Timestamp: 50th of Winter, 517 AV
Darvin was drunker than normal. He'd started out sober, but they'd made a lot of stops along the way. Kelski didn't like him much when he was sober because he had the personality of a rabid nasty dog, but when he was falling down drunk it was embarrassing. They'd been walking.... quietly walking... doing errands both for Darvin's side businesses and for Kelski because she'd hoped to drop by Dagwood Metals and Darvin had promised to take her if she'd agreed to carry his packages.
He hadn't told her what the 'packages' were.
The aging Guardian had been slowly working on her strength and stamina, but the training hadn't come in the form of weight lifting or sprints etc. It had come in the form of chores. Scrub that, lift that, carry that... fetch and packhorse were his favorite games. Kelski was loaded down. The little jeweler carried two kegs, both heavy, something Darvin had traded bur-lapped wrapped packages for.
Kelski panted, sweat dampening her body, as she had trailed after the far larger stronger man. They'd just left about the third place he'd gotten a strong series of drinks from, when he'd cut down a short alley and into what looked like a crowd. Darvin was curious what everyone was talking about, and slapped a pretty tall blond woman on the ass, then cupped her rump, to give it a better feel, before he pushed her out of the way. "Out of the way, Pretty Ass..." He said with a loud guffaw until they were past the startled woman, Kelski's expression apologetic.
People were talking loudly, and a body of a young girl was sprawled in the center of the street, blood leaking out from under her, slowly painting the cobbles and mud crimson. Darvin had stopped, got a good look at the body, and had frozen. A woman had been in the crowd, screaming, and pointing at the girl all but hysterical. Kelski wasn't sure what was going on, but the girl's throat was cut and the crowd was mingling in anger.
"Mage!" The chant had started up and the woman had shrieked a denial, still trying to get at the corpse. Someone, Kelski didn't see rightly who, dumped a tankard of something on the body and someone else had tossed some sort of rolled up cigarello they'd been smoking, igniting it immediately. It was a horrible sight, and the Kelvic had tried to scramble back, to get away from the crowd that was also backing up and still chanting.
Darvin had just stood there, staring, until the woman spotted him, screamed his name, and pointed at the body. "Darvin! They killed her!" She shrieked. Kelski blinked. Her Guardian knew the dead girl? Darvin glanced at the body again, his drunken expression had gone nasty and he was one of the first to throw a punch. He'd tried to push through to get to the clearing in the crowd where the body was, but no one was moving. So Darvin started moving them with his fists. Someone else fought back, and suddenly the crowd exploded.
Someone shoved Kelski, and someone else snatched one of her heavy kegs from her arms. She whirled, calling out... "Hey!" But stopped short when she saw how well armed the man was that had snapped up her keg. She glanced around for Darvin but he was ten people deep in the crowd fighting. The surging bodies easily separated them, as Kelski found herself alone in a sea of fighting people. The man's gaze was downright nasty and he sneered at her through a curtain of greasy hair.
"Little girl lost something? Like her guard?" He snarled, starting towards her.
A keg wasn't worth her life. Missing one keg, Kelski turned and ran, trying to shoulder her way through the crowd that was already exchanging blows in her immediate area. She ducked a punch, then used the keg she carried to knock someone else out of her way. It was an all out brawl by now, and Kelski had no idea where she was in Sunberth let alone where to run too.
The Kelvic decided she'd just get away from the people as a first priority and then, and only then, try to figure out how to get back to The Barracks. Her flight took her headlong into someone else... it was the same woman that Darvin had fondled just moments ago. Kelski started to apologize and back off, but the Keg slipped from her hands then, falling to the street where the band around its center pinged open and the boards - now loose - sprung, wrecking the keg. Mead flowed everywhere... and Kelski cried out involuntarily.
"He's going to kill me...." She said, glancing around frantically. The crowd was angry, milling, and several more people were fighting... but Darvin was nowhere in sight.