Closed More Than Just Survival // In The Shadow of The Wizard

Kamilla gets lost and bumps into Quzon

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More Than Just Survival // In The Shadow of The Wizard

Postby Kamilla on April 8th, 2019, 11:36 am


Kamilla Circe Gordon

”What I've learned is so vital
More than just survival
This is my revival
This is a revival”

9th of Spring, 519AV

One day in Syka and the settlement was proving to be quite the interesting place. Having lived in bustling cities all her life, with the exception of Sahova’s silent yet still busy community, Kamilla had definitely taken a liking to the change. Then again, it had only been a single day since her arrival, who knew how long the appreciation would last. Though she certainly hoped it wouldn’t fade anytime soon, being in Syka was giving her a feeling of renewal.

Currently, the mage found herself resting on one of the covered beds that seemed to be strewn around the settlement, open to anyone who needed a place to relax or take a nap. Syka seemed geared towards a slower more stress free way of life, though she wondered if it stayed that way throughout the seasons. Either way, Kamilla herself was relaxing, she’d decided to bring her yowlwing Yennefer along, since the feline had yet to be given room to stretch, confined to the cabin on Finn’s casino until now.

The caution was of course justified, Syka was not the safe city that Riverfall was, it bordered a very wild and according to the locals, very dangerous jungle, so Kamilla didn’t feel her worry was without reason. The fear of allowing Yen to go for a short flight and risking her disappearing or worse, being eaten, kept the mage from allowing her companion to stray too far.

Thankfully, Yennefer was also a very lazy feline and so the two of them seemed very comfortable lounging on the bed, the cat within arm’s reach of her owner, just Incase she tried anything. Kamilla herself had brought her satchel along and was practicing her glyphing, attempting to tighten up the structure of her sigils.

By this point, the mage had all but mastered drawing her focus glyphs, something she proved by once again drawing the almost floral symbol that she’d taken a liking to, though it had changed to have less curved lines in favor of more solid straight lines, as she felt they improved the structural integrity of the glyph. She’d already found minor uses for glyphing in assisting her reimancy and animation but couldn’t help but feel like there were a lot more possibilities which she was yet to explore. Back on Sahova she recalled the massive glyph that had surrounded the entire citadel, baffling the island’s residents. The glyphs in question were very intricate and worlds apart from Kamilla’s rudimentary use of the art, but they did prove that she had lots of room to grow.

So lost in thought was she, that she’d failed to notice Yennefer getting to her feet and moving to the edge of the bed, ears perked up as she stared in the direction of the forest. With a slightly cautious and confused look on her face, Kamilla slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position on the bed. ”Yen, what are you looking at? There’s nothing there.” Her voice was gentle, not wanting to startle the feline into action, but she could already tell that the cat had spotted something of interest by her body language, looking about ready to dart.

Kamilla began to slowly move nearer to her pet in hopes of grabbing her before she could move, but it was that very action that sent Yennefer off of the bed and toward the jungle, in pursuit of whatever creature she’d seen.

Her heart dropping the moment the cat had moved, Kamilla abandoned her scrolls and ink, jumping off the bed and running after the yowlwing who had chosen not to fly during her ‘hunt’.

”Yennefer! Don’t go into the jungle! It’s dangerous!” Her warnings were in vain as the cat disappeared into the shade of the jungle with Kamilla right behind her, too absorbed in trying to save her pet to think about her own safety.

She continued to run deeper into the jungle and farther from the settlement, trading the sun for shade and sea breezes for stifling humidity, suddenly thankful for the leather thigh high boots she always wore, though less thankful for the thin short dress as she recurved a few nicks and scratches, wincing with each one.

”Yennefer!” This time the mage’s voice was clearly annoyed as she spotted her cat who’d finally stopped moving, attempting to dig through a patch of dirt for whatever she’d been chasing. Kamilla managed to draw close enough to snatch the disobedient feline up into her arms, though the cat did try her best to wiggle free for a moment before finally giving in, seemingly exhausted after her chase.

”Are you insane Yennefer? What if you’d gotten lost or eaten? I’m going to have to keep you locked up or leashed from now...” She was cut off as the realisation of where they were finally caught up to her, Kamilla nervously looking around the shady undergrowth in search of the direction she’d come from but immediately finding herself lost. ”Shyke.”

Last edited by Kamilla on April 12th, 2019, 7:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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More Than Just Survival // In The Shadow of The Wizard

Postby Quzon on April 10th, 2019, 8:42 am

9th Day of Spring, 519 A.V.

Quzon was not the best hunter, however, he knew he could bring something down if it crossed his path. It was the way of patience and brute force. And if that was not the proper way to hunt, then he didn’t know what was. The Mixed Blood had the ability to call himself a mage, but considered himself just a reimancer with a penchant for geomancy.

He’d hunted this way in the jungles around Taloba, with earth rather than bow. It was why his clan was known as the ‘Barbed Earth’ for a reason. Quzon did not hunt for food, but for sport. That meant he was out looking for a fight. Looking for something worthy enough to be his first trophy of the season.

He moved through the jungle in a half crouch, making sure every sept was slow and deliberate, the ground was soft and spattered with vegetation, careful to try his best to refrain from being a Kotakbil; an idiot who makes too much noise in the jungle. His cautious steps brought him towards a large tree that offered the most support for the jungle canopy above in the area that was clearly inhabited by multiple birds from the way they tweeted out from its branches. He couldn't tell what color they were do to his color blindness, but he knew what they were once one took off into flight.

“Threshals.” He thought to himself as he stood into an even deeper crouch to think about if he wanted to shift from hunting for sport to hunt for food instead. The Threshal bird was quite a delicacy to Myrians while also being a pest, so at least they were good for something other than over populating the jungle.

Quzon's attention was diverted from the tree to the sounds of motion coming from his far left. It caused him to lift the bears head helmet of his hunter's hide onto his head then pivoted on one foot to couch near the base of the nearest tree; his hand checking to make sure his axe was on the back of his belt at the same time. The helmet suddenly gave him the appearance of some odd hunched over man-beast-bear as he glanced around it.

Quzon couldn't tell who it was, but there was clearly someone calling out towards something. He remained in his half crouch as he made his way towards the voice, walking in straight lines towards the back of trees to at least not be in clear lines of sight to let the trees do most of the work hiding him. As he glanced around the base of this tree, he found himself staring at a woman who's back was towards him.

"Must be a Sykan." He thought to himself as he looked her over for any identifiable markers, either Myrian or Dhani. No, not Dhani. The dress in the jungle seemed too out of place for that, improperly dressed in many cases since she wore no armor and had no visible sign of weaponry.

He took a step to his side to get a more stable foundation during his crouch, which resulted in the one thing he was trying to avoid. He'd stepped on a branch causing it to snap quite loudly, or loud enough for the woman to hear as he was now in view of her from around the tree. His common was horrible, but he caught the gist of what she'd said, and called out to her now that he knew she might see him.

"Female makes much noise. You lost." Each word was spoken in a low gruff tone of voice, heavily accented common spoken from a native Myrian. His last short sentence was suppose to be a question, but he said it in such a matter-of-fact way that it was like he was telling her that she was lost.

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More Than Just Survival // In The Shadow of The Wizard

Postby Kamilla on April 10th, 2019, 10:22 am


Kamilla Circe Gordon

It was fine, or at least that’s what Kamilla tried to tell herself as she looked around the forest floor in an attempt to figure out which direction she’d come from. Something easier said than done. Everywhere she looked, all she saw was trees and undergrowth, none more familiar than the next. To top it all off, she was fully aware that her pursuit of Yennefer hadn’t been a straight line.

Nerves began to bubble to the surface as the mage attempted to come up with some sort of idea. She should just pick a direction and start walking right? But then she was at the coast and the jungles of Falyndar were supposedly giant, dangerous and filled with deadly things, both animals and savages.

Honestly, Kamilla couldn’t decide which would be worst, Savage or beast. She hoped she’d encounter neither.

Just picking a direction wasn’t going to cut it.

By now her attempts to catch her breath had calmed down somewhat, only to be replaced by the heavy breaths of approaching panic. She was completely disoriented. Leaves rustled, the sun was hidden, noises of all sorts could be heard, especially those of birds from above. Kamilla was completely unprepared for this new environment.

Things were only worsened when the yowlwing in her arms stiffened, ears pointed and head facing behind her, though Kamilla hadn’t heard anything, until the loud snap of a nearby branch met her ears.

Yennefer hissed aggressively.

Spinning around to face the direction, Kamilla’s heart dropped. At first glance she’d seen a large beast only feet behind her, though before she could react she noticed that it resembled a human, albeit a savage one.

Her mouth opened in an attempt to shout but her throat had shut from panic, Yennefer’s hissing would have to substitute her own voice.

Even after the man spoke, in broken and rudimentary common, Kamilla remained frozen. He was without a doubt a savage, muscled, wearing an animal’s skin while his own was as pale as stone.

Coming to her senses, the mage took a cautionary step back, swallowing the lump in her throat in an attempt to talk. The savage hadn’t made any threatening moves just yet, so far he’d only stated the truth. ”Uh, yes... I am.”

Hearing her own voice sounding so feeble plucked on something deep inside of her, a lifetime ago when she’d vowed to not be weak and helpless like her mother, choosing her powerful grandmother as a role model instead.

With her promise to herself in mind, Kamilla managed to gather some of her resolve, straightening up to face the giant savage head on. ”I am, but if you’re planning anything, I won’t be an easy target.” Not perfect, but her voice at least carried more strength than before.

To back up her statement, Kamilla would hold her right hand out to the side, not wanting to directly threaten the savage just yet. It didn’t take much effort to access her inner well of djed and soon enough, glistening lavender red had begun to flow from her palm, gathering and hovering in a liquid ball roughly the size of her head. It was becoming increasingly easy to produce res.

She really hoped she wouldn’t need to use it.

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More Than Just Survival // In The Shadow of The Wizard

Postby Quzon on April 10th, 2019, 6:59 pm


The conjuring of res was only acknowledged through a slight cant of Quzon's head. All res now held the color of obsidian mist to him now, or vibrant alabaster wight for the lightest colors which gave him comfort in that uniformity. He recognized that the female not bore a significant threat, as all did who survived the initiation. This caused him to slowly raise to his full height from his crouch.

In a similar fashion, the practiced reimancer caused a minuscule amount of res to generate from his tongue within his mouth which required only a raised breath of concentration. He was no new initiate to the art who required much focus to make that amount, spewing forth a translucent obsidian vapor from passed his lips as if he'd taken a puff from a weedpipe.

The previous emerald green color that his res used to be was lost, now taking the reality of the will he believe it to be from new colorless perspective. The volume of the blackened gaseous res was equal in size to a small pebble to be used if he needed. He imposed his will onto it which caused it to float into the air a foot above his head.

"I do not seek hunt for human this day, Female. Tomorrow, maybe." Quzon stated as he started to walk forward towards to close the distance between them with his res following above him. He stopped about two meters across from the woman as his eyes glanced towards the small creature she carried. "You waste too much res, a nail will do just as well as a hammer." It was said in a staccato rhythm. The succinct manner making up for the broken nature of grasp of the common language.

"You are to help me hunt." The nuances of asking for help escaped him at the moment, stating again what she would do in a factual tone. His hand lifted to swat at a winged leech that passed by his face to keep it from landing on him. "Come, female." The words were spoken as he walked passed her towards the jungle. "Two hunters. With this number, we can take down larger prey. Keep eyes open, you are already lost. No reason to run back. Only forward." He was already on a mission, so he clearly wasn't going to stop to aid the lost kitten. "Keep up or leeches will eat you."

There was no path that Quzon followed, only a path of least resistance as he stepped over a shrub that didn't require him to start chopping through the dense vegetation of the Maw with his axe.

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More Than Just Survival // In The Shadow of The Wizard

Postby Kamilla on April 10th, 2019, 7:39 pm


Kamilla Circe Gordon

The savage barely seemed to react to her magic, something that both surprised and concerned the young mage. As far as she’d seen, magic was always somewhat of a deterrent, since most didn’t understand it and the less they understood the more they feared. That was certainly the case in her hometown of Sunberth, a place where the ignorance and fear of anything ‘magical’ were so intense that it had turned into anger instead.

Unfortunately, it seemed that the savage man was completely un-deterred by her magic, instead standing at his full height, his figure now far more imposing before. Without much thought, the ball of lavender res moved forwards position itself between Kamilla and the giant man. Between his height, muscular stature and savage appearance, the mage was finding it hard to stand her ground, but stand she did.

As the savage opened his mouth, Kamilla’s head tilting ever so slightly as she noticed something pouring from it, her eyes widening in surprise as she soon realised what it was. Res.So he wasn’t as ignorant a savage as she’d assumed, his feat also made it clear why the giant wasn’t deterred by her own res production.

”I do not seek hunt for human this day, Female. Tomorrow, maybe.”

The man’s words weren’t exactly what she’d call reassuring, Kamilla’s eyes still locked on him as he closed the gap between them, but at least he didn’t seem to be openly hostile. Though the same could not be said for her when he decided to criticise her magic. ”Half of it was for defense...” she stated, clearly annoyed by his comment but quickly cut herself off and taking a deep breath to calm herself. She wasn’t exactly in a position to be offended, not while she needed him to help her get back OR at the very least, not kill her, which he was seeming less and less likely to do by the moment.

Apparently he expected her to help him hunt, Kamilla’s mouth opening to protest but choosing to stay silent yet again. She needed him, she had to keep that in mind. Making no objections, Kamilla nodded, turning to follow the savage deeper into the jungle or perhaps nearer to the coast.

”What are you... we hunting anyway?” Despite willingly following the man on his ‘hunt’, the mage certainly wasn’t happy about it, wearing a frown on her face as she stumbled through the undergrowth, reabsorbing the ball of res and gripping Yennefer tightly with one arm.”And I have a name, Kamilla.” She did not like being referred to as just ‘female’.

How had she gotten herself into this mess?

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More Than Just Survival // In The Shadow of The Wizard

Postby Quzon on April 10th, 2019, 9:37 pm

Now that he had someone with him, it was clear that Quzon either had a hunchback, or had some type of pack under his hide armor. The belt he wore was no true belt either, it was the cord of his Aclis tied around his midsection that that looked to be attached to end tied around a wooden club which was connected to it, with his hand axe held to his lower back by it. The pack was held snugly against his skin under the armor to keep it from jostling as he moved. He was clearly in for the long haul, if this hunting adventure required him to remain out in the jungle for the few days his skills could keep him alive before needing to return to the settlement.

He glanced over his shoulder when she asked her question, watching as she reabsorbed the emitted res back into her body. It was a technique that Quzon found interesting, but had no interest in using himself. Once the self was removed, it should be utilized. Not shed to become something lesser than the sum of its part, then reabsorbed into the body in a its res decayed weakened state. He'd worked the mines of Riverfall long enough to know and study the length of time which res took to decay from seasons of work. It took skill, but he simply had his own small bit of Res follow closely above him as he moved.

He stopped when he'd gotten a few feet ahead of her to watch her stumble through the underbrush, listening to the sounds she made. It seemed he was going to be the only one trying to put in any effort to try to remain silent while they moved. "At least she'll be good bait." It was a half mumble that he spoke to himself in his native language of Myrian before speaking in his broken common again, "The river is not too far from here. We are hunting for anything that can fight back. The river leads back to the sea, or further inland. Pick one if you want to run when we get there. Pick the wrong direction and i'll not tell you."

Hopefully that would give her the motivation to want to reach it. Likewise, the fear to not want to pick the wrong direction to remain and aid him with his hunt. The jungle was hauntingly humid, making him sweat under the bears hide he wore. But, the hide itself still smelt like that of a bear which he used to dampen his own sent from any animals as the humidity in the jungle coated everything in dew even under the canopy. The humidity was awful, but it made the Mixed Blood feel at home.

Quzon continued on his way for several chimes while keeping an eye out for signs of wildlife, either predator or prey. There were small things that would cause him to halt, crouch down, then examine things around him. The way a fallen log looked like it had been stomped on along the bark in an unnatural way. Or the rather obvious way heavy indentations were set into the leaf litter on the ground floor. Those tracks were what drew Quzon's sharp attention as he huddle around one, running his fingers along the interior of the track. It was one among many that led to his west.

"These head towards the river. In that direction." He said as he placed his palm in the track to show that the creature had enough weight to press its track about two inches into the ground with each stride. "Not sure what it is yet, but will keep out of sight, and follow them." His hand dug into the dirt of the track, grabbing a nice handful of dampened ground and fallen vegetation to examine it while raising up to his feet. "My name Quzon..." He introduced himself then moved over to her to show her the thick jungle muck he held. Its qualities, the earthen properties, and even the texture as he pressed the hand forward against her face, smearing the mud across her expressive features. "Hide's your scent."

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More Than Just Survival // In The Shadow of The Wizard

Postby Kamilla on April 10th, 2019, 10:43 pm


Kamilla Circe Gordon

Following grumpily behind the large savage, Kamilla distracted herself from the annoyance of her situation and the sting of the cut on her right arm by scrutinising ever detail she could find about her unhelpful companion. The man was clearly tall, muscular and could barely speak common, but those were fairly obvious observations. Beyond her first impression of the man, the mage noticed several weapons on his person as well as what she could only assume was a pack concealed beneath his bearskin outfit. He seemed like a hunter or warrior, nothing more, so his apparent knowledge of reimancy was particularly interesting. Though not interesting enough to warrant her following along, as if she had s choice.

Honestly, she felt like a complete idiot as she eased through the horrid jungle, stopping every few seconds as the man investigated whatever nonsense he could. She heard him mutter something unintelligible but ignored it, far too annoyed to pursue any sort of unnecessary conversation. Thankfully the man finally decided to answer her question, though his answer was the very definition of bitter-sweet.

Apparently, they were approaching a river, one that could either lead her back to the coast or further into the jungle and the savage man seemed to enjoy the idea of withholding the knowledge of which direction she should head in. He wasn’t saying it, but it was blackmail, he was essentially keeping her hostage with the threat of getting lost again. She was especially irked that he’d seemed to put more effort into wording his implied ultimatum well, just to make sure she’d understand the stakes.

She’d stay with him, unless she found a better alternative. Perhaps it would be fairly obvious to know which direction the coast was in, surely she could just follow the direction the river was flowing in? But then, what if it spat her out nowhere near Syka and she had to guess which direction to head in all over again?

A loud sigh of annoyance, this was a nightmare and the jungle itself was unbearable in a multitude of ways. Yennefer meowed from below, seeming to agree.

The savage man continued to investigate what, to her, just looked like assorted dirt and undergrowth, even explaining what it was he was doing. As if she cared about anything than getting back to Syka a soon as possible and in one piece.

”What now?” Another grumbled complaint from the mage as her ‘guide’ knelt down to grab a handful of dirt, choosing that moment to introduce himself as Quzon before shamelessly rubbing the handful of dirt in her face.

Kamilla immediately began to spit and sputter, waving her free hand to slap Quzon’s away as he explained it was to hide her scent. ”I don’t care what it’s for!” she exclaimed, clearly angered as she tried her best to clear the dirt off her face, her expression that of complete disgust and indignation.

She was fuming, chest visibly expanding and contacting as she scowled in the man’s direction. ”Quzon. Do you know where Syka is or not?” She’d had quite enough of his little hunting trip. She looked ridiculous, wearing a thin dress in the middle of the humid jungle, covered in sweat and dirt with a yowlwing under one arm as she stomped behind a savage man in search of ‘something that could fight back’.

The only thing keeping her from trudging off into the jungle on her own was the thought of being lost AND alone, though even that was beginning to sound like a better option.

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More Than Just Survival // In The Shadow of The Wizard

Postby Quzon on April 14th, 2019, 2:09 pm

The more time he spent with Kamilla, the more he started to realize that she was vastly unlike many women he knew.

He was born in the city of Taloba which was the opposite of his time in Riverfall given that he grew up was a matriarchy. Quzon naturally assumed all women were competent at most things they did, equal to himself in all regard. Even when he visited Sultros the Isurian women there were towers of strength. That was why he stared curiously at the Felame with the yowlwing.

She was pitiful.

And that fact disgusted him to a very deep level of his soul.

"Focus." He thought to himself as he swallowed that disdain. "All people have weaknesses to overcome. She just needs help." Those were the thoughts off his religious beliefs in Izurdin shining through. This woman would apparently prove to be the greatest test of his patience. "She can learn to be better."

"Yes, I know where Syka is. It is you that does not." Quzon retorted back while reaching up to remove his hide helmet as he shifted out of the cured bear's hide he wore to expose his upper body to the elements, letting it dangle from the back of his waist where he used the Aclis cord like a belt.

"Here," Quzon said as he reached a hand deeply into the backpack to pull out a set of steel gauntlets that had inch long spikes protruding from the knuckles. He kept the left one for himself as he put it on, then held out the right one for her. "In case of lunge beast, shove arm in way of teeth. Take it." He pretty much pushed the hardened steel glove that extended back enough to protect the hand and forearm up against her chest.

A loud noise caused his attention to drift in the direction of the distant river. It was a mix between a roar and a deep howler monkeys cry. The rhythms sounded like a sort of call and response meaning the creatures were talkative and pack oriented. Just like a Myrian fang that used Animal Calls to speak over long distances. He let go of the gauntlet to turn towards the sounds, either she would take it or it would fall to the ground. "Stay low. Stay quiet."

The Myrian said while putting his pack away and hide back on before entering into a deep crouch as he moved forward towards the river until he could spot what made the sounds. He tried his best to remain behind all trees to keep out of any creatures sight lines. The sounds were familiar but Quzon couldn't put an face to the sound. All he could think of were Howler Monkeys.

It took about five chimes of travel to get there, but he found himself perched behind an overgrown king fern covered in hints of spiderwebs. There were a few spiders crawling about, but none were actively moving towards him as they lived on their webs. That was the only reason his eyes shifted from the spiders towards a small gap in the foliage which allowed him to scout out the rivers edge where the talkative creatures grazed.

There were three of them in total which two of them stood about six feet in height, with a third being the largest at around eight feet.


"Wild Nandhai."

Quzon whispered to himself as he started to try to plan his best means of attack now that the hunt was on.

oocI feel like this is our prep time before doing rolls and such for stealth and things. Hopefully this goes well.

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More Than Just Survival // In The Shadow of The Wizard

Postby Kamilla on April 14th, 2019, 3:50 pm


Kamilla Circe Gordon

The savage, Quzon, continued to trudge through the jungle, forcing Kamilla to follow unhappily after him. The more she observed the large muscular man the more it became clear that he was indeed a savage, albeit one capable of Reimancy. Every part of the stone skinned man supported her assumption, from his attire to the assortment of weapons she could see fastened to him and even down to his physique and language. Despite her observation, he’d just confirmed that he knew where Syka was, effectively making him her best chance of making it out of the crappy jungle.

The hint of sass in the savage’s voice did not go unnoticed, but Kamilla couldn’t have cared less, she was just going to have to tough it out and comply with his wishes for the time being. ”Wha-“ she began, as the man passed a gauntlet to her, offering her some very obvious advice. She did not protest, taking the heavy thing with her right hand while still holding Yennefer with the left.

Now with both hands full as she watched the savage sneak further into the jungle, Kamilla was faced with the fact that, in case she did need to defend herself on the ‘hunt’ she’d have a hard time doing so and it sounded like something was howling nearby.

A soft sigh escaped the mage’s lips as she looked between the oversized gauntlet and her grey yowlwing, the latter looking back up at her with large green eyes. ”Sorry Yen, but you ARE the reason we’re in this mess.” She whispered the unnecessary explanation as she crouched down, holding the gauntlet between her thighs and carefully sliding Yennefer into it, the feline clearly uncomfortable with being restrained, only her head poking out of the arm whole. If they weren’t still in such a frustrating situation, Kamilla might even have laughed.

Shoving the gauntlet under her right arm, brown eyes found the savage man crouching ahead and she began making her way towards him, not bothering to crouch completely but still paying careful attention to where she stepped.

”Wild Nandhai.”

The word was unfamiliar to the mage, but it was clear Quzon had spotted something, so Kamilla moved closer toward the savage in an attempt to see what he was referring to, which she did.

The nandhai creature he’d been referring to was large, odd looking and Kamilla was certain that they were dangerous too. If that wasn’t enough, there seemed to be more than one. To her, the odd creatures looked to resemble cattle, but giant and with very powerful looking front legs.

”You’re not serious Quzon, there’s three of them and they are huge.” What would they even do if they killed one? There was no way he could carry it to wherever he came from.

Hopefully the savage would see the reason in her argument and they could give up on the hunt, or at least pick an easier target. Somehow she doubted he’d do either.

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More Than Just Survival // In The Shadow of The Wizard

Postby Quzon on April 25th, 2019, 10:15 am


The sun was hot, yet there was still all the shade in the world. “We are doing this.” Quzon summoned forth all of his own will to repress his need to just berate her as a coward. As a Reimancer, he only only had one clue as to how proficient Kamilla was with her arcane. And that clue was how quickly she manifested her res.

That was at least worth some respect. Quzon turned his head towards her to stare her in the eyes. His emerald green gaze not wavering as he spoke in a tone slightly below a whisper.

“They have number and physical strength. But, we have position and range.”

The Myrian stated as his eyes shifted upwards towards the small amount of his onyx black vaporous res which floated above his head. That focus was what he used to pull the Res down to linger by his cheek. “Have you never been in a fight before?” He questioned, now trying to teach her a basic tactic when it came to initiating an attack.

“The goal is the death of our prey." The res by his cheek was sent to float about an inch away from Kam's face. "What happens if res set on face becomes flames? Or set into ground, then driven up." The slow well thought out nature of his words exposed the amount of effort he was taking to properly explain things in common. The Myrian was sure that many things he wanted to say were being lost in translation, but it would have to do.

Quzon used his res as a visual to how they were both to hunt before pulling his res back towards himself. "No need to be close. Or kill on first strike. Aim to mutilate from distance. Slow any charges. Let second shots be kill."

The yowlwing in the gauntlet drew his attention for fraction of a second. It broke his rather stoic expression as a smirk tugged at the edge of his lip. When his eyes lifted back to Kamilla's face, he wiped the smirk away.

He turned to look back towards the river to see what the Nandhai were doing. The beasts started to linger further up the river side, foraging for insects that seemed to permeated the shrubbery in the area. Quzon waited to see how they reacted to each other. In a way, he wondered how manageable they were as cattle. If they could be captured. Those were thoughts that came from his days of managing Tskannas in Taloba.

The two smaller Nandhai appeared to follow behind the larger one. “What elements can you command? If Earth, use spike to drive into one. I'll get the leader. Either in body, or leg. Keep them from charging in full. If you are truly not capable, then Syka is that way.”

The Myrian pointed towards the east. East was where his home and the shore was. All she would need to do is find the beach then head south until she found the settlement. "I'll this alone." This was his test for her. He wanted to see if she had any hint of a fighting spirit, or if she would take the easy way out.

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Victory & Power
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