76th of Winter, 513 AV
The Dreamscapes
The Dreamscapes
Anna was cold, though that was hardly anything new at this point in her life. Nor was the hard ground beneath her back which she slept upon, a day couldn't pass in Sahova when she did not sleep upon hard floor with a thin mat between her and it. She shifted slightly, as though trying to fight off the waking world but her eyelids inevitably fluttered open. However it took a moment for her sleep clouded mind to realize that it was not the ceiling of the Quarters on Sahova she was looking upon.
It was pitch black above, the darkness stretching up forever and concealing the whatever laid above. The tall woman sat bolt upright, her grey eyes flying open as she looked around her. All around were tall grey walls that stretched high upwards for at least a solid twenty feet, torches burned at regular intervals and illuminated the place with a soft orange glow. Stretching ahead of her was a long corridor, which appeared to split off into two directions further down near the end. Behind her was a wall, meaning that she was rather trapped where she was.
Anna quickly got to her feet, looking up and around for ambushes or any sign of the person who brought her here. This did not look like the Sahova she knew and was familiar with, it scared her really to have woken up with no memory of getting here. So far there did not appear to be anyone, the area around her was deserted with no way out but forward. The Sorceress attempted to calm her nerves, to think logically about this whole situation.
Right, so she had obviously been kidnapped from her room in the Sahovan Quarters and brought her here to this place. Perhaps it was some hidden area in Sahova, however clearly they wanted her to play whatever game they had wanted played. After all, if they wanted her dead they could have just slit her throat in her sleep. Instead they had placed her here, in this... place.
Anna was dressed as she appeared in life, long and immaculate black silk robes trimmed in purple hanging from her body and bound with a purple sash crossing her shoulder. Soft and comfortable black dress slippers adorned her feet, on her right ring finger was a silver ring in the sigil of a burning scroll with rubies encrusted along it. Her long black hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, bangs serving to frame her face. She looked every inch a powerful Sorceress, though now it appeared she was trapped like a rat.
She ran a hand against the wall, noting that it was stone and that allowed a slight smirk to crease her lips. The sensation of the cold earth beneath bare fingers sending slight chills down her spine. Good, it appeared that whomever had placed her here was obviously not too bright. That was an excellent thing to note.
The tall woman drew res into the hand touching the wall, translucent purple liquid moving to sheath her hand. It was done quickly and effortlessly, almost a little too easily but Anna chose not notice that little fact. She willed a powerful attractive force to be directed towards the wall, which normally would have started to make it crack. Yet, after a solid chime of concentration nothing moved or shifted or cracked. Anna quirked an eyebrow, simply opting to try and directly transmute a bit of wall to air. Again, her res refused to do it.
"What the petch... Anna whispered, drawing back away from the wall.
Just to test and see if it was not her res the woman willed the res to move out from her hand an ignite. A small ball of purple flame flickered to life in the air before her, confirming that it was not her magic but rather it was some property the wall possessed. That was rather interesting, apparently the walls exhibited some form of antimagical properties. So this person who had kidnapped her had not been entirely dense.
The tall woman sighed and gazed down the path ahead, it looked like the only way to got was forward. Apparently whoever had wanted to place her here wanted to play a game with her, pity they did not realize who it was they where petching with. Annalisa Marin, daughter of Rhysol, Master of the four elements. She intended to have whomever was subjecting her to these indignities suffer for this.
Carefully the woman started down the long corridor, her grey eyes ever alert and checking the tops of the walls and the unseen ceiling far above her. Who knew what was within the depths of wherever this place was? Monsters, or some form of fail beasts? Once Anna reached the end she was given a choice, left or right. Since neither direction seemed to have a visible hazard Anna shrugged and headed down the left path, alert and ready for anything.