Event Imbolc Fire Festival Week Challenge

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Imbolc Fire Festival Week Challenge

Postby Gossamer on February 1st, 2022, 3:00 am

Hello Mizahar!

Since this week marks Imbolc out in the world, I thought it would be fun to have a Fire Festival Week Challenge! Why fire? Well, this week marks Imbolc, a very unsung hero of a holiday usually starting Feb 1st and ending Feb 2nd denoting halfway between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox irl. I am a hater of winter (Sorry winter lovers!)... so Imbolc always symbolizes hope for me that my beloved Summer will return soon.

The challenge will be simple. You get credit for every 2.5K word thread you write. You can use this to fill in placeholders, catch up on skills, do a whole host of things. The only common theme you need to have in your threads is the presence of fire. You can be sitting by a campfire. You can be cooking over a hot stove. You can be shooting burning arrows. You can even be setting Sunberth on fire. Each thread must have fire in it....

And as a prize? I will post a huge list of weapon, clothing, and armor augmentations... things like waterproof, never dulls, flaming, frozen, etc... and for each 2.5k thread you write, you get a random roll on the augmentation list. You can then augment your personal favorite items (the augmentation can stack!) or you can put something neat on a bunch of different things. This is a good time to start a new skill if you have big future dreams for your character.

Hopefully this is broad enough that it will appeal to the fighters, bards, poets, artists, and socialites equally.

I hope you all enjoy this. The challenge starts now. It will end Sunday night at ten pm PST. As always, sign up below, list your threads and word counts... and put a note by each thread as to what fire element is in the thread.


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Imbolc Fire Festival Week Challenge

Postby Oralie on February 1st, 2022, 2:09 pm

Joining in with this one! Sounds fun.

Thread 1
Managed to scrape 2752 words in the thread above for this one.
Sadly no extra threads this time thanks to some terrible internet.

Thanks for the challenge! Looking forward to another with better net!
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Imbolc Fire Festival Week Challenge

Postby Alric Lysane on February 1st, 2022, 9:10 pm

Count me in!


Unity Through Self-Interest - Storage Houses On Fire - 2638 words

Flaming Ruby's - Assigned to help with fire act - 582 words
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Imbolc Fire Festival Week Challenge

Postby Tazrae on February 1st, 2022, 10:52 pm

Count Me In

Thread List:

All Reimancy & Firedancing.
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Imbolc Fire Festival Week Challenge

Postby Alexandra Gainsborough on February 7th, 2022, 12:23 am

Count me in!

Fire - Building a fire

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Imbolc Fire Festival Week Challenge

Postby Asterope on February 7th, 2022, 1:12 am

Signing up late but hoping to get at least one thread done!

Thread: By Candlelight - Aster practices shielding on a candle 2,532 words
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Imbolc Fire Festival Week Challenge

Postby Moritz Craven on February 7th, 2022, 1:18 am

I'm signing up with Moritz, hoping to get one thread in tonight!

Thread 1- 673+452+528+528+513=2,694
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Imbolc Fire Festival Week Challenge

Postby Gossamer on February 7th, 2022, 1:29 am

Hi Folks.

There are about 4.5 hrs left in the challenge. I wanted to let you know that your threads need to be at least 2.5K long to count towards the Fire Festival Challenge. If they are not complete, say in a group thread situation, but you've written at least 2.5K in them, they can certainly be counted as a thread.

They must include fire or have some element of fire in them. Group threads can be counted by everyone in the group for a prize... so long as they contributed 2.5K towards the challenge.

I'm going by thread count in this challenge. So however many threads you get done gives you a prize for each thread. Good luck and get your threads done by exactly an four and a half hours from now!


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Imbolc Fire Festival Week Challenge

Postby Ialari Pythone on February 7th, 2022, 5:08 am

Challenge Thread

Word Count: 3636
Remade In My Dominion!

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Granted Flashback Threads between 510 and 512 by Tarot.
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Imbolc Fire Festival Week Challenge

Postby Gossamer on February 13th, 2022, 12:10 am

Attention: Challenge Add-on!

I will be posting the rewards for this tonight or tomorrow day. I had a long work week and an even longer workday on this lovely Saturday. I know we haven't had many challenges lately, and we are overdue for a Grader challenge, so I'll combine the rewards from this challenge ... which as I stated before are all augmentations... for the graders as well.

For every 10 grades, you grade through this weekend, and including Monday you can have an extra roll off the list. 20 threads graded = two rolls. Etc.

'Grades pending' or 'See me for grades if/when you return" type posts don't count. These need to be fully graded threads, and if taken off the grading request thread in your area - please go in order. Let's see if we can't knock out some grades and take down some of the ques while you folks are waiting for me to get things done.

And if you use multiple accounts, you can combine the total under one account if you want. I'll know it was Player X for example doing all the multiple grades. Just add your graded list (and it can be your own threads) to this thread and I will let you in on the prizes for this challenge. Mods can play in this challenge too and rewards can be lumped onto their PC's if they like. I know you all work hard and don't get much reward for it other than your own personal happiness at running a domain.

One final thing... if you earn rolls through grading, you can GIFT your grading rolls to other players who might be new or had no chance to participate in other challenges. It might be a nice way to say 'thank you' to someone online.

You don't have to have participated in the Imbolc challenge to join this add-on.


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