Kamilla Circe Gordon
”What I've learned is so vital
More than just survival
This is my revival
This is a revival”
More than just survival
This is my revival
This is a revival”
9th of Spring, 519AV
One day in Syka and the settlement was proving to be quite the interesting place. Having lived in bustling cities all her life, with the exception of Sahova’s silent yet still busy community, Kamilla had definitely taken a liking to the change. Then again, it had only been a single day since her arrival, who knew how long the appreciation would last. Though she certainly hoped it wouldn’t fade anytime soon, being in Syka was giving her a feeling of renewal.
Currently, the mage found herself resting on one of the covered beds that seemed to be strewn around the settlement, open to anyone who needed a place to relax or take a nap. Syka seemed geared towards a slower more stress free way of life, though she wondered if it stayed that way throughout the seasons. Either way, Kamilla herself was relaxing, she’d decided to bring her yowlwing Yennefer along, since the feline had yet to be given room to stretch, confined to the cabin on Finn’s casino until now.
The caution was of course justified, Syka was not the safe city that Riverfall was, it bordered a very wild and according to the locals, very dangerous jungle, so Kamilla didn’t feel her worry was without reason. The fear of allowing Yen to go for a short flight and risking her disappearing or worse, being eaten, kept the mage from allowing her companion to stray too far.
Thankfully, Yennefer was also a very lazy feline and so the two of them seemed very comfortable lounging on the bed, the cat within arm’s reach of her owner, just Incase she tried anything. Kamilla herself had brought her satchel along and was practicing her glyphing, attempting to tighten up the structure of her sigils.
By this point, the mage had all but mastered drawing her focus glyphs, something she proved by once again drawing the almost floral symbol that she’d taken a liking to, though it had changed to have less curved lines in favor of more solid straight lines, as she felt they improved the structural integrity of the glyph. She’d already found minor uses for glyphing in assisting her reimancy and animation but couldn’t help but feel like there were a lot more possibilities which she was yet to explore. Back on Sahova she recalled the massive glyph that had surrounded the entire citadel, baffling the island’s residents. The glyphs in question were very intricate and worlds apart from Kamilla’s rudimentary use of the art, but they did prove that she had lots of room to grow.
So lost in thought was she, that she’d failed to notice Yennefer getting to her feet and moving to the edge of the bed, ears perked up as she stared in the direction of the forest. With a slightly cautious and confused look on her face, Kamilla slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position on the bed. ”Yen, what are you looking at? There’s nothing there.” Her voice was gentle, not wanting to startle the feline into action, but she could already tell that the cat had spotted something of interest by her body language, looking about ready to dart.
Kamilla began to slowly move nearer to her pet in hopes of grabbing her before she could move, but it was that very action that sent Yennefer off of the bed and toward the jungle, in pursuit of whatever creature she’d seen.
Her heart dropping the moment the cat had moved, Kamilla abandoned her scrolls and ink, jumping off the bed and running after the yowlwing who had chosen not to fly during her ‘hunt’.
”Yennefer! Don’t go into the jungle! It’s dangerous!” Her warnings were in vain as the cat disappeared into the shade of the jungle with Kamilla right behind her, too absorbed in trying to save her pet to think about her own safety.
She continued to run deeper into the jungle and farther from the settlement, trading the sun for shade and sea breezes for stifling humidity, suddenly thankful for the leather thigh high boots she always wore, though less thankful for the thin short dress as she recurved a few nicks and scratches, wincing with each one.
”Yennefer!” This time the mage’s voice was clearly annoyed as she spotted her cat who’d finally stopped moving, attempting to dig through a patch of dirt for whatever she’d been chasing. Kamilla managed to draw close enough to snatch the disobedient feline up into her arms, though the cat did try her best to wiggle free for a moment before finally giving in, seemingly exhausted after her chase.
”Are you insane Yennefer? What if you’d gotten lost or eaten? I’m going to have to keep you locked up or leashed from now...” She was cut off as the realisation of where they were finally caught up to her, Kamilla nervously looking around the shady undergrowth in search of the direction she’d come from but immediately finding herself lost. ”Shyke.”