Unbelievable. To see such a grotesque beast take shape here and now, the nightmare Sira feared now beginning to form within the dream. The Ravarisk. It was foreign to Ricky and very unnatural, such a beast of pure evil by its occurance. When Sira had nested herself in Ricky's chest, he wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to comfort her. To shield her with his arms as he wanted her to feel safe, safe from the dangers she felt in this god awful nightmare. Hadrian seem to be searching for answers, answers that were in the past he dwelled in. Maybe he came across it in another dream, or faced its threat in the real world. Ricky knew not the history behind the Ravarisk and them, but he wasn't going to allow anything to happen. He coupd feel it now, the sensation of waking up being paused; like he was being locked here with them. Three caged birds singing for freedom, freedom from the nightmare this dream had become. "Damn thing is ugly that's for sure, I won't let em hurt ya." He spoke in a low voice where Sira could hear him, her name vaguely still existing in his mind. Would he remember her after this was all over? Would the dream end before they all experienced the terror this monster would bring? He wanted answers but when he searched for them only more questions took their place. All the faceless people around intimidating them, Ricky was still quite unsure where this would turn. It was like the end of the world, the last days of time as all life would release it's final soft breathe. Such a feeling was one that Ricky had not expected, and it was no doubt similiar to Sira's as well; though her story probably ran deeper than the sea he was in. Hadrian seem to be reaching out for something else too, something more then just a recolletion. Was he trying to find an escape? A way out so that they would no longer deal with this nightmare? The barrier that contained them was unusual as well, all of the dream was heading there now it seems. Ricky wasn't able to tell if it was to protect them or cage them, but he didn't like what his instincts told him. His heart would pound fast and hard, loud enough for Sira to hear. Though he was still naked as was she all passion has died the moment the dream shifted, and when the Ravarisk had made its appearance known. Ricky could feel the tension in the air with the followed by the sense of despair; the twin of fear. Yet he may stand now feeling the fear and despair grow within, but courage was his ally in this moment. He wanted to protect these two from what ever was to come. "Sira...listen to me. I ain't lettin this monster near ya. I will do anythin to keep it at bay." He spoke humbly as he felt a fire burn within his heart, the sea that still resided in him churning a tempest of pure heat. Faith was the big part of this ordeal they were in, faith that they wouod get out; faith that they would be safe. Ricky had faith in Hadrian and his abilities, he had faith that Nysel would help them. Yes he remembered before what Hadrian said, about being a dream walker and Nysel was the god that gave him his gift. It was all buried deep like the memories they were, unable to tap into them at will but only able to see them when they chose. These were not ordinary memories at all, no these memories of his dreams were involved in a deeper part of him. Deeper then he actually knew. As he held Sira close in his arms to shield and comfort her he looked to Hadrian, eyes full of hope and faith. 'I believe in ya Hadrian, ye can pull us out I know it!' His thoughts echoed in his head, while his heart yearned to keep them safe. |