The Sunberth Character Registry - Spring 522 A.V.

Please register here if you are playing in the city this season.

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

Moderator: Morose

The Sunberth Character Registry - Spring 522 A.V.

Postby Gossamer on March 1st, 2022, 11:27 pm

Spring 522 AV

Welcome to Sunberth! If you plan on being here during Spring 522, please register in this thread before you start posting. And if there’s anything you’d like to ask or talk to me about, please do feel free to shoot me a message.

Name: If you’re planning on using an alias, add it here.
Age & Race: Please list here.
Job: Note that new applications will have to go through the HD.
Mage Skills: Are you a mage (of any skill level) or planning to become one? List skills here (this doesn’t include gnosis). Be aware that using magic in public is a good way to get killed.
Combat Skills: List any relevant combat skills here. Note that Sunberth is filled with people Expert or higher in their respective combat skills.
Housing: Be specific
Travel Plans: If you’re planning to travel to or from Sunberth this season, please include the dates you plan to be coming and/or going here.

IC Goals: What is your character hoping to get done or learn this season?

OOC goals: Anything you want to put your character through or have them gain? Or something you’d like to improve on as a writer?

Moderator Assistance: My door’s always open.

Additional Comments:

Code: Select all
[center][box=620,#000000,#d9d9d9,#d9d9d9][left][b]Name:[/b] If you’re planning on using an alias, add it here.
[b]Age & Race:[/b] Please list here.
[b]Job:[/b] Note that new applications will have to go through the HD.
[b]Mage Skills:[/b] Are you a mage (of any skill level) or planning to become one? List skills here (this doesn’t include gnosis). Be aware that using magic in public is a good way to get killed.
[b]Combat Skills:[/b] List any relevant combat skills here. Note that Sunberth is filled with people Expert or higher in their respective combat skills.
[b]Housing:[/b] Be specific
[b]Travel Plans:[/b] If you’re planning to travel to or from Sunberth this season, please include the dates you plan to be coming and/or going here.

[b]IC Goals:[/b] What is your character hoping to get done or learn this season?

[b]OOC goals:[/b] Anything you want to put your character through or have them gain? Or something you’d like to improve on as a writer?

[b]Moderator Assistance:[/b] My door’s always open.

[b]Additional Comments:[/b][/left][/box][/googlefont][/center]
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The Sunberth Character Registry - Spring 522 A.V.

Postby Alric Lysane on March 3rd, 2022, 4:20 pm

Name: Alric Lysane
Age & Race: 24 & Human
Job: Guard at Ruby's Scarlet Sanctum
Mage Skills: Auristics, Shielding & Flux (at competent come Spring), Morphing at Novice and picking up Reimancy in Spring
Combat Skills: Unarmed - Expert, Broadsword - Competent, Dagger - Novice
Housing: Shack in the Sunset Quarters
Travel Plans: TBD

IC Goals: Meet Lys and form a bond, up his magic game and combat skills further, survive

OOC goals: Shack burns down probably, some of Arcadius' thugs find him, whatever fun things cross his path and muses

Moderator Assistance: My door’s always open.

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~ Thanks to Gossamer/Shiress for post Boxcodes ~
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The Sunberth Character Registry - Spring 522 A.V.

Postby Caspian on March 3rd, 2022, 11:52 pm

Name: Caspian
Age & Race: 29 & Human, mixed
Job: Thief
Mage Skills: N/A
Combat Skills: Weapon (Dagger): 18
Housing: Sunset Quarters (Private Room, Elegant)
Travel Plans: Moving here from Zeltiva, arriving Spring 2

IC Goals: Reconnect with family. Get back into thieving. General work on combat.

OOC goals: Family angst; rekindling old flames. Just a new adventure. Likely going to flashback more here too, to raise larceny, weapon, and stealth skills.

Moderator Assistance: I think I'm all set.

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The Sunberth Character Registry - Spring 522 A.V.

Postby Dalavesta Stalinsa on March 11th, 2022, 6:57 am

Name: Dalavesta Stalinsa - Ves
Age & Race: 26 - Human
Job: TBD
Mage Skills: None as of yet
Combat Skills: Longsword (Competent) - Unarmed (Novice)
Housing: Tent - Tent City
Travel Plans: Outpost - Nothing Else

IC Goals: Establish Self, Make Friends, Develop Skill, Find Purpose, Get A Job

OOC goals: Just settling in for now, nothing else

Moderator Assistance: N/a

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The Sunberth Character Registry - Spring 522 A.V.

Postby Milo Murrell on April 12th, 2022, 8:41 pm

Name: Milo Murrell
Age & Race: Human, 13.
Job: TBD but will probably become something gang related.
Mage Skills: Not a mage, not planning on becoming one.
Combat Skills: None unless bodybuilding (strength) and hunting can be considered combat skills to some degree.
Housing: Milo would have departed Zeltiva in late Summer and have arrived in Sunberth in late Fall. During this time he would have been accompanied by an NPC, Thane, who would have disappeared during Winter. By the Spring 521AV, Milo is by himself in Sunberth and resides in the Sunset Quarters Orphanage.
Travel Plans:
80th Summer 521AV, departure from Zeltiva.
53rd of Fall 521AV, arrival in Sunberth (64 days travel time as per the wiki).
Inactive in Fall 521AV, Inactive in Winter 521AV.
Will start writing Milo in Sunberth from 1st of Spring 522AV on out.

IC Goals: To survive in this new, harsh environment and to carve out a living for himself there. The fact that he was abandoned by Shiress, his aunt, in Zeltiva and his time spend with Thane (an Ebonstryfe) NPC has rekindled his Ebonstryfe ambitions. While his primary goal is simply to survive, his secondary goal is very much to toughen up and be able to stand on his own two feet. He will be thinking about making the journey home to Ravok, but he knows he yet lacks the confidence and skill to make that journey by himself.

OOC goals: I think I'd like for Milo to become more independent and confident, but also to expand on his zealousness and egoism. I think I want to see him become more selfish, apathetic, and possibly even cruel, all in pursuit of eventually becoming an Ebonstryfe.

Moderator Assistance: Certainly open to questing (especially Rhysol/Ebonstryfe related), but I think I need to grow Milo's skillset first!

Additional Comments: My door is wide open for any PCs who would like to thread with a moody, bitter, zealous child ;)
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The Sunberth Character Registry - Spring 522 A.V.

Postby Tarn Alrenson on April 16th, 2022, 5:41 am

Name: Tarn Alrenson
Age & Race: 23, Human
Job: Sun's Birth Dragoon (rank of Guardian)
Mage Skills: No mage skills. No specific plans to acquire any.
Combat Skills: Spear: Competent, Unarmed: Novice, Longsword: Novice
Housing: Dragoon Barracks
Travel Plans: No travel plans

IC Goals: Rally the Sun's birth into something more respectable, clean up some of the city's filth.

OOC goals: I have the itch to explore some moral issues with this character, plus writing with him is fun. I was missing it.

Moderator Assistance: Probably not necessary, but I play it by ear.

Additional Comments: Open to anything! Deep down Tarn is a sweetheart, he's just grown a few callouses over his soft spots.[/b]
Boxcode credit goes to Antipodes


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