created a closeup image of the location where Mura is. The first image is a blank closeup while the second contains a red dot which is the location of the White Isle Harbor. The harbor is still based on the Trade Route Map and so is the northernmost location inside Mura city limits.

Mura Closeup Blank :

Mura Closeup :

Note that suggestion 1 does not include the city surrounding Silver Lake. As according to Gossamer's below comment, Silver Lake is very far outside Mura even though it is a huge attraction and natural resource. Efforvescent has mentioned that is it probably very heavy guarded and monitored.

As you may have noticed I am going to be giving very specific and small updates, not just for you but also for my own organization.

EDIT: This entire post was edited after Gossamer's choice of suggestion 1 in her below comment. Previously this post featured suggestion 3, it has since been corrected.
Last edited by Tap on July 25th, 2016, 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Grader Note :
Currently I base my presentation of my Scavenging and Fishing skill on the skill write up by Shimoje and Ferrin, respectively, that is in the Founder's Review section of the World Development forum. This means, for example, that hand fishing, the practice of collect marine life out of the water by hand, Tap considers fishing rather than just gathering. Of course the final decision is up to the grader. This is simply what I am basing her actions off of.

Please also note that Tap is a very antisocial Konti and therefore please only reward her socialization point HALF of what you would normally award for a PC.
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Konti Isle Map Development Discussion

Postby Gossamer on July 25th, 2016, 4:23 am

You are closest with the first one on the city limits. :) Mirror Lake is way outside the Konti City. :)
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Konti Isle Map Development Discussion

Postby Tap on July 25th, 2016, 5:12 am

Thank you for the choice Gossamer! I have edited the post above your suggestion to reflect your input. As the EDIT in that post states the previous subject of that post was Suggestion 3 and it now features Suggestion 1.

My next course of action for the Map will be to create an outline of Mura to place on the Full Konti Isle map shown in the introduction post. I also plan to add very important Mura locations such as the watchtower and religious locations in the Mura closeup image.
Grader Note :
Currently I base my presentation of my Scavenging and Fishing skill on the skill write up by Shimoje and Ferrin, respectively, that is in the Founder's Review section of the World Development forum. This means, for example, that hand fishing, the practice of collect marine life out of the water by hand, Tap considers fishing rather than just gathering. Of course the final decision is up to the grader. This is simply what I am basing her actions off of.

Please also note that Tap is a very antisocial Konti and therefore please only reward her socialization point HALF of what you would normally award for a PC.
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Konti Isle Map Development Discussion

Postby Tap on July 26th, 2016, 2:53 pm

This next update is another small one. I have taken the original base outline of Konti Isle shown in the first post and added Mura to it. Mura is not just a dot like in many other maps. Instead I have drawn the city limits as suggested and chosen (suggestion 3) by Gossamer. I tried to instead of just drawing and filling in a perfect circle, to draw a somewhat uneven city limit, to make it more realistic. This outline may change in the future if, when I am creating the zoomed in version of Mura, the city outline changes enough to merit editting this picture.

Konti Isle Outlined Mura Location :

I plan to add labels such as "Mura" and "Silver Lake" and other important location labels in the future to this map.
Grader Note :
Currently I base my presentation of my Scavenging and Fishing skill on the skill write up by Shimoje and Ferrin, respectively, that is in the Founder's Review section of the World Development forum. This means, for example, that hand fishing, the practice of collect marine life out of the water by hand, Tap considers fishing rather than just gathering. Of course the final decision is up to the grader. This is simply what I am basing her actions off of.

Please also note that Tap is a very antisocial Konti and therefore please only reward her socialization point HALF of what you would normally award for a PC.
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Konti Isle Map Development Discussion

Postby Tap on July 26th, 2016, 11:47 pm

This next update features some of the most important location in Mura. Currently each location is labeled with a number that I will put into a key eventually, but have not yet. I will label each below and give my reason to placing that location where I did.

1: White Isle Harbor. Its location is based on the Trade Routes Map
2: The Silver Watchtower: Its location is based on a quote from its location page here.
the Silver Watchtower stands near the main entrance of Mura. Everyone entering or leaving the city must pass it

3: The Opal Temple. Its location is based on a quote from its location page here.
Located in the heart of Mura... the Temple itself is set upon the coastline.

4: The South Tower. Its location is based off quotes from both the Opal Temple location page linked above and its own location page here.
The [Opal Temple] itself seems rather small, flanked on either side by twin white towers
The South Tower is located in the Opal Temple courtyard.

5: The Medical Library. Its location is based off the same quote from the Opal Temple location stated above as well as its own location page here.
If one approaches the [North T]ower through the white wrought iron gate leading to the temple, they will find a nice sidepath that will lead up to the steps of the tower.

6: The Taviasa. Its location is based off quotes from its location page here. Note the smaller circle surrounding the icon are its cottages for sale listed in its location page.
...is located near the harbor, so that every new visitor will immediately spot it while walking into the city.

Mura Update 1 :

I think my main problem with this part of the map building process is going to be scaling. I know nothing about how to scale, what to look for, etc. I do not know what buildings in Mura are larger or smaller than others or how far apart they are. I do not know how big Mura is either. So if anyone knows anything about scaling help would really be appreciated.

Until then I am going to continue to fill out the map with locations. Once I have all the locations in I am going to resize each icon to make sure it looks like it fits in with everything else.
Grader Note :
Currently I base my presentation of my Scavenging and Fishing skill on the skill write up by Shimoje and Ferrin, respectively, that is in the Founder's Review section of the World Development forum. This means, for example, that hand fishing, the practice of collect marine life out of the water by hand, Tap considers fishing rather than just gathering. Of course the final decision is up to the grader. This is simply what I am basing her actions off of.

Please also note that Tap is a very antisocial Konti and therefore please only reward her socialization point HALF of what you would normally award for a PC.
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Konti Isle Map Development Discussion

Postby Tap on July 27th, 2016, 3:05 am

Yet another location update. Still need help with scaling and still no key. We'll get there.

7: Heart of Steel. Its location is based off a quote from its location page here.
Located at the center of Mura...

8:The Vision Center. Its location is based on a quote from its location page here.
Vision Center is located just south of the Opal Temple complex.

9: Essence of Avalis. Its location is based on a quote from its location page here. Although it mentions being next to Heart of Steel, it give no direction NSEW so I just guessed North.
Located directly adjacent to a Heart of Steel...

10: The Coral Cove: Its location is based mostly on guessing, though it comes a bit from a quote in its location page here. The light blue area surrounding this icon is a reef (to be added to a Key later) that I made up myself completely using only the mention of a reef in the below quote as a basis. a lot of locations mention a reef or more accurately "THE reef". So I made it large because it seems to be an important aspect of Mura's coast.
This store is based in a sea cave entrance in the reef.

11: Ocean Rush. Its location is based off a quote in its location page here. To be completely honest I was a little confused by the wording quoted below and so I may have interpreted it completely wrong.
The small cross-thatch wooden hut is open completely on the side facing the ocean and sits at the end of a dock that extends only about twenty feet out into the inner sanctum of Mura's underwater areas protected by the reef.

12: Wave Runner Boats. Its location is based off a quote in its location page here.
Nestled just north of the docks on the water

Mura Update 2 :

This map includes all location on the Mura linkmap. Any locations not present are because A) Their location is undetermined (see below), B) Their location is dependent on the fact that Mura contains Silver Lake which is not true. I have posted all of these location issues in the development discussion forum here or C) The location is a private residence that I do not deem important enough to include on the map since these two locations belong to inactive PCs.

Other Edits :
- I have resized icons 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and made them larger.
- I moved 1 and 2 slightly south to make room for 12.

Location Questions: These below locations do not have a description of their place in Mura on their location page. Any help assuming their place via guesses or thread descriptions would be helpful.

- Pricha's Manor
- The Pearl Divers Inn
- Forest Meridian House (This location mentions an underwater area so perhaps its by the ocean)
- The Starry Night / Two Sisters Winery (TSW is mentioned to be located in the SN gardens. The SN is mentioned to be on the outskirts of Mura though no hint to which direction)
- Waterfall Fabrics
- House of Glass
- Fire and Ice Jewelers (It is mentioned that is it located next to Waterfall Fabrics)
- Skyfeathers (Mentions that its on the outskirts of Mura, but again no hint to a direction)
- If anyone has more information on "THE reef" I would greatly appreciate it.
Grader Note :
Currently I base my presentation of my Scavenging and Fishing skill on the skill write up by Shimoje and Ferrin, respectively, that is in the Founder's Review section of the World Development forum. This means, for example, that hand fishing, the practice of collect marine life out of the water by hand, Tap considers fishing rather than just gathering. Of course the final decision is up to the grader. This is simply what I am basing her actions off of.

Please also note that Tap is a very antisocial Konti and therefore please only reward her socialization point HALF of what you would normally award for a PC.
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Konti Isle Map Development Discussion

Postby Okara on July 27th, 2016, 2:16 pm

I think "the reef" is referring to Laviku's Grace. The location writeup does not explicitly say where the reef is located but it seems to indicate being near/a part of the city. I don't think it could completely surround the city because there would need to be space for ships to pass by in order to reach the Harbor. That is conjecture though so maybe a more knowledgeable player/staff can give an idea about where exactly the reef is and how far it extends.
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Konti Isle Map Development Discussion

Postby Tap on July 27th, 2016, 3:16 pm

Thank you Okara! Somehow I completely missed every park and exotic location. Upon reading the location page I decided that this reef sounds very large, Laviku apparently intended the city to be built within it. It also mentions that ships know to avoid it. So I have gone back to my map and resized the reef (redrawn it completely actually) to make it much larger. The reef now takes up that whole section of water off the coast of the land where Mura is settled. It does not, however, go very far into the ocean as to severely impede ships traveling to the harbor.

I will post the updated map again when I have placed more parks and exotic locations.
Grader Note :
Currently I base my presentation of my Scavenging and Fishing skill on the skill write up by Shimoje and Ferrin, respectively, that is in the Founder's Review section of the World Development forum. This means, for example, that hand fishing, the practice of collect marine life out of the water by hand, Tap considers fishing rather than just gathering. Of course the final decision is up to the grader. This is simply what I am basing her actions off of.

Please also note that Tap is a very antisocial Konti and therefore please only reward her socialization point HALF of what you would normally award for a PC.
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