OOC Info Gather Round, Ye Wicked

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Gather Round, Ye Wicked

Postby Adriana Sparrow on March 17th, 2019, 11:54 pm

Hey folks!

So little tidbit about Adriana is that the Poison skill is super important to her future, and because of this I will be writing up a bunch of different poisons!

Little known fact (maybe): real world poisons don't exist in Miz, only original ones do. Currently the ones on the PL are the only known ones, so I want to create more and fill out the list. (Non-ferrous is a poison category which currently has NO poisons!)

Please take a look at this World Development article, my first Poison write up. It is a super short article so it won't take long to read! It's currently in Peer Review and needs 5 reviews to move on to Founder Review! Please help me out! This will help you too if you ever get into Poisons!

Plus this poison, Shade Smoke is one that can very commonly be found in Sunberth!
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Gather Round, Ye Wicked

Postby Casio Maddox on April 2nd, 2019, 11:41 pm

Hey, everyone. Just wanted to say I'm here and ready to thread.

And that I also have a thread up for the Celebration of Giants, which I can't link yet, but it's up on the boards if you want to join. Feel free to PM me if you want to thread now or some other time.
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Gather Round, Ye Wicked

Postby Asterope on April 6th, 2019, 10:44 pm

Hi all! I've decided midway through the season I want to try and tackle the challenges lol, and I'd like to do two of the harder ones with other people. The two most difficult for my PC are:

1) Fight another PC
2) Go hunting

Aster has no combat or hunting skills. Fighting in general isn't her thing either so she wouldn't instigate anything...I'm pretty much looking for volunteers to beat my PC up. :P Alternatively, if you'd like to do a hunting thread and don't mind teaching Aster a bit, I would be open to that too. I have a few skills I could offer to teach your PC in return, namely medicine or herbalism.

Feel free to shoot me a PM if you're at all interested!

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Gather Round, Ye Wicked

Postby Kelski on April 7th, 2019, 11:27 pm

Hi folks.

Its been quite some time since the last reminder and there have been no new posts in the party thread... so I'll be wrapping it up and giving grades. No one bothered to PM costume guesses, so the prizes will go unawarded. It saves my PC money so I guess I'm grateful for that. Thanks everyone who joined. It was a lovely send-off on our departure from Sunberth this season and a nice memory to leave the city with.

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Gather Round, Ye Wicked

Postby Regime on July 15th, 2019, 12:46 pm

The Calendar has been posted

Sorry for the inconvenience of my lateness, but the Calendar has been posted. I've put a mod note on the calendar to make up for not posting it at the start of the season.

[Calendar] Summer 519 A.V.
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Gather Round, Ye Wicked

Postby Regime on August 30th, 2019, 7:46 pm


I’m retired at season change.

My activity as an ST has been sub par. And you all deserve better. I’m not leaving the site or anything, I just won’t be apart of staff starting next season.
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Gather Round, Ye Wicked

Postby Kreig Messer on September 1st, 2019, 5:07 pm

Are we ready to have a great fall?
Feeel thy wrath!!!!

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Gather Round, Ye Wicked

Postby Anthoni Cole on October 24th, 2019, 10:15 pm

I know I'm probably beating a dead horse here but I must continue to do so that way we know, as a collective, just where Sunberth stands. I'd suggest a roll call but I've been told there's about three active players, maybe four, wandering about the streets of the most dangerous city in all of Mizahar. A controversial statement I'm sure but I said it none the less. One must think with a city population of about thirteen thousand we've only got four players creating stories. Most of those stories seem to be old, or solos, which is only making the city seem smaller than it needs to be.

With no story teller to guide us in the adventure that leaves it up to us few to mold the adventures for ourselves. Which can be a curse if we let it overwhelm us or a blessing if we accept the challenge. Which is why I propose we create our own plot as a group. That is unless you're all comfortable with the way it is now, which in that case by all means continue. I however would like to create a plot with the remaining group of active players, one in which we can all participate in together.

It'd help the city and us and maybe garner some attention from outsiders looking in and perhaps grant us some fresh faces and more diversity within the city. It's just a thought, take it or leave it, I know I'm new and don't want to be crossing any boundaries. It's just I like the concept of Sunberth and I don't like the idea of constantly playing out character plots via long solo threads. It gets lonely out there ya'know?

I mean heck we've got a waterfall of great plot ideas simply via the setting our characters live in. So I'm sure all of our characters can be forced into some great story together if we try to find a reasonable way to connect them. Whether that be a big three gang which exerts control over our PC's lives, forcing them to pay some kind of tax. Or perhaps some slaves break free from their former masters and in retaliation the slavers go around abducting randoms claiming they were slaves all along. A riot hits the streets and our characters get sucked in the mix together or perhaps just a drink at a local tavern that grows to be something more. I don't know, but lets work together and brainstorm some stuff. As a team.

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Gather Round, Ye Wicked

Postby Baelin Holt on October 24th, 2019, 11:43 pm

I'm game, no fear there. And Sunberth absolutely offers so many different plots to pursue. We could get a thread going in the matchmaker forum, or the Sunberth discord channel (I think everyone but Siv uses it?), or if we're feeling particularly collaborative we could even start a google doc where any Sunberther that wants in could toss ideas around. Lots of options.
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Gather Round, Ye Wicked

Postby Gossamer on September 17th, 2022, 3:41 pm

While Sunberth is currently without a storyteller, it is not without supervision.

I've asked nicely. Now, its time to get serious.

Please make sure all your CS's are up to date, ledgers are current, and your jobs/wages are approved by myself. If you are in Sunberth and haven't arranged housing, employment, or let me know you will be homeless and slacking, something isn't right.

I will give you all until Monday. If you are not current by then, action will be taken.

I've asked nicely. I've nudged. I've suggested. And I'm done being nice.


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