Open [New Years Eve Party] A Fortune For The New Year

Old Mosa does some reading of fortunes during the Party.

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[New Years Eve Party] A Fortune For The New Year

Postby Kelski on February 7th, 2019, 2:56 am

Timestamp: 92nd of Winter, 518 A.V.

Old Mosa was a survivor from the Denval Flotilla. Being a gifted Fortune Teller along with a violinist has caused her to truly thrive among Sunberth's denizens and has ensured a solid reputation and a steady income. Having been one of the people Kelski discovered early on in Tent City, Mosa was of course invited to the party. Cleaning up nicely, the old woman circulated, ate about ten people's worth of the food, and then set out her tarot carts at a table off to one side of the party. She put out a little sign that read:

"Have your Fortune for the New Year read! Donations' gladly accepted but there is no charge for the reading!"

ImageHer spread was simple enough. It was a lovely black cloth thrown over a small table. There were two flickering lamps to the right and left of the table. Mosa sat on one side, her back to the tent while an empty chair sat facing her. A large hand-drawn deck of tarot sat in front of her. A small tip jar sat on her left next to the left side lamp. Her face was craggy, but welcoming. If you showed any interest at all, she'd beckon you over, sit you down, and start doing a reading for you.

She offered anything from three card simple quick spreads to elaborate spreads that would give you a great deal of detail. Mosa would let you pick, offer you her cards, let you cut the deck, then she'd shuffle it, and allow you to pick the number of cards out of it according to your wish for having a simple or elaborate reading.

If you have a specific question you'd like her to answer, she'll ask you to ask it to her before she begins her shuffling.

ooc :
I read Tarot as a hobby and will do a reading for your PC for the year to come. First come first served. I'll reply to everyone with a post that starts with their name as a header. Feel free to ask questions in your response and I'll answer them with a post titled to your name. Multiple requests are fine... I'll sort them out easily enough in my responses.
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[New Years Eve Party] A Fortune For The New Year.

Postby Anja Nightwatcher on February 23rd, 2019, 4:39 pm


Anja had spent some time drifting between the various attractions of the party. The festivity was infectious, even for a man marked bull death such as him. As Anja drifted, his eyes gradually found themselves catching the gaze of a familiar face. Sming behind his mask, Anja gradually approached the elderly woman with whom he had made acquaintance with in seasons prior.

“Good evening Mosa,” Anja greeted the woman affectionately, smiling from behind his bird mask. The Drykas had a personal fondness for the elderly, a state of life which was not found overly often in Sunberth. The man gazed briefly over the table that Mosa had set out, the black table cloth, the lamps, and the chair. After a fraction of hesitation, Anja took a seat in the chair opposite of Mosa.

“This is fortune telling isn't it?” Anja asked. “Will you read mine?”

Anja did not know a great deal about fortune telling, but it was hard to exist in his role as an Eiyon without having a certain flare for superstition. Perhaps the Gods moved the cards. Or even if they didn't, perhaps the readings interpreted out of the cards were guided by a God's gentle touch. The reason didn't really matter though. It wouldn't be wrong to say that Anja's interest was inspired far more by curiosity than anything else.

“I would like a detailed reading, if you don't mind,” Anja said. “I don't suppose I have any specific questions in mind. More...I'm wondering what this year will hold for me.” Without hesitation, Anja dropped ten golden Mizas into the tip jar, and smiled once more. He would follow whatever instructions Mosa gave him for the reading, then tented his hands, waiting to see what the future held for him.
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[New Years Eve Party] A Fortune For The New Year.

Postby Kelski on February 28th, 2019, 11:30 pm


Anja's Reading:

Mosa grinned up at the Drykas from where she was seated. The old woman was well aware of whom the creature was before her beneath the mask… she just didn’t know what the mask was made from. It looked too unusual to be real. The old woman peered at him, not because of his request for a detailed question, but because of the coin he dropped into her jar. “Do you really seriously think I’ll take your money, boy?” She said with a laugh. “That jar is for the affluent here. If you don’t take it back immediately, I’ll buy food for the kids in Tent City and pass it out.” She threatened with a toothless grin.

Then she picked her cards gingerly and began to shuffle them. Her gnarled old hands had no difficultly setting the cards into a fluttering bird-like motion as they fanned together, broke apart, and fanned together again. Then she spread them out before him and gestured eagerly to the cards that were face down and all looked alike.

“Pick me out twelve cards, young man. Any twelve that pulls to your fancy.” She said happily, waiting for him to sort through them, and delicately tease his chosen ten out from the fan she’d created. Once she had his pile secured, she picked up the rest of the cards, and laid out his cards carefully face down in the order he drew them.

The first two cards were laid in the center, side by side, with a third crossing them.

Mosa flipped the first of the two face down center cards over and looked it over carefully. She peered up at him once, twice, then chuckled. It showed an enormous bleeding heart skewered by three swords. “This is the aura of your life so far, think of it as the atmosphere you exist in.… three of swords, inverse. Upright it means sorrow, loss, emotional pain, grief, separation, and the end of the affair of the heart. But your card is inverted, which means these emotions are starting to wane and your bloody heart is beginning to heal. Your pain is not less, for the reasoning behind it still exists, but you have grown from it and are moving through it nicely. It’s a healthy card, young man, but still one I am sorry you have in your spread.” She said, shaking her head sadly and moving to the next card.

She flipped that one over dramatically. It showed a wheel on it, spinning, with a person’s face in each facet of the wheel… and the person ran the gauntlet of emotions in their faces in each rung space of the wheel. “Interesting. This is a major Arcana.. a very strong card. It’s your current situation… what elements are in motionyou’re your life. The Wheel of Fortune. It means change is coming. Your destiny is chasing you and almost has caught up. Fortune will favor you with good luck and you will find closure and an end in sight to certain troubles you have. You are moving onwards, forwards, putting the past behind you but not forgetting it.” She explained, tapping The Wheel of Fortune to the three of swords until she laid both cards down face upwards.

She moved to the card that was crossing the aura and the situation. It showed a short ugly man clutching a gold pentagram with others circling him. He looked angry and resentful and his grip on the pentacles were firm. “This is the thing that crosses you. Sometimes it can be a person but often it can be an aspect of yourself. I can’t tell you which. You need to decide for yourself.” Mosa said as she flipped the card face up and laid it across the other two that were side by side.

“The Miser. This means greed, selfishness, avarice, suspition, mistrust. It is the inability to let go of anything. This is an emotional deep dark pit and tremendous depression. That depression is almost always driven by fear, usually fear of loss.” She said softly, and then touched the card briefly. She shook her head, glancing up at him worriedly.

Then she flipped over the card that sat directly beneath the grouping of three she’d just revealed. It showed a huge vine strung pentacle interwoven into a wood. “This is the card that roots you. It has to do with your core and what your soul is made of.” She said, flipping the card over and chuckling. “Ahh… the Ace of Pentacles. So this is why ghosts and animals flock to you. And as of late, Kelvics it seems. This card is called Riches and Rewards. It’s not so much material riches, Anja, but spiritual richness. You have an amazing capacity to be content. You are attuned to the natural world and are inherently prosperous. Because of that, you have a steadfast stable core that such natural and supernatural things are drawn too. I suspect you have chosen the exact correct field of study for your nature.” She said, reaching out and patting him on the head.

The next card she flipped was one above the revealed trio. “This is your crown card. It’s what you strive for, wish for, and long for. It’s called Good Luck but it means so much more than that.” The card she flipped showed three dancing maidens waiving cups about themselves as they danced in a circle of ribbons. “It means good fortune, healing, harmony through some artistic or arcane endeavor. You are constantly striving to learn new things. You aren’t fulfilled unless you are learning and when you do learn something, you celebrate… you celebrate hard.” She said with an amused chuckle.

Then she turned to the card directly to the left of his trio of center cards. She flipped it over and displayed a man standing on the shore with his hand up over his eyes like a visor watching three ships sail into the harbor he was observing. “This card denotes your past… before a large change. It can be your childhood or before something drastic happened in your life… a move or death… something. This one is the three of staves… you sure have a lot of threes in your fortune. Make note of that. But anyhow… this card saddens me. Ships Come Home… as this card is named means that you had wealth, riches, and happiness beyond measure. That man is supposed to be a merchant who put all his fortune on tradeships that sailed out. He took a chance that they would manage to travel safely through rough seas, trade well, and return home safe full of treasure, coin, or exotic loot. And his chance paid off… he was rewarded and rich. But in this position… your past… it leads me to believe that is not the case now. That the big change was a loss of this profit, of the fruits of your labor…” She said softly, then moving forward flipped over another card to the right of the trio grouping.

“This is your immediate future.” She said, stroking the face of a card that showed a woman who was obviously daydreaming for there were seven cups floating around in the clouds about her hair and each cup held a different sort of treasure… a mask, a dragon, jewels, and even a crown. “The Dreamer. You are dreaming. You are hoping. You are stuck dreaming, boy, instead of doing. And until you break out of this current cycle… you will not progress much. You need to pick a dream and ride it hard… see it through.” Mosa said, pausing to take a drink of her water and look over the spread.

Then she tapped a card at the far right bottom in a row of four cards stretching upwards on the table. “This here.. this is the self card.” She said, turning that card over. It showed a man carrying ten staves with his shoulders hunched, working way too hard, as if hauling them down a muddy road. “Figures. The Martyr. Really, Anja? This is Overloaded… it means you carry heavy burdens, take on other people’s problems, and do so willingly. You have too many burdens that are not your own and that means you get in the way of your own life.” The old woman said forcefully, looking at him with a glare.

She tsks tsked a moment then tapped the next card directly above his self card. “This is your feelings card.” She said, flipping it to reveal a fiery queen brandishing a blazing staff. “The Queen of Wands… don’t worry about it being a queen in a place of feeling. It just means you blaze brightly and have an amazing amount energy. You are active, passionate, fond of nature, generous, and practical. You also have an incredibly nurturing mothering nature despite all the energy. Good for you.” She said with a smile.

Then Mosa tapped the next card up and grinned. “Hopes and fears. Lets see what you, my boy, are scared of.” She flipped the card and it depicted a giant full moon with a dog and a wolf howling at it. The only problem was the card was upside down. Mosa studied it a moment and shook her head. “The Moon. You are afraid of warnings, deceptions and enemies that are out of sight. But because its flipped, it also means you are afraid of lies closer to home. Tricks, mistakes, silence, stillness… you are terrified of unexpected gains with no cost exacted. You never quite relax because you think you have debt you don’t know about being accrued and that debt will be called in at a time and place you aren’t expecting it. In a nutshell, you are paranoid.” She said firmly, shaking her head.

“I can understand that in this city, Anja. I really can. And I can understand why its one of the most important fears you have. But this spread says nothing of that… there’s nothing lurking in here that shows a knife is waiting in the shadows to stab you.

Mosa tapped the last card. “This is the sum of all the spread… the final outcoming.. .what is barreling towards you.” She flipped it dramatically and showed a card upside down. It was two people bound in chains, trying to crawl out of a chest. They were locked in a dark room with a window full of bright blue sky high up out of reach. One of them, the man, was reaching for the window but it was painfully out of reach.

“Evil.” Mosa said ominously. “But its reversed. Right side up it means greed, vehement lust, desires… bondage to an ideal. Bad influences and even worse advice. It means dissolution and a choice upon which your fate rests. However, this card is inverted, like the moon. That being said, it means a release from bondage… a test. And a new direction in life. Right side up those people don’t get out. But since the card is flipped, they fall towards the light and can crawl out into it. Is that what you are doing right now, Anja? Crawling out of your own darkness and stepping foot back into the light?” Mosa said softly, her eyes shining – perhaps with tears perhaps not – at Anja’s pain. She let him look over the spread for a while, then quietly gathered up the cards.

“You are doing good, son. Really good. Stay true to yourself and keep making the kind of decisions you’ve been making lately. You want … no deserve … to be released into the light.” The old woman said softly, then reached out and touched his cheek as if he had good energy and she wanted to gather some of it to herself.

Her smile, while slow and toothless, was still brilliant with joy when she finally released him.
Last edited by Kelski on March 3rd, 2019, 8:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[New Years Eve Party] A Fortune For The New Year

Postby Kynier on March 1st, 2019, 1:59 am

Kynier stepped out from the thicker gathering of the crowd, out of breath and needing a chime to rest. Celebrating another year of living was an exhausting activity and doing so among such a large gathering was beginning to overwhelm him. He started strolling along the perimeter of the pavilion where it was cooler and less crowded. Despite his expectations, he was enjoying himself immensely. The food was delicious and the dancing as intoxicating as the ciders. If his fingers had not been flushed with warmth from having so much cider, Kynier would have gotten another one to help cool down.

During his little walk, he noticed a small set up of a table covered in a black cloth. The Fortune Teller, Mosa was sitting down and reading the significance of someone’s cards. Kynier gradually approached the station. Destiny was a complicated concept that he was torn on. He believed that his choices were his own but couldn’t deny how certain destinations seemed unavoidable. After a moment of considering it, there didn’t seem to be any harm in at least hearing what he may experience in the future. So, when the man left the table, Kynier approached.

He gave the old woman a smile, “Hello Mosa,” he said standing behind the chair he was meant to sit in. “I hope that you’re enjoying the celebrations as much as… everyone else.” Kynier settled himself in the seat and deposited ten mizas into the tipping jar. He braced his elbows on the table and cupped one hand in the other. “I’m… uh… not exactly sure what sort of questions a person can ask for this. Mostly, I’m curious about what lies ahead, both near and distant.”

Adjusting in his seat, he waited for whatever glimpse of the god’s, or Fate’s, plan for him was.

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[New Years Eve Party] A Fortune For The New Year

Postby Duncan Rightstone on March 1st, 2019, 3:31 am


At one point during the evening, Duncan spotted a familiar face sitting at a small, nearby table. The old woman, was something of an oddity to him. He didn't have much experience with human elders thus the wisdom the woman displayed struck him as strangely unique.

As he approached the table, he noticed the empty chair and the deck of cards resting in front of her. Looking up, Mosa saw Duncan and smiled; her wrinkled face stretching as she did. Motioning for him to sit, Duncan obliged. As she offered to do a reading for him, Duncan was a little confused. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Um, a reading? Not sure what you mean, Mosa but why not."

When she explained a bit of what a "reading" was, Duncan's face took on a interested look. He knew she was a woman wise to many things in the world; things he knew little to nothing of. "I guess I'll go with an elaborate reading. One can never know too much about themselves or their future, right?" He said with a crooked grin.

"For a specific question...I feel like there is something preventing me from seeing the bigger picture of my life. Am I the one holding myself back or is there something else?" His question asked and the cards offered to him, Duncan cut the deck before Mosa shuffled it. He then picked out the cards required for the elaborate spread.

Duncan then waited and watched with focused interest at what Mosa did with the cards.

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[New Years Eve Party] A Fortune For The New Year

Postby Orakan on March 1st, 2019, 4:37 am

Somewhere along the way during Orakan's more 'covert' mission to gain any and all info of the Midnight Gem he had become distracted, single hazel eye catching sight of a familiar face. It was a difficult one to forget - deeply lined and jowly, looking akin to crumpled paper whenever she offered those in her vicinity a smile - and it hearkened him back to memories of old within the Tent City. The feelings that caught him in that instant were mixed and gave him a momentary feeling of unease and he paused his steps to push these thoughts away.

Although having never interacted with the crone, there were certain members of Tent City that had become staples of that desperate and despairing society. Word of them was commonplace, often spoken of with an odd fondness, for it was people like them that helped distract the denizens of their day to day plights and he had heard of her in passing.. years and years ago.

Curious - and perhaps urged on by a strange and sickening sense of nostalgia, Orakan slowly began to approach, taking his time as others crowded around, eager to have their future read: would they find the love of their life? Come into riches? Find a new life somewhere else? The Daggerhand had none of these delusions but he couldn't help the pull the crone had.

He circled like a predator despite having no ill wishes, merely observing before, at last, there was enough of a break in those seeking her attention that he was able to approach the seat opposite her. He took his time, having a natural affinity for doing things that might unnerve those in his presence, and let his fingers slowly unclasp the buckles of his weapon harness. There was a distinct lack of urgency in his movements as he gathered up the straps and wrapped them around the three scabbards and blades it contained, bundling it all together before he leaned forward to set it down on the table with an audible 'clank'.

He met her bright eyes with his own singular one and held them and he eased down into the chair, hand remaining on his gear.


He spoke the derogatory term with utmost respect.

She seemed unbothered, her many years having meant she had seen enough men like him to not take offence, and he offered her a crooked - albeit oddly warm and gentle - smile as he straightened his back.

"Ora doesn't know much about these kinds of cards.. but you read them for him, yes?"

As gruff as his demeanour may have seemed, his tone maintained that same level of respect it had since he first regarded her. Yet there was no move to offer coin as those before him had. He was not the sort to pay for a service until it had been rendered.

"Something good, we hope." He offered her a wink, the child from the Tent City coming out as he bent his other arm and laid it causally across the table.

"Detailed, son?"

He shrugged in a manner that gave her liberty to do as she wished. He had no idea what he was in for, free of fear and expectations.
Last edited by Orakan on March 4th, 2019, 10:21 am, edited 3 times in total.
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[New Years Eve Party] A Fortune For The New Year

Postby Kelski on March 3rd, 2019, 7:27 am

Kynier’s Reading:

The old woman peered up at Kynier and offered him a toothless smile. She nodded, gestured to the chair opposite of her at her table, and then began shuffling her cards. Mosa took a moment to examine his costume, curious about it, but having no guesses of her own. He looked colorful enough. “You a rainbow today, son?” She asked, guessing the only thing she could think of. When she was done shuffling, Mosa spread them out before him and gestured eagerly to the cards that were face down and all looked alike.

“Pick me out twelve cards, young man. Any twelve that pulls to your fancy.” She said happily, waiting for him to sort through them, and then pluck out ten out from the fan she’d created. Once she had his pile secured, she picked up the rest of the cards, and laid out his cards carefully face down in the order he drew them.

The first two cards were laid in the center, side by side, with a third crossing them. Then she laid one below, one above, and one to the left and right. Then she formed a line of four up the right side after the sort of pile of crossed cards.

Mosa flipped the first of the two face down center cards over and looked it over carefully. She peered up at him once, twice, then glanced up at him. “This is your aura card. It means the atmosphere you exist in.” The card showed a beautiful blond woman holding a lion tenderly. It was labeled with the word ‘Strength’ though it was flipped upside down. Mosa gave him a strange look and then shook her head. “This card means weakness, sickness, lack of faith. It embodies disappointment, discord, abuse of power and loneliness.” She said, tapping the card. “Upright it would have meant power, energy, strength, courage and conviction. Usually the Strength card means you can really smooth over the rough patches in other’s life or solve their problems. As it falls in your life, you are not at a very good place… a healthy place.” She said, reaching over to flip the next card in the pile… the one that was beside the Strength card.

“This is your current situation. This is The Hanged Man.” It was another reversed card. Mosa tapped it looking thoughtful. “It normally means suspense, life interrupted, change. It means wisdom in magical matters and sacrifice for wisdom. It can also denote an inner search for truth or a change in your point of view. Reversed, it means a wasteful search, selfishness, lack of efforted needed to achieve a goal or a useless gesture.” She said, lifting an eyebrow and studying him intently.

“Both of those are major arcana… very strong potent cards.” She added, then stroked the one that was laying across both of them. She flipped it and it denoted a young man or woman – a child really - holding a staff aloft that glowed with magic. He or She burned with fire. “Page of Wands. This one is reversed too. This card is what crosses you. It can be a person or an aspect of yourself. I can’t tell you if it is one or the other, you must decide for yourself. “Indecision. Lack of energy. A faithless or disloyal person. Self doubt, and lacking sincerity.” Mosa said softly, then glanced up at him. “I hope that is not yourself and that it is someone in your life. If it is… “ She said, shaking her head as if she just stopped herself from saying something about getting rid of them.

Next she moved to the card that was directly beneath the trio of cards that represented his situation. “This is your root card. It has to do with your core and what your inner self is made of.” She flipped it over and it showed a man playing a musical instrument with a white dog dancing at his side. It was of course, upside down, and had the word “The Fool” written on it in elegant print.

“Carelessness, indecision, poor judgement, apathy, and lack of control. This card can also mean vanity. When this card is right-side up, it means thoughtlessness, folly, lightheartedness, innocence. So reversed its opposite. The card signifies purity of heart while upside down it means you are weighted down with the past and with the bulk of your decisions.” She said, shaking her head.

Then she flipped the card above the trio. “This is your crown card. It’s what you strive for, wish for, and long for. This card, finally, was right side up. It showed a seasoned warrior holding a pentacle partially in a wooded glen. “This is the apex of the pentacles or earth suit. It means riches and rewards. You strive for pure contentment, attainment of multiple masteries, and prosperity – both physical and spiritual.” She said, tapping the card, looking it over, and then glancing at the one to the left of the trio.

“This card is about your past, before a large change. It can talk about when you were a child, or even your adulthood before a move or death…. Something. You’ll know.” Then she flipped the card over and it showed a cloaked figure, standing in a circle of five cups – half of which were spilled – hunkered down upon themselves. The card was reversed.

Mosa frowned. “So many inverted cards… its odd. Events are strong in your life, son.” She said, glancing at him. “And dangerous… .especially for you.” She added, then tapped the card and explained its meaning to him. “This card is called Despair. However, inverted, it is a bit nicer. It means a renewal of sorts, new alliances, new loves, new friendships, the return of lost people or lost ideals, and an incredible amount of courage to overcome difficulties. It’s not a bad card.” She said, moving to the one directly right of the trio pile.

“This is your immediate future. The card is called Watch and Wait.” It was right side up and showed a man holding a couple of staves and a globe of Mizahar. He seemed to be studying it like a scholar. “You are in a waiting period, hoping multiple plans come together and bear fruit. Your immediate future will hold kindness, generosity, intellect and well-being. It will be creative. Good things are coming.” She said gently, smiling slightly, as if she were happy the reading was turning a corner from darkness to light.

Then she started on the line of four cards, turning over the bottom card. “This is your self card.” She said with a flourish, flipping over the card. It was another page card, this time showing a young man or woman running with joy holding a glowing sword aloft. “Vigilance, agility, insight… keen vision and a service done in secret. It can also mean – though not in this location – that you often rely on the help of children or those significantly younger than you are. Sword Pages are the cards of spies.” She said and chuckled. Then tapped the next card up.

“This is your feelings card.” It was right side up, showing a blindfolded woman holding two swords. She was perched like a bird on a rocky arch overlooking the sea. “You are in a very dangerous spot and have very precarious balance emotionally. There are potential problems ahead. You are going to make a choice soon, a choice of the lesser of two evils. That means you don’t want to pick either path you think you have open to you. But it also means you can balance the situation and make the best of it… that you have the ability to do so because you have the knowledge to do so… but whether or not you do is all up to you.” She said cryptically and then tapped the next card up.

“Hopes and Fears.” She flipped it over and it showed a man holding a huge bundle of staves that he could barely carry. He was walking down a road struggling. “Ten of Staves. This is the Overload card. My last reading had it in it as well. You are carrying a heavy burden. You have a martyr complex. You are too willing to carry other’s responsibility and you are definitely taking on more than you can handle.” Mosa said, shaking her head with something like pity in her eyes.

Finally, she tapped the last card.. “This is the sum of the spread… the final outcome. The Queen of Wands.” The card showed a woman thrusting a wand aloft. She was wearing fiery robes and her hair blazed with fire. “This is a woman who has considerable energy, very active and very passionate. She is fond of nature, generous, and practical. Nurturing. She is a mother figure and a warrior. This could be your actual mother in truth. Or it could be a lover or a daughter. This woman is going to be an influence in your life soon.” She said and smiled. Then she looked over the cards, touched a few and shook her head.

“Seems like you have a lot to work on, Rainbow Man.” The old woman said. The she tapped the final outcome card. “Better be prepared for her to come into your life soon… because she’s definitely on her way.” The woman said, and then grew silent in case he had any questions.
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[New Years Eve Party] A Fortune For The New Year

Postby Kelski on March 17th, 2019, 1:24 am

Duncan's Reading:

Mosa looked delighted when the Isur sat down and asked his question. “Something is preventing you from seeing the bigger picture of your life? Are you holding yourself back or is it something else?” The old woman mused, thinking the question was actually an excellent one. “Very insightful question. Let’s see what the cards say, shall we?” She asked thoughtfully, then minded her deck, shuffling them and having him draw twelve cards. Once he’d done that, she laid them out in an intricate crossed pattern with a line of four cards running up the side.

The first two cards were laid in the center, side by side, with a third crossing them.

Mosa flipped the first of the two face down center cards over and looked it over carefully. She peered up at him once, twice, then chuckled. It showed a blond king leaning on an enormous staff on the beach, his robes made of fire and his eyes full of confidence. “This is the aura of your life so far, think of it as the atmosphere you exist in.…King of Wands. You are a man of passion, conscientious, noble and strong, but you can be hasty too. I think that’s the man you are trying to be, to project to everyone around you…. however… this next card….” She flipped it. “This is whats actually going on inside you. “Three of wands… another wand. It’s the ships to come in card. The man is supposed to be a merchant that put a lot of money on some trade deals and sent ships off to make them unsure if they would actually survive the trip. They did. And they’ve returned.” Mosa shook her head offering him a smile. “It means you have stumbled upon the right thing to do in your life. You have put forces in motion in your life that are pleasing to your future and to your God Izurdin.” She added, then flipped the card that crossed the other two dramatically.

It was a winged woman, burning, rising out of a boiling cauldron. “Judgement. The twentieth card of the Major Arcana. “This is the thing that crosses you. Sometimes it can be a person but often it can be an aspect of yourself. I can’t tell you which. You need to decide for yourself.” Mosa said as she tapped the card and moved it back to its place where it laid across the other two that were side by side. “This is just a change of position, rejuvenation, rebirth. You are going through a process right now where you are re-defining yourself. You are no longer among your people, but are here instead and making a new life of it. Your transformation is not complete though. You are still going through things that will make your life interesting and will change who you are. But this is not a bad thing… it’s just a metamorphosis. You are the worm weaving itself into a carapace to spend the winter transforming so you can emerge with your new wings as the spring breaks.” She said, then moved on in his spread.

Then she flipped over the card that sat directly beneath the grouping of three she’d just revealed. It showed a lovely tree with two naked people holding hands beneath it. The sun and moon were in their hands and the grass deep at their feet. “The Lovers. This is the core that roots you. It has to do with your inner self and what your soul is made of. The Lovers. Love, respect, partnership, trust… communication, perfection, honor, romance, and beauty. You are a necessary part of a couple. You just don’t seem to know that yet.” She said with a smile, and glanced over to see a young woman with a tree for her head watching the Isur wearing the full body suit. Mosa nodded knowingly, and moved on.

The next card she flipped was one above the revealed trio. “This is your crown card. It’s what you strive for, wish for, and long for… “ Mosa said, flipping that card as well. It showed a huge wand or stave made of crystal, gleaming in the light. “This is the power of Creation. It’s a beginning, fertility, birth, growth, energy, virility, inheritance, and adventure. You are on a grand adventure, Duncan, one that was long in coming and that will allow you to grow like you could not grow where you were. You are outside of the shadows of others that burn brightly and can now grow in your own light.” She said gently and reach out and tapped his hand affectionately in the way the very old do when they don’t want to hug.

Then she turned to the card directly to the left of his trio of center cards. She flipped it over and displayed a man standing among nine wands. He was leaning on one and looked like he’d just been working out. “This card denotes your past… before a large change. It can be your childhood or before something drastic happened in your life… a move or death… something. This one is the nine of wands… “Wait for It. That’s the name of the card. Your whole life you have been waiting… for changes, new challenges, hidden enemies and that wait is over.” She said simply and smiled, flipping the other card that laid to the right of his trio.

“This is your immediate future.” She said, flipping over the card to show a man perched on top of a wall, seven swords tucked under his cloak and his hunched wary expression reminiscent of a thief. “This cared is called The Theif. Its meaning is a failure of a plan, taking something that belongs to someone else, betrayal, spying, or a less than honorable action. This will happen to you or you will do this to another. It means you need to be careful, brave, and understand that you need to be cautious in your actions. You might do this inadvertently or have it done to you accidentally. Be on your guard.” She said, tapping the card and pursing her wrinkled old lips.

Then she tapped a card at the far-right bottom in a row of four cards stretching upwards on the table. “This here. This is the self card.” She said, turning that card over. “Ten of cups!” It showed a man, gathered with a woman and they held two children. A rainbow surrounded them and they looked deliriously happy. “This card is called ‘Welcome Home’. It means home, family, bliss, peace, love, plenty. You are contentment incarnate and you know love in bounds, Duncan. You yourself are home. You will be home to someone, to many someone’s, and they will thrive in your safe harbor.” She added, grinning toothlessly at him.
This is your feelings card.” She said, flipping it to reveal a airy queen wearing billowing butterfly robes and brandishing a glowing white sword. “The Queen of Swords… don’t worry about it being a queen in a place of feeling. It just means you are strong, confident, quick-witted and intensely perceptive. It’s a good card for you to have. You are very much in touch with your own feelings. And you can teach others to do so as well.” She said with a smile.

Then Mosa tapped the next card up and grinned. “Hopes and fears. Lets see what you, Isur, are scared of.” She flipped the card and it depicted an upside down card that showed a woman hugging a lion who’s mane was strewn with flowers. Mosa nodded knowingly. “Weakness. This is strength inverted. You are terrified of being weak, being ill, lacking faith, despotism, discord, and you hate abuse of power and… worse even as all of that… you are afraid of loneliness. It’s driving you at the moment.” She said softly and looked at Duncan with huge sad eyes.

Mosa tapped the last card. “This is the sum of all the spread… the final outcoming.. .what is barreling towards you.” She flipped it dramatically. It was another Ace. Duncan had them in his spread heavily. It showed a giant pentacle floating above a forest path that lead to a stone pillar that looked like it was carved to perfection. “This final outcome is about rewards and riches. Its about pure contentment and attaining perfection. It’s about prosperity and prospects being realized… especially spiritually and material.” Mosa said, then looked over the spread.

“Duncan, you are going to be fine. You are perched on the edge of what I would call a ‘next step’, pausing with your foot out stretched and soon… maybe even this very night or those coming soon after you will take that step and the next and the next and find the pathway you are so very concerned with seeing before it gets here. I see nothing bad here, Duncan, but a lot of decisions and a young man growing into his own.” She said thoughtfully and offered him a smile.

Her reading was done, but indeed with all of them she’d answer questions if he had any.
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[New Years Eve Party] A Fortune For The New Year

Postby Kelski on March 17th, 2019, 2:18 am

Orakan's Reading:

Mosa looked unoffended as Orakan circled the table and finally sat his weapons and finally his body down. . “Of course I’ll read for you. I’ll read for everyone.” She said thoughtfully, watching Orakan warily but not letting his manerisms bother her. She’d seen a lot of predators in her life. This one was no different. “Let’s lay out the cards and see what they have to say about your past, present and future?” She asked thoughtfully, then minded her deck, shuffling them and having him draw twelve cards. Once he’d done that, she laid them out in an intricate crossed pattern with a line of four cards running up the side.

The first two cards were laid in the center, side by side, with a third crossing them.

Mosa flipped the first of the two face down center cards over and looked it over carefully. The card showed a queen sitting on a thrown of wild growth in a forest, holding a pentacle. “This is the aura of your life so far, think of it as the atmosphere you exist in.… The Queen of Pentacles. This is someone in your life who is warm, generous, and a person that has your best interests at heart. They don’t fear hard work and see that in yourself as well. They give you gifts, especially monetary, as rewards for the intelligence and thoughtfulness you present to them.” She kinda suspected that the card spoke of the gang woman Orakan walked in with, but she wasn’t certain since the man was a stranger to her. “Let’s see.. this next card….” She flipped it. It showed a woman with butterfly robes waving in the wind holding a sword aloft that gleamed with a white light. It was reversed. “The Queen of Swords. You are a strong man, confident, quick-witted, and intensely perceptive. But in reverse you are also keenness that is sharpened to cruelty. You are sly, deceitful, and narrow minded. You like a good quarrel and love gossip, though you will not spread it yourself.” Mosa shook her head offering him a wry grin. “The cards speak… I just read what they say.” She added, hoping not to set the volatile man off. She added, then flipped the card that crossed the other two dramatically.

The card that crossed the first two depicted a woman, a pregnant one, sitting at a spinning wheel. The word “Empress” was printed across it along with the number three. “This is the thing that crosses you. Sometimes it can be a person but often it can be an aspect of yourself. I can’t tell you which. You need to decide for yourself.” Mosa said as she tapped the card and moved it back to its place where it laid across the other two that were side by side. “It’s hard to tell because it is laying sideways, but it too is inverted. This is the Empress and her card represents a lack of satisfaction. Plans that involve important matters are unraveling. Uncertainty, infidelity, and infertility surrounds you. Infertility doesn’t mean you can’t get a woman pregnant or that your staff is non-functional. It means you lack ideas. There is nothing rich and growing in your mind right now. It is all dried decay.” She said, then moved on in his spread.

Then she flipped over the card that sat directly beneath the grouping of three she’d just revealed. It showed a pair of beggars standing outside a fine building with a stained glass window that had five pentacles in the glass. One beggar had a leg missing and rested on a crutch. The other crouched wrapped in a threadbare cloak at the base of the window. They both looked on the edge of death. “This is the core that roots you. It has to do with your inner self and what your soul is made of. This card is called Misery. It represents destitution, loss, loneliness, being out in the cold. It can also represent lovers or family that cannot find a common ground. It’s a lack of a spiritual life, pour health, and utter impoverishment.” She said with a cautious smile. Being old rarely garnered anger, but her words might just set this angry young man off.

The next card she flipped was one above the revealed trio. “This is your crown card. It’s what you strive for, wish for, and long for… “ Mosa said, flipping that card as well. “Six of pentacles. Gratification. You want rewards. You want help with finances, returns of favors, gifts, stability, and you want people in your debt and owing you things.” Mosa said, not really wanting to elaborate on this card. This young man’s reading wasn’t going well.

Then she turned to the card directly to the left of his trio of center cards. She flipped it over and displayed a man sprawled in a pile of blood with ten swords shoved into his corpse. “This card denotes your past… before a large change. It can be your childhood or before something drastic happened in your life… a move or death… something. This one is the ten of swords card.” She said thoughtfully and paused, hoping he wouldn’t burst into a rage after all. “The card is called ‘No, its not that bad.’ It means misfortune, ruin, defeat, loss, failure, pain, desolation beyond tears. It means you were skin deep in evil and the responsible for horrible things.” She said simply and grimaced as she flipped the other card that laid to the right of his trio.

“This is your immediate future.” She said, flipping over the card to show him another Major Arcana, this time depicting a priest with the words Hierophant and the number five on it. “Tradition, captivity, servitude, ritual, retention, and a desire to hold onto old thoughts and ways even if they are outdated. You will be concerned for the wrong things… form over function for one.” She said gently, and moved on rapidly. She didn’t like this reading or this man, not one bit.

She said, tapping the card and pursing her wrinkled old lips.

Then she tapped a card at the far-right bottom in a row of four cards stretching upwards on the table. “This here. This is the self card.” She said, turning that card over. Mosa winced again. “The Tower… another Major Arcana.” She said, licking her lips with a pale tongue and uncertain how much to say. “You are in a constant state of catastrophic change. You change your friends as easily as some people change their undergarments. You change your mind as easily. You have no security, and provide none for yourself purposely. You like being on your toes, and you thrive in disgrace. Destruction surrounds you and you are not happy unless you have a hand in it.” She whispered, suddenly growing very very afraid.

The old woman moved on quickly.
“This is your feelings card.” She said, moving on to the next card up in the row of four next to the pair that was surrounded by cards and crossed by one. She spent a moment flipping it to reveal a woman caught in a wheel with each spoke of the rungs of the wheel showing the woman in a various mood. The words “wheel of fortune” and the number ten was written on it. “Wheel of Fortune. You are, as I’ve said, in constant change. And because of that your fortune and destiny constantly changes. Your destiny today will not be your destiny of tomorrow or the day after. You enjoy good luck and feel like you are always moving ahead though you don’t know if it is for the better or for the worse. Conversely you have standing still, stalling, stagnating. You can’t even sleep properly because of your restless nature. It makes your life difficult.” Mosa said without so much as a hint of emotion on her face.

Then Mosa tapped the next card up and grinned. “Hopes and fears. Lets see what you, sir, are scared of.” She flipped the card and it depicted a bound woman, blindfolded, who stood in a circle of swords thrust into the earth. “Eight of swords. This card is about fear, bondage, paralysis due to censure, indecision, illness, difficulty, and weakness. You are afraid of a nearly impossible task and of loosing your freedom to move, change, and adapt. That makes perfect sense after your last card.” Mosa said, nodding to herself.

Mosa tapped the last card. “This is the sum of all the spread… the final outcome... what is barreling towards you.” She flipped it dramatically. It showed The Moon, flipped upside down. A wolf and a dog, on two sides of a stream, howled at it. The card caused the old woman to frown. “Small lies are going to catch up with you. You will make tiny mistakes and be tricked. It will lead to great darkness in your life and stillness, silence, and an inability to change. But it can also mean an unexpected gain with no cost involved. Be careful. Your future is uncertain.” Mosa said, then looked over the spread.

Her reading was done, but she truthfully hoped he had no questions. She had no pleasant answers for him, that was for sure.
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[New Years Eve Party] A Fortune For The New Year

Postby Orakan on April 7th, 2019, 7:02 am

He merely gave her the smallest of nods when she prepared him.

Past, present and future.

A corner of his lips moved further upwards in the vaguest of half-smirks as he kept his lone eye on her. He was curious, but was not the sort of person who would put much weight in these types of parlour tricks. Despite this, he played along, reaching his free hand forward casually to draw the number of cards she had requested, that same lack of urgency still present with the movements. His eye never once drifted from her own.

Once through, he leaned back into his chair and watched her as she plied her trade, that arm settling back into a comfortable sprawl across the table top before him. It was only as she began to lay the cards out - face down - that his attention deviated, dropping to take in the formation. With a quirk of his brow, he shot her a curious look with his one good eye, wondering if there was some meaning behind the way in which the cards were laid, yet lent this question no voice. The crone was deep in her motions now.

He listened as she explained the card: The Queen of Pentacles. She spoke of some warm presence and this made the thug heave a derisive huff of a laugh through his nose. This was already turning out to be a farce and, although he remained sitting there as respectfully as a man like him could, the tightness of his quirked lips revealed his apprehension. He knew nothing of warmth and generosity.

The next card - the Queen of Swords - was explained to him, as was the influence its reversed - or up-side-down - position had on its meaning. Although he was convinced this whole reading would continue to be laughable, the crone spoke of cruelty and deceit and his interest piqued enough for him to cock one thick brow grown flaky from the blue paint he wore.

Perhaps there was some merit to these cards after all.

He offered a flash of crooked teeth to her wry and - from what he liked to believe - uncomfortable grin and encouraged her to continue with a lazy wave of a finger. She complied with a flourish.

This card was another woman. Orakan was beginning to wonder if all the cards would be feminine, this one depicting a pregnant woman at some kind of wheel - The Empress, and something that was meant to cross him. He sniffed and listened further, hearing it was another inverted card. It seemed it was not a good thing for cards to be positioned this way and he cocked his head, curious as to the crone's explanation as to what it was that might cross him would be.

Needless to say, he wasn't entirely pleased with what she said but refused to see truth in her words. His posture grew marginally more stiff as his arms crossed his chest.

Then came his core card. Misery. His good eye narrowed ever so slightly as his focus turned to the card, taking in the scene and finding it all too familiar. Her words sounded distant now, the meaning of the card too true for comfort. He knew intimately what that card referred to and he did his best to resist the feeling it gave him. A muscle in his jaw slid and flex as he ground his teeth.

He was beginning to regret this.

The thug's attention held steadfast to the cards yet it was likely obvious to any who bothered to look close enough that his focus was elsewhere - far off. He found himself feeling pulled open - laid bare and vulnerable. It did not sit well. His nose flared as he took slow, deep breaths.

She spoke of the Six of Pentacles next and the words went in one ear and out the other, his eye still stuck on that one card - misery. Then her words spoke of his past, of the Ten of Swords, of death and pain, desolation and defeat. Of being skin deep in evil and responsible for horrible things. Hesitantly, his good eye lifted to her face. He no longer held that cocky, aloof expression he had at the start. Now he looked wary, wounded, almost fearful.


She should not know these things.

His jaw tightened but he said nothing, allowing her to continue.

It was all too honest. It was all too real. For as much as he wanted to laugh and wave away her words as ridiculous nonsense, he couldn't help feeling like she had truly divined his very being. She was right to be wary of him now; he felt backed into a corner, revealed, exposed, and it made him fearful... it made him angry.

She seemed to sense this and rushed through the next two cards with only a small smattering of explanation. A part of him began to wonder if this was magic's doing. If that was how she was able to reach into his very being and reveal him through these gimmicky cards. His good eye narrowed. If he didn't feel so vulnerable, perhaps he'd laugh. He did not deny what the Heirophant or Tower cards depicted him as; in fact, he rather enjoyed that chaotic sense of being.

He remained unmoving as she spoke of the next card - The Wheel of Fortune - regarding her cooly, warily. Then the Eight of Swords. Lastly, The Moon.

He blinked yet held her gaze, allowing silence to fill the space between them once she was done. Then, unfurling his arms slowly, he began to rise, taking up his weapons and harness. He took his time to reattach it to his frame - although lacking the same lazy manner he had removed it - and then moved around the table to her seated form, moving up behind her. Ignoring the rest of the people in their vicinity, he moved to place his blue hands upon each of her shoulders before he leaned down, the creak of leather the only sound before he finally spoke, close to her ear.

"Was that magic, crone?"

It was spoken like a threat.
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