Quest Make a Wish

On the 81st of Winter, a star falls over Sylira

(This is a thread from Mizahar's fantasy role play forum. Why don't you register today? This message is not shown when you are logged in. Come roleplay with us, it's fun!)

An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

Make a Wish

Postby Clyde Sullins on January 7th, 2017, 3:36 pm


It appeared Clyde wasn't the only one to notice the moving star in the sky, quite a bit of activity and noise could be heard coming from the docks. In response he started heading that way, keeping a firm grip on Cha.

He had been heading towards the docks when he felt a tingle on his skin, and a pressure upon his aura. Channeling his aura sight through Cha, he felt the touch, a somewhat familiar contact. The fact that it was interacting with or pressing on his aura narrowed it down quite a bit on what magic was in use. Since he didn't feel an invasive entry of djed, such as with hypnotism, the most likely one seemed Auristics. This was more figured out by deduction and logic than being able to tell the particular djed at work from the aura.

Still, if someone was groping about reading aura's in the midst of the event, he didn't feel like having his own aura read. Focusing on his djed he committed a technique he'd done only a few times before, but one he'd become reasonably adept at using. He funneled his djed back upon himself, flowing it into his aura, and then using this to alter and suppress it. Focusing on his own aura he could see it one moment, and then a few more moments he couldn't. When directly looking at his own aura he was able to detect the absence and the oddity, the alteration but he did not doubt a lesser user would miss such a subtle clue. Even he could barely notice it.

Of course, should someone try to see his aura while within visual mundane sight range, and note that he was clearly there but didn't have an aura, that in and of itself would be a sign that something was off. But only if he was close enough to be seen mundanely and also having his aura attempted to be read.

Still, he preferred to have his personal aura withdrawn in this instance, rather than leaving it out for others to touch and feel and interact with it.

As he was finishing up the process of withdrawing his aura and beginning to head towards the docks once more, he noted movement.

Flicking out a secondary strand of aura sight at it, while being careful not to lose his grip on the primary strand holding in his aura, he reached out at the approaching person or thing. In moments he noticed the familiar aura of Sayana, before she was even close enough for him to make out with his mundane eyes.

A chime or so later Sayana grew close enough to become clearly visible, likely also at this time seeing Clyde. Recognition crossing her face it seemed his assumption was correct.

“Have I seen the... Say, its a giant light not the sun in the sky, that shouldn't be there. Of course I noticed it. Its why I'm headed towards the docks, it seems that's where all the stuff is happening.”

“As for writing supplies... I always carry some, you never know when you'll need to do some impromptu glyphing. I've got the needed things to write or draw or whatever. No need to head back to the citadel.”

Motioning back towards the docks, Clyde began heading in that direction accompanied by Sayana as she continued to speak and ask questions. He was a bit surprised to hear mention of Farke, but he assumed if he was there he was the one in charge and ordering people about.

“I know Farke. He is a... Patron of sorts, of mine. He's the one that backed me when I was being tested to be raised to Wizard rank from apprentice. And he's on the council of five. I'm not terrified of him by any measure, but I wouldn't openly oppose him either. I guess he is an ally of sorts for me. But he has his own agenda, and the power to back it. I am of use to him, so I doubt he'd openly oppose me either.”

As they reached the docks, Clyde noticed several people running about. He also noticed Farke, giving him a short nod as he approached the nuit. Beyond that he noticed a woman who seemed to be humming. Clyde reached out a third tendril of Aura sight towards the woman to examine her aura. From the sound of djed coming from her he assumed she was the one using magic before, likely Auristics of her own, albeit note as precise or subtle as Clyde's own.

“Farke, your in charge I see? I hear you need someone to record something? You know me, I'm a glypher, I've always got drawing supplies on hand. I suppose I can make a drawing of the... whatever that thing is... Unless someone else is better skilled than my passing aptitude.”

Unless someone else spoke up Clyde would lower his pack and begin removing writing supplies. Quills, ink, chalk, parchment, and even some inscribing paint. Clyde would select a bottle of ink, a quill, and a piece of parchment, and begin drawing to the best of his ability the event in the sky.
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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Make a Wish

Postby Benare Nitrozian on January 7th, 2017, 7:22 pm


"Ben. I hear some footsteps."Damien whispered slightly, Benare nearly heard him over the loud clumping of the docks just a few blocks away. Benare shrugged, he looked over to the nearest alleway and motioned Damien for him to follow. They slipped in, just before an older man came waddling through the street. There were some other citizens of Sahova wondering about, taking a good look at the sights above.

Though, Benare and Damien quickly slipped back into the streets alongside the walls as if being careful. Something must be happening, and Benare wanted to find out. "Damien. We must find out what's happening at the Docks. Perhaps someone might know." The Nitrozian spoke in a calm and rather neutral manner. No need to drop into whispering, and other than that the two Ravokians had began a slow casual canter to the Docks.

They rounded a corner, and the meteors above kept showing, and free falling from the sky high above. The loud clattering of heavy footsteps echoed louder as the two came nearer the Docks. It seemed strangely familiar as the two neared.

Again, another corridor they followed, and the sights of the Docks were just a few blocks away from them. Sahova isn't as busy as Ravok, nor as large, it made traveling easy when within the city, and Benare couldn't be any less stressful. It was relieving, nonetheless, albeit the fact that Magic is quite demanding here. Not too demanding, but it's a big influence on Sahova. Benare appreciated that, and he's been working hard with his Magecrafting and Taeralis seems to be okay with him being around his labs.

There was a man, who seemed to be gathering all of the attention. Men scattered around, hiding from his appearance. Benare crept closer to the wall, peering down at the men, and two new figures... plus a third as one seemed to be talking to another.

Six arms... Benare felt it odd that she... she, had six arms. Now it was getting strange. Then, he noticed a man carrying a staff. The only man he knew that bore a staff was Clyde... was this six armed lady working with him? And this man at the docks... but from what Benare and Damien could see, is that the higher ranking man giving orders was talking to... assuming that that is Clyde, he was therefore perhaps talking to Clyde.

"Hey, she looks like the lady we rescued from that crazy Reminancy guy."Damien whispered. "Last Fall."He added. "Strange, she seems to be with that man, an the staff. Surely, they must now something."Unless, otherwise things were changed, Damien was still speaking in a whisper.
"Alright. We'll see what's up. There must be a good explanation to all of this." Benare walks quite casually towards the trio. As he ever so neared the two familiars, he arched a brow.

"Evening. Clyde." Benare greeted him formally. Hands cupped behind his back, he looked up. Benare nodded over to Sayana. Damien hadn't had much of a clue as to what's going on, but he'd rather be on Benares side. He smiled weakly towards the two. Benare was quiet, and waited for the taller man to speak. "So what happens now?"
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Make a Wish

Postby Languish on January 19th, 2017, 1:08 am

As usual, Farke kept an unreadable face. He watched, nodding quietly as a few of the characters set off to follow his commands. The only Nuit, an overconfident and proud man, waltzed off on his own in search of any intruders. A few Pulsers offered to collect data; it was a safe choice, and Farke was unsurprised by the number of them who offered.

One woman, though, said something different. She was of the six-armed race- Eypharian, he reminded himself- and couldn't have been anything more than a slave. Indeed, she spoke with the proper respect, but her voice was devoid of the usual fear. She suggested placing the golems in a new position, to better record the star. While this was, in fact, a clever idea, Farke would never admit it. Instead, he silently ground his jaw in thought.

Finally, he held out a hand to the Wizard, Clyde. "I believe Mr. Sullins will do well enough with the drawings that we should not need the Golems' expertise now. We only need the information that was on them previously." He had enough trust in Clyde that this statement would not make him a fool. However, he would still not let her run around without guidance, if she was so independent in her thinking. No, she needed a task.

"If you are so capable," He offered, "It would be remiss not to take mathematical measurements. You may even want to work with the..." Farke paused, squinting at the figure's outline, "That woman with the Auristics. She seems able to take down more exact measurements if she has the sight."

Indeed, Alija would be able to take down more exact measurements, when she focused on the star. However, what first caught her eye was the movement down by the docks.

There were three recognizably living auras. One belonged to Bull, who was staggering back up to the Citadel under the weight of a few Witness Golems. Upon spotting the rest of the group, he picked up speed, huffing as he set down the Golems for Farke to unlock. Beyond him, there was another aura, which would be rather familiar after only a short time on the island as a Nuit's. This particular Nuit was the one who called himself The Immortal Sorcerer.

But between the two, cloaked in darkness but undisguisable was the massive form of a bird. Its beady red eyes would catch the attention of anyone who looked his way, and they would unerringly place it as a Noktal. The carnivorous bird was hulking over a lump of prey, unmoving on the ground. He appeared rather protective, and would hiss at anyone who moved near, ruffling the feathers of his nearly twelve foot wings, and stretching out his neck towards the sky.

If anyone attempted to touch the bird or its prey, the Noktal would screech, attracting the attention of all the assembled residents, then take to the sky with a great heaving of wings, bringing its prey along in heavy talons.
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Make a Wish

Postby Sayana on January 21st, 2017, 4:46 pm

Sayana was reminded just how well travelled and integrated Clyde was when he mentioned his business-like relationship with Farke. An ally, and on the council of five. Her earlier trepidation regarding the nuit was diminished but he was also someone to be treated with respect. As they returned, the Eypharian was glad not to have to go all the way back to the Citadel, and even more glad that she wouldn’t have to take true notes on the star either. She spotted Alija once more, and oddly two others who she recalled distantly from Ravok. Two men who had helped her out of a tight spot.

However, even as she looked curiously at Benare and Damien, the nuit in charge spoke up again bringing their attention. “I can find a means to take measurements.” Sayana agreed, and her eyes flicked up at the celestial sight. It was truly stunning, practically hanging in the sky but somehow getting bigger by the chime.

“Alija, can you say much about its aura? Or is it even possible to read auras that are so far away?”

The nuit seemed to be finished for the moment and Sayana could see Clyde getting out his writing implements. Pondering over the situation, the Eypharian held up her high hands to make a little circle with her fingers. Trying to gain some sort of frame of reference, she was able look through the circle and get a sense of size of the star. Yet, it was difficult to focus on it so she used a mid hand to close one eye and looked about the sky for something to compare it to.

Of course. The moon, Leth. She changed the size of her circle as she stared at the moon so it would be exactly the circumference of the moon. Then she noted carefully how far her arms had outstretched so she wouldn’t obscure the perceived size by changing the distance. Carefully, she turned her view towards the star. It seemed to be smaller than the moon, so she tried to count just how many times the purple and blue hued star could fit into the same space as the moon. But if it was growing in size… what if it didn’t stop growing?

“It’s not as big as Leth. Or at least not right now.” Sayana announced. As she strode over to where Clyde had set up, she asked if she could a small piece of his parchment or paper. If he agreed, she would roll it up into a tube and take another long look at the strange star. She held it with her arms fully out stretched. It was much easier to see the star now, with any surrounding light dimmed due to the rolled up paper. She centered it and then started counting quietly to herself, watching to see if there was any movement. After a while, she could tell that the star had moved from the center of her vision using the tube, to the outer edge.

“And it’s definitely moving.”
She did a quick look around, noting that the harbor lay to the south of the island. “I think it’s moving west. Or maybe from the north too.” She did a double take and looked at the star once more.
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Make a Wish

Postby Aerius on January 25th, 2017, 4:17 am


The Immortal quickly realized that the decision he made was by far the most interesting one of them all. He did not wish to stay behind like the others; that meant he would lack entertainment, and that was practically the only thing that gave him motivation. Aerius looked to his animal companion, and asked a question almost as if he expected an answer. “Anything interesting yet?” he beckoned the Dog, and was met with a swift reply in the form of his pets body language. The Sorcerer caught sight of the large bird not far from him, and wondered why it was present. They had a tendency to be present whenever something had died in the nearby vicinity, but Aerius could smell no corpse. One could practically call him nose-blind to the smell of death after so many years.

The Immortal took the fact that the possibility of undead intruders was quite likely; or perhaps they were failed experiments. However, when he saw that nothing of interest was in the area other than the bird he stood still for a moment. His cloak fluttered about in the wind a bit, and he entered a state of deep thought; perhaps he should slay the bird, but what would he gain from the slaughter of the massive avian creature? Maybe it had some form of entertainment to offer him, but if he approached it something bad could happen. Animals much like any other creature that lived could communicate with one another, and if he drove it into a panic the consequences could be horrifying.

With the beasts size, lengthy beak and talons on its feet; it was safe to assume that in numbers any individual would be in quite a bit of danger. “How bothersome.” The Immortal spoke as he began to approach the Avian step by step with a lengthy smirk on his face. Within a few ticks he came to realize exactly what it was that the Bird wished to so heavily guard. It grew aggressive, and yet the Immortal did not waver. “Why don't you come and stop me?” He taunted the bird aloud, and began to exude a small amount of res from the palms of both his hands simultaneously in the form of gas.

In a single wave of his palm he transmuted the res into a gust of wind directed at the Noktal, with an utter disregard for everyone else and their safety. If there were intruders he wanted to draw their attention in some fashion, and attempt to kill the bird within ticks after it alerted anyone or anything else in the vicinity of his presence. If he was the only one who dared to search for intruders he wanted them to show themselves, and although extreme he figured that this method would be for the best. If they were hidden he would want the pulsers to be notified as well. Despite the fact that he did not have a care in the world for anyone else or their lives; if he did not work alongside them at all everyone including The Immortal would be in danger.

Aerius, as a Chained One projects an unnatural aura of unease, “wrongness”, Fear, and discomfort. Anyone who happens to be nearby will likely experience one of the feelings above; both people and Animals have a tendency to avoid him under normal circumstances.
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Make a Wish

Postby Alija on January 28th, 2017, 10:02 am

One of the auras she pressed against fluctuated oddly. Not all of them stayed the same size, but the more she tried to focus on this one, it slipped out of her grasp, as if she was grappling with a fish. Then it was gone. Alija frowned, pausing in her auristics. She was seeing things. Some form of overgiving - it had to be. How else could an aura disappear so quickly?

Something caught her eye - her auristics eye - and distracted her from all that. Figures, moving in the docks. One was the nuit who called himself the Sorcerer, his aura was the same ugly snowstorm spiralling around him and she didn't need to take a deeper look to confirm it. Another human type of aura, and then there was a bird. Its aura fell of it like dark red and black feathers, the woman breathing sharply as she spotted it.

Someone called her name and the aurist spun quickly, finding her concentration drop instantly. The six-armed woman seemed to have talked and it took her mind a few moments to make sense of the words she hadn't been listening to. "I..." she began, trying to take a deep breath to steady herself, feeling a little faint, "Not much. But I saw something else. Down there." The woman pointed sharply towards the docks, towards the auras she had spotted. "There's a giant bird. It's angry." A giant bird like the man with the bodies had had. Up close, she remembered how deadly it all looked.

There was a spike in the auras that still brushed at her skin, the bird and the Immortal, and she shivered sharply, feeling a cold chill with the djed she could sense being used. "They are fighting. I think." She shuddered again, moving away from the docks and towards the man who was drawing, who Sayana had also moved closer to. The two knew each other. Alija didn't think she did personally but he still provided enough safety for her.

"I'll... I'll look at the star again," she decided, bringing her attention away from the parchment he was working from and up to the glowing star in the sky. It was bigger, definitely bigger, and only seemed to be growing. With Sayana's notes on the direction, she tried to focus on that too, attempting to sense the slight shifts, but it wasn't clear enough with it getting bigger. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to find her own djed and start the whole process of again. As the star grew larger, however, it seemed to be easier to focus on, and something was appearing.

The woman shifted over towards Clyde, ready to tell him exactly what she saw. Explaining in short, fairly unclear sentences, she gestured wildly, hoping he would make sense of what she was trying to communicate to him. Nothing, however, was certain: everything about the star felt off, including its aura.
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Make a Wish

Postby Clyde Sullins on January 28th, 2017, 4:31 pm


Clyde began his work, putting Cha under an arm and taking ink and quill to parchment. He began to sketch out the sky object, making a decent enough depiction of it though without much in the realm of artistry or flourish. His concentration was momentarily broken by someone speaking his name. He looked up to find... Someone who's name he couldn't recall, but whom he'd met in Ravok. Clyde simply gave him a nod, assuming that'd be enough to make clear he'd noticed him and then turned back to his work.

While he worked on drawing a second less conscious part of his brain focused on the aura work he did. He was still suppressing his aura, a strand of aura sight wrapped around himself and pressing it in, while another strand hooked around Sayana and the aura woman.

He had however forgotten Cha, who's aura was rather noticeable being a reasonably powerful Magecrafted object. Particularly when next to himself, who would appear to have no aura at all at the moment. That and his regular use of Cha as a conduit of his magic would likely leave its own traces upon her for someone knowing how to look properly and taking the time to notice such subtleties.

As he worked he listened, his main focus on his drawing and listening in, not actively diving into or inspecting further any of the aura's his sight tendrils clung to.

His assumption that the woman was an Aurist was soon enough confirmed by Farke, not surprising him.

When Sayana asked for a piece of paper he momentarily split off his concentration, shoving a piece of parchment at her without looking as he focused on his drawing. By then he had a decently depicted instance of it drawn out, though he was finishing up by adding in more details he could see.

He was interested to hear that the object was moving visibly, further proving it wasn't a simple star or such.

His concentration was once more broken by screeching and yelling, and more djed on the air. Done with his first drawing Clyde looked up, extending out another tendril to hook around the source- a man person who wasn't not a nuit, but not a nuit, and whom he was fairly certain he'd met before.

Just as his aura sight of him came into focus the person began to cast some kind of Reimancy spell, a rather pitiful one in Clyde's estimation.

For some odd reason he was sending a gentle breeze at a bird. Further puzzling was that he'd transmuted it, something he'd give a serious tongue lashing for if he saw one of his students doing as such considering he was literally surrounded by air.

At hearing the female aurist state that the not nuit man was fighting with the bird, Clyde let out a snide "tsk" sound of disdain loud enough for all nearby to hear.

Momentarily paused in his drawing, Clyde got a better grip on Cha and continued to stare at the sky object, talking without looking at a particular person.

“That idiot? He doesn't even know how to use Reimancy right, the shyke for brain. He's breaking some of the simplest of rules of Reimancy, ones a first day student should learn. Your more using Auristics than he is using Reimancy. I wouldn't call what he's doing fighting with it.”

Making a decision he sent out another tendril of Aura sight, following along the female Aurist's focus to latch onto the sky object and directing his main attention to the task. The fact that he could do so clearly indicated it wasn't a star.

Still, two Aurists were better than one, and if nothing else it would be useful to see things first hand instead of just being told of them by the other aurist. At best he'd see things she wouldn't, or vice versa, and they could combine their findings into one superior reading. He'd listen to what she said, noting them to himself and tying it into what he himself saw in the aura.
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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Make a Wish

Postby Benare Nitrozian on January 30th, 2017, 2:37 pm


There seemed to be nothing that Benare had understood what's going on. His ego didn't feel like it was his, and Benare grew unwary, and quick it so happened. So quick, that his point of view on this event changed as he wondered about the stars. The man drawing the scene before the party, seemed lost in thought and deep in concentration. Benare observed Clyde as he drew with intent on the parchment. The falling stars above fell with speed and elegance and Benare wondered what it meant, what the beginning of all of this meant. Then, there was something mentioned about a large bird, down by the docks. The woman, one she met when Tawny and Jill were first kidnapped. Oh Benare wouldn't forget a face like hers, no. She was timid when Benare first met her, now, he can't really act like he's in control now. Sahova isn't ran by nobleman like the rest of the Noble families in Ravok.

Needless to say, Benare felt really useless. He couldn't really do anything at this point. Though, that bird, if he could somehow find a way to tame it, and if there's a bird. Who knows if she's just pulling their legs. Benare was unsure what this city had in stock, but it wouldn't hurt to help, maybe Benare could learn a few things or two from everyone. Then, when Benare looked up at the tall man Farke, he started to realize who he was, and Taeralis had explained to him who the Council of Five were way back when.

"Excuse me?" Benare asked the taller, more burly man. He paused. Waiting for the man's attention. "I can help, is there anything I can do?" Benare spoke within a snarly/eccentric manner and he just didn't want to sit around and wait and do nothing.

Any NotesLedgers, and any other important stuff goes here.
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Make a Wish

Postby Languish on February 9th, 2017, 4:03 pm

The gust of wind was brief and hardly powerful, but enough to startle the bird. Its attention captured, it turned its head and squawked in the direction of the Nuit warningly. Its talons sunk into the flesh beneath it and lifted it from the ground slowly. The body's head rolled back and its hands fell limp. In its lifelessness, articles tumbled from its body, including a single copper ring which bounced onto the ground, illuminated by the light in the sky. The Noktal did not fuss over the lost clothing, but instead turned and headed in the direction of the Testing Grounds, where it might enjoy its meal in peace.

Farther up the land, closer to the Citadel where the rest of the people stood, there was far less physical activity to be done. Instead, they sat in observation of the great falling star.

Even without an Aurist's eye, all could see that the shape was indeed growing, and moving North as it went. If one were to draw its trajectory, it appeared as though the star would land soon, approximately in the center of the Syliran Wilds. But with Auristics, even more was revealed.

The star, as it appeared, was hardly a star in the strictest sense. To one so familiar, it would be easily identifiable as a metal. However, its aura would be different than any previously observed. It was dark, despite the light surrounding the object. It appeared it was attracted to itself, huddled together tightly as if for warmth, and the light energy that radiated from it was impossible to ignore.

While the others observed the star, Farke carefully unlocked the Witness Golems, one by one. "You can come with us," he offered to Benare, gesturing toward himself and Bull. "Take this one." He would hand Benare a waterlogged golem, then hand one to Bull and take one of his own. Farke knelt on the ground, while Bull plopped himself down in the mud, uncaring. To an outsider, it might have appeared as if they had gathered to exchange gifts, arranged as they were.

"All together, or separate, you think?" Asked Bull.

"Separately." Farke decided. "We will need to be able to hear each one well enough to report our findings to the council."

And so, one by one, the golems would be allowed to play. The first, Bull's, captured only his eerie whistle, and faintly his self-talk. Bull shrugged in slight embarrassment, but Farke pressed on. Farke played his own next. The golem started with a series of creaking, crackling sounds. Then, gradually, a gust could be heard picking up in the distance. The sound grew louder and louder, before being abruptly interrupted by the sound of scattering feet and gasps of fear. Farke rolled his eyes and cut off the golem.

"You're next." He prompted.

When Benare moved to touch his hand to the golem, he would hear a soft click as it released its memory. Then, it would begin to sing the song of the Noktal; it was hardly a song in that screeching voice, but nonetheless determined to be a victory cry for the birds.

There was the sound of a young boy, grunting and cursing heavily, before his screams drowned out the sounds of the fight. Farke clucked his tongue as if disappointed.

"One of the wardens, I'd guess." He said without remorse. "He shouldn't have been out by the docks anyway. Probably sneaking off to play some kind of game." Then, he looked up at the other two beside him. "Do you have any idea of which wardens we have currently? I haven't tried to keep track of those initiates for a few hundred of years."
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Make a Wish

Postby Sayana on February 19th, 2017, 5:31 pm

As Sayana squinted through her parchment telescope, she kept it at arm’s length counting slowly. One, two, three… twenty-nine, thirty. Due to the angle, it had been difficult to tell that it was moving north, but now she was quite sure it was moving towards the island from their southernly vantage point of the harbor. But it also seemed to be dipping closer to the horizon.

It had only moved from the center of the parchment’s field of view to the edge within the thirty tick span. “I think it’s moving at half an inch every half chime. Or an inch every chime when observing at arm’s length.” Sayana concluded, trying to sound like she knew what she was talking about. Of course, everyone had seen stars before, and she used the other ones as reference so as not to move her circular point of view, but she had never attempted to measure their movements. However, it wasn’t every day that the stars moved so drastically. She could even see a bit of a fuzzy tail on one side.

“It might be… falling?” She asked, somewhat doubting her observations.

The squawk of a bird and Alija’s mention of it distracted the Eypharian from her measurements. However, despite the cautionary words of danger, Sayana felt distinctly unafraid. Clyde was there, her daggers were mere inches from her hands and with a good dose of magic she could probably just scare the bird off. Curiously, she instead reached out towards the bird with auristics.

She closed her eyes briefly and concentrated on a bright circle of light amongst a dark dark void. Then as she slowly opened them, she pulled at her internal djed and focused on the dark moving shape. Suddenly, it took off and was flying. Straining, she pushed with her magic and tried to see something, anything. But all she got was a momentary hazy red shadow before it was gone, with the bird soaring high above the treetops.

It was either the distance or lack of effort that had kept her from seeing anything. Though, Sayana certainly preferred to think the former. The Eypharian turned her attention back to the stars, now nursing a budding headache, while the golems repeated the auditory scenes of the night.

“One of the Wardens?” Sayana asked in surprise at Farke’s words. “He must have been young or foolish. Maybe an apprentice instead. I only know Riyanna of the plains, and if the other Wardens are anything like her, they wouldn’t be prey to a bird like that.”

OOCSorry for the delay
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