Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Ellen Darin on January 30th, 2014, 8:46 pm

3rd of Winter, 513

Ellen shivered slightly as she approached the gates, the feeling of being in a city after being on the road for so long forced a grin onto her face, despite the cold air nipping her delicate skin.

She noticed the guards, and nodded at them before one of them asked her business...

"I'm looking for somewhere to stay for a while, whilst I restock" she spoke softly, a slight smile on her face as she was allowed to enter the much appreciated city...
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[Syliras Location] The Main Gates

Postby Rion Whitestone on March 8th, 2014, 3:03 pm

1st Day of Spring, 514 A.V.

"So hungry," Rion groaned as he approached the Syliran gates. He could feel his body trembling with hunger with each step towards the capital. All winter season, he'd been able to survive in the wood with nothing but berries and water. However, when the edible fruits began to disappear completely, he slowly began to undergo starvation, with nothing to tie him over but a nearly empty waterskin. That's when he finally decided, despite his reluctance, that he had to return to his hometown in Syliras again. At least until he built up his strength.

By now, Rion had made it to the gates, where he was immediately stopped by the knights guarding the entrance. However, all they really wanted to know was why he came to Syliras. Obviously Rion couldn't say he came for food...at least not to the strict looking knights before him. Instead, his answer was "Just passing through and wanted to check this place out." Though they still seemed skeptical - mostly because they notice Aldreda to his side - they finally stepped aside to allow him entrance.

It wasn't until he was safely within that he realized his hood was down.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Irriel Lighthand Terras on March 14th, 2014, 1:33 am

3rd of Spring, 514 AV

The smells of the city were as full and confusing as Morzak remembered. Tilting his head back the Kelvic sniffed, nostrils flaring in a gesture that probably looked odd in his human form, not that he noticed. He wore only his leather leggings. The rest of his gear, the breast plate, helmet, boots and everything else were tucked into a large sack thrown over his shoulder. All his worldly possessions were with him now, meager as they were, but it was all he had ever known.

As he approached one of the knights raised a hand in greeting. It was one that had seen him and The Hunter passing through periodically. Perhaps they thought it odd that Morzak was alone this day, but neither so much so that they asked. With a nod, a human gesture the Kelvic had learned recently, Morzak pushed on through the gate, entering the city which comprised the more human part of his short life.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Nayato on March 16th, 2014, 4:05 am


1st Day of Spring , 514 AV.
(9th Bell/Morning)

Nayato glanced up out of the corner of his eye at the knights who patrolled the city entrance who stood like like iron pillars before he had slipped through the gates; one each of the knights having questioned him about his reasons for arriving at the gates. "I am here to seek sustenance and pray" was his only answer as he dismounted from his Eyktolian Desertbred named Tsutla. "Then The Temple of All Gods would be your destination." A knight had spoken as Nayato ventured into the city. Guiding his horse by the reins to find a place to obtain supplies.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Ahri on March 20th, 2014, 11:19 pm

8th Day of Spring, 514 AV-

Ahri walked to the gates, the guards looking at her. She looked nervous as the knight asked her name and her reason to come in. A pause, then she replied, " Ahri. I need a place to stay, also a job... Thanks." She said, nervousness clear in her voice. The other knight smiled reassuringly at her. " Your free to come in, it's fine. " She smiled hesitantly back to him, and walked through the gate, pausing a moment to look around her.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Aaron Greyfeather on March 22nd, 2014, 4:45 pm

10th Day of Spring, 514 AV- Midday

Aaron steps onto the road leading back into the city of his birth, a brace of hairs hanging from his belt and the remains of his last snare line in his hand. He shakes his head and tucks the tangled mess of line into his pocket and mentaly starts going over coin, wondering if he has the funds to replace the snare.

He puts on a smile as he nears the gate, the guard raising a hand to him and asking "How was the hunting?" He holds up the two scrawny hairs he managed to snare this morning, "Not to bad, lost my last snare. But it looks like I am having burnt rabbit for dinner again." He then waves to the guard passing threw the gates and into the crowd to the sounds of the guards chuckling behind him.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Athaera on March 22nd, 2014, 8:22 pm

Timestamp: 27th day of Spring, 514 AV

Athaera walked toward the gates, the huge pillars intimidating before her. Approaching the building, she glanced at the guards standing before the entrance. What would they say to her disheveled look? She hadn't bathed in days and her hair was a tousled mess. She pulled her grimy cloak tighter around her, and continued walking. The mud plastered itself to her boots, and the bag strapped to her back was heavy and made her shoulders hurt.

Athaera stopped, her feet slowly sinking into the mud. What was she doing? She hadn't been here in four years, since her sister had died. The memories flooded into her mind, and she took a step backwards, the mud gurgling in an attempt to keep pulling her foot farther in. But she had to go in. She couldn't hide forever. Athaera trudged forward, brushing her hair out of her blue eyes. Going through the gates, she grinned. She was home.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Nivel on March 24th, 2014, 11:51 pm

Ist day of spring, 514 AV (early mourning)

Having snuck into the back of a travelling caravan headed to Syliras, Nivel was getting restless wondering if she would ever arrive at her destination. The pycon was still thankful she had managed to hitch a ride, as the lengthy travel from Zeltiva would have otherwise been impossible. She was even lucky enough to find shelter in a basket of blankets for the whole trip, keeping her warm during the harsh winter. This didn't help the torturous boredom that plagued the poor pycon the entire trip.

When Nivel awoke to the sound of gates opening she almost let out a loud cheer but thankfully contained herself. She waited patiently for the Caravan to completely enter the city before she tried to escape. When the coast was clear she leaped out the back and to sweet freedom,
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Bitt on March 25th, 2014, 2:19 pm

Ist day of spring, 514 AV

From where his ship docked Bitt had finally made his way to the gates of Syliras. The path was obvious and there were plenty of people to follow so he did not get lost. Just to be sure he had asked one of the other travellers on the way and confirmed his destination. It still felt strange to Bitt to be away from a ship. This was the first time in almost ten years that Bitt was unable to see the coast.

Bitt had spent his early childhood in Syliras and had visited the place on occasion over the last several years. The sheer size of it still amazed him. He craned his neck as he approached the wall and marvelled at the height. He thought to himself that the view from the very top must be spectacular!
"What is your business in Syliras stranger?!" The booming voice of one of the guards snapped his attention back to the road. There were two guards and both of them were Syliran Knights. Sword scabbards hung at their belts and they were wearing a suit of full plate-mail armour. Bitt was impressed.

Bitt quickly cleared his throat with a small cough before replying to the knight.
"My name is Bitt. I wish to become a Syliran Knight!" The declaration was strong and full of conviction. A small grin appeared on the guarding knight's face.
"A knight ey? A young lad such as yourself should learn to walk before he tries to run. My boy, what you want to do is apply to become a squire. You can do so on the second tier of the Stormhold Citadel." Bitt grinned back at the knight in return, said his thanks and strode with confidence into the city.

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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Aeria on April 6th, 2014, 1:43 pm

1st Day of Spring, 514 AV

Aeria walked into the gates, greeted by two guards who looked down at her. She smiled cheerfully at them. "What is your business in Syrilas, girl?" She tilted her head thoughtfully. "For a job, I suppose, and a place to stay?" She said in a slightly dry tone. "The name's Aeria. Barmaid and hunter." The other guard nodded, looking a bit amused. "Go to the job office. It's easy to find." She nodded as they opened the gates, and she walked in, looking for the office.
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