OOC Info The Syka Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

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Syka is a new settlement of primarily humans on the east coast of Falyndar opposite of Riverfall on The Suvan Sea. [Syka Codex]

Moderator: Gossamer

The Syka Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

Postby Gossamer on March 1st, 2020, 9:15 pm


Welcome Sykans!

If you are playing your PC in Syka in Spring of 520 be sure and register! I will use the information you provide in your registry entry to plan for Syka Events this season and further your personal plots so its important to not give generic answers, but to be very specific and thoughtful.

Thank you all!


Character Registry

  1. Who Are You?
  2. Age, Sex, Race?
  3. Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist? How did you get here if you are new?
  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?
  5. Describe your character in a short abstract?
  6. What are your character goals this season?
  7. Does your PC have the Syka Recommended SkillsWilderness Survival: E+
    Weapon: C+
    Hunting: C+
    Foraging: C+
    Carpentry: N+
    Construction: N+
  8. What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent?
  9. If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert. Do you understand this?
  10. Why did you pick Syka?
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?
  12. Additional Comments?

Code: Select all
[box=400,black,#37fddc,#37fddc][center][size=150]Character Registry[/size][/center]
[list=1][*][b]Who Are You?[/b]
[*][b]Age, Sex, Race?[/b]
[*][b]Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist?  How did you get here if you are new?[/b]
[*][b]Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?[/b]
[*][b]Describe your character in a short abstract?[/b]
[*][b]What are your character goals this season?[/b]
[*][b]Does your PC have the [ooc=Syka Recommended Skills]Wilderness Survival: E+
Weapon: C+
Hunting: C+
Foraging: C+
Carpentry: N+
Construction: N+[/ooc]?[/b]
[*][b]What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent?[/b]
[*][b]If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert.  Do you understand this?[/b]
[*][b]Why did you pick Syka?[/b]
[*][b]How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season?[/b]
[*][b]Additional Comments?[/b][/list][/box]
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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

Postby Ayosel on March 3rd, 2020, 11:10 pm

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You? Ayosel.
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 116, Female, Dhani
  3. Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist? How did you get here if you are new? Newly arrived future resident; will have come over the beach.
  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? I'll need a job.
  5. Describe your character in a short abstract? Adventurous, bold, curious, and sweetly capricious. Ayosel has only just joined the settlement and is a native of Zinrah. Her passions include bone-magic, singing in the rain, and dancing. She may make a passable hunter someday.
  6. What are your character goals this season? Establish employment + income. Meet at least three new people (PCs) and establish a friend (NPC or PC).
  7. Does your PC have the Syka Recommended SkillsWilderness Survival: E+
    Weapon: C+
    Hunting: C+
    Foraging: C+
    Carpentry: N+
    Construction: N+
  8. What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent? I just freshly built Ayosel.
  9. If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert. Do you understand this? Yes.
  10. Why did you pick Syka? I've wanted to join Syka since it opened, but understood my limits and chose not to, though I've always looked upon it fondly. Falyndar is my favourite region and the idea of being a part of a growing settlement's development is just the cherry on top.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? I would like to acquire a job and would, when posted, run off of the area almanac for threads, which is a pretty big involvement in my opinion (I've always enjoyed region calendars and events and tried playing into them). I may seek moderator assistance in the future, but I'm not sure right now.
  12. Additional Comments? I'm just really excited to be here and I hope to make an impact.
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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

Postby Kristoff Cuhl on March 5th, 2020, 8:21 am

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You? Kristoff Cuhl
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 23 Male Human
  3. Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist? How did you get here if you are new? Newly arrived resident, originally from Riverfall. Kristoff is arriving aboard Captain James Chaliva's Veronica.
  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? I need a Job, but have also left myself with enough mizas to afford rent and living expenses.
  5. Describe your character in a short abstract? Kristoff is an outgoing and friendly settler looking for a better life on the shores of Syka.
  6. What are your character goals this season? Find work, become well known in Syka, Learn to Budget so he can start to save up Mizas, and make nine new friends.
  7. Does your PC have the Syka Recommended SkillsWilderness Survival: E+
    Weapon: C+
    Hunting: C+
    Foraging: C+
    Carpentry: N+
    Construction: N+
    No, but I plan to work on those skills this season.
  8. What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent? This will be Kristoff's first season of play.
  9. If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert. Do you understand this? I understand.
  10. Why did you pick Syka? I like the tropical elements of it, as well as the it being a fledgling settlement, and I'm very excited to eventually start exploring the ruins and having a hand in the ongoing building of the settlement.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? I'm not sure to answer this, as Kristoff is my very first character. That said, I know I need moderator involvement in getting a job, and would love some assistance in getting into the swing of how to do things.
  12. Additional Comments? Thank you again, for everything you do that keeps Mizahar alive. I look forward to writing together with everyone.
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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

Postby Ines on March 13th, 2020, 8:58 pm

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You? Ines
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 4, Female, Vampire Bat Kelvic
  3. Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist? How did you get here if you are new? Resident
  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Have a job
  5. Describe your character in a short abstract? Ines is an Ashta handler, a marked witch of Caiyha, and tends to be very serious, literal, and devout.
  6. What are your character goals this season? Accomplish the things I had originally planned last season, namely spiritism and architectrix
  7. Does your PC have the Syka Recommended SkillsWilderness Survival: E+
    Weapon: C+
    Hunting: C+
    Foraging: C+
    Carpentry: N+
    Construction: N+
    WS is Expert, Carpentry and Construction may be novice if an old thread is graded. The other 3 are not competent yet.
  8. What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent? I raised WS to expert.
  9. Why did you pick Syka? I love Syka.
  10. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? I will see.
  11. Additional Comments? I will be more active this season, I will make sure of it!
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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

Postby Adeliz on April 25th, 2020, 8:18 pm

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You? Adeliz
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 3 season old female ghost
  3. Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist? How did you get here if you are new? Resident
  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? No. I’m dead :(
  5. Describe your character in a short abstract? Adeliz is the ghosty remains of Ines’ soul sister from when she was an Akalak. She is timid and fearful and driven largely by her connection to Ines.
  6. What are your character goals this season? Establish her relationship with her sister
  7. Does your PC have the Syka Recommended Skills? No. But she’s already dead so she won’t die.
  8. What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent? None. New PC
  9. If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert. Do you understand this? Yes
  10. Why did you pick Syka? Syka is where Adeliz was “born” and where her soul sister Ines lives.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? None thus far.
  12. Additional Comments?I look forward to winning Mizahar with you all.
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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

Postby Selene Curare on May 3rd, 2020, 1:18 am

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You? Selene Curare
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 27, Symenestra, Female
  3. Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist? How did you get here if you are new? Newly arrived by way of Svefran trading pod
  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Need a job (as a weaver preferably?)
  5. Describe your character in a short abstract? Selene is a pregnant (almost due) religious zealot with an idyllic dream of a Symenestra-friendly settlement where female Symenestra can breed the venomous out of their wombs. She is patient and secretive but with a hero complex that largely drives her actions.
  6. What are your character goals this season? Settle in Syka to endear the locals to her and earn their trust despite her race, involves: a job as a weaver and interviews with the locals to record the origin and development of Syka (not her goal; but my goal for her is to become the town journalist (not her job but a hobby) and make a Syka newspaper with interviews and etc. from locals)
  7. Does your PC have the Syka Recommended Skills? No, new character.
  8. What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent?
  9. If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert. Do you understand this? Yes.
  10. Why did you pick Syka? It's a fledgling settlement that Selene believes may yet be able to be convinced to welcome Symenestra (with no intentions to Harvest).
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? Sure! I'd love a job thread, and maybe if allowed a thread where I can interview one of the founders about the origin of Syka?
  12. Additional Comments? Excited to interview you all!
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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

Postby Tazrae on May 4th, 2020, 3:16 am

Character Registry
  1. Who Are You? Tazrae
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 22, Female, Human
  3. Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist? How did you get here if you are new? New Resident. Came by The Veronica.
  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? No.
  5. Describe your character in a short abstract? Taz is from a long line of Innkeepers. She's come to Syka to open an Inn and thinks the market is ripe for the picking for a small inn to get started and flourish on tourism.
  6. What are your character goals this season? Contract Randal to have an Inn built.
  7. Does your PC have the Syka Recommended SkillsWilderness Survival: E+
    Weapon: C+
    Hunting: C+
    Foraging: C+
    Carpentry: N+
    Construction: N+
    No. I will be working on it.
  8. What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent? This is my first season in Syka.
  9. If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert. Do you understand this? I completely understand.
  10. Why did you pick Syka? I love the setting.
  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? Just to help me get set up.
  12. Additional Comments? Does anyone want to make a new friend?
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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

Postby Marino Oceangem on May 9th, 2020, 12:20 am

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You? Marino Oceangem
  2. Age, Sex, Race? 21, Male, Svefra
  3. Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist? How did you get here if you are new? Newly arrived future resident, arrived here with the Oceangem pod.
  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself?Looking for work as a sailor if possible.
  5. Describe your character in a short abstract?Marino is open, and honest. He prefers to take care of business before pleasure, leaving equal time for both.
  6. What are your character goals this season? To find some work, and interact with the residents of Syka. I'd also like to give pearl diving a try once I've got some practice under my belt.
  7. Does your PC have the Syka Recommended SkillsWilderness Survival: E+
    Weapon: C+
    Hunting: C+
    Foraging: C+
    Carpentry: N+
    Construction: N+
    No, but I plan on learning it soon.
  8. If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert. Do you understand this? Yes.
  9. Why did you pick Syka? I really like the domain. I've always been interested in the rainforest and I love being out on the water so this seems like a good fit.
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The Syka Character Registry - Spring 520 A.V.

Postby Quzon on May 11th, 2020, 1:13 am

Character Registry

  1. Who Are You? Quzon

  2. Age, Sex, Race? 32, Male, Mixed Blood (Myrian/Isur)

  3. Are you a resident, newly arrived future resident or tourist? How did you get here if you are new? Resident

  4. Do you need a job or have enough coin to support yourself? Will obtain a job at the Saw Mill, has money to support himself until then.

  5. Describe your character in a short abstract?
    Quzon is a rather intense man who worships War. He believes that life is a constant battle to be won. Either martially or mentally, he strive for all types of strength to achieve victory.

  6. What are your character goals this season?
    This season he'll focus on learning how to help Lars at the Saw Mill.

  7. Does your PC have the Syka Recommended SkillsWilderness Survival: E+
    Weapon: C+
    Hunting: C+
    Foraging: C+
    Carpentry: N+
    Construction: N+
    No, but working on them.

  8. What required skills did you raise last season and to what extent? A thread to raise Q's combat skill.

  9. If you do not have the required WS skills to go out in the jungle alone, death is pretty certain. If nothing else, it is suggested you work towards raising your WS to Expert. Do you understand this? Yes.

  10. Why did you pick Syka? Q was born in the Falyndar Region, Syka reminds him of home.

  11. How do you want Moderator Involvement in your PC this season? Nothing at the moment.

  12. Additional Comments?
    PM if you want to thread.
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