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A Chance Encounter (Kynier)

Postby Vasin on February 7th, 2019, 7:07 pm

Timestamp: 22nd of Winter, 518 A.V.

Vasin's eyes scanned over the dusty bookshelf filled with books and journals rotten away with neglect. He thumbed through a book which had pages he could not read. Faded and damaged, what a shame he thought having at first believed he found something of interest. The faded cover indicated that this book had once been a manual on sword fencing. But, time and Sunberth itself had taken its toll on this collection. Vasin had come seeking knowledge on this day, but he was not at the library where he would normally go. No, instead he had stumbled upon a new place in Stumble Alley. The sign outside indicated that this was called The Majestic, but it had been long since abandoned. No one was here to sell, and no one bothered to take the books. Rather trademark of the attitude towards books in Sunberth. He imagined if there was anything worth saving the Librarian would have already come here. He sighed closing the book and tapping its cover. All of this knowledge, and it had been left to rot."Well, it was worth a shot." Vasin said as he pushed the rotten book back into its place on the shelf. He gave the old shelves one last look before he would turn around to face the door.

Before he had found himself in this shop Vasin had been heading to the Library through Stumble Alley. He had followed the route Kelski had shown him to a T, but on this day he took notice of something along the way. He had paused, the sign had taken his interest as he had stood there. Then when he approached the shop and peered inside a feeling of discovery had washed over him. He had found another collection of books, and it looked like a shop as well. So after waiting a moment he had headed inside and began to browse. But at no point had he seen a shop owner or even an employee, it was dead quiet in this store. Then he found out why, as the ware had been left to rot. It was rather disheartening, especially after he had gotten his hopes up with that manual. One could only learn so much from the journals at the library, as entertaining as they may be. He had to put it into practice, or at least try. That was the thing though, he did not know how or who to even see about it.

Back in the very present moment, Vasin looked around the shop as he began to walk out. He turned and walked backward for a moment and then paused. He looked over the place. They wondered what had happened to the owner? Well, that was obvious, they couldn't get enough business. People in these parts cared little for books. It was why the library was always so empty of life. With a small shrug, Vasin turned around on his heels and then opened the door to leave."Back to the library for now I suppose." Vasin muttered on his way out.
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A Chance Encounter (Kynier)

Postby Kynier on February 8th, 2019, 8:36 pm


Kynier power walked through the labyrinth of streets of Stumble Alley, mentally kicking himself for his late start of the day. Sleep had been very elusive the night before, and the other occupants of where he slept had been active enough to prevent him from settling down properly. All in all, he couldn’t really be mad, because it was better to have the company than it was to be alone. But it was a day where he really wanted the construction of his new home to be done with. Kynier really missed having a proper bath and space to comfortably move.

The mage moved through the alleys with familiarity. His cloak billowing out behind him slightly from the haste he had in his stride. Unless Doler had a task for him of simple design, Kynier was now likely to have to work until the very late bells of the night, or the earliest bells of the next day, to accomplish the job. It was unfortunate how there was a cascading effect on his sleep like that, only to be broken by the days when Doler didn’t need him, or there was an assignment that lasted until the night of the following day. Regardless, the wizard paid him well for the work and occasionally gave him magical advice.

“Maybe today will be an easy day,” he hoped to himself. Kynier came up the alley between the library and the Majestic. As he reached for the door to his employers, it opened before he could grab the handle. Kynier’s head snapped up to meet the gaze of the man coming out. The man was just a little taller than him with mesmerizing blue eyes that looked almost Svefrian. A thick beard hung from the man’s chin but wasn’t shaggy enough to disguise his lips. The stranger’s body type indicated that he was a little familiar with physical labor.

“Uh… Hello,” Kynier said during his initial surprise. This was the first he had ever seen someone that wasn’t Doler in the Majestic. He wasn’t naïve to think that there weren’t other people under Doler’s employment though. The wizard frequently demonstrated an understanding of the current events that Kynier never mentioned in his reports. Was this man before him another spy working on behalf of the wizard? He stepped out of the man’s way. “Can I help you find something?” he asked. While he wanted to discover if the man was indeed working for Doler as well, an indirect approach of the subject was necessary. If the man had no inclination of the wizard’s presence, it would not do well to ask directly and bring the unwanted attention.

Kynier shifted his weight and rested his hands on his hips. The man before him was instantly a puzzle. One that the mage felt the need to understand. Why was the man inside the Majestic? A place that no one frequented for obvious reasons. And was it going to be necessary to keep his own profession secret from this man?

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A Chance Encounter (Kynier)

Postby Vasin on February 9th, 2019, 8:47 pm

When Vasin had opened the door and pushed it all the way open he had been about to step out. That is when of course he immediately noticed someone standing right in front of him right inside. He blinked surprised yet curious at suddenly running into someone right outside the shop. The first thing that happened was Vasin's eyes locked onto his for a moment. Then he moved on as he took in the stranger with his sight. Little shorter than himself, maybe by an inch or less? It was hard to tell of course by how much. Rather broad shoulders on this one Vasin noticed before he looked back to their well-shaven face.

They were the first ones to speak up and Vasin would take a moment to reply. Who was this person? He had heard stories of Stumble Alley, maybe they had been following Vasin? No, they seemed as surprised as he had been to see him as well."Hello there..." Vasin said remembering to reply as he considered the options for what to do. Vasin was curious but cautious as he stood there in the doorway. But then, to Vasin, his questions about who this man was seemingly were answered by a question of their own."Do you own this place or work here?" Vasin would ask gesturing back into the store but kept his eyes on them.

"I spotted this place on the way to the library." Vasin would add on a little hopeful that this person ran the shop. Maybe they would have some answers, even if it didn't make sense to run a shop with such a rotted collection. Or maybe they knew for places to find knowledge? One could only hope."Noticed the books inside, wanted to see what there was." he would explain further to the man in front of him. Vasin shifted his own stance a little, his grip on the door relaxed now.

"Ah, I'm in your way aren't I?" Vasin said having come to the realization that they obviously wanted to head inside. So Vasin would step back a little if they wanted to come in. If they knew about the books here, then it was best to not be rude to this person. It paid to not be rude to people you wanted to browse for information. Or at least, one would think that way in most cases.

But it was an odd situation he had found himself in. Maybe whoever this was just lived here? Weird place to live, but he lived in a tent so he was no one to judge. The only way to find out whether or not they knew about the books would be if they answered. Otherwise, Vasin realized he would have walked in on either someone's hangout or home. But, if that was the case maybe they knew something about the books? The only way to find out was to ask if they answered no to being the shopkeep.
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A Chance Encounter (Kynier)

Postby Kynier on February 20th, 2019, 2:03 am


It was clear from the first question that the man had asked, that he wasn’t another spy for the wizard. It was strange being asked if he worked in the abandoned shop. So much so, that Kynier gave a dry laugh in response. “If I did work here, I would likely need to find new employment, and quickly.” The place was an obvious mess with no valuable inventory. Kynier arched an eyebrow questioningly at the man. Exactly what sort of service would he expect after seeing the inside?

Then it was apparent, although the man didn’t necessarily look like the sort you would expect to be a reader. Let alone, go searching for something to read. The man looked like being a deckhand was more of a proper fit for him. It was unfortunate for the man that there was a treasure trove of books hidden way that he may never get access to. It had taken Kynier several seasons just to get access to two books. When the man stepped aside, Kynier entered the Majestic and quickly looked around. He couldn’t check in with the wizard now, not while the stranger was here. And he didn’t think it was wise to linger and beckon the man to leave. That would cast suspicion in places best left alone.

Kynier spoke as she stepped into the shop, “I am not the owner, but I do know the owner. I… I come to inspect the place from time to time. The owner doesn’t like the idea of some street urchin taking residence in here.” Kynier turned to look at the stranger after what would’ve been a satisfactory look for squatters. “Why the owner doesn’t sell the place, or try to use it for something, I may never know. They’re not exactly of a reasonable mind.” He sighed, more at the thought that he was going to have to come back later for whatever task the wizard would have for him. He hated late starts because of how late the nights would turn because of them.

“Well, no one here except you.” Kynier faked a smirk, “and it doesn’t look like you’re thinking of staying. So, no problems in here for me to worry about.” Then, he started walking towards the door. “You came in looking for books? I can’t help but wonder, what sort of books were you hoping to find?” Kynier stepped out of the door of the Majestic and onto the street first. He stopped in the middle of the alley, not sure of what he should do next. There were no errands that came to mind for him to run, but he needed to go somewhere, or at least lead the stranger away from the wizard.

“My name is Kynier,” he said in a little bit of a friendlier tone. If that man had the ability to read, then he seemed to be a cut above the majority of Sunberth citizens. Most that he knew were illiterate.

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A Chance Encounter (Kynier)

Postby Vasin on February 22nd, 2019, 4:29 pm

Vasin nodded at the answer Kynier had given him, as it made sense in very quick hindsight. No one would work in a dump like this, and if they did as Kynier had said they would not work there for very long."Silly question then I suppose? But it never hurts to ask." Vasin reasoned but now he wondered why this man was here as well. If they didn't work here, nor owned the place then why come? Suddenly to Vasin his ideas that perhaps they lived here or used this place as a hang out seemed more obvious. After all, very few in Sunberth paid any mind to books. Especially books for that matter that one would be unable to read in the first place. Right in plain sight where no one would bother to look.

However, that theory which had been running through his head was quickly dismissed as Kynier had explained their own reasons for being here."I see." Vasin said rather simply as he had watched them give a quick look around."Well, I am sure the owner appreciates your help regardless." Vasin commented as he gave another look around himself."Perhaps it is easier to simply let it sit? It is not exactly in a good part of the city anyways." Vasin reasoned to Kynier as he looked back to them.

Watching as Kynier exited the building Vasin would do so as well, closing the door behind him. He had just been about to leave anyways when Kynier and he had bumped into one another."I had been hoping to find a fighting manual. Long Swords, Shields, and throwing axes. That sort of stuff. Also something on survival. Those journals at the library only offer so much information. " Vasin explained after Kynier had asked what he had been looking for. Vasin didn't feel a need to hide what he was after, as Kynier had apparently told him his own reasons for being there as well.

"Ah! Well met Kynier. My name is Vasin." he said greeting them in return."I know you said that the original owner is not of sound mind. But perhaps they would know how to acquire books? Surely the damaged ones in there had to come from somewhere right?" Vasin asked.
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A Chance Encounter (Kynier)

Postby Kynier on February 25th, 2019, 3:59 am


Looking back at the empty store front, it was serving its purpose rather well. Kynier was thankful for ignoring his initial urges to clean the place when first gaining his employment. Although, it was strange talking about it as though having it just sit there in a decrepit state were a bad thing. But that was the façade he needed to play on right now. “I do not see why it could not be cleaned out and sectioned off into smaller rooms. It could become an inexpensive shelter that could serve four, perhaps even six, people. With how many people are unable to afford a roof and four walls of their own, I’d imagine there would be no shortage of those that would take a place like this for a silver or two per day.”

No, it wasn’t a good part of the city. But it wasn’t the worst by far either. “What do you think would make this part of the city better?” He asked out of curiosity.

That was an interesting concept. A manual for fighting. “That sounds like a risky thing to trust from a book. A maneuver is best seen and felt in my experience. It would take so many words to tell you how to stand and how to move. What you could do,” he raised a finger to point at the sky as a gesture of having a good idea, “is go to a place called the Proving Grounds. It’s in the Sun’s Refuge district in the western edge of the city. The Sun’s Birth use it as their training area. But they sometimes teach those that are not part of their organization for a fee. A recruiting tool, I’m sure. But that would be one possible way of improving your skill with a sword, without the dire consequences of the alternative.”

Kynier looked up and down the road, not sure which direction to take since he had no destination in mind. Mostly, he just wanted to lead the man away from the Majestic. He was looking for books of certain topics, but it sounded as though he had already scoured through the library and was hungry for more. Kynier picked the southern route and started walking at an idle pace that was comfortable for conversation. More of stroll than a walk. “Well Vain, there’s someone that I met and took a few lessons from that might be able to help you. An older man by the name of Pajalkich. The fellow is an experienced hunter that often ventures into the wilderness on his own. When he comes back, he tends to frequent the taverns or Bregga’s House of Happy Endings. He’s a gruff man but needs gold as much as anyone.”

A smirk flashed across his face as Vasin inquired about where to find more books that weren’t in the library. “Unfortunately, there’s no reliable place beyond the library for books. Sometimes a merchant might have one or two in the markets. Otherwise, its whatever people had brought with them from other cities. I know my employer has a few books at his disposal. But he’s very… reclusive. He’s only allowed me access to two books during the past year. One was more or less because I had demanded the ability to choose one book to read for my services. The other he bequeathed to me because I was in a transitional period and he thought it would help me. Apart from that… I don’t even know what his collection entails.”

It was strange how talkative he was, as well as how comfortable it had been to say all of it. Something about Vasin made conversation feel easy, even though he knew nothing of the man. “Vasin, why are you so interested in learning more about survival? Are you not comfortable living in a city?”

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A Chance Encounter (Kynier)

Postby Vasin on March 3rd, 2019, 8:35 pm

Vasin nodded thinking that was indeed a good idea for using this apparently no longer in use building."I know a fair amount of people in the tent city sure would appreciate having such a place be home." Vasin commented coming from a place in which he himself lived in a tent. Vasin looked to the storefront and nodded."Yeah, it would serve very well like that. But, I'm sure they have their reasons." Vasin said knowing that someone who was mentally unwell would have their reasons for not, even if they did not make the most sense. Wouldn't even be that hard to hire someone to clear the place out. With all the merchandise destroyed by time, there was nothing for anyone to steal in the cleaning out process.

"Make it better?" Vasin asked taking a moment to consider his response."This place is known for people making a wrong turn never to be seen again. I'd say signs or directions." Vasin said starting off small."But more then anything, you would need to take care of the people causing the disappearances. Then make sure, it's hard for someone to take their place." Vasin said knowing that the way things were here, that was a major part of the problem."It would be hard to make either happen though." Vasin said with a very brief shrug.

Vasin followed Kynier's finger to the sky before looking back down to him with his eyes curious where he was going with this."I suppose you a right, while words and imagination are good and all, nothing can beat the actual thing." he said rubbing his chin a little thinking it over."I hadn't considered training with the Suns Berth though..." Vasin said trailing off a little."I'll have to check it out and see for my self." Vasin said not liking the idea of training at the recruitment ground for a gang. But in SB, one had to do what they had to do and besides what harm could there be in giving it a try?

Vasin would walk beside Kynier almost without thinking as the two of them continued the conversation."Pajalkich huh? Sounds like someone who would know a thing or two about living out there." Vasin said gesturing in the general direction of the southern wilds."If I find him I'll have to see if he is willing to teach me a thing or two. I've been considering heading out there to the edge. But, I wanted to get some base experience before committing." Vasin reasoned out not wanting to end up a corpse.

It was disappointing to hear that there were no further untapped wells of books just waiting to be discovered. The markets were where he had acquired his first book. Seemed he was in a market of limited supply for knowledge. However Kyniers next question left him quiet for a moment."Because I want to head out there and find what others have not. Then bring it back for all to see." Vasin said looking to Kynier as they kept walking."Not sure people here would appreciate it." Vasin said with a shrug as if not entirely sure."I got it in my head after reading this book about the circumnavigation of the world." Vasin added on top of what he already said.
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A Chance Encounter (Kynier)

Postby Kynier on March 6th, 2019, 12:46 am


Vasin made a fair point, but at the same time, it was hard to tell if the man was making a joke. If it was it was very dry humor, but after a little elaboration, Kynier was able to tell that the man wasn’t joking at all about it. It was true that people got turned around very easily in Stumble Alley. After a moment, Kynier nodded his head. “Yes, I’ve gotten turned around a few times through here. Seems that the building design was made with the same anarchy mentality that the citizens thrive on so much.” He Looked at Vasin as they strolled through the road leading south.

“That would make the place better. This area is not claimed by any group which leaves the people walking through it more vulnerable. With so many people all acting on their own, the most efficient way would be for one person, or a group, that were very influential and even intimidating, to lay claim to the place and say that it’s under their protection. It wouldn’t completely stop the disappearances, but it would be a deterrent of sorts.” Kynier smiled and chuckled to himself. “Of course, that sounds like establishing another gang, which could cause more bloodshed than it would stop.”

On the topic of training, Kynier felt a small part of him nagging at him. There were several aspects of himself, physically, mentally, and magically that he wanted to hone and be better at. But it was difficult finding the time, and sometimes the energy, to be able to do half of them. “Indeed. Understanding how to fight is something more intuitive. There’s very little time for planning or thinking during a confrontation. You act or react. Its more physical than it is mental, so anything from a book would only provide a fraction of the wisdom.”

“Pajalkich is very knowledgeful of the wilderness. I don’t know how far out he’s been on his own. If you’re able to convince him, he’ll be able to teach you a lot. It will probably depend on when you catch him. He’s probably easiest to convince after a few cups of ale.” Kynier gave Vasin a look of being mildly impressed by his last comment in relation to Pajalkich. “The edge is definitely further than where most people are willing to go. Old stories say that during the time of the empires, there was no Wildlands. People had been able to travel overland safely. Things like the Kabrin Road where everywhere and lead everywhere. It might be another thousand years, but I think that civilization will return to that point eventually.”

The disappointment on Vasin’s face was fairly apparent. Sunberth was not a city teeming with knowledge though. It was a place fairly content to not make any progression. The man was silent for a time as he seemed to give serious consideration to his answer. When Vasin finally did, Kynier turned his head to look down they road they were taking for a few ticks. Kynier had a little bit of difficulty understanding the significance of “circumnavigation”. Sailing terminology was not something he was well versed in. When he glanced back at the man he was walking with, he set a hand in a pocket and let the other rest on the hilt of a short sword.

“There are… a lot of things that the old empires left behind. Mostly questions. Every now and then you can find a little piece of them. A small bit of their science or magic, and it is just marvelous to see.” Kynier said with a bit of a whimsical tone as he recalled a few of the things he had seen that he was certain were Pre-Valterrian in design. “And some of them are quite terrifying,” he said with a more serious note. “It’s important for there to be people that go out and find those small scraps. Someone else could study them and find something to make people’s lives easier.” Silence settled for a few ticks before Kynier broke the silence. “But I’d imagine that Sunberth is not the place you should bring them back to.”

Their path was leading towards the Mudway, so Kynier took a right turn down a series of alleys that would head towards The Commons. “Understanding how to survive out there,” he made a gesture with his arm towards the lands beyond their sight, “is more important than I think most people can truly realize. When I was young, I had to wander the wilderness alone for days. Without any knowledge of how to find shelter, what plants were edible and which ones were poisonous. It nearly killed me. I’ve maintained a healthy distance from the wildlands since then, but I know it’s inevitable to have to learn about it.”

At some point it became less about leading Vasin away from the Majestic and more about having the conversation. The man wasn’t some ruffian that happened upon the residence of a powerful wizard. There was an unexpected depth to him. One that Kynier found refreshing, because the man wasn’t driven by his more selfish impulses.

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A Chance Encounter (Kynier)

Postby Vasin on March 8th, 2019, 2:38 pm

"For sure, no planning in the layout what so ever." Vasin said making a small gesture to the buildings around them."Though one would have to be careful not to get lost themselves when putting down signs." Vasin said considering it a somewhat dangerous task."Would need to map the place out..." he said believing that would be a good place to start."Though someone might just tear down the signs if it is in their interests." Vasin said knowing that not everyone would appreciate a more easily navigable Stumble Alley. Sunberth was a place that was without a doubt filled with such people. Not to mention, people might very well eye the signs with suspicion regardless.

"Perhaps you are right about that..." Vasin said with a pause."But it would have to be a group. Covering this place as a single person would be rather the task." Vasin said with a shake of his head."A group as you said would essentially become another gang, with its own issues. Any existing gang trying to lay claim to this place would see push back from other gangs as well." Vasin said rubbing his chin a little as they walked."But still, either of those solutions would be better then what is here now. Nothing." Vasin said with a shrug."Would need to convince people to do it though..." he said pondering how one might even gather a group large enough for the task.

Vasin nodded in agreement."It is all very reflex. You can make all the plans you want in your head. But then, you have to rely on your body to act." he said with a pause."I suppose a master with a weapon could put more thought into it though." he said thinking that made some sense."For me, I suppose the best option would be to go to the Proving Grounds and try some lessons. See how it goes from there."

"No Wildlands huh?" Vasin questioned thinking that one over for a moment."Makes you wonder what exactly was left behind for the wilds to reclaim." he said wondering just how many ruins were out there, lost by time. What wonders of the old world lay undiscovered? "Problem is though, that from what I have heard it is more dangerous then what most are comfortable with. Just as you said." Vasin said thinking it over."You would need a group effort to restore things to that point. But, I don't think people really think about what can be gained." he said with a nod."If enough people went out and brought back what they found. Maybe then more people would go out? I doubt any group effort would ever be launched from Sunberth though..."

"If I wish to head out there myself, it is inevitable I learn about it as well. I never had to survive out there before. But my father did..." he said with a pause."Can't just walk out there and expect everything to be okay." he said looking over towards Kynier had gestured."You have to be willing to fight. Sounds a lot like Sunberth in a way. Just not as many people."
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A Chance Encounter (Kynier)

Postby Kynier on March 15th, 2019, 1:26 am


The buildings of Stumble Alley were not exactly much better than average when compared to the rest of the city. And it wasn’t the only area where the streets and alleys were disorienting. It was near the center of Sunberth, which would make it seem like it had logistical appeal wouldn’t it? Kynier thought so at least. Perhaps he was wrong though. He wasn’t a native and there was likely some explanation to why the more prominent gangs had not bothered to claim it. Still, Vasin was right. Someone was likely to tear down any signs that would be of assistance. Kynier wouldn’t put it past his own employer to be behind such an action.

Vasin’s insights were welcome, and Kynier couldn’t disagree with any of them. The man didn’t express any thoughts with half of an effort. The way he rubbed at his chin and grew stoic, it was clear that he was legitimately trying to think of a way to convince others to assist in laying a claim to the place. “Well,” Kynier said to fill the void of words, “the most effective way, is to have allies. Even friends. A group of capable, yet similar minded, individuals that would be willing to be a positive influence. If that isn’t possible, then offering some sort of incentive would be the next most effective thing.” Kynier gestured at a building. He didn’t know if anyone was inside, or who would be if there was.

“For instance, if someone owned, or lived in that building. They could be persuaded to help defend this district. Either by fighting, or some indirect contribution. But they would need to be given something to ensure their cooperation. Asking them to contribute funds for protection is not likely to work initially. I’ve heard tales of people attempting to operate on extorting money from people for the sake of ‘protecting’ them.” Kynier sighed as he looked around. “Trust is the biggest issue. Without it, there just aren’t enough people to instigate the necessary changes.”

Could a master of combat think about it? Thinking required time and daggers could move astonishingly fast. “I don’t think so,” Kynier said with respectful disagreement. “Fighting occurs so quickly. Most of the time, it’s over within a chime or two. There just isn’t enough opportunity to think, unless you’ve managed to get to a position where you cannot be immediately attacked. Masters are likely operating more on their intuition.” Kynier turned his head to look at Vasin when he mentioned trying to go to the Proving Grounds. “No harm in seeing what they’re willing to teach.”

The whole idea of exploring the wildlands for lost pieces of history or knowledge was whimsical. “There is a lot we could learn from the past, by finding those things that you wish to bring back. But I think it’s important to remember, that we need to rebuild more than reclaim. The Kabrin Road connects several cities together. Without that road, the only way those cities can communicate or trade is by sea. But not ever city can be reached that way. Each of them has to work together in order to reconnect, and restart civilization. That is the unfortunate reason why Sunberth is still the way it is. This place doesn’t wish to reconnect and rebuild. And other places likely don’t want much from here anyway.”

“I do think that if you were able to show Sunberth, what could be gained by venturing out there, by rebuilding and exploring, then there would be many improvements.” Then Kynier listened to Vasin talk of his father, or rather, he much he did not talk about his father. The man was a stranger, making it a bit imprudent to ask him about something that obviously did not settle well with him. If he were to encounter Vasin again, Kynier would try to remember to ask about the man’s father. As it was, he left it alone.

“Life is exhausting, isn’t it?” Kynier said with a side glance. “The way we must fight so hard for what may seem like so little. Whether it’s out there in the wilds or here in the city. Always fighting to keep what we have.” A wry smile spread across his face. “That must make us either tough or stubborn.” Kynier was about to laugh softly when two figures caught his eye at the end of the alley they were walking down. One was sitting on a crate pretending to not watch the two of them approach, while the other was leaning against the building on the other side.

After two steps of watching the two of them, the unsettling feeling that he had did not improve. Both of them were not paying attention to Kynier and Vasin just a little too much. The mage reached out and tapped Vasin’s shoulder as he came to a stop. “Hey,” he said softly as his eyes settled on the man leaning against the building. “Not this way,” he whispered before turning around. Only a few steps were accomplished before two more figures came from the other direction. Rounding the corners and cutting Kynier and Vasin off with precise timing. Kynier stopped and looked over his shoulder. The other two were now on the move. All four were pressing in on the two of them.

“I’m guessing,” Kynier said looking at Vasin, “that we found some people wanting to claim some territory.” Hazel eyes were shifting from person to person, assessing each of them to determine which one was most likely the leader. Three men and a woman. None of them appeared as filthy as the thugs Kynier typically saw in these parts. The man who had been sitting on the crate drew a dagger in each hand, while the one that had been leaning against the building drew a rapier. The woman held an unusual sword, one that was as long as a long sword, but was only sharp on one side. A greatsword was lazily resting on the shoulder of the large man.

For some reason, the woman was the one that Kynier was inclined to designate as the leader. Her expression was fierce, while the others were amused. “Hand over your valuables,” the large man rumbled, “before they get coated in your blood.” Kynier looked at Vasin before doing anything else. There wasn’t any real consideration for him. He wasn’t going to hand anything over. What the issue was, was that there was no apparent way out, and he wasn’t alone. Kynier’s body was positioned to face Vasin, allowing him to comfortably switch his view from one pairing to the other. A hand was resting on the hilt of a short sword, but not tightly.

For a long moment, Kynier stared at Vasin. Divide and conquer was on his mind. If Vasin were to engage one of the pairings, he would move to occupy the other. The other option, was to rush one together and overwhelm them, making an opening for escape. None of the battles the sorcerer had experienced were like this one, but he’d had enough that he wasn’t going to hesitate to engage them. Ultimately, he was leaving it to the other man to decide. Kynier just longed for the ability to use his Reimancy and even the odds that way. But doing so could very well turn his current comrade against him. “What do you think?” he asked Vasin quietly.

Boxcode credit goes to Nellie!
Last edited by Kynier on April 7th, 2019, 3:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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