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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]

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(Re) Discovery

Postby Thomas Cosa on December 29th, 2017, 11:46 pm


66th of Winter, 517

"This is most unusual behavior, Mr. Cosa."

"Said the talking necklace."

Stranger clicked and it's spindly legs dug into his skin. "I am not a necklace, Mr. Cosa. I do not like that descriptor. It is important that you acknowledge the rapid changes in your daily activities as it could reconcile with symptoms from --,"

"Look, it isn't magic. I've told you, I'm a weaver now. I'll spend the rest of my days twiddling silk and cotton between my fingers and pretending like I was never on Sahova and I don't know magic and --."

"You do know magic and you were on Sahova," Stranger chirped like one of the red and green birds with the yellow beaks.

"We're hiding, remember? You're a necklace that doesn't speak," he sighed,
squinting into the sun. It hung farther to the horizon than before, the sky clear and threatening a beautiful day. "And I'm no one."

A no one that was increasingly interested in the centuries old spell scents he was finding all over the island. Thomas had thought he was hallucinating; purple ink smudged like a illness in the darker parts of the forest he didn't dare go alone.

Which was when he decide to post an notice for an explorer's club. Stranger had declared it stupid, 'an unnecessary risk,' but Thomas was desperate for that purple stink like a Sunberth whore for gold.

He was a no one who'd spent a lifetime on an undead isle studying from Alahean masters. He was a no one on the run and pretending he could hide. As much as he tried, Thomas wasn't going to forget magic.

Not that he tried very hard.

"They'll be here any soon," he whispered, wiping his his face, taking off the humidity and the sweat. He'd written to meet at the Commons by the second bell, to anyone free and qualified to not die in the jungle. Thomas had lied, saying he was hoping to see some of the rarer birds in the deep dark.

The more observant of the group would figure that out quickly enough, he figured, but Thomas was sure he would discover whatever was leaving the jungle magic marked long before. He was confident, but that was being generous. Some would call it presumptuous.

He sighed, the heat getting to him; he was wearing a light cotton shirt, his leather pants, and simple boots. He brought his water skin, filled, but that was it. He was obviously unfamiliar with the wilds, any of them.
Last edited by Thomas Cosa on December 30th, 2017, 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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(Re) Discovery

Postby Nya Winters on December 30th, 2017, 5:21 pm

Nya had seen the notice. There was a place for such things in the Tidepool Bar and the proprietor Stu had been promising to add a sort of Mailroom and Communication Center on soon. There had been lots of hammering and expanding for such a thing, but so far nothing had been finished. Nya liked action, not plans for action, so she’d read the notice carefully, curiously, and decided she’d try it out because she had just one big problem in Syka. Here, the days were long and lazy and food grew all around if someone knew how to find it. So action was lacking. This notice had pointed to going and doing, not just talking about going and doing, so it was something Nya was naturally interested in.

She packed her survival bag carefully, putting in her med kit and all the other tools she had acquired. And she put in a fresh notebook and packed her glass pen and ink. Nya liked to document her journeys and make maps to the things she knew. She added in extra canvas and rope in case they needed shelter from the frequent morning and evening rains. And she put a little dried food and fresh fruit in her bag as well. Nya was less worried about feeding herself than most, but it never hurt to have some rations. A waterskin went over her shoulder diagonally across to her hip.

Then she dressed carefully, wearing her leather pants, tall boots, and adding her long-sleeved linen shirt. Leather vambraces went on next and she shouldered the big heavy leather pack with ease. Nya took a moment to strap on her hand axe and kukri. Flexing to make sure she could still move well, Nya set out for The Commons. It was a rather long walk from her place, but she didn’t mind. The kelvic liked living away from people, giving space to those that wanted to be central and taking a beautiful rugged place for her own.

Nya arrived early, a few minutes before the second bell, and looked around. She knew most everyone in Syka since it was small so she figured she was looking for someone she didn’t know. A man was already there that fit the description. Tall with dark hair and eyes, the man looked half starved. Nya knew the warm weather and fresh food in Syka would do him well. Her hand slipped to her bag as she half unslung it off her shoulder.

She withdrew a pair of mangos, offering one to the stranger. “You should eat this. You look too thin. It will give you energy for traversing The Maw.” The Kelvic said, thrusting the fruit into his grasp and retreating enough that she could bite into her own and nibble with pleasure. “It’s a mango. They taste very good for a fruit.” The Kelvic said, knowing some preferred fresh meat and that there was no substitution for still warm fresh killed anything. But this fruit came in a close second.

“I’m Nya. I saw your posting.” She said, offering little else. The Kelvic was too busy looking him over to see if he was attired appropriately for the jungle or if he was wearing something else entirely. She also noted his footwear. Footwear was important out in the Wilds.

Last edited by Nya Winters on January 7th, 2018, 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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(Re) Discovery

Postby Sae on December 31st, 2017, 6:41 am

Much like Nya, Synsae had seen the notice, as well. But her lack of the ability to read had caused her a small bit of strife, up until she ordered some nearby woman to read it aloud for her. The notice offered a near perfect chance for Sae to train her dogs further in guarding instead of hunting, and such an opportunity was too hard to pass up. So she didn't.

After she'd quickly donned her clothing, which consisted of leather pants, leather boots, and a linen shirt (all of them made of dark material), she took a bit of time to get her packs together. Of course, the first thing to be put together was her backpack. In it, she'd stuffed her cloak, extra rope, a torch, and some rations. A small blanket she used as a sort of second covering, surrounding the items in the pack.

Attached to her hip was a smaller pack, big enough to hold a few small items but small enough to stay out of the way. Inside was a compass, flint & steel, her filled waterskin, and some dried meat rations that served as treats for her dogs, both of which were collared with leather, leashed with rope, and walked dutifully on each side of their owner.

More than once she grumbled about the time listed on the notice. Despite the fact she'd made sure to get a good few bells of sleep, she was still quite the grouch, seeing as she was far from a morning person. Combined with the oddity that was snowfall only about ten days ago (give or take a few days), she remained somewhat drowsy and slow and only gradually got better.

Since she'd been in Syka for a bit of time now, it wasn't hard to find her way to the Commons. Her sight in her human form was inferior to that in her others, so she used a good few chimes to find her new companion in the scant light.

As she didn't quite know everyone in the settlement, she simply followed her instinct. It was about the second bell, by her guess, when she happened on two people that looked ready to enter the jungle. The rather comely woman, smaller than both Sae and the dark haired male, seemed far more prepared for any sort of exploration than the aforementioned smooth-faced man, who stood shorter than Synsae, but not by much.

The Dhani walked to the pair, stopped, and looked them over for less than a chime before she nodded once. "Jungle posting," she grunted firmly in her iffy Common. It was more a statement than a question, almost as if she meant to force their having to do with the posting instead of asking if they did have anything to do with it. The only indications that it could be perceived as a question was her single raised eyebrow and her eyes. Her dark orbs flitted searchingly between the two others' eyes, her natural inclination to keep eye contact evident in the fact that she nearly stared them each down while they waited.
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(Re) Discovery

Postby Aladon on December 31st, 2017, 8:44 am

Throwing the last of the logs into the blast furnace, Aladon put the closed sign up on the door way of the forge. He knew that he might be gone for maybe a day and night, so he made sure to feed his forge and blast furnace with enough wood for two days to keep them hot. The Isur knew if he let the fires went cold, he would be taking a mini-vacation until they were able to heat up again. With Randal's constant need for nails, he couldn't afford to be irresponsible in a time of booming construction in the settlement. It was still early, so he made his way to the mercantile to talk to Juli about purchasing a second water skin. Walking into the general store, he saw his friend sitting behind the counter, and she looked over at him and said with a smile, “I didn't realize that you rolled around in ash all day, Al?”

Aladon smirked and said with nod, “The amount of soot and sweat on a blacksmith face is a sign that they are working and not slacking off, Juli."

Juli giggled and shook her head, “A'las you are here bothering me and not working. Don't you finish work at noon, Al. I would call being here, slacking...”

Leaning on the counter, the blacksmith chuckled to himself and said with smile, “...I guess you caught me there. Besides, I have been here for sixty-six days, and I avoided the jungle like a unwanted relative over for dinner. I think it time for me to man-up and venture into it...”

Juli said bluntly, “You might get eaten, Isur.”

Aladon laughed, “Well I hope whoever or whatever has a long night of indigestion afterwords. Because I heard from a myrian in Riverfall that my kind is all grizzle and no meat.”

Juli makes a face and said softly, “That is a mental image that I will never get out of my head. Thanks for that Al...” The human women leaned over the counter, “So you hear to buy something or just talk me up?”

Aladon wipes his brow and smudges the soot on his forehead, “Butter you up first to get a better deal on a water-skin.”

Juli laughed out loud, “Not going to work! The skin will cost gold miza.”

The Isur took the money out of his pocket and placed it on the counter. She took the money placed it into the till. She went back around the counter and pulled out a brand new water-skin. The blacksmith took it and said with a smile, “If I am not eaten, I will see you soon.”

“Good luck, Al.”

After leaving the mercantile, Aladon immediately went to the settlement well to fill up both water-skin with fresh drinking water than he went to a banana tree and plucked two off the tree. Walking to his tent, he decided to eat one of them right away and tossed the empty peel into the jungle. He figured some animal would appreciate the meal. The Isur knew that he still had time to prepare, so he went home to his tent and washed the soot and sweat from his face and body. As he finished hand washing, he started preparing his backpack of needed items for his first journey into the Maw. The first thing that he packed was a change of clothes if it rained. He didn't want to be spent the whole trip in damp clothing. He packed three days worth of balanced rations and placed his brand new filled water skin into his backpack while placing the other on on his belt for easy access. He packed his flint and steal, bed roll, one person tent, Insect repellent candle, compass, rope (100ft), and a torch.

After closing the backpack, Aladon started to put on his leather armor. He bought it in Riverfall because the Sea of Grass wasn't the most pleasant place for weary travelers even if he stayed close to Riverfall. Adjusted the leather shoulder guards, the Isur strapped the Isur retractable shield to his right arm and buckled the bastard sword to his waist along with the scabbard with his kukri. When he finished putting on his armor, he put on his leather boots and laced them up. Last, but not least, he placed his lucky leather wide brim hat on his head. He frowned to himself as he felt the teeth marks of the monkey still in the brim of the hat. Swinging his backpack over his left shoulder, the blacksmith looked like he was either ready for war or just over doing it, but the leather armor was just extra layer between him and whatever was trying to eat him.

The blacksmith walked along the beach towards the commons when he walked up the stairs, he saw Nya and Sae standing next to a tall, but skinny human male. As he got closer, Nya looked like a veteran adventure with her oversized backpack full of gear than he saw the tall and to the point Sae. The woman knew very little common, but she used the words with authority. The Isur liked both women. They were both independent and strong women. Two qualities the Isur admired because it reminded him of the women of his race. The Isur walked up behind the group, and he was sure Nya heard him coming because he was not light on his feet. He gave both women and nod and smile before turning his attention to human male standing in front of him.

Immediately, he walked up to the skinny human male and stuck out his red left hand and said with the strength and authority of his people, “Welcome to Syka. It is nice to see another person willing to contribute to our community. I am sure your talents will make Syka stronger. My name is Aladon Blackforge Sultros. I am the blacksmith of Syka. You were the human who wrote the post weren't you?”

The Isur allowed him to speak before continuing in the same respectful, but direct tone, “First, your post was vague on the purpose of excursion into the jungle. What do you hope to find out there? You can find rare birds on the beach. I have a theory that the noises and the lights in the sky are coming from the ruins. Are we heading there to investigate the lights, or do you have another goal in mind?"
Last edited by Aladon on January 14th, 2018, 7:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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(Re) Discovery

Postby Merevaika on December 31st, 2017, 11:35 am

Merevaika, when she had first seen the notice, had ignored it. She couldn't read, after all, and words on paper seemed boring to her. If it was anything interesting - and relevant to her specifically - she would have been told by whoever it was that had put the notice up. But considering she hadn't been told anything, it was most likely something boring: a request to haul some wood around, or something like that.

But then there had been movement. Interest. It was hard to miss the distinctive noises of people moving, gathering, talking, preparing themselves. The Drykas had been stretching her legs by the water, cooling off from her little expedition earlier that morning. It had only been short, a bell wandering through the very outskirts of the jungle, but she had taken too much, and now she was sore and annoyed at herself.

Equipment was cumbersome and annoying, no matter what she took. She wasn't a pack horse. And she didn't have...

Ignoring her own thoughts, she stepped one foot out in front and dug the back toes into the sand. Leaning into her front leg, she felt the stretch in her back hamstring, pushing further until the pain almost brought tears to her eyes.

Then the Isur walked by her, and she realised that she was more than interested in why everyone was gathering. After all, Aladon - it was Aladon, wasn't it? - wasn't one for wandering the jungle, she knew that. But there he was, strolling past her wearing leather armour and carrying an oversized pack. And the people he joined - the Kelvic was one she recognised at first - carried similar packs. As if they were going on an expedition. To do what?

Merevaika didn't have to know to know she wanted to join in.

Despite not knowing what exactly she would need, Merevaika knew that the things she had carried around with her earlier this morning were useful enough, hopefully all that she would need. The waterskin was pretty much full. The coil of rope that hung across her backpack was sturdy enough, and long enough, for anything she could think of. Some of those curved yellow fruits, which she had gathered on her way out that morning, for a breakfast she never had. And of course, her weapons - arrows were hidden in the quiver she had tied to the pack, one knife hung at her belt while another rested in the bag. Her bow was ready to be hung around her shoulders. The only thing she was missing was the scimitar, but that seemed useless against wildlife.

Perhaps she wasn't as prepared as the people there. But she was ready to take on the jungle in any state. Everything packed up and on her back she strode over furiously, desperate to learn as much as she could about the team there and their purpose before they set off.

The blacksmith was just introducing himself to the spindly, pale stranger. The man looked like a child, but hopefully knew more than that, if he was the one who had initiated the expedition in the first place. Although it was clear that not even Aladon knew why they were going, although mention of the lights sparked her interest enough for her to step forward. Merevaika still lingered outside the group, but was close enough for them to realise she was with them, rather than not.

It was all about the lights, wasn't it? All these strange things happening... Perhaps they were coming closer to discovering their source. Closer to danger, too. Merevaika wished she had Beast with her, at once, even if the dog couldn't really protect her. At least there was some dogs here. Ugly dogs, but still there with a purpose at the end of it.

"Where we go?" she finally asked, uncertain of it. Was this an exploration of somewhere familiar, or somewhere not.
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(Re) Discovery

Postby Anuk on December 31st, 2017, 3:36 pm


       Welcome to Syka!” Captain James Chaliva’s baritone resounded as he spread his arms wide, his striking sea-blue gaze alight within a lined, weather-worn face full of experience. Anuk felt his smile infectious, tugging her lips over her teeth to reveal sharp incisors. “We could do with your craft here, I’m sure there is someone who will need a guide on their excursions. There’s still much to explore here…”

As the captain’s voice trailed off his gaze sought the jungle and the wilds beyond the settlement. His brows furrowed lightly, and Anuk thought he looked troubled. Shunting her weight into her hip impatiently, she leant on the shaft of her spear, the kelvic was about to ask what stole his thoughts, when the captain roused and gestured to a tree-house nearby. “You can find news, company and shelter in The Commons over there. If you need anything, just ask. We’re a community here, and we survive together.”

     Anuk dipped her head in acknowledgement, and the captain bid her good day and left her to herself. The feline-woman glanced back at the reed canoe she had arrived in, her backpack and all her worldly possessions settled in its bow, which led her gaze out to the ocean. Watching the rolling waves, a pang of homesickness and doubt lynched her. The young kelvic had left her family, the crew and the ship she had spent her life aboard to make it on her own. With a deep, steadying breath, the kelvic’s gaze wandered toward the jungle. This was now, this was home—adventure awaited.

      After keeping to herself and scouting out the settlement at first, Anuk was feeling a little lonely and at odd ends. The lioness was used to the bustling of a ship and its boisterous crew, not the quiet, relaxing retreat of sand and surf. Curiosity drew the kelvic to The Commons, where she read the posting. Someone was seeking rare birds in the jungle, inviting ‘anyone free and qualified to not die in the jungle’. Anuk’s nose wrinkled as she grinned in amusement. It was time she made friends. And some coin.

   Anuk returned to her hammock, which she pitched wherever her heart fancied under a waterproofed tarp. The kelvic slipped out of the linen trousers she was wearing and donned her leather leggings instead. Pulling on her tough boots and strapping a broad leather belt around her baggy linen blouse, before tossing a mustard linen cowl over head and bundling it around her neck. She hung a coil of hemp rope and a full waterskin on her belt. She kneeled in the sand and made sure she had packed her dried food rations, flint and steel, a flask of bunwol oil.

      It took her a chime or two to find her compass, which had been half-buried in sand. A smile settled amid her features as she lingered over holding the bone compass in her hand, admiring the markings that had been etched into its rim for protection and good luck. It had been her mother’s compass. It was packed too.

Then she set about taking down her hammock and tarp, folding them neatly to stuff into the backpack. Brushing sand off her leggings as she got to her feet, lastly the kelvic grabbed her kopis, giving it a few swings before tying it to her hip on a loose, leather thong. Now all she was missing was her spear, so the lioness hefted the backpack onto her shoulder and made down the beach towards her reed canoe, laying above the tide-line, to retrieve it. Feeling satisfactorily prepped, the lioness made her way toward the meeting place.

           As she approached, her gaze took in the small party that had gathered with surprise. So she halted a few metres apart, lingering, as she took in the prospective bird-watchers. Scents she took in first, committing them to mind that she might find her jungle crewmembers if they got lost or separated in the jungle.

Nya’s caught her first and a smile played shadows into her features. Another feline, that was welcome. The lioness peered at the other kelvic curiously. Before she caught the Dhani’s scent, and so her gaze. The lioness couldn’t work out the scent, not having met snakes much in her life, her brow furrowing gently and her lip lifted lightly in the ghost of a snarl. Before her eye was caught by the brilliantly red arm of the Isurian smith, and then by Merevaika, with fierce eyes and who lingered on the fringes of the gathering. Not shy, the lioness mused, but a loner, maybe.

Lastly, the lioness’ blue-and-brown orbs fell on the center of the inquisitive interrogation—Thomas. Anuk took in his waife-like countenance and a breath huffed through her nose. He looked like he would need the most looking after.

Lifting the butt of her spear from the sand, the kelvic settled it into its holder across her back and decided to save the man from the inquisition, spilling her gravelly, feline voice into the din. “I am Anuk, a jungle guide. You wish to see rare birds; it is not so?”
Last edited by Anuk on January 7th, 2018, 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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(Re) Discovery

Postby Thomas Cosa on January 1st, 2018, 6:47 am


His magic would find them before his eyes; it soared and scoured the jungle. He felt every dew-drop, clear, warm, and every flat leaf and the moist clumps of dirt at his feet. The intense humidity clung at his clothes, making him sweat, hot and stuck and he was already beginning to scowl.

The canopy scattered the light in jagged patterns. His spell danced, catching the light, spots of color in eternal twilight.

Nya was quiet. He didn't hear her, his magic only catching the space she took up. "Mango," he echoed, casting his tendrils as he reached out. Yellow and green and splashed of red across soft skin. It was sweet, his spell ferreted through the fruit, finding the pit, hard and bitter.

"I've never had one," he said, fruit in hand. It weighed, not surprisingly, heavy.

Thomas realized, looking at her, he was an idiot. He'd come into the jungle without weapons (she had two: a hand axe and kukri, both sharp) and her clothes were a patchwork of clumsy stitches. And she'd brought a pack, which, he imagined, was filled with food and medicine and anything else he thought he should have brought.

The second woman, who hadn't offered her name, also came better prepared than he had -- a shoulder pack and something tied into her waist. Thomas watched the dogs carefully, tendrils of spell catching at their aura, looking for any hint of aggression. He didn't trust animals; at least, not ones that were alive. "Thank you for coming," he said.

The Isur, Aladon, had too many questions. And was also, prepared. It seemed like Thomas would be the fool of the trip. "There are different birds in the jungle than on the beach. Perhaps we might head to this ruin, if you know the way? My plan was to explore this general area."

He gave the same answer to the woman who'd come after the Isur, another one without a name. Thomas offered a shrug, saying "I wanted to explore a bit deeper into the jungle, see what I was missing on the beach." He masked his annoyance, remembering oh-so-very quickly why he preferred animations to people.

"Thank you for coming, Anuk." Thomas said, noting that both women were extremely well prepared. At least he wasn't stupid enough to go waltzing into the jungle alone. "Yes. I was something of a scientist before, you might call it. I studied Life, and I'd like to see what lives beyond the confines of the settlement."

Thomas waited for a bit before deciding to continue on -- it was two bells past the highest point of the sun, and he wanted to explore before they lost all light. "I don't know these lands, and I won't pretend I do. I figured this would be a nice time to explore and see what we could see. I'd like to bird watch," not a lie, but if there was something happening at the ruins, he preferred to go there, "But the Isur, Aladon, suggested we might go see something about lights at the ruins?"

OOCplease let me know if I skipped an important action or I left out a description of my own PC. I will make the corrections immediately! I am hoping this is a fun adventure for everyone.

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(Re) Discovery

Postby Nya Winters on January 7th, 2018, 4:49 pm

Nya turned and lifted an eyebrow at Aladon, wondering what in the world he was thinking suggesting this group head to some ruins with this man who didn't even have a weapon. Wait... no weapon? Was he a mage then? Scientists usually carried tools in Nya's experience, but there was no tool belt or gear to be seen.

Her eyes scanned the others quietly and decided she approved of everyone else. The first woman was pretty in Nya's eyes with a fierce quiet gaze the Kelvic quite liked. She didn't give her name, which didn't bother Nya, though there was something about her the Kelvic took notice of. She didn't smell human. Nya inhaled deeply, got a lung full of serpent mixed with dog, and thought that perhaps that was the first time she'd scented such a combination together. It wasn't unpleasant, but it made Nya think the quiet woman wasn't what she seemed.

Nya eyed the dogs cautiously. Felines didn't always get along with canines. But if they left her alone she'd leave them alone. Leashed, the Kelvic almost curled her lip at the thought. Poor beasts. No one should ever have to wear a collar.

Nya appreciated Aladon's smile and nod in greeting, but frowned because she still couldn't understand why he was so nice. He'd wanted to be 'friends' for Zulrav's sake. The Smith seriously didn't seem to have a mean bone in his body and was always good humored. He'd probably make friends with a pit viper if he was of a mind too. Nya returned his nod, saying hi without a smile. She'd smile when this walking shipwreck was underway.

Merevaika still hadn't mastered Common, it seemed. The Kelvic didn't mind so much but she knew humans loved to chatter and if someone couldn't keep up with their chatter on par with them, they tended to find them stupid or ignorant. Merevaika was another dog person. What was it with people in Syka wanting dogs? Cats were so much better. Yet none of these people smelled like they had any pet felines around them. Nya decided she'd ask James to import some kittens, hoping to establish some feral kitties in the Settlement for mice control, of course, because there needed to be some balance. She'd even pay for them and hunt for them until they could hunt for themselves. This dog situation had to be put to a stop.

Anuk, now.... there was another kelvic. Feline too by her scent. Nya offered her a warm smile and edged closer, preferring to smell other cat than the stench of dog. Once she was beside the other Kelvic, Nya leaned back against a nearby table and crossed her long legs and gave Anuk a look. "I'm Nya. You smell far better than all these dogs. Thankfully. I'm thinking of asking James to import some kittens so at least we have other felines around. Even domestic cats are better than all these dogs." The Forest Cat grumbled, giving Anuk a look as if she hoped the other Kelvic understood.

Lowering her voice, Nya continued. "I have no idea why we are going to watch birds. Do you think they'd mind if we ate a few? I'll let the scientist look at them first so long as we get to nibble while they are still warm." She added, throwing Anuk a grin and hoping to at long last find a friend in another kelvic.

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(Re) Discovery

Postby Aladon on January 14th, 2018, 7:14 am

Aladon listened to what the skinny human male said that he wanted to see the different diversity of bird life in the jungles than he could see on the beach. It was a sound explanation for the expedition into the jungle. The Isur hasn't been in the jungle much, but he wondered how easily someone could see the birds if they were under the canopy of the jungle. Maybe he was going to record bird calls. Whatever, he was thinking to much about the reason for this trip. The pasty human scientist was probably just worried about about getting sunburned on the beach. Aladon didn't blame him at all because he had to limit his time in the sun too. The man suggested if anyone knew where the ruins were that they explore the ruins too. First, it was bird now it was ruins. Wait, shyte. He was the one who suggested the ruins! The strange happenings around Syka have been starting to bother blacksmith, so it has been on his mind lately. He didn't know how long the human male has been in Syka, so he might not know about the sounds and lights.

Aladon said with a shake of his head, “No wait! If your original plan was to listen to bird calls and observe the birds. I suggest we go birding before heading to the ruins. Also I have no clue where they are located either. By Isur's left arm, we could run into something that we aren't prepared to handle. Especially with all the weirdness happening in and around the settlement lately. I was just surprised that someone would venture out into the jungle just to listen and observe to bird call with all things that can kill you out there. It just seemed odd to me...” The blacksmith stuck out his hand to the thin human and asked with a awkward smile, “May I get your name? It much better than me assigning the nickname of “Birdman” to you for the rest of the journey. Besides, we should start soon otherwise we will start loosing are precious light.” Leaning forward the Isur said quietly to him, “I can see quite fine in the darkness, but I am only suggesting we leave because I doubt you want to spend the night out there.” Aladon wasn't being a jerk at all, or he wasn't intentional trying to be one. He just wanted to go out into the jungle and come back safely in one piece. The Isur was prepared for a night or two in the jungle, but our leader seemed ill prepared for a overnight journey into the jungle.

When the man said his name and responded to him, Aladon turned to let the man address the other adventures in the party. He immediately saw Merevaika, so he decided to walk over to the human woman and stood next to her. The Isur observed the pasty human male for a chime, and he came up with the conclusion that the man was utterly unprepared for the journey through the jungle. He had no weapons, no supplies, and not even water to quench his thirst. On the other hand, the blacksmith realized that he was probably over prepared for the trip for the trip into the jungle. He was the only one dressed in leather armor plus he had his retractable shield on his right arm. By the gods, he must look foolish too. Aladon looked at the last arrival, and she seemed like she carried herself with pride as she approached the human. The Isur gave the tattooed women with the nose ring a friendly smile as he walked past her. He would probably get to know her on the trip if she wasn't to busy on trip.

From his previous encountered with the wild women, Merevaika never seemed to sugar coat anything, so she would probaly the first one to be honest with him if he looked ridiculous. Nya Winters would probably just scowl at him and tell him that they weren't friends. By the gods, She was confusing! One minute she could be laughing with him than the next minute completely change her mood and reassure him that they weren't friends. The kelvic was so frustrating at times. Aladon decided to let her approach him on this bird walk. Give her space from him; however, if she does, maybe this time around, he will jokingly add after every conversation with her, 'We are friends.' No that is stupid. It isn't something to joke about because she seemed serious about it. Since he was a glutton of punishment, he decided Mereviaka about the journey. Glancing over and up at Merevaika, he joked in common quietly with a smirk, so she could only hear, “Question Merevaika. Do you think that I will survive our bird watching expedition, or will I suffer a horrible fate to some hungry beast in the Maw?”
Thank you Gossamer for the posting template!
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(Re) Discovery

Postby Merevaika on January 21st, 2018, 9:23 pm

The final woman that came was a guide. Merevaika knew that job all too well. This was a useful guide too. Not because of her actual skills - Merevaika couldn't say anything about them. She looked prepared with the things she carried, but so did the blacksmith, and Merevaika knew he was useless. The final woman was useful, at the very least, because she told Merevaika exactly what they were doing here. Looking for birds.

What a gathering to look for birds. She hadn't even used the right verb - hunt, surely? Looking for birds implied - no, it was ridiculous to think that everyone here was willing to venture into the jungle, a dangerous, deadly place, for a little birdwatching. If they wanted to look at birds, they could do that out here.

Either something more subtle was going on here, or these people were all crazy.

The man who had called everyone here - the spindly, weak looking one - explained who he was: a scientist, whatever that meant, who had studied life. The way he said it - Life - felt different, off with Merevaika. Life was something that couldn't be studied, surely? It was just there. It was the nature of things. The essence that powered them. Something better left for the gods as mortals who studied it went crazy and liked birdwatching in dangerous places. At least he was admitting that. And he was bringing up the lights. Agreeing to looking for them. Perhaps it was just her lack of skill at common - but Merevaika was not having much luck understanding with what actually they were all doing here.

Aladon was talking too much for her to keep up. He seemed to be for the birdwatching and against exploring the ruins and finding out what was happening, which didn't make much sense for the Drykas. But then again, birdwatching was safer than ruins. Not by much, but very clearly by something.

Then the blacksmith had moved over to her. What had she missed? He was saying her name now, asking about his chances of survival. But there was a smirk on his face, so she could just about figure out that he was joking. Not that it was a thing to joke about. If they weren't travelling in such a large group - or if he was simply unlucky - the man wouldn't survive a day in this jungle.

"No, nothing eat you," she decided to go with, forcing a smirk of her own to match the expression plastered on his face, "All that leather protect you." She poked him fiercely in the armour, unsure what the exact word was in common for it. But it was ridiculous. She didn't understand how the man wasn't dying of heat in it.

What was everyone else doing? Still talking? They could save that for later, when they were on the move, when they weren't wasting time and waiting for it to get dark. "We go then?" she announced to the rest of them, trying to push them forward. The only thing was, she still didn't really know where they were heading. Ruins, perhaps. But where they were? Who knew.

But she took a big stride towards the jungle anyway. Let the others lead if they knew where they were going. All she was able to do was get them going.
Pavi Common

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