The Tears of TanroaThe reward for this particular challenge, given to each successful participant, is one of the Tears of Tanroa. There is a little story to the Tears as well.
What is time? For most it is the perception of the progression of the world around them. Birth, growth, death, the rising of and falling of Syna and Leth, the Watchtowers and the various bells and chimes used to mark different point in a day. For one particular individual however, time is that and much more. It is the connective tissue that holds reality together. It touches and influences all things; that which has existed, exists and will one day come into being. It even influences fate itself. For this individual, time is what makes reality. This individual is Tanroa, Goddess of Time.
Which brings us to Tanroa's River, the metaphysical realm where time connects reality and all that makes it up. Tanroa walked upon the surface of the River, her feet never disturbing it. As she walk, she found herself pondering a troubling thought. As she looked up and down the River, she saw how the people of Mizahar have, are and will perceive time only in passing. She saw how they were limited in their perception of what time was and the true complex importance it had. There were some who understood yet they were, are and will be primarily those whom bare her mark.
It then occurred to her; perhaps having already occurred to her or not yet, that there may be a need to introduce a bit of perspective into the river and see what happens. So, Tanroa knelt down and tapped the surface of the River with a single finger, seven times. As she did so, the tiniest ripples appeared and spread out across the River. These ripples eventually brushed into seven individuals at various points in time. Wholly unnoticed to these seven souls, they were given a nudge to remember the past. Of course to them, they were simply recalling something that happened to them at a point earlier in their lives.
As these memories were brought forth in their minds, Tanroa watched. She watched the joy, the sorrow, the anger the love and all the feelings and experiences these people had once had; things that helped shaped who they were in the present and what they may become in the future. While viewing these memories, significant in varying ways to these people, Tanroa felt something she rarely felt. Time is, if nothing else, neutral in all things. It does not feel emotion, it does not care about loss or love, hate or happiness. Time is neither merciful or merciless, it simple Is.
In that moment however, Tanroa felt a tinge of emotion. She saw how the past indeed was perceived as significant to these people even if they didn't have the capacity to realize it fully. This caused a tear to fall from Tanroa's eye, one for each of the individuals touched by the ripples in the River. For each of these individuals, they would awake the next time Syna rose above the horizon to find a small, blue, otterskin bag. Inside the bag they would find a small orb about the size of a typical apple. The orb was made of solid water; wet to the touch as if persistently covered in condensation. Looking at the orb, the person would see the watery surface ripple and an image come into view; an image from the memory that touched Tanroa and brought forth her tears.
What it is and How it Works
A Tear of Tanroa is a divine artifact. There are only seven like them in of the past and present of Mizahar. They are as big as an apple and are always wet to the touch as they are quite literally a divine tear given solid form. Each comes with a small, blue, otterskin (waterproof) bag that can hold it. Otherwise, they may get clothes or other surfaces wet as they are covered in a constant state of condensation. A Tear looks like a spherical piece of calm water; no amount of shaking will disturb the serenity within it. However, once the one who inspired its creation gazes into it, something truly remarkable happens.
The surface of the Tear ripples and an animated image appears. This animated image will remain animated for 10 seconds before repeating. The image itself represents the most significant 10 seconds within the memory that inspired it. While focusing on what it reveals, the person will see the "10-second clip" as if they were actually in that moment in time, watching it. They will hear any of the associated sounds, experience associated tastes, smells and touches that exist within those 10 seconds. Think of it as Mizahar's version of a digital photo frame.
Words of Caution
The Tears of Tanroa are gifted to these seven individuals as a reminder of just how important the past is and how significant it can be to the present and possibly the future. However, it is also a reminder of how one can become too enamored with the past and become consumed by it. Be careful about looking into the past for too long as you may lose yourself to it.
Also, speaking of losing yourself, take great care in not losing, giving away or having stolen your Tear as it the memory that inspired it will be lost in Tanroa's River. This isn't simply forgetting the memory, you will quite literally lose it. Doing so could have terrible consequences as it will be like that moment never happened. Even the smallest of experiences in the past shape who we all are in the present. Changing even the smallest piece could cause not only the loss of the current perception of self but with it the loss of skills, knowledge and much of what makes you who you are today. It is possible that you yourself could even fade into the River and be lost forever.
Note that nothing in the form of skills or lore can be acquired from viewing the moment in time held by the Tear as you've already experienced it.
The Tear itself cannot be damaged or destroyed by anyone other than a Rank 1 God(dess).
Finally, as Flashbacks are a way to further flesh out and develop your character, so to are the Tears of Tanroa. What you experience from viewing the moment in time held within feels in nearly all ways, quite real. Such a vivid reminder of your past could and probably should serve to develop your character. Have fun with that and if you have questions about the Tears, please ask.
Recipients of a Tear of Tanroa
Crylon Stonecraft
Duncan Rightstone
No Acquisition Thread required for The Tears of Tanroa as your threads for this challenge serve that purpose. Feel free to post a thread though if you want that details your discovery of the Tear and your reaction toward it.