OOC Info The Wildlands Character Registry - Winter 519 A.V.

Please register here if you are going to play this season.

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

The Wildlands Character Registry - Winter 519 A.V.

Postby Gossamer on December 9th, 2019, 4:23 am



Welcome to The Wildlands!

We have enough players here now to run an official Registry. Please sign up if you are located in The Wildlands or in a micro domain within The Wildlands like the Empyreal Demense.

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You?
  2. Age, Sex, Race?
  3. How long are you planning on staying?
  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?
  5. Describe your character in a short abstract?
  6. What are your character goals this season?
  7. Does your PC have the Sylira Required Wilderness Survival Level of C+? If not, are you staying somewhere safe? Please state where.
  8. Why did you pick The Wildlands?
  9. What kind of improvements would you like to see to The Wildlands?
  10. What do you want to see in a thread partner? Is anyone here you want to thread with specifically or in general?
  11. Additional Comments?

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[center][size=150]Character Registry[/size][/center]

[list=1][*][b]Who Are You?[/b]
[*][b]Age, Sex, Race?[/b]
[*][b]How long are you planning on staying?[/b]
[*][b]Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?[/b]
[*][b]Describe your character in a short abstract?[/b]
[*][b]What are your character goals this season?[/b]
[*][b]Does your PC have the Sylira Required Wilderness Survival Level of C+?  If not, are you staying somewhere safe? Please state where.[/b]
[*][b]Why did you pick The Wildlands?[/b]
[*][b]What kind of improvements would you like to see to The Wildlands?[/b]
[*][b]What do you want to see in a thread partner?   Is anyone here you want to thread with specifically or in general?[/b]
[*][b]Additional Comments?[/b][/list]

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The Wildlands Character Registry - Winter 519 A.V.

Postby Wa'Djinnabi on December 10th, 2019, 10:09 am

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You? Wa'Djinnabi, or Djinn
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 27, Male, Eypharian
  3. How long are you planning on staying? For the foreseeable future
  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Yes
  5. Describe your character in a short abstract?
    A friendly but melancholy foreigner in a foreign land. He likes working with plants and plans on supporting himself with his trade skill alchemy.
  6. What are your character goals this season?
    Over arching goals generally include working on skills but I do have a plot in mind involving the aladjunn (eypharian take on genetics) and applying that to breeding plants in his garden.
  7. Does your PC have the Sylira Required Wilderness Survival Level of C+? If not, are you staying somewhere safe? Please state where.
    Not yet, Djinn is staying with the Meraki where he is working on an appropriate level of WS.
  8. Why did you pick The Wildlands?
    To hang out and do magical things in with the Meraki
  9. What kind of improvements would you like to see to The Wildlands?
    I really would like a weather tracker (really I think that every domain should have one) that way I can say if its raining or snowing or otherwise and not have any conflicts with other people's threads. Somewhat awkward if on the 30th I say it is raining and someone else says it was bright and sunny in their thread.
  10. What do you want to see in a thread partner?
    Is anyone here you want to thread with specifically or in general?
    My experience with thread partners have been pretty good! So all my expectations are being met. Generally just fairly regular posting and communication is enough for me though don't worry if you need time, I am also patient provided you let me know whats going on. I sorta want to have a thread going with everyone in range of my character, I might be a bit greedy in that way haha.
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The Wildlands Character Registry - Winter 519 A.V.

Postby Dessarian on December 11th, 2019, 1:44 pm

Character Registry

    Who Are You? Dessarian "Dess" Damazar
    Age, Sex, Race? 25, Male, Human
    How long are you planning on staying? Indefinite
    Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Currently employed
    Describe your character in a short abstract? Quiet, friendly and easy-going, but with a history of secrets. Dess is a warrior of unarmed combat and a mage just getting his feet wet in his forms of magic. A strategic thinker, careful evaluator of people and devoted to his 'people'. Bondmate of Kelski K'etir.
    What are your character goals this season? Expand on the skills of Flux and Reimancy. Possibly learn Projection via an NPC. Undertake job brought to the Meraki. Learn to use wrist razors.
    Does your PC have the Sylira Required Wilderness Survival Level of C+? If not, are you staying somewhere safe? Please state where. Living at the Empyreal Demesne
    Why did you pick The Wildlands? Current resident
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The Wildlands Character Registry - Winter 519 A.V.

Postby Crylon Stonecraft on December 11th, 2019, 5:18 pm

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You? Crylon Stonecraft (Pitrius)
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 61 years (30.5 years human equivalent), Male, Isur
  3. How long are you planning on staying? Might travel a bit in a season or two, but planning to stay in the area for awhile.
  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Have a job working for the Meraki, have enough coin to support expenses.
  5. Describe your character in a short abstract? A patient Isur interested in learning and gaining skills, with a particular interest in building and making things.
  6. What are your character goals this season? Go on a camping trip (learn some WS), get some additional building/making skills up to competent.
  7. Does your PC have the Sylira Required Wilderness Survival Level of C+? If not, are you staying somewhere safe? Please state where. WS is Novice level, but does not go out alone into the wilds, stays in the Meraki settlement within the Demesne or brings those who are skilled in WS.
  8. Why did you pick The Wildlands? Joined up with the Meraki, who are located within.
  9. What kind of improvements would you like to see to The Wildlands? Perhaps a few more detailed locations within a few days travel from each city within the Wildlands, for possible short ventures/trips.
  10. What do you want to see in a thread partner? Is anyone here you want to thread with specifically or in general? I enjoy thread partners who are willing to put in equal effort for a thread, and while being a fast poster is not a requirement keeping open communication is in that case.
  11. Additional Comments? N/A
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The Wildlands Character Registry - Winter 519 A.V.

Postby Kelski on December 13th, 2019, 6:03 pm

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You?

    I'm Kelski, otherwise known as Kelskanisha K'etir.

  2. Age, Sex, Race?

    I'm a female Kelvic Sea Eagle. My age is no longer a factor though I look like I'm in my early twenties.

  3. How long are you planning on staying?

    As long as the Wildlands will tolerate me.

  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?


  5. Describe your character in a short abstract?

    I am a woman lost within life and desperately trying to carve out a place for herself driven by the need for safety and security. To Kelski, life is magical.

  6. What are your character goals this season?

    I want to get closer to the Meraki. I want to know each of them better. I want to start exploring Dominions as Nysel charged me too. I'd like to flesh out the ED and get more of it built. It's going to be a busy season.

  7. Does your PC have the Sylira Required Wilderness Survival Level of C+? If not, are you staying somewhere safe? Please state where.

    I have both the WS to survive and I live at the ED.

  8. Why did you pick The Wildlands?

    It was close to Zeltica and had no danger of shutting down.

  9. What kind of improvements would you like to see to The Wildlands?

    I'd like to see more locations, a road to Zeltiva from the ED, and more NPCs out in the wildlands to populate it.

  10. What do you want to see in a thread partner? Is anyone here you want to thread with specifically or in general?

    My main happiness is a thread partner that WONT end a post exactly where I end it but will instead move the thread on and sometimes take the lead. I like responsive partners that reply a couple times a week and give me lots to respond too. I like people that want to initiate a story and have lots of ideas too. I get burnt out on coming up with ideas.

  11. Additional Comments?

    Glad to see so many people in the Wildlands and the ED itself! I just hope they know they can't chase happiness. They have to find it where they are.

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