[Verified by Twister] Jade Laken

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Jade Laken

Postby Jade Laken on September 14th, 2014, 2:13 am

Last edited by Jade Laken on May 28th, 2016, 1:18 am, edited 27 times in total.
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Jade Laken
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Jade Laken

Postby Jade Laken on March 4th, 2016, 9:41 pm


Name: Jade Laken
Race: Drykas
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 10th day of spring 492 A.V.
Age: 22
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 150

Profession: Potter for Syka
Birthplace: Endrykas

Fluent: Pavi
Conversational: Common

Table of Contents:

Last edited by Jade Laken on December 21st, 2017, 2:34 am, edited 18 times in total.
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Jade Laken
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Jade Laken

Postby Jade Laken on March 28th, 2016, 4:16 pm


Jade Laken is from the emerald clan in Endrykas. The young woman was born on the 10th day of spring 492 A.V., this puts her at 22 years of age now. From a young age her father had tried to keep her in the pavilion with her mother in order to learn how to be a good "wife" for her future husband. As time wore on Jade began to grow tired of her father prepping her for a life that was not the young woman's choice. One night after the winter festival Jade caught her parents still awake as she returned from hanging with a couple of friends. Her father was going on about how embarrassed he was to have an unwed daughter at the age of twenty one. Jade's heart broke hearing her father call her a disappointment so she packed her stuff silently that night while loading up Diria and moved out. Stopping at the gates the young girl managed to find her tie. Taking it off Jade said a prayer to the gods for safe passage and left. After some time the woman finally made it to Syliras. Upon entering the city she was suddenly nervous not knowing what all would happen or how the blonde would support herself alone.


Jade is a beautiful young woman who stands at 5 feet 6 six inches. With long blonde hair that hits just below her shoulder line many in Endrykas say that she is the spitting image of her mother just a tad bit taller than said woman. Though her body size and hair come from her mother the grey eyes come from her father. She is starting to work up some muscle from working in the stables. Many thought of her as a prissy girl who never wanted to get dirty while in reality; Jade will jump into the mud pit with any man who needs an extra set of arms.


Jade is a hard working individual who will stand beside her friends no matter the obstacle. Taking the path of least resistance has kept the blond in good standing with many people. Even when she is working Jade has found that her stubbornness with get the best of her with out her realizing it. Relaxing under a tree on a cloudy day has always been the perfect thing for Jade to do when there is nothing left for her to do.

Likes: cloudy days, friends, riding, and hunting
Dislikes: snobby people and bullies
Flaws: her stubborn side, lack of knowledge towards reading and writing
Merits: she is loyal, kind to everyone (unless they piss her off), and hard working
Last edited by Jade Laken on October 31st, 2016, 8:19 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Jade Laken
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Jade Laken

Postby Jade Laken on May 1st, 2016, 11:37 pm


ImageName: Ferrin Al'Mandrikan
Race: human
DoB: 57, Summer 494 AV
PoB: Kenash
Additional Info: Ferrin was one of the first people Jade meet when the woman entered Syliras. The two went to eat that afternoon, after a good meal and fighting off some drunks Ferrin invited the blonde to move in with him. After going through several life endangering adventures the two became engaged and adopted a small child.
Name: Shimoje
Race: Human
DoB: 14, Winter, 498AV.
PoB: Zeltiva
Gnosis: None
Additional Info:Jade meet Shim one day when she was out with Ferrin. After the ghosts in the Storehouse Jade began to feel much closer to the man. Saddened to see him departing she hopes when he returns to have many more adventures with him.
Person Three
Additional Info:
Person Four
Additional Info:


Name: Dina Al'Mandrikan
Race: Human
DoB: 11 Fall 509
PoB: Sunberth
Skills: +10 Escape Artist, +10 Observation, +5 Writing, +5 Drawing
Gnosis: None
Favorite Color: Peach
Additional Info:Dina was adopted by Ferrin and Jade after the pairs many adventures.
Person Two
Additional Info:
Person Three
Additional Info:
Person Four
Additional Info:


Name: Diria
Race: Cyphrus strider
DoB: 50th Summer 512 A.V.
PoB: Cyphrus
Height: 15 HH
Additional Info: Diria is the strider that Jade bonded to. She is very gentle with new people when her rider is around. When Jade isn't around the mare gets extremely fiesty.
Name: Trayon
Race:Bozderon Shadow Dog
DoB: 10th Summer 516 A.V.
PoB: Endrykas
Additional Info: Jade bought the little male pup at the seasonal trade between Syliras and Endrykas
Additional Info:
Animal Four
Additional Info:
Last edited by Jade Laken on March 13th, 2018, 5:06 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Jade Laken
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Jade Laken

Postby Jade Laken on May 4th, 2016, 9:02 pm


Skill Earned Total
Acrobatics +1 +1 2
Animal Husbandry +1 +1 +2 +3 +1 18
Brawling +1 1
Child Care +5 +2 +1 8
Cleaning +2 2
Climbing +1 1
Cooking 6 SP +1 +1 8
Cosmetology +1 1
Dancing 9 SP 9
Deduction +1 1
Grooming +1 1
Horsemanship 15 SP +4 +1 20
Hunting +1 1
Interrogation + 1 +2 +2 5
Land Navigation +1 1
Medicine +1 1
Negotiation +4 +1 5
Persuasion +4 4
Planning +3 +1 4
Pottery +1 1
Rhetoric +2 2
Riding: Horse 10 RB +1 +1 +2 14
Running +2 +1 +1 4
Singing 10 SP 10
Socialization +3 +1 +1 +1 +3 +5 +2 +2 +5 23
Storytelling +2 2
Teaching +3 +1 +1 +2 +2 9
Tracking +1 1
Weapon: Dagger 10 SP +2 12
Weapon: Shortbow +1 1
Weapon: Shortsword +2 2
Wilderness Survival +3 3
Skill Earned Total
Observation +3 +3 +1 +1 +2 +1 +1 +3 +1 +4 +1 +5 26

Last edited by Jade Laken on January 3rd, 2018, 3:39 am, edited 15 times in total.
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Jade Laken
Even the most confident fall to fear
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Jade Laken

Postby Jade Laken on July 11th, 2016, 2:52 am


[tab=Self,#black,white]Self: Happy to Help Others
I Don't Respond Well to Petty Pranks[/tab]
Alexander Faircroft: Squire of the Sylirian Knights
Ferrin: Handsome Stranger
Ferrin: Someone to be Comfortable Around
Ferrin: sleep talks
Ellwyn: Ferrin's Friend
Ellwyn's Story of Depression
Irathia: Mixed Blood Riding Student
Garland: Squire to Sera Catherine
Ser Gerard Anthonius: Ex Squire and Founder of the Pit
Nya Winters: might be able to teach
Nya: appearance and demeanor
Nya: cant swim
Nya: knows the jungle
Nya: dislikes children
Nya: thinks she knows when storms are coming
Brawling: Bite 'Em!
Dancing: Becoming one with the world
Animal Husbandry: securing the yvas
Socialization: come on, dont be shy...
Riding is Something I Truly Enjoy
Riding: Reward for Wanted Behavior
Teaching: Reassure Riders
Teaching: Keep Calm in a Fight
Teaching: Look for Chinks in Armor
Hunting: emotions can get in the way
Tracking: donkey tracks aren't narrow
Shortbow: two fingers on the string
Shortbow: Far target, aim higher
Animal Husbandry: mucking out stables
Medicine: cold water for burns
Acrobatics: front hand stand
Teaching: Beginner's Riding Lessons
Diria: Doesn't mind noises
Ravok Bloodbane: fanged Horse
Stone Gardens: Beautiful Memorial
Endrykas: Free and Breathable City
Kenash: Strange Farm Town
Rearing Stallion: A Pleasant Eatery
White Swan: A place of dance and form
Location: Golden Dragon
Location: Windmount Tracks
Location: Antinous Fighting Pit
Location: tidepool bar
God: Rhaus
The Traditions of the Emerald Pavilion
Sometimes you have to go on faith
Knights' horses kept on strict diet
Drykas view horses differently
Saddles don't restrict movements
Tea calms the nerves
Uses of a Dagger in a Brawl
Human Weak Spots
The Specializations of a Sword and Dagger
Last edited by Jade Laken on November 30th, 2017, 6:31 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Jade Laken
Even the most confident fall to fear
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Jade Laken

Postby Jade Laken on July 11th, 2016, 3:10 am


large tarp
100 ft rope
flint & steel
2 torches
fishing tackle & hook
a compass
riding horse Diria (Strider)
1 yvas
large saddlebags
-1 shirt
-1 pair of pants
-1 loincloth
-1 Chest wrap
-1 pair of boots
-1 Cloak
- one snake skin bikini (jade)
- one snake skin head band (Dina)
1 waterskin
1 backpack:
1 set of toiletries(brush, toothbrush, soap, razor)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
1 Horse Breed Book
2 loaves bread
1 dozen eggs
1 gallon milk
1 pound cheese
2 pounds walnuts
1 pint honey
1 pound sugar
1 pound apples
2 pounds carrots
2 ounces green beans
1 pound tomatoes
1 pound corn barley
1 pound oats
1 pound rice
3 ounces sage
3 ounces thyme
3 ounces bergamot
1 ounce salt
1 ounce basil
1 ounce mint
1 ounce garlic
2 pounds fish
1 pound sausage (venison)
1 pound bacon
1 pound sausage (beef)
1 bread knife
1 cheese knife
2 table knives
1 fish knife
1 serving spoon
2 table spoons
2 teaspoons
2 coffee spoons
2 Bowls 6"
1 12 qt Cooking Pot
2 8 oz cups
2 7" Dishes
Sewing Kit
Sewing Needle


Last edited by Jade Laken on March 13th, 2018, 5:08 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Jade Laken
Even the most confident fall to fear
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Jade Laken

Postby Jade Laken on July 11th, 2016, 3:15 am


Starting Package+100gm100gm
2 daggers-2gm98gm
Lillian Root Tea-2 SM95 GM 8 SM
Winter Expenses-45 GM55 GM 8 SM
Weapon: Shortbow-30 GM 25 GM 8 SM
Arrows(game)4 GM21 GM 8 SM
Small Quiver-20 GM1 GM 8 SM
Archer's Arm Guard -1 GM 8 SM
Winter Pay Check(515)-460 GM 460 GM 8 SM
Archer's Glove1 GM 459 GM 8 SM
3 oz Sage 3 SM459 GM 5 SM
3 oz Thyme-3 SM459 GM 2 SM
3 oz Bergamot-9 SM457 GM 7 SM
1 oz Salt -1 CM457 GM 6 SM 9 CM
1 oz Basil-1 SM457 GM 5 SM 9 CM
1 oz Mint 3 CM457 GM 5 SM 6 CM
1 oz Garlic 4 CM457 GM 5 SM 2 CM
2 Loaves Bread 2 CM457 GM 5 SM 0 CM
1 doz eggs 1 SM457 GM 4 SM 0 CM
1 gal milk 1 SM457 GM 3 SM 0 CM
1 lb cheese2 SM457 GM 1 SM 0 CM
1 lb apples1 GM456 GM 1 SM 0 CM
2 lb carrots2 GM454 GM 1 SM 0 CM
2 oz Green beans4 SM453 GM 7 SM 0 CM
1 lb Tomatoes 1 GM452 GM 7 SM 0 CM
2 lb Walnuts 6 SM 452 GM 1 SM 0 CM
2 pt Honey2 SM451 GM 9 SM 0 CM
1 lb Sugar 1 GM450 GM 9 SM 0 CM
1 lb Barley2GM448 GM 9 SM 0 CM
1 lb Oats 7 SM448 GM 2 SM 0 CM
1 lb Rice 5 GM 443 GM 2 SM 0 CM
2 lb Fish 4 GM439 GM 2 SM 0 CM
1 lb Venison (Sausage)4 GM435 GM 2 SM 0 CM
1 lb Sausage (beef) 2 GM 433 GM 2 SM 0 CM
1 lb Bacon4 GM429 GM 2 SM 0 CM
1 Bread Knife 1 CM429 GM 2 SM 9 CM
1 Cheese Knife 1 CM 429 GM 2 SM 8 CM
2 Table Knives 2 CM429 GM 2 SM 6 CM
1 Fish Knife1 CM429 GM 2 SM 5 CM
1 Serving Spoon 1 CM429 GM 2 SM 4 CM
2 Table Spoons 2 CM429 GM 2 SM 2 CM
2 Teaspoons2 CM429 GM 2 SM 0 CM
2 Coffee Spoons2 CM429 GM 1 SM 8 CM
2 Table Forks2 CM429 GM 1 SM 6 CM
1 Cheese Server 2 CM429 GM 1 SM 4 CM
1 Carving Fork6 CM429 GM 0 SM 8 CM
2 Bowls 6" -4 CM429 GM 0 SM 4 CM
1 Cooking Pot 12 qt2 SM428 GM 8 SM 4 CM
2 Cups 8 oz1 SM428 GM 7 SM 4 CM
2 Dishes 7"6 CM428 GM 6 SM 8 CM
Spring 516 Expenses 135 GM293 GM 6 SM 8 CM
Summer 516 Expenses -135 GM158 GM 6 SM 8 CM
Fall Expenses - 135 GM 23 GM 6 SM 8 CM
Winter 516 Expense Squire of the Knights 23 GM 6 SM 8 CM
Spring 517 Expenses Squire 0 GM 23 GM 6 SM 8 CM
Sewing Kit 18 GM 5 GM 6 SM 8 CM
Sewing Needle 5 SM 5 GM 1 SM 8 CM
8 lbs Clay 8 CM 5 GM 1 SM
Chest Wrap 2 CM 5 GM 8 CM
Loincloth 3 CM 5 GM 5 CM
Summer 516 Wages 455 GM 460 GM 5 CM
Fall 517 Expenses 135 GM 325 GM 5 CM
Winter 517 Expenses 135 GM 190 GM 5 CM
Spring 518 Expenses 135 GM 55 GM 5 CM
Last edited by Jade Laken on April 10th, 2018, 3:48 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Jade Laken
Even the most confident fall to fear
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Jade Laken

Postby Jade Laken on July 11th, 2016, 3:49 am

Thread List

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Jade Laken
Even the most confident fall to fear
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Jade Laken

Postby Jade Laken on July 20th, 2016, 6:35 pm

XP & Lores

Winter 515
Threads XP & Lores Rewards or Penalties
Training with a new Friend? Observation(3), Socialization(5), Weapon: Sword(2), Animal Husbandry(1)/Location: Antinous Fighting Pit, Garland: Squire to Sera Catherine, Ser Gerard Anthonius: Ex Squire and Founder of the Pit, Uses of a Dagger in a Brawl, Human Weak Spots, The Specializations of a Sword and Dagger N/A
A Day Out! Part 1 Socialization(3), Observation(3), Investigation(2), Brawling(1)/Ferrin: Handsome Stranger, Ferrin: Someone to be Comfortable Around, Brawling: Bite 'Em!, Stone Gardens: Beautiful Memorial, Endrykas: Free and Breathable City, Kenash: Strange Farm Town, Rearing Stallion: A Pleasant Eatery N/A
A Day Out! Part 2 Observation(2), Socialization(2), Investigation(2), Planning(1), Animal Husbandry(1)/Dagger: Shot-Range but Sharp!, Planning: Responsibilities of Owning a Horse, Drykas: Pavilions, Investigation: Tell Me Your Story... + 2 Daggers
Cool Winds, Shady LeavesCosmetology(1), Observation(2), Socialization(3), Storytelling(2), Interrogation(1), Teaching(1), Tracking(1), Hunting(1)/Ellwin: Ferrin’s friend, Ellwyn’s Story of depression, Hunting: Emotions can get in the way, Tracking: Donkey tracks aren’t narrow N/A
Riding with a friend Observation(1), Running(1), Animal Husbandry(3), Horsemanship(1), Socialization(2), Teaching(2)/Location: Windmount Tracks, Teaching: Beginner's Riding Lessons, Irathia: Mixed Blood Riding Student N/A
Working in Windmount Stables Medicine(1), Land Navigation(1), Animal Husbandry(2), Observation(1), Cleaning(2)/ Animal Husbandry: mucking out stables, Medicine: cold water for burns, Knights' horses kept on strict diet N/A
Riding Isn't that Scary Running(1), Riding(2), Observation(1), Teaching(3), Socialization(1)/ Riding is Something I Truely Enjoy, Riding: Reward for Wanted Behavior, Alexander Faircroft: Squire of the Syliran Knights, Dira: Doesn't Mind Noises, Teaching: Reassure Riders, Self: Happy to Help Others N/A
New Challenges at Work Horsemansip(4), Cooking(1), Acrobatics(1)/ Drykas view horses differently, saddles don't restrict movements, Ravok Bloodbane: fanged horse, Tea calms the nerves +1 Horse Breed Book
A New Dance or Two... Observation(3), Running(2), Animal Husbandry(1), Riding(1), Socialization(1), Acrobatics(1)/White Swan: A Place of Dance and Form, Sometimes You have to Go on Faith, Location: Golden Dragon, Dancing: Becoming One with the World N/A
Horses Know Too Much N/A N/A
An undeniable Interest N/A N/A
Arrows and Game Socialization(5), Cooking(1), Weapon: Shortbow(1), Teaching(1)/Ferrin:Sleep talks, Shortbow- two fingers on string, Shortbow: far target - Higher Aim N/A
Arrows and Game Pt 2 N/A N/A
Spring 516
Threads XP & Lores Rewards or Penalties
A Night for Remembrance N/A N/A
Green Faced, Brown Handed N/A N/A
When waking a tiger, use a long stick N/A N/A
Riding and Meditating N/A N/A
Let's Hope This Works [2] N/A N/A
Experiments of the Mind: Rituals With-in [3] Observation(1), Dagger(2), Teaching(2), Unarmed Combat(1)/ Keep Calm in a Fight, Look for Chinks in Armor, I Don't Respond Well to Petty Pranks N/A
Food is a Great Bargaining Tool N/A N/A
Storehouse Massacre N/A N/A
Storehouse Massacre: The Possession N/A N/A
Riding is Something New N/A N/A
Summer 516
Threads XP & Lores Rewards or Penalties
A Promise for the Future N/A N/A
Getting on Track N/A N/A
Sticky Hooves N/A N/A
Fall 516
Threads XP & Lores Rewards or Penalties
Fights in the Fog N/A N/A
Pregnancies are complicated N/A N/A
Colt's aren't Easy to Break Coming Soon N/A
Winter 516
Threads XP & Lores Rewards or Penalties
A Family Union N/A N/A
A New Chapter N/A N/A
The Engagement N/A N/A
Mount and Ride N/A N/A
Teaching a Squire N/A N/A
Rude Awakening N/A N/A
Spring 517
Threads XP & Lores Rewards or Penalties
Family... Friends... Food. N/A N/A
Onward to the Outpost! N/A N/A
Paying Homage N/A N/A
Parting Ways with an Old Friend N/A N/A
Pulling a Double Shift N/A N/A
Last edited by Jade Laken on October 31st, 2016, 8:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Jade Laken
Even the most confident fall to fear
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